path: root/Verification/Order.lean
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authorRaito Bezarius2024-04-23 14:24:04 +0200
committerRaito Bezarius2024-04-23 14:24:04 +0200
commitb650710ad3f8c14b713bdf52f684f472115dce2f (patch)
treed9da70f7564ea73ceacf880b78473c89f617bba7 /Verification/Order.lean
parent2ff68510aabc63e250f98264e0642557015de4e2 (diff)
feat: close `find` / `insert` proofs
After a complete 180 with the Order theory, we close the goals of find and insert and we give an example of U32 order that we will upstream to Aeneas directly. Signed-off-by: Raito Bezarius <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Verification/Order.lean b/Verification/Order.lean
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..396a524
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Verification/Order.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+import Verification.Specifications
+namespace Implementation
+open Primitives
+open avl_verification
+open Specifications (OrdSpecLinearOrderEq ltOfRustOrder gtOfRustOrder)
+instance ScalarU32DecidableLE : DecidableRel (· ≤ · : U32 -> U32 -> Prop) := by
+ simp [instLEScalar]
+ -- Lift this to the decidability of the Int version.
+ infer_instance
+instance : LinearOrder (Scalar .U32) where
+ le_antisymm := fun a b Hab Hba => by
+ apply (Scalar.eq_equiv a b).2; exact (Int.le_antisymm ((Scalar.le_equiv _ _).1 Hab) ((Scalar.le_equiv _ _).1 Hba))
+ le_total := fun a b => by
+ rcases (Int.le_total a b) with H | H
+ left; exact (Scalar.le_equiv _ _).2 H
+ right; exact (Scalar.le_equiv _ _).2 H
+ decidableLE := ScalarU32DecidableLE
+instance : OrdSpecLinearOrderEq OrdU32 where
+ infallible := fun a b => by
+ unfold Ord.cmp
+ unfold OrdU32
+ unfold OrdU32.cmp
+ rw [LinearOrder.compare_eq_compareOfLessAndEq, compareOfLessAndEq]
+ if hlt : a < b then
+ use .Less
+ simp [hlt]
+ else
+ if heq: a = b
+ then
+ use .Equal
+ simp [hlt]
+ rw [heq]
+ -- TODO: simp [hlt, heq] breaks everything???
+ else
+ use .Greater
+ simp [hlt, heq]
+ symmetry := fun a b => by
+ rw [Ordering.toDualOrdering, LinearOrder.compare_eq_compareOfLessAndEq, compareOfLessAndEq]
+ rw [compare, Ord.opposite]
+ simp [LinearOrder.compare_eq_compareOfLessAndEq, compareOfLessAndEq]
+ split_ifs with hab hba hba' hab' hba'' _ hba₃ _ <;> tauto
+ exact lt_irrefl _ (lt_trans hab hba)
+ rw [hba'] at hab; exact lt_irrefl _ hab
+ rw [hab'] at hba''; exact lt_irrefl _ hba''
+ -- The order is total, therefore, we have at least one case where we are comparing something.
+ cases (lt_trichotomy a b) <;> tauto
+ equivalence := fun a b => by
+ unfold Ord.cmp
+ unfold OrdU32
+ unfold OrdU32.cmp
+ simp only []
+ split_ifs <;> simp only [Result.ok.injEq, not_false_eq_true, neq_imp, IsEmpty.forall_iff]; tauto; try assumption