path: root/AvlVerification/BinarySearchTree.lean
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authorRaito Bezarius2024-04-23 14:24:04 +0200
committerRaito Bezarius2024-04-23 14:24:04 +0200
commitb650710ad3f8c14b713bdf52f684f472115dce2f (patch)
treed9da70f7564ea73ceacf880b78473c89f617bba7 /AvlVerification/BinarySearchTree.lean
parent2ff68510aabc63e250f98264e0642557015de4e2 (diff)
feat: close `find` / `insert` proofs
After a complete 180 with the Order theory, we close the goals of find and insert and we give an example of U32 order that we will upstream to Aeneas directly. Signed-off-by: Raito Bezarius <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/AvlVerification/BinarySearchTree.lean b/AvlVerification/BinarySearchTree.lean
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b17d52..0000000
--- a/AvlVerification/BinarySearchTree.lean
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-import AvlVerification.Tree
-namespace BST
-open Primitives (Result)
-open avl_verification (AVLNode Ordering)
-open Tree (AVLTree AVLNode.left AVLNode.right AVLNode.val)
-inductive ForallNode (p: T -> Prop): AVLTree T -> Prop
-| none : ForallNode p none
-| some (a: T) (left: AVLTree T) (right: AVLTree T) : ForallNode p left -> p a -> ForallNode p right -> ForallNode p (some ( a left right))
-theorem ForallNode.left {p: T -> Prop} {t: AVLTree T}: ForallNode p t -> ForallNode p t.left := by
- intro Hpt
- cases Hpt with
- | none => simp [AVLTree.left, ForallNode.none]
- | some a left right f_pleft f_pa f_pright => simp [AVLTree.left, f_pleft]
-theorem ForallNode.right {p: T -> Prop} {t: AVLTree T}: ForallNode p t -> ForallNode p t.right := by
- intro Hpt
- cases Hpt with
- | none => simp [AVLTree.right, ForallNode.none]
- | some a left right f_pleft f_pa f_pright => simp [AVLTree.right, f_pright]
-theorem ForallNode.label {a: T} {p: T -> Prop} {left right: AVLTree T}: ForallNode p ( a left right) -> p a := by
- intro Hpt
- cases Hpt with
- | some a left right f_pleft f_pa f_pright => exact f_pa
--- This is the binary search invariant.
-inductive Invariant [LT T]: AVLTree T -> Prop
-| none : Invariant none
-| some (a: T) (left: AVLTree T) (right: AVLTree T) :
- ForallNode (fun v => v < a) left -> ForallNode (fun v => a < v) right
- -> Invariant left -> Invariant right -> Invariant (some ( a left right))
-theorem singleton_bst [LT T] {a: T}: Invariant (some ( a none none)) := by
- apply Invariant.some
- all_goals simp [ForallNode.none, Invariant.none]
-theorem left [LT T] {t: AVLTree T}: Invariant t -> Invariant t.left := by
- intro H
- induction H with
- | none => exact Invariant.none
- | some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => simp [AVLTree.left]; assumption
-theorem right [LT T] {t: AVLTree T}: Invariant t -> Invariant t.right := by
- intro H
- induction H with
- | none => exact Invariant.none
- | some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => simp [AVLTree.right]; assumption
-end BST