path: root/tests
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2 files changed, 110 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/tests/lean/hashmap_on_disk/Base/Primitives.lean b/tests/lean/hashmap_on_disk/Base/Primitives.lean
index 6a41d1f4..71ce7153 100644
--- a/tests/lean/hashmap_on_disk/Base/Primitives.lean
+++ b/tests/lean/hashmap_on_disk/Base/Primitives.lean
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
import Lean
+import Init.Data.List.Basic
+import Mathlib
@@ -130,11 +132,38 @@ def USize.checked_sub (n: USize) (m: USize): result USize :=
fail integerOverflow
--- TODO: settle the style for usize_sub before we write these
-def USize.checked_add (n: USize) (m: USize): result USize := sorry
-def USize.checked_rem (n: USize) (m: USize): result USize := sorry
-def USize.checked_mul (n: USize) (m: USize): result USize := sorry
-def USize.checked_div (n: USize) (m: USize): result USize := sorry
+def USize.checked_add (n: USize) (m: USize): result USize :=
+ if h: n.val + m.val < USize.size then
+ .ret ⟨ n.val + m.val, h ⟩
+ else
+ .fail integerOverflow
+def USize.checked_rem (n: USize) (m: USize): result USize :=
+ if h: m > 0 then
+ .ret ⟨ n.val % m.val, by
+ have h1: m.val < USize.size := m.val.isLt
+ have h2: n.val.val % m.val.val < m.val.val := @Nat.mod_lt n.val m.val h
+ apply Nat.lt_trans h2 h1
+ ⟩
+ else
+ .fail integerOverflow
+def USize.checked_mul (n: USize) (m: USize): result USize :=
+ if h: n.val * m.val < USize.size then
+ .ret ⟨ n.val * m.val, h ⟩
+ else
+ .fail integerOverflow
+def USize.checked_div (n: USize) (m: USize): result USize :=
+ if h: m > 0 then
+ .ret ⟨ n.val / m.val, by
+ simp_arith
+ have h1: n.val < USize.size := n.val.isLt
+ have h2: n.val.val / m.val.val <= n.val.val := @Nat.div_le_self n.val m.val
+ sorry
+ ⟩
+ else
+ .fail integerOverflow
-- One needs to perform a little bit of reasoning in order to successfully
-- inject constants into USize, so we provide a general-purpose macro
@@ -165,6 +194,8 @@ macro_rules
+-- Note: unlike F*, Lean seems to use strict upper bounds (e.g. USize.size)
+-- rather than maximum values (usize_max).
def vec (α : Type u) := { l : List α // List.length l < USize.size }
def vec_new (α : Type u): vec α := ⟨ [], by {
@@ -183,11 +214,12 @@ def vec_len (α : Type u) (v : vec α) : USize :=
def vec_push_fwd (α : Type u) (_ : vec α) (_ : α) : Unit := ()
--- TODO: more precise error condition here for the fail case
+-- NOTE: old version trying to use a subtype notation, but probably better to
+-- leave result elimination to auxiliary lemmas with suitable preconditions
-- TODO: I originally wrote `List.length v.val < USize.size - 1`; how can one
-- make the proof work in that case? Probably need to import tactics from
-- mathlib to deal with inequalities... would love to see an example.
-def vec_push_back (α : Type u) (v : vec α) (x : α) : { res: result (vec α) //
+def vec_push_back_old (α : Type u) (v : vec α) (x : α) : { res: result (vec α) //
match res with | fail _ => True | ret v' => List.length v'.val = List.length v.val + 1}
if h : List.length v.val + 1 < USize.size then
@@ -206,11 +238,76 @@ def vec_push_back (α : Type u) (v : vec α) (x : α) : { res: result (vec α) /
-- annotate `x`, which relieves us of having to write `.val` on the right-hand
-- side of the monadic let.
let v := vec_new Nat
- let x: vec Nat ← (vec_push_back Nat v 1: result (vec Nat)) -- WHY do we need the type annotation here?
+ let x: vec Nat ← (vec_push_back_old Nat v 1: result (vec Nat)) -- WHY do we need the type annotation here?
-- TODO: strengthen post-condition above and do a demo to show that we can
-- safely eliminate the `fail` case
return (vec_len Nat x)
+def vec_push_back (α : Type u) (v : vec α) (x : α) : result (vec α)
+ :=
+ if h : List.length v.val + 1 < USize.size then
+ return ⟨List.concat v.val x,
+ by
+ rw [List.length_concat]
+ assumption
+ ⟩
+ else
+ fail maximumSizeExceeded
+def vec_insert_fwd (α : Type u) (v: vec α) (i: USize) (_: α): result Unit :=
+ if i.val < List.length v.val then
+ .ret ()
+ else
+ .fail arrayOutOfBounds
+def vec_insert_back (α : Type u) (v: vec α) (i: USize) (x: α): result (vec α) :=
+ if i.val < List.length v.val then
+ .ret ⟨ List.set v.val i.val x, by
+ have h: List.length v.val < USize.size :=
+ rewrite [ List.length_set v.val i.val x ]
+ assumption
+ ⟩
+ else
+ .fail arrayOutOfBounds
+def vec_index_fwd (α : Type u) (v: vec α) (i: USize): result α :=
+ if h: i.val < List.length v.val then
+ .ret (List.get v.val ⟨i.val, h⟩)
+ else
+ .fail arrayOutOfBounds
+def vec_index_back (α : Type u) (v: vec α) (i: USize) (_: α): result Unit :=
+ if i.val < List.length v.val then
+ .ret ()
+ else
+ .fail arrayOutOfBounds
+def vec_index_mut_fwd (α : Type u) (v: vec α) (i: USize): result α :=
+ if h: i.val < List.length v.val then
+ .ret (List.get v.val ⟨i.val, h⟩)
+ else
+ .fail arrayOutOfBounds
+def vec_index_mut_back (α : Type u) (v: vec α) (i: USize) (x: α): result (vec α) :=
+ if i.val < List.length v.val then
+ .ret ⟨ List.set v.val i.val x, by
+ have h: List.length v.val < USize.size :=
+ rewrite [ List.length_set v.val i.val x ]
+ assumption
+ ⟩
+ else
+ .fail arrayOutOfBounds
+-- MISC --
+def mem_replace_fwd (a : Type) (x : a) (_ : a) : a :=
+ x
+def mem_replace_back (a : Type) (_ : a) (y : a) : a :=
+ y
@@ -220,10 +317,10 @@ open Lean Elab Command Term Meta
syntax (name := assert) "#assert" term: command
@[command_elab assert]
-def assertImpl : CommandElab := fun (stx: Syntax) => do
+def assertImpl : CommandElab := fun (_stx: Syntax) => do
logInfo "Hello World"
-def ignore (a: Prop) (x: a) := ()
+def ignore (a: Prop) (_x: a) := ()
#eval ignore (2 == 2) (by simp)
diff --git a/tests/lean/hashmap_on_disk/lakefile.lean b/tests/lean/hashmap_on_disk/lakefile.lean
index 5b9adebb..0ca1ef9b 100644
--- a/tests/lean/hashmap_on_disk/lakefile.lean
+++ b/tests/lean/hashmap_on_disk/lakefile.lean
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
import Lake
open Lake DSL
+require mathlib from git
+ ""
package «hashmap» {
-- add package configuration options here