path: root/tests/test_runner/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/test_runner/')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test_runner/ b/tests/test_runner/
index 5d77bf9e..1c885d4b 100644
--- a/tests/test_runner/
+++ b/tests/test_runner/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ type runner_env = {
charon_path : string;
aeneas_path : string;
llbc_dir : string;
+ dest_dir : string;
module Backend = struct
@@ -60,24 +61,45 @@ end
let concat_path = List.fold_left Filename.concat ""
-let run_command args =
- (* Debug arguments *)
- print_string "[test_runner] Running: ";
- Array.iter
- (fun x ->
- print_string x;
- print_string " ")
- args;
- print_endline "";
+module Command = struct
+ type t = { args : string array; redirect_out : Unix.file_descr option }
+ type status = Success | Failure
- (* Run the command *)
- let pid =
- Unix.create_process args.(0) args Unix.stdin Unix.stdout Unix.stderr
- in
- let _ = Unix.waitpid [] pid in
- ()
+ let make (args : string list) : t =
+ { args = Array.of_list args; redirect_out = None }
+ let to_string (cmd : t) = Core.String.concat_array ~sep:" " cmd.args
+ (* Run the command and returns its exit status. *)
+ let run (cmd : t) : status =
+ let command_str = to_string cmd in
+ print_endline ("[test_runner] Running: " ^ command_str);
+ (* Run the command *)
+ let out = Option.value cmd.redirect_out ~default:Unix.stdout in
+ let pid = Unix.create_process cmd.args.(0) cmd.args Unix.stdin out out in
+ let status = Core_unix.waitpid (Core.Pid.of_int pid) in
+ match status with
+ | Ok () -> Success
+ | Error (`Exit_non_zero _) -> Failure
+ | Error (`Signal _) ->
+ failwith ("Command `" ^ command_str ^ "` exited incorrectly.")
+ (* Run the command and aborts the program if the command failed. *)
+ let run_command_expecting_success cmd =
+ match run cmd with
+ | Success -> ()
+ | Failure -> failwith ("Command `" ^ to_string cmd ^ "` failed.")
+ (* Run the command and aborts the program if the command succeeded. *)
+ let run_command_expecting_failure cmd =
+ match run cmd with
+ | Success ->
+ failwith
+ ("Command `" ^ to_string cmd ^ "` succeeded but was expected to fail.")
+ | Failure -> ()
-(* File-specific options *)
let aeneas_options_for_test backend test_name =
if test_name = "betree" then
let options =
@@ -117,6 +139,8 @@ module Input = struct
charon_options : string list;
aeneas_options : string list BackendMap.t;
subdirs : string BackendMap.t;
+ (* Whether to store the command output to a file. Only available for known-failure tests. *)
+ check_output : bool BackendMap.t;
(* The default subdirectory in which to store the outputs. *)
@@ -160,6 +184,11 @@ module Input = struct
input with
actions = BackendMap.add_each backends KnownFailure input.actions;
+ else if comment = "no-check-output" then
+ {
+ input with
+ check_output = BackendMap.add_each backends false input.check_output;
+ }
else if Option.is_some charon_args then
let args = Option.get charon_args in
let args = String.split_on_char ' ' args in
@@ -197,8 +226,18 @@ module Input = struct
let aeneas_options =
BackendMap.make (fun backend -> aeneas_options_for_test backend name)
+ let check_output = BackendMap.make (fun _ -> true) in
let input =
- { path; name; kind; actions; charon_options; subdirs; aeneas_options }
+ {
+ path;
+ name;
+ kind;
+ actions;
+ charon_options;
+ subdirs;
+ aeneas_options;
+ check_output;
+ }
match kind with
| SingleFile ->
@@ -219,27 +258,57 @@ end
(* Run Aeneas on a specific input with the given options *)
let run_aeneas (env : runner_env) (case : Input.t) (backend : Backend.t) =
(* FIXME: remove this special case *)
+ let backend_str = Backend.to_string backend in
let test_name = if = "betree" then "betree_main" else in
let input_file = concat_path [ env.llbc_dir; test_name ] ^ ".llbc" in
+ let output_file =
+ Filename.remove_extension case.path ^ "." ^ backend_str ^ ".out"
+ in
let subdir = BackendMap.find backend case.subdirs in
+ let dest_dir = concat_path [ env.dest_dir; backend_str; subdir ] in
let aeneas_options = BackendMap.find backend case.aeneas_options in
- let backend_str = Backend.to_string backend in
- let dest_dir = concat_path [ "tests"; backend_str; subdir ] in
+ let action = BackendMap.find backend case.actions in
+ let check_output = BackendMap.find backend case.check_output in
+ (* Build the command *)
let args =
- [|
- env.aeneas_path; input_file; "-dest"; dest_dir; "-backend"; backend_str;
- |]
+ [ env.aeneas_path; input_file; "-dest"; dest_dir; "-backend"; backend_str ]
- let args = Array.append args (Array.of_list aeneas_options) in
+ let abort_on_error =
+ match action with
+ | Skip | Normal -> []
+ | KnownFailure -> [ "-abort-on-error" ]
+ in
+ let args = List.concat [ args; aeneas_options; abort_on_error ] in
+ let cmd = Command.make args in
+ (* Remove leftover files if they're not needed anymore *)
+ if
+ Sys.file_exists output_file
+ &&
+ match action with
+ | Skip | Normal -> true
+ | KnownFailure when not check_output -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ then Sys.remove output_file;
(* Run Aeneas *)
- run_command args
+ match action with
+ | Skip -> ()
+ | Normal -> Command.run_command_expecting_success cmd
+ | KnownFailure ->
+ let out =
+ if check_output then
+ Core_unix.openfile ~mode:[ O_CREAT; O_TRUNC; O_WRONLY ] output_file
+ else Core_unix.openfile ~mode:[ O_WRONLY ] "/dev/null"
+ in
+ let cmd = { cmd with redirect_out = Some out } in
+ Command.run_command_expecting_failure cmd;
+ Unix.close out
(* Run Charon on a specific input with the given options *)
let run_charon (env : runner_env) (case : Input.t) =
match case.kind with
| SingleFile ->
let args =
- [|
+ [
@@ -248,20 +317,22 @@ let run_charon (env : runner_env) (case : Input.t) =;
- |]
+ ]
- let args = Array.append args (Array.of_list case.charon_options) in
+ let args = List.append args case.charon_options in
(* Run Charon on the rust file *)
- run_command args
+ Command.run_command_expecting_success (Command.make args)
| Crate -> (
match Sys.getenv_opt "IN_CI" with
| None ->
- let args = [| env.charon_path; "--dest"; env.llbc_dir |] in
- let args = Array.append args (Array.of_list case.charon_options) in
+ let args =
+ [ env.charon_path; "--dest"; Filename_unix.realpath env.llbc_dir ]
+ in
+ let args = List.append args case.charon_options in
(* Run Charon inside the crate *)
let old_pwd = Unix.getcwd () in
Unix.chdir case.path;
- run_command args;
+ Command.run_command_expecting_success (Command.make args);
Unix.chdir old_pwd
| Some _ ->
(* Crates with dependencies must be generated separately in CI. We skip
@@ -276,7 +347,9 @@ let () =
(* Ad-hoc argument passing for now. *)
| _exe_path :: charon_path :: aeneas_path :: llbc_dir :: test_path
:: aeneas_options ->
- let runner_env = { charon_path; aeneas_path; llbc_dir } in
+ let runner_env =
+ { charon_path; aeneas_path; llbc_dir; dest_dir = "tests" }
+ in
let test_case = test_path in
let test_case =
@@ -296,11 +369,5 @@ let () =
(* Generate the llbc file *)
run_charon runner_env test_case;
(* Process the llbc file for the each backend *)
- List.iter
- (fun backend ->
- match BackendMap.find backend test_case.actions with
- | Skip -> ()
- | Normal -> run_aeneas runner_env test_case backend
- | KnownFailure -> failwith "KnownFailure is unimplemented")
- Backend.all)
+ List.iter (run_aeneas runner_env test_case) Backend.all)
| _ -> failwith "Incorrect options passed to test runner"