path: root/tests/test_runner/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test_runner/ b/tests/test_runner/
index 960ffe8d..e35be96f 100644
--- a/tests/test_runner/
+++ b/tests/test_runner/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ type action = Normal | Skip | KnownFailure
type per_backend = {
action : action;
aeneas_options : string list;
- subdir : string;
+ subdir : string option;
(* Whether to store the command output to a file. Only available for known-failure tests. *)
check_output : bool;
@@ -22,8 +22,11 @@ type t = {
(* The default subdirectory in which to store the outputs. *)
-let default_subdir backend test_name =
- match backend with Backend.Lean -> "." | _ -> test_name
+let default_subdir backend test_name : string option =
+ match backend with
+ | Backend.Lean -> Some "."
+ | Backend.BorrowCheck -> None
+ | _ -> Some test_name
(* Parse lines that start `//@`. Each of them modifies the options we use for the test.
Supported comments:
@@ -39,14 +42,21 @@ let default_subdir backend test_name =
let apply_special_comment comment input =
let comment = String.trim comment in
(* Parse the backends if any *)
- let re = Re.compile ( "^\\[([a-zA-Z,]+)\\](.*)$") in
+ let re = Re.compile ( "^\\[(!)?([a-zA-Z,-]+)\\](.*)$") in
let comment, (backends : Backend.t list) =
match Re.exec_opt re comment with
| Some groups ->
- let backends = Re.Group.get groups 1 in
+ let exclude = Re.Group.get_opt groups 1 <> None in
+ let backends = Re.Group.get groups 2 in
let backends = String.split_on_char ',' backends in
let backends = Backend.of_string backends in
- let rest = Re.Group.get groups 2 in
+ let rest = Re.Group.get groups 3 in
+ (* If [exclude]: we take all the backends *but* the list provided. *)
+ let backends =
+ if exclude then
+ List.filter (fun x -> not (List.mem x backends)) Backend.all
+ else backends
+ in
(String.trim rest, backends)
| None -> (comment, Backend.all)
@@ -83,9 +93,9 @@ let apply_special_comment comment input =
let args = String.split_on_char ' ' args in
per_backend (fun x ->
{ x with aeneas_options = List.append x.aeneas_options args })
- else if Option.is_some subdir then
- let subdir = Option.get subdir in
- per_backend (fun x -> { x with subdir })
+ else if Option.is_some subdir then (
+ assert (not (List.mem Backend.BorrowCheck backends));
+ per_backend (fun x -> { x with subdir }))
else failwith ("Unrecognized special comment: `" ^ comment ^ "`")
(* Given a path to a rust file or crate, gather the details and options about how to build the test. *)