path: root/tests/lean/hashmap_on_disk/Base
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1 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/lean/hashmap_on_disk/Base/Primitives.lean b/tests/lean/hashmap_on_disk/Base/Primitives.lean
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e72b708
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lean/hashmap_on_disk/Base/Primitives.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+-- PRELUDE --
+-- Results & monadic combinators
+inductive error where
+ | assertionFailure: error
+ | integerOverflow: error
+ | arrayOutOfBounds: error
+ | maximumSizeExceeded: error
+ | panic: error
+deriving Repr
+open error
+inductive result (α : Type u) where
+ | ret (v: α): result α
+ | fail (e: error): result α
+deriving Repr
+open result
+-- TODO: is there automated syntax for these discriminators?
+def is_ret {α: Type} (r: result α): Bool :=
+ match r with
+ | result.ret _ => true
+ | _ => false
+def eval_global {α: Type} (x: result α) (h: is_ret x): α :=
+ match x with
+ | _ => by contradiction
+ | result.ret x => x
+def bind (x: result α) (f: α -> result β) : result β :=
+ match x with
+ | ret v => f v
+ | fail v => fail v
+-- Allows using result in do-blocks
+instance : Bind result where
+ bind := bind
+-- Allows using return x in do-blocks
+instance : Pure result where
+ pure := fun x => ret x
+def massert (b:Bool) : result Unit :=
+ if b then return () else fail assertionFailure
+-- Machine integers
+-- NOTE: we reuse the USize type from prelude.lean, because at least we know
+-- it's defined in an idiomatic style that is going to make proofs easy (and
+-- indeed, several proofs here are much shortened compared to Aymeric's earlier
+-- attempt.) This is not stricto sensu the *correct* thing to do, because one
+-- can query at run-time the value of USize, which we do *not* want to do (we
+-- don't know what target we'll run on!), but when the day comes, we'll just
+-- define our own USize.
+-- ANOTHER NOTE: there is USize.sub but it has wraparound semantics, which is
+-- not something we want to define (I think), so we use our own monadic sub (but
+-- is it in line with the Rust behavior?)
+-- TODO: I am somewhat under the impression that subtraction is defined as a
+-- total function over nats...? the hypothesis in the if condition is not used
+-- in the then-branch which confuses me quite a bit
+-- TODO: add a refinement for the result (just like vec_push_back below) that
+-- explains that the toNat of the result (in the case of success) is the sub of
+-- the toNat of the arguments (i.e. intrinsic specification)
+-- ... do we want intrinsic specifications for the builtins? that might require
+-- some careful type annotations in the monadic notation for clients, but may
+-- give us more "for free"
+-- Note from Chris Bailey: "If there's more than one salient property of your
+-- definition then the subtyping strategy might get messy, and the property part
+-- of a subtype is less discoverable by the simplifier or tactics like
+-- library_search." Try to settle this with a Lean expert on what is the most
+-- productive way to go about this?
+-- Further thoughts: look at what has been done here:
+-- and
+-- which both contain a fair amount of reasoning already!
+def USize.checked_sub (n: USize) (m: USize): result USize :=
+ -- NOTE: the test USize.toNat n - m >= 0 seems to always succeed?
+ if n >= m then
+ let n' := USize.toNat n
+ let m' := USize.toNat n
+ let r := USize.ofNatCore (n' - m') (by
+ have h: n' - m' <= n' := by
+ apply Nat.sub_le_of_le_add
+ case h => rewrite [ Nat.add_comm ]; apply Nat.le_add_left
+ apply Nat.lt_of_le_of_lt h
+ apply n.val.isLt
+ )
+ return r
+ else
+ fail integerOverflow
+-- TODO: settle the style for usize_sub before we write these
+def USize.checked_mul (n: USize) (m: USize): result USize := sorry
+def USize.checked_div (n: USize) (m: USize): result USize := sorry
+-- One needs to perform a little bit of reasoning in order to successfully
+-- inject constants into USize, so we provide a general-purpose macro
+syntax "intlit" : tactic
+ | `(tactic| intlit) => `(tactic|
+ match USize.size, usize_size_eq with
+ | _, Or.inl rfl => decide
+ | _, Or.inr rfl => decide)
+-- This is how the macro is expected to be used
+#eval USize.ofNatCore 0 (by intlit)
+-- Also works for other integer types (at the expense of a needless disjunction)
+#eval UInt32.ofNatCore 0 (by intlit)
+-- Test behavior...
+#eval USize.checked_sub 10 20
+#eval USize.checked_sub 20 10
+-- NOTE: compare with concrete behavior here, which I do not think we want
+#eval USize.sub 0 1
+#eval UInt8.add 255 255
+-- Vectors
+def vec (α : Type u) := { l : List α // List.length l < USize.size }
+def vec_new (α : Type u): result (vec α) := return ⟨ [], by {
+ match USize.size, usize_size_eq with
+ | _, Or.inl rfl => simp
+ | _, Or.inr rfl => simp
+ } ⟩
+#check vec_new
+def vec_len (α : Type u) (v : vec α) : USize :=
+ let ⟨ v, l ⟩ := v
+ USize.ofNatCore (List.length v) l
+#eval do
+ return (vec_len Nat (<- vec_new Nat))
+def vec_push_fwd (α : Type u) (_ : vec α) (_ : α) : Unit := ()
+-- TODO: more precise error condition here for the fail case
+-- TODO: I originally wrote `List.length v.val < USize.size - 1`; how can one
+-- make the proof work in that case? Probably need to import tactics from
+-- mathlib to deal with inequalities... would love to see an example.
+def vec_push_back (α : Type u) (v : vec α) (x : α) : { res: result (vec α) //
+ match res with | fail _ => True | ret v' => List.length v'.val = List.length v.val + 1}
+ :=
+ if h : List.length v.val + 1 < USize.size then
+ ⟨ return ⟨List.concat v.val x,
+ by
+ rw [List.length_concat]
+ assumption
+ ⟩, by simp ⟩
+ else
+ ⟨ fail maximumSizeExceeded, by simp ⟩
+#eval do
+ -- NOTE: the // notation is syntactic sugar for Subtype, a refinement with
+ -- fields val and property. However, Lean's elaborator can automatically
+ -- select the `val` field if the context provides a type annotation. We
+ -- annotate `x`, which relieves us of having to write `.val` on the right-hand
+ -- side of the monadic let.
+ let x: vec Nat ← vec_push_back Nat (<- vec_new Nat) 1
+ -- TODO: strengthen post-condition above and do a demo to show that we can
+ -- safely eliminate the `fail` case
+ return (vec_len Nat x)