path: root/tests/fstar/misc/Paper.fst
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/fstar/misc/Paper.fst')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/tests/fstar/misc/Paper.fst b/tests/fstar/misc/Paper.fst
index 199ceb63..95f13f62 100644
--- a/tests/fstar/misc/Paper.fst
+++ b/tests/fstar/misc/Paper.fst
@@ -10,10 +10,8 @@ let ref_incr_fwd_back (x : i32) : result i32 = i32_add x 1
(** [paper::test_incr] *)
let test_incr_fwd : result unit =
- begin match ref_incr_fwd_back 0 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return x -> if not (x = 1) then Fail Failure else Return ()
- end
+ let* x = ref_incr_fwd_back 0 in
+ if not (x = 1) then Fail Failure else Return ()
(** Unit test for [paper::test_incr] *)
let _ = assert_norm (test_incr_fwd = Return ())
@@ -29,24 +27,15 @@ let choose_back
(** [paper::test_choose] *)
let test_choose_fwd : result unit =
- begin match choose_fwd i32 true 0 0 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return z ->
- begin match i32_add z 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return z0 ->
- if not (z0 = 1)
- then Fail Failure
- else
- begin match choose_back i32 true 0 0 z0 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return (x, y) ->
- if not (x = 1)
- then Fail Failure
- else if not (y = 0) then Fail Failure else Return ()
- end
- end
- end
+ let* z = choose_fwd i32 true 0 0 in
+ let* z0 = i32_add z 1 in
+ if not (z0 = 1)
+ then Fail Failure
+ else begin
+ let* (x, y) = choose_back i32 true 0 0 z0 in
+ if not (x = 1)
+ then Fail Failure
+ else if not (y = 0) then Fail Failure else Return () end
(** Unit test for [paper::test_choose] *)
let _ = assert_norm (test_choose_fwd = Return ())
@@ -62,11 +51,7 @@ let rec list_nth_mut_fwd (t : Type0) (l : list_t t) (i : u32) : result t =
| ListCons x tl ->
if i = 0
then Return x
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 -> list_nth_mut_fwd t tl i0
- end
+ else begin let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in list_nth_mut_fwd t tl i0 end
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
@@ -77,26 +62,17 @@ let rec list_nth_mut_back
| ListCons x tl ->
if i = 0
then Return (ListCons ret tl)
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 ->
- begin match list_nth_mut_back t tl i0 ret with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return tl0 -> Return (ListCons x tl0)
- end
- end
+ else begin
+ let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in
+ let* tl0 = list_nth_mut_back t tl i0 ret in
+ Return (ListCons x tl0) end
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
(** [paper::sum] *)
let rec sum_fwd (l : list_t i32) : result i32 =
begin match l with
- | ListCons x tl ->
- begin match sum_fwd tl with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i -> i32_add x i
- end
+ | ListCons x tl -> let* i = sum_fwd tl in i32_add x i
| ListNil -> Return 0
@@ -105,22 +81,11 @@ let test_nth_fwd : result unit =
let l = ListNil in
let l0 = ListCons 3 l in
let l1 = ListCons 2 l0 in
- begin match list_nth_mut_fwd i32 (ListCons 1 l1) 2 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return x ->
- begin match i32_add x 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return x0 ->
- begin match list_nth_mut_back i32 (ListCons 1 l1) 2 x0 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return l2 ->
- begin match sum_fwd l2 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i -> if not (i = 7) then Fail Failure else Return ()
- end
- end
- end
- end
+ let* x = list_nth_mut_fwd i32 (ListCons 1 l1) 2 in
+ let* x0 = i32_add x 1 in
+ let* l2 = list_nth_mut_back i32 (ListCons 1 l1) 2 x0 in
+ let* i = sum_fwd l2 in
+ if not (i = 7) then Fail Failure else Return ()
(** Unit test for [paper::test_nth] *)
let _ = assert_norm (test_nth_fwd = Return ())
@@ -128,16 +93,8 @@ let _ = assert_norm (test_nth_fwd = Return ())
(** [paper::call_choose] *)
let call_choose_fwd (p : (u32 & u32)) : result u32 =
let (px, py) = p in
- begin match choose_fwd u32 true px py with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return pz ->
- begin match u32_add pz 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return pz0 ->
- begin match choose_back u32 true px py pz0 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return (px0, _) -> Return px0
- end
- end
- end
+ let* pz = choose_fwd u32 true px py in
+ let* pz0 = u32_add pz 1 in
+ let* (px0, _) = choose_back u32 true px py pz0 in
+ Return px0