path: root/tests/fstar/misc/Loops.Funs.fst
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/fstar/misc/Loops.Funs.fst')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 217 deletions
diff --git a/tests/fstar/misc/Loops.Funs.fst b/tests/fstar/misc/Loops.Funs.fst
index 3e8425dd..0d3c39f7 100644
--- a/tests/fstar/misc/Loops.Funs.fst
+++ b/tests/fstar/misc/Loops.Funs.fst
@@ -13,14 +13,8 @@ let rec sum_loop_fwd
Tot (result u32) (decreases (sum_loop_decreases max i s))
if i < max
- then
- begin match u32_add s i with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return s0 ->
- begin match u32_add i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 -> sum_loop_fwd max i0 s0
- end
+ then begin
+ let* s0 = u32_add s i in let* i0 = u32_add i 1 in sum_loop_fwd max i0 s0
else u32_mul s 2
@@ -33,15 +27,10 @@ let rec sum_with_mut_borrows_loop_fwd
Tot (result u32) (decreases (sum_with_mut_borrows_loop_decreases max mi ms))
if mi < max
- then
- begin match u32_add ms mi with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return ms0 ->
- begin match u32_add mi 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return mi0 -> sum_with_mut_borrows_loop_fwd max mi0 ms0
- end
- end
+ then begin
+ let* ms0 = u32_add ms mi in
+ let* mi0 = u32_add mi 1 in
+ sum_with_mut_borrows_loop_fwd max mi0 ms0 end
else u32_mul ms 2
(** [loops::sum_with_mut_borrows] *)
@@ -54,15 +43,10 @@ let rec sum_with_shared_borrows_loop_fwd
Tot (result u32) (decreases (sum_with_shared_borrows_loop_decreases max i s))
if i < max
- then
- begin match u32_add i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 ->
- begin match u32_add s i0 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return s0 -> sum_with_shared_borrows_loop_fwd max i0 s0
- end
- end
+ then begin
+ let* i0 = u32_add i 1 in
+ let* s0 = u32_add s i0 in
+ sum_with_shared_borrows_loop_fwd max i0 s0 end
else u32_mul s 2
(** [loops::sum_with_shared_borrows] *)
@@ -76,15 +60,10 @@ let rec clear_loop_fwd_back
let i0 = vec_len u32 v in
if i < i0
- then
- begin match usize_add i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i1 ->
- begin match vec_index_mut_back u32 v i 0 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return v0 -> clear_loop_fwd_back v0 i1
- end
- end
+ then begin
+ let* i1 = usize_add i 1 in
+ let* v0 = vec_index_mut_back u32 v i 0 in
+ clear_loop_fwd_back v0 i1 end
else Return v
(** [loops::clear] *)
@@ -113,11 +92,7 @@ let rec list_nth_mut_loop_loop_fwd
| ListCons x tl ->
if i = 0
then Return x
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 -> list_nth_mut_loop_loop_fwd t tl i0
- end
+ else begin let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in list_nth_mut_loop_loop_fwd t tl i0 end
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
@@ -134,15 +109,10 @@ let rec list_nth_mut_loop_loop_back
| ListCons x tl ->
if i = 0
then Return (ListCons ret tl)
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 ->
- begin match list_nth_mut_loop_loop_back t tl i0 ret with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return tl0 -> Return (ListCons x tl0)
- end
- end
+ else begin
+ let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in
+ let* tl0 = list_nth_mut_loop_loop_back t tl i0 ret in
+ Return (ListCons x tl0) end
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
@@ -160,10 +130,7 @@ let rec list_nth_shared_loop_loop_fwd
| ListCons x tl ->
if i = 0
then Return x
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 -> list_nth_shared_loop_loop_fwd t tl i0
+ else begin let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in list_nth_shared_loop_loop_fwd t tl i0
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
@@ -184,10 +151,8 @@ let rec get_elem_mut_loop_fwd
(** [loops::get_elem_mut] *)
let get_elem_mut_fwd (slots : vec (list_t usize)) (x : usize) : result usize =
- begin match vec_index_mut_fwd (list_t usize) slots 0 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return l -> get_elem_mut_loop_fwd x l
- end
+ let* l = vec_index_mut_fwd (list_t usize) slots 0 in
+ get_elem_mut_loop_fwd x l
(** [loops::get_elem_mut] *)
let rec get_elem_mut_loop_back
@@ -198,11 +163,8 @@ let rec get_elem_mut_loop_back
| ListCons y tl ->
if y = x
then Return (ListCons ret tl)
- else
- begin match get_elem_mut_loop_back x tl ret with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return tl0 -> Return (ListCons y tl0)
- end
+ else begin
+ let* tl0 = get_elem_mut_loop_back x tl ret in Return (ListCons y tl0) end
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
@@ -211,14 +173,9 @@ let get_elem_mut_back
(slots : vec (list_t usize)) (x : usize) (ret : usize) :
result (vec (list_t usize))
- begin match vec_index_mut_fwd (list_t usize) slots 0 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return l ->
- begin match get_elem_mut_loop_back x l ret with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return l0 -> vec_index_mut_back (list_t usize) slots 0 l0
- end
- end
+ let* l = vec_index_mut_fwd (list_t usize) slots 0 in
+ let* l0 = get_elem_mut_loop_back x l ret in
+ vec_index_mut_back (list_t usize) slots 0 l0
(** [loops::get_elem_shared] *)
let rec get_elem_shared_loop_fwd
@@ -233,10 +190,7 @@ let rec get_elem_shared_loop_fwd
(** [loops::get_elem_shared] *)
let get_elem_shared_fwd
(slots : vec (list_t usize)) (x : usize) : result usize =
- begin match vec_index_fwd (list_t usize) slots 0 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return l -> get_elem_shared_loop_fwd x l
- end
+ let* l = vec_index_fwd (list_t usize) slots 0 in get_elem_shared_loop_fwd x l
(** [loops::id_mut] *)
let id_mut_fwd (t : Type0) (ls : list_t t) : result (list_t t) = Return ls
@@ -258,21 +212,15 @@ let rec list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop_fwd
| ListCons x tl ->
if i = 0
then Return x
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 -> list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop_fwd t i0 tl
- end
+ else begin
+ let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop_fwd t i0 tl end
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_with_id] *)
let list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_fwd
(t : Type0) (ls : list_t t) (i : u32) : result t =
- begin match id_mut_fwd t ls with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return ls0 -> list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop_fwd t i ls0
- end
+ let* ls0 = id_mut_fwd t ls in list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop_fwd t i ls0
(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_with_id] *)
let rec list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop_back
@@ -284,29 +232,19 @@ let rec list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop_back
| ListCons x tl ->
if i = 0
then Return (ListCons ret tl)
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 ->
- begin match list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop_back t i0 tl ret with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return tl0 -> Return (ListCons x tl0)
- end
- end
+ else begin
+ let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in
+ let* tl0 = list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop_back t i0 tl ret in
+ Return (ListCons x tl0) end
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_with_id] *)
let list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_back
(t : Type0) (ls : list_t t) (i : u32) (ret : t) : result (list_t t) =
- begin match id_mut_fwd t ls with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return ls0 ->
- begin match list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop_back t i ls0 ret with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return l -> id_mut_back t ls l
- end
- end
+ let* ls0 = id_mut_fwd t ls in
+ let* l = list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop_back t i ls0 ret in
+ id_mut_back t ls l
(** [loops::list_nth_shared_loop_with_id] *)
let rec list_nth_shared_loop_with_id_loop_fwd
@@ -318,10 +256,8 @@ let rec list_nth_shared_loop_with_id_loop_fwd
| ListCons x tl ->
if i = 0
then Return x
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 -> list_nth_shared_loop_with_id_loop_fwd t i0 tl
+ else begin
+ let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in list_nth_shared_loop_with_id_loop_fwd t i0 tl
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
@@ -329,10 +265,8 @@ let rec list_nth_shared_loop_with_id_loop_fwd
(** [loops::list_nth_shared_loop_with_id] *)
let list_nth_shared_loop_with_id_fwd
(t : Type0) (ls : list_t t) (i : u32) : result t =
- begin match id_shared_fwd t ls with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return ls0 -> list_nth_shared_loop_with_id_loop_fwd t i ls0
- end
+ let* ls0 = id_shared_fwd t ls in
+ list_nth_shared_loop_with_id_loop_fwd t i ls0
(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair] *)
let rec list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_fwd
@@ -346,10 +280,8 @@ let rec list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_fwd
| ListCons x1 tl1 ->
if i = 0
then Return (x0, x1)
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 -> list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_fwd t tl0 tl1 i0
+ else begin
+ let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_fwd t tl0 tl1 i0
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
@@ -373,15 +305,10 @@ let rec list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_back'a
| ListCons x1 tl1 ->
if i = 0
then Return (ListCons ret tl0)
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 ->
- begin match list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_back'a t tl0 tl1 i0 ret with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return tl00 -> Return (ListCons x0 tl00)
- end
- end
+ else begin
+ let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in
+ let* tl00 = list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_back'a t tl0 tl1 i0 ret in
+ Return (ListCons x0 tl00) end
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
@@ -406,15 +333,10 @@ let rec list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_back'b
| ListCons x1 tl1 ->
if i = 0
then Return (ListCons ret tl1)
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 ->
- begin match list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_back'b t tl0 tl1 i0 ret with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return tl10 -> Return (ListCons x1 tl10)
- end
- end
+ else begin
+ let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in
+ let* tl10 = list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_back'b t tl0 tl1 i0 ret in
+ Return (ListCons x1 tl10) end
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
@@ -439,11 +361,9 @@ let rec list_nth_shared_loop_pair_loop_fwd
| ListCons x1 tl1 ->
if i = 0
then Return (x0, x1)
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 -> list_nth_shared_loop_pair_loop_fwd t tl0 tl1 i0
- end
+ else begin
+ let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in
+ list_nth_shared_loop_pair_loop_fwd t tl0 tl1 i0 end
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
@@ -466,11 +386,9 @@ let rec list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd
| ListCons x1 tl1 ->
if i = 0
then Return (x0, x1)
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 -> list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd t tl0 tl1 i0
- end
+ else begin
+ let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in
+ list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd t tl0 tl1 i0 end
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
@@ -493,16 +411,11 @@ let rec list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_back
| ListCons x1 tl1 ->
if i = 0
then let (x, x2) = ret in Return (ListCons x tl0, ListCons x2 tl1)
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 ->
- begin match list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_back t tl0 tl1 i0 ret
- with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return (tl00, tl10) -> Return (ListCons x0 tl00, ListCons x1 tl10)
- end
- end
+ else begin
+ let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in
+ let* (tl00, tl10) =
+ list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_back t tl0 tl1 i0 ret in
+ Return (ListCons x0 tl00, ListCons x1 tl10) end
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
@@ -527,11 +440,9 @@ let rec list_nth_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd
| ListCons x1 tl1 ->
if i = 0
then Return (x0, x1)
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 -> list_nth_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd t tl0 tl1 i0
- end
+ else begin
+ let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in
+ list_nth_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd t tl0 tl1 i0 end
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
@@ -554,11 +465,9 @@ let rec list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_loop_fwd
| ListCons x1 tl1 ->
if i = 0
then Return (x0, x1)
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 -> list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_loop_fwd t tl0 tl1 i0
- end
+ else begin
+ let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in
+ list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_loop_fwd t tl0 tl1 i0 end
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
@@ -581,16 +490,10 @@ let rec list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_loop_back
| ListCons x1 tl1 ->
if i = 0
then Return (ListCons ret tl0)
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 ->
- begin match list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_loop_back t tl0 tl1 i0 ret
- with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return tl00 -> Return (ListCons x0 tl00)
- end
- end
+ else begin
+ let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in
+ let* tl00 = list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_loop_back t tl0 tl1 i0 ret in
+ Return (ListCons x0 tl00) end
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
@@ -615,12 +518,9 @@ let rec list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd
| ListCons x1 tl1 ->
if i = 0
then Return (x0, x1)
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 ->
- list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd t tl0 tl1 i0
- end
+ else begin
+ let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in
+ list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd t tl0 tl1 i0 end
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
@@ -643,16 +543,11 @@ let rec list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop_back
| ListCons x1 tl1 ->
if i = 0
then Return (ListCons ret tl0)
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 ->
- begin match
- list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop_back t tl0 tl1 i0 ret with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return tl00 -> Return (ListCons x0 tl00)
- end
- end
+ else begin
+ let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in
+ let* tl00 =
+ list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop_back t tl0 tl1 i0 ret in
+ Return (ListCons x0 tl00) end
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
@@ -677,11 +572,9 @@ let rec list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_loop_fwd
| ListCons x1 tl1 ->
if i = 0
then Return (x0, x1)
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 -> list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_loop_fwd t tl0 tl1 i0
- end
+ else begin
+ let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in
+ list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_loop_fwd t tl0 tl1 i0 end
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
@@ -704,16 +597,10 @@ let rec list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_loop_back
| ListCons x1 tl1 ->
if i = 0
then Return (ListCons ret tl1)
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 ->
- begin match list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_loop_back t tl0 tl1 i0 ret
- with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return tl10 -> Return (ListCons x1 tl10)
- end
- end
+ else begin
+ let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in
+ let* tl10 = list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_loop_back t tl0 tl1 i0 ret in
+ Return (ListCons x1 tl10) end
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
@@ -738,12 +625,9 @@ let rec list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd
| ListCons x1 tl1 ->
if i = 0
then Return (x0, x1)
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 ->
- list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd t tl0 tl1 i0
- end
+ else begin
+ let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in
+ list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd t tl0 tl1 i0 end
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
@@ -766,16 +650,11 @@ let rec list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_back
| ListCons x1 tl1 ->
if i = 0
then Return (ListCons ret tl1)
- else
- begin match u32_sub i 1 with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return i0 ->
- begin match
- list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_back t tl0 tl1 i0 ret with
- | Fail e -> Fail e
- | Return tl10 -> Return (ListCons x1 tl10)
- end
- end
+ else begin
+ let* i0 = u32_sub i 1 in
+ let* tl10 =
+ list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_back t tl0 tl1 i0 ret in
+ Return (ListCons x1 tl10) end
| ListNil -> Fail Failure
| ListNil -> Fail Failure