path: root/tests/coq/misc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/coq/misc')
11 files changed, 593 insertions, 948 deletions
diff --git a/tests/coq/misc/Bitwise.v b/tests/coq/misc/Bitwise.v
index 94771b37..b04c95f2 100644
--- a/tests/coq/misc/Bitwise.v
+++ b/tests/coq/misc/Bitwise.v
@@ -8,29 +8,29 @@ Import ListNotations.
Local Open Scope Primitives_scope.
Module Bitwise.
-(** [bitwise::shift_u32]: forward function
+(** [bitwise::shift_u32]:
Source: 'src/', lines 3:0-3:31 *)
Definition shift_u32 (a : u32) : result u32 :=
t <- u32_shr a 16%usize; u32_shl t 16%usize
-(** [bitwise::shift_i32]: forward function
+(** [bitwise::shift_i32]:
Source: 'src/', lines 10:0-10:31 *)
Definition shift_i32 (a : i32) : result i32 :=
t <- i32_shr a 16%isize; i32_shl t 16%isize
-(** [bitwise::xor_u32]: forward function
+(** [bitwise::xor_u32]:
Source: 'src/', lines 17:0-17:37 *)
Definition xor_u32 (a : u32) (b : u32) : result u32 :=
Return (u32_xor a b).
-(** [bitwise::or_u32]: forward function
+(** [bitwise::or_u32]:
Source: 'src/', lines 21:0-21:36 *)
Definition or_u32 (a : u32) (b : u32) : result u32 :=
Return (u32_or a b).
-(** [bitwise::and_u32]: forward function
+(** [bitwise::and_u32]:
Source: 'src/', lines 25:0-25:37 *)
Definition and_u32 (a : u32) (b : u32) : result u32 :=
Return (u32_and a b).
diff --git a/tests/coq/misc/Constants.v b/tests/coq/misc/Constants.v
index ad899f25..0f33cbd6 100644
--- a/tests/coq/misc/Constants.v
+++ b/tests/coq/misc/Constants.v
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Definition x1_c : u32 := x1_body%global.
Definition x2_body : result u32 := Return 3%u32.
Definition x2_c : u32 := x2_body%global.
-(** [constants::incr]: forward function
+(** [constants::incr]:
Source: 'src/', lines 17:0-17:32 *)
Definition incr (n : u32) : result u32 :=
u32_add n 1%u32.
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Definition incr (n : u32) : result u32 :=
Definition x3_body : result u32 := incr 32%u32.
Definition x3_c : u32 := x3_body%global.
-(** [constants::mk_pair0]: forward function
+(** [constants::mk_pair0]:
Source: 'src/', lines 23:0-23:51 *)
Definition mk_pair0 (x : u32) (y : u32) : result (u32 * u32) :=
Return (x, y).
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Arguments mkPair_t { _ _ }.
Arguments pair_x { _ _ }.
Arguments pair_y { _ _ }.
-(** [constants::mk_pair1]: forward function
+(** [constants::mk_pair1]:
Source: 'src/', lines 27:0-27:55 *)
Definition mk_pair1 (x : u32) (y : u32) : result (Pair_t u32 u32) :=
Return {| pair_x := x; pair_y := y |}
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ Record Wrap_t (T : Type) := mkWrap_t { wrap_value : T; }.
Arguments mkWrap_t { _ }.
Arguments wrap_value { _ }.
-(** [constants::{constants::Wrap<T>}::new]: forward function
+(** [constants::{constants::Wrap<T>}::new]:
Source: 'src/', lines 54:4-54:41 *)
Definition wrap_new (T : Type) (value : T) : result (Wrap_t T) :=
Return {| wrap_value := value |}
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Definition wrap_new (T : Type) (value : T) : result (Wrap_t T) :=
Definition y_body : result (Wrap_t i32) := wrap_new i32 2%i32.
Definition y_c : Wrap_t i32 := y_body%global.
-(** [constants::unwrap_y]: forward function
+(** [constants::unwrap_y]:
Source: 'src/', lines 43:0-43:30 *)
Definition unwrap_y : result i32 :=
Return y_c.(wrap_value).
@@ -107,12 +107,12 @@ Definition yval_c : i32 := yval_body%global.
Definition get_z1_z1_body : result i32 := Return 3%i32.
Definition get_z1_z1_c : i32 := get_z1_z1_body%global.
-(** [constants::get_z1]: forward function
+(** [constants::get_z1]:
Source: 'src/', lines 61:0-61:28 *)
Definition get_z1 : result i32 :=
Return get_z1_z1_c.
-(** [constants::add]: forward function
+(** [constants::add]:
Source: 'src/', lines 66:0-66:39 *)
Definition add (a : i32) (b : i32) : result i32 :=
i32_add a b.
@@ -132,10 +132,10 @@ Definition q2_c : i32 := q2_body%global.
Definition q3_body : result i32 := add q2_c 3%i32.
Definition q3_c : i32 := q3_body%global.
-(** [constants::get_z2]: forward function
+(** [constants::get_z2]:
Source: 'src/', lines 70:0-70:28 *)
Definition get_z2 : result i32 :=
- i <- get_z1; i0 <- add i q3_c; add q1_c i0.
+ i <- get_z1; i1 <- add i q3_c; add q1_c i1.
(** [constants::S1]
Source: 'src/', lines 80:0-80:18 *)
diff --git a/tests/coq/misc/External_Funs.v b/tests/coq/misc/External_Funs.v
index e9d39f66..91ea88c9 100644
--- a/tests/coq/misc/External_Funs.v
+++ b/tests/coq/misc/External_Funs.v
@@ -12,107 +12,64 @@ Require Import External_FunsExternal.
Include External_FunsExternal.
Module External_Funs.
-(** [external::swap]: forward function
+(** [external::swap]:
Source: 'src/', lines 6:0-6:46 *)
Definition swap
- (T : Type) (x : T) (y : T) (st : state) : result (state * unit) :=
- p <- core_mem_swap T x y st;
- let (st0, _) := p in
- p0 <- core_mem_swap_back0 T x y st st0;
- let (st1, _) := p0 in
- p1 <- core_mem_swap_back1 T x y st st1;
- let (st2, _) := p1 in
- Return (st2, tt)
+ (T : Type) (x : T) (y : T) (st : state) : result (state * (T * T)) :=
+ core_mem_swap T x y st
-(** [external::swap]: backward function 0
- Source: 'src/', lines 6:0-6:46 *)
-Definition swap_back
- (T : Type) (x : T) (y : T) (st : state) (st0 : state) :
- result (state * (T * T))
- :=
- p <- core_mem_swap T x y st;
- let (st1, _) := p in
- p0 <- core_mem_swap_back0 T x y st st1;
- let (st2, x0) := p0 in
- p1 <- core_mem_swap_back1 T x y st st2;
- let (_, y0) := p1 in
- Return (st0, (x0, y0))
-(** [external::test_new_non_zero_u32]: forward function
+(** [external::test_new_non_zero_u32]:
Source: 'src/', lines 11:0-11:60 *)
Definition test_new_non_zero_u32
(x : u32) (st : state) : result (state * core_num_nonzero_NonZeroU32_t) :=
p <- core_num_nonzero_NonZeroU32_new x st;
- let (st0, o) := p in
- core_option_Option_unwrap core_num_nonzero_NonZeroU32_t o st0
+ let (st1, o) := p in
+ core_option_Option_unwrap core_num_nonzero_NonZeroU32_t o st1
-(** [external::test_vec]: forward function
+(** [external::test_vec]:
Source: 'src/', lines 17:0-17:17 *)
Definition test_vec : result unit :=
- let v := alloc_vec_Vec_new u32 in
- _ <- alloc_vec_Vec_push u32 v 0%u32;
- Return tt
+ _ <- alloc_vec_Vec_push u32 (alloc_vec_Vec_new u32) 0%u32; Return tt
(** Unit test for [external::test_vec] *)
Check (test_vec )%return.
-(** [external::custom_swap]: forward function
+(** [external::custom_swap]:
Source: 'src/', lines 24:0-24:66 *)
Definition custom_swap
- (T : Type) (x : T) (y : T) (st : state) : result (state * T) :=
- p <- core_mem_swap T x y st;
- let (st0, _) := p in
- p0 <- core_mem_swap_back0 T x y st st0;
- let (st1, x0) := p0 in
- p1 <- core_mem_swap_back1 T x y st st1;
- let (st2, _) := p1 in
- Return (st2, x0)
-(** [external::custom_swap]: backward function 0
- Source: 'src/', lines 24:0-24:66 *)
-Definition custom_swap_back
- (T : Type) (x : T) (y : T) (st : state) (ret : T) (st0 : state) :
- result (state * (T * T))
+ (T : Type) (x : T) (y : T) (st : state) :
+ result (state * (T * (T -> state -> result (state * (T * T)))))
p <- core_mem_swap T x y st;
- let (st1, _) := p in
- p0 <- core_mem_swap_back0 T x y st st1;
- let (st2, _) := p0 in
- p1 <- core_mem_swap_back1 T x y st st2;
- let (_, y0) := p1 in
- Return (st0, (ret, y0))
+ let (st1, p1) := p in
+ let (t, t1) := p1 in
+ let back_'a := fun (ret : T) (st2 : state) => Return (st2, (ret, t1)) in
+ Return (st1, (t, back_'a))
-(** [external::test_custom_swap]: forward function
+(** [external::test_custom_swap]:
Source: 'src/', lines 29:0-29:59 *)
Definition test_custom_swap
- (x : u32) (y : u32) (st : state) : result (state * unit) :=
- p <- custom_swap u32 x y st; let (st0, _) := p in Return (st0, tt)
-(** [external::test_custom_swap]: backward function 0
- Source: 'src/', lines 29:0-29:59 *)
-Definition test_custom_swap_back
- (x : u32) (y : u32) (st : state) (st0 : state) :
- result (state * (u32 * u32))
- :=
- custom_swap_back u32 x y st 1%u32 st0
+ (x : u32) (y : u32) (st : state) : result (state * (u32 * u32)) :=
+ p <- custom_swap u32 x y st;
+ let (st1, p1) := p in
+ let (_, custom_swap_back) := p1 in
+ p2 <- custom_swap_back 1%u32 st1;
+ let (_, p3) := p2 in
+ let (x1, y1) := p3 in
+ Return (st1, (x1, y1))
-(** [external::test_swap_non_zero]: forward function
+(** [external::test_swap_non_zero]:
Source: 'src/', lines 35:0-35:44 *)
Definition test_swap_non_zero (x : u32) (st : state) : result (state * u32) :=
p <- swap u32 x 0%u32 st;
- let (st0, _) := p in
- p0 <- swap_back u32 x 0%u32 st st0;
- let (st1, p1) := p0 in
- let (x0, _) := p1 in
- if x0 s= 0%u32 then Fail_ Failure else Return (st1, x0)
+ let (st1, p1) := p in
+ let (x1, _) := p1 in
+ if x1 s= 0%u32 then Fail_ Failure else Return (st1, x1)
End External_Funs.
diff --git a/tests/coq/misc/External_FunsExternal.v b/tests/coq/misc/External_FunsExternal.v
index a8c5756a..e9655f57 100644
--- a/tests/coq/misc/External_FunsExternal.v
+++ b/tests/coq/misc/External_FunsExternal.v
@@ -10,22 +10,10 @@ Require Export External_Types.
Include External_Types.
Module External_FunsExternal.
-(** [core::mem::swap]: forward function
+(** [core::mem::swap]:
Source: '/rustc/d59363ad0b6391b7fc5bbb02c9ccf9300eef3753/library/core/src/mem/', lines 726:0-726:42 *)
-Axiom core_mem_swap :
- forall(T : Type), T -> T -> state -> result (state * unit)
-(** [core::mem::swap]: backward function 0
- Source: '/rustc/d59363ad0b6391b7fc5bbb02c9ccf9300eef3753/library/core/src/mem/', lines 726:0-726:42 *)
-Axiom core_mem_swap_back0 :
- forall(T : Type), T -> T -> state -> state -> result (state * T)
-(** [core::mem::swap]: backward function 1
- Source: '/rustc/d59363ad0b6391b7fc5bbb02c9ccf9300eef3753/library/core/src/mem/', lines 726:0-726:42 *)
-Axiom core_mem_swap_back1 :
- forall(T : Type), T -> T -> state -> state -> result (state * T)
+Definition core_mem_swap (T : Type) (x : T) (y : T) (s : state) :=
+ Return (s, (y, x))
(** [core::num::nonzero::{core::num::nonzero::NonZeroU32#14}::new]: forward function
diff --git a/tests/coq/misc/External_FunsExternal_Template.v b/tests/coq/misc/External_FunsExternal_Template.v
index 31e69c39..6773ac18 100644
--- a/tests/coq/misc/External_FunsExternal_Template.v
+++ b/tests/coq/misc/External_FunsExternal_Template.v
@@ -11,31 +11,19 @@ Require Import External_Types.
Include External_Types.
Module External_FunsExternal_Template.
-(** [core::mem::swap]: forward function
+(** [core::mem::swap]:
Source: '/rustc/d59363ad0b6391b7fc5bbb02c9ccf9300eef3753/library/core/src/mem/', lines 726:0-726:42 *)
Axiom core_mem_swap :
- forall(T : Type), T -> T -> state -> result (state * unit)
+ forall(T : Type), T -> T -> state -> result (state * (T * T))
-(** [core::mem::swap]: backward function 0
- Source: '/rustc/d59363ad0b6391b7fc5bbb02c9ccf9300eef3753/library/core/src/mem/', lines 726:0-726:42 *)
-Axiom core_mem_swap_back0 :
- forall(T : Type), T -> T -> state -> state -> result (state * T)
-(** [core::mem::swap]: backward function 1
- Source: '/rustc/d59363ad0b6391b7fc5bbb02c9ccf9300eef3753/library/core/src/mem/', lines 726:0-726:42 *)
-Axiom core_mem_swap_back1 :
- forall(T : Type), T -> T -> state -> state -> result (state * T)
-(** [core::num::nonzero::{core::num::nonzero::NonZeroU32#14}::new]: forward function
+(** [core::num::nonzero::{core::num::nonzero::NonZeroU32#14}::new]:
Source: '/rustc/d59363ad0b6391b7fc5bbb02c9ccf9300eef3753/library/core/src/num/', lines 79:16-79:57 *)
Axiom core_num_nonzero_NonZeroU32_new
: u32 -> state -> result (state * (option core_num_nonzero_NonZeroU32_t))
-(** [core::option::{core::option::Option<T>}::unwrap]: forward function
+(** [core::option::{core::option::Option<T>}::unwrap]:
Source: '/rustc/d59363ad0b6391b7fc5bbb02c9ccf9300eef3753/library/core/src/', lines 932:4-932:34 *)
Axiom core_option_Option_unwrap :
forall(T : Type), option T -> state -> result (state * T)
diff --git a/tests/coq/misc/Loops.v b/tests/coq/misc/Loops.v
index 83c249c1..af920d41 100644
--- a/tests/coq/misc/Loops.v
+++ b/tests/coq/misc/Loops.v
@@ -8,90 +8,90 @@ Import ListNotations.
Local Open Scope Primitives_scope.
Module Loops.
-(** [loops::sum]: loop 0: forward function
+(** [loops::sum]: loop 0:
Source: 'src/', lines 4:0-14:1 *)
Fixpoint sum_loop (n : nat) (max : u32) (i : u32) (s : u32) : result u32 :=
match n with
| O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
+ | S n1 =>
if i s< max
- then (s0 <- u32_add s i; i0 <- u32_add i 1%u32; sum_loop n0 max i0 s0)
+ then (s1 <- u32_add s i; i1 <- u32_add i 1%u32; sum_loop n1 max i1 s1)
else u32_mul s 2%u32
-(** [loops::sum]: forward function
+(** [loops::sum]:
Source: 'src/', lines 4:0-4:27 *)
Definition sum (n : nat) (max : u32) : result u32 :=
sum_loop n max 0%u32 0%u32
-(** [loops::sum_with_mut_borrows]: loop 0: forward function
+(** [loops::sum_with_mut_borrows]: loop 0:
Source: 'src/', lines 19:0-31:1 *)
Fixpoint sum_with_mut_borrows_loop
(n : nat) (max : u32) (mi : u32) (ms : u32) : result u32 :=
match n with
| O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
+ | S n1 =>
if mi s< max
then (
- ms0 <- u32_add ms mi;
- mi0 <- u32_add mi 1%u32;
- sum_with_mut_borrows_loop n0 max mi0 ms0)
+ ms1 <- u32_add ms mi;
+ mi1 <- u32_add mi 1%u32;
+ sum_with_mut_borrows_loop n1 max mi1 ms1)
else u32_mul ms 2%u32
-(** [loops::sum_with_mut_borrows]: forward function
+(** [loops::sum_with_mut_borrows]:
Source: 'src/', lines 19:0-19:44 *)
Definition sum_with_mut_borrows (n : nat) (max : u32) : result u32 :=
sum_with_mut_borrows_loop n max 0%u32 0%u32
-(** [loops::sum_with_shared_borrows]: loop 0: forward function
+(** [loops::sum_with_shared_borrows]: loop 0:
Source: 'src/', lines 34:0-48:1 *)
Fixpoint sum_with_shared_borrows_loop
(n : nat) (max : u32) (i : u32) (s : u32) : result u32 :=
match n with
| O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
+ | S n1 =>
if i s< max
then (
- i0 <- u32_add i 1%u32;
- s0 <- u32_add s i0;
- sum_with_shared_borrows_loop n0 max i0 s0)
+ i1 <- u32_add i 1%u32;
+ s1 <- u32_add s i1;
+ sum_with_shared_borrows_loop n1 max i1 s1)
else u32_mul s 2%u32
-(** [loops::sum_with_shared_borrows]: forward function
+(** [loops::sum_with_shared_borrows]:
Source: 'src/', lines 34:0-34:47 *)
Definition sum_with_shared_borrows (n : nat) (max : u32) : result u32 :=
sum_with_shared_borrows_loop n max 0%u32 0%u32
-(** [loops::clear]: loop 0: merged forward/backward function
- (there is a single backward function, and the forward function returns ())
+(** [loops::clear]: loop 0:
Source: 'src/', lines 52:0-58:1 *)
Fixpoint clear_loop
(n : nat) (v : alloc_vec_Vec u32) (i : usize) : result (alloc_vec_Vec u32) :=
match n with
| O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
- let i0 := alloc_vec_Vec_len u32 v in
- if i s< i0
+ | S n1 =>
+ let i1 := alloc_vec_Vec_len u32 v in
+ if i s< i1
then (
- i1 <- usize_add i 1%usize;
- v0 <-
- alloc_vec_Vec_index_mut_back u32 usize
- (core_slice_index_SliceIndexUsizeSliceTInst u32) v i 0%u32;
- clear_loop n0 v0 i1)
+ p <-
+ alloc_vec_Vec_index_mut u32 usize
+ (core_slice_index_SliceIndexUsizeSliceTInst u32) v i;
+ let (_, index_mut_back) := p in
+ i2 <- usize_add i 1%usize;
+ v1 <- index_mut_back 0%u32;
+ clear_loop n1 v1 i2)
else Return v
-(** [loops::clear]: merged forward/backward function
- (there is a single backward function, and the forward function returns ())
+(** [loops::clear]:
Source: 'src/', lines 52:0-52:30 *)
Definition clear
(n : nat) (v : alloc_vec_Vec u32) : result (alloc_vec_Vec u32) :=
@@ -108,181 +108,143 @@ Inductive List_t (T : Type) :=
Arguments List_Cons { _ }.
Arguments List_Nil { _ }.
-(** [loops::list_mem]: loop 0: forward function
+(** [loops::list_mem]: loop 0:
Source: 'src/', lines 66:0-75:1 *)
Fixpoint list_mem_loop (n : nat) (x : u32) (ls : List_t u32) : result bool :=
match n with
| O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
+ | S n1 =>
match ls with
- | List_Cons y tl => if y s= x then Return true else list_mem_loop n0 x tl
+ | List_Cons y tl => if y s= x then Return true else list_mem_loop n1 x tl
| List_Nil => Return false
-(** [loops::list_mem]: forward function
+(** [loops::list_mem]:
Source: 'src/', lines 66:0-66:52 *)
Definition list_mem (n : nat) (x : u32) (ls : List_t u32) : result bool :=
list_mem_loop n x ls
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop]: loop 0: forward function
+(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop]: loop 0:
Source: 'src/', lines 78:0-88:1 *)
Fixpoint list_nth_mut_loop_loop
- (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls : List_t T) (i : u32) : result T :=
- match n with
- | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
- match ls with
- | List_Cons x tl =>
- if i s= 0%u32
- then Return x
- else (i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32; list_nth_mut_loop_loop T n0 tl i0)
- | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
- end
- end
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop]: forward function
- Source: 'src/', lines 78:0-78:71 *)
-Definition list_nth_mut_loop
- (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls : List_t T) (i : u32) : result T :=
- list_nth_mut_loop_loop T n ls i
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop]: loop 0: backward function 0
- Source: 'src/', lines 78:0-88:1 *)
-Fixpoint list_nth_mut_loop_loop_back
- (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls : List_t T) (i : u32) (ret : T) :
- result (List_t T)
+ (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls : List_t T) (i : u32) :
+ result (T * (T -> result (List_t T)))
match n with
| O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
+ | S n1 =>
match ls with
| List_Cons x tl =>
if i s= 0%u32
- then Return (List_Cons ret tl)
+ then
+ let back := fun (ret : T) => Return (List_Cons ret tl) in
+ Return (x, back)
else (
- i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
- tl0 <- list_nth_mut_loop_loop_back T n0 tl i0 ret;
- Return (List_Cons x tl0))
+ i1 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
+ p <- list_nth_mut_loop_loop T n1 tl i1;
+ let (t, back) := p in
+ let back1 := fun (ret : T) => tl1 <- back ret; Return (List_Cons x tl1)
+ in
+ Return (t, back1))
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop]: backward function 0
+(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop]:
Source: 'src/', lines 78:0-78:71 *)
-Definition list_nth_mut_loop_back
- (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls : List_t T) (i : u32) (ret : T) :
- result (List_t T)
+Definition list_nth_mut_loop
+ (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls : List_t T) (i : u32) :
+ result (T * (T -> result (List_t T)))
- list_nth_mut_loop_loop_back T n ls i ret
+ p <- list_nth_mut_loop_loop T n ls i; let (t, back) := p in Return (t, back)
-(** [loops::list_nth_shared_loop]: loop 0: forward function
+(** [loops::list_nth_shared_loop]: loop 0:
Source: 'src/', lines 91:0-101:1 *)
Fixpoint list_nth_shared_loop_loop
(T : Type) (n : nat) (ls : List_t T) (i : u32) : result T :=
match n with
| O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
+ | S n1 =>
match ls with
| List_Cons x tl =>
if i s= 0%u32
then Return x
- else (i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32; list_nth_shared_loop_loop T n0 tl i0)
+ else (i1 <- u32_sub i 1%u32; list_nth_shared_loop_loop T n1 tl i1)
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
-(** [loops::list_nth_shared_loop]: forward function
+(** [loops::list_nth_shared_loop]:
Source: 'src/', lines 91:0-91:66 *)
Definition list_nth_shared_loop
(T : Type) (n : nat) (ls : List_t T) (i : u32) : result T :=
list_nth_shared_loop_loop T n ls i
-(** [loops::get_elem_mut]: loop 0: forward function
+(** [loops::get_elem_mut]: loop 0:
Source: 'src/', lines 103:0-117:1 *)
Fixpoint get_elem_mut_loop
- (n : nat) (x : usize) (ls : List_t usize) : result usize :=
- match n with
- | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
- match ls with
- | List_Cons y tl => if y s= x then Return y else get_elem_mut_loop n0 x tl
- | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
- end
- end
-(** [loops::get_elem_mut]: forward function
- Source: 'src/', lines 103:0-103:73 *)
-Definition get_elem_mut
- (n : nat) (slots : alloc_vec_Vec (List_t usize)) (x : usize) :
- result usize
- :=
- l <-
- alloc_vec_Vec_index_mut (List_t usize) usize
- (core_slice_index_SliceIndexUsizeSliceTInst (List_t usize)) slots 0%usize;
- get_elem_mut_loop n x l
-(** [loops::get_elem_mut]: loop 0: backward function 0
- Source: 'src/', lines 103:0-117:1 *)
-Fixpoint get_elem_mut_loop_back
- (n : nat) (x : usize) (ls : List_t usize) (ret : usize) :
- result (List_t usize)
+ (n : nat) (x : usize) (ls : List_t usize) :
+ result (usize * (usize -> result (List_t usize)))
match n with
| O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
+ | S n1 =>
match ls with
| List_Cons y tl =>
if y s= x
- then Return (List_Cons ret tl)
+ then
+ let back := fun (ret : usize) => Return (List_Cons ret tl) in
+ Return (y, back)
else (
- tl0 <- get_elem_mut_loop_back n0 x tl ret; Return (List_Cons y tl0))
+ p <- get_elem_mut_loop n1 x tl;
+ let (i, back) := p in
+ let back1 :=
+ fun (ret : usize) => tl1 <- back ret; Return (List_Cons y tl1) in
+ Return (i, back1))
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
-(** [loops::get_elem_mut]: backward function 0
+(** [loops::get_elem_mut]:
Source: 'src/', lines 103:0-103:73 *)
-Definition get_elem_mut_back
- (n : nat) (slots : alloc_vec_Vec (List_t usize)) (x : usize) (ret : usize) :
- result (alloc_vec_Vec (List_t usize))
+Definition get_elem_mut
+ (n : nat) (slots : alloc_vec_Vec (List_t usize)) (x : usize) :
+ result (usize * (usize -> result (alloc_vec_Vec (List_t usize))))
- l <-
+ p <-
alloc_vec_Vec_index_mut (List_t usize) usize
(core_slice_index_SliceIndexUsizeSliceTInst (List_t usize)) slots 0%usize;
- l0 <- get_elem_mut_loop_back n x l ret;
- alloc_vec_Vec_index_mut_back (List_t usize) usize
- (core_slice_index_SliceIndexUsizeSliceTInst (List_t usize)) slots 0%usize
- l0
+ let (l, index_mut_back) := p in
+ p1 <- get_elem_mut_loop n x l;
+ let (i, back) := p1 in
+ let back1 := fun (ret : usize) => l1 <- back ret; index_mut_back l1 in
+ Return (i, back1)
-(** [loops::get_elem_shared]: loop 0: forward function
+(** [loops::get_elem_shared]: loop 0:
Source: 'src/', lines 119:0-133:1 *)
Fixpoint get_elem_shared_loop
(n : nat) (x : usize) (ls : List_t usize) : result usize :=
match n with
| O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
+ | S n1 =>
match ls with
| List_Cons y tl =>
- if y s= x then Return y else get_elem_shared_loop n0 x tl
+ if y s= x then Return y else get_elem_shared_loop n1 x tl
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
-(** [loops::get_elem_shared]: forward function
+(** [loops::get_elem_shared]:
Source: 'src/', lines 119:0-119:68 *)
Definition get_elem_shared
(n : nat) (slots : alloc_vec_Vec (List_t usize)) (x : usize) :
@@ -294,123 +256,114 @@ Definition get_elem_shared
get_elem_shared_loop n x l
-(** [loops::id_mut]: forward function
- Source: 'src/', lines 135:0-135:50 *)
-Definition id_mut (T : Type) (ls : List_t T) : result (List_t T) :=
- Return ls.
-(** [loops::id_mut]: backward function 0
+(** [loops::id_mut]:
Source: 'src/', lines 135:0-135:50 *)
-Definition id_mut_back
- (T : Type) (ls : List_t T) (ret : List_t T) : result (List_t T) :=
- Return ret
+Definition id_mut
+ (T : Type) (ls : List_t T) :
+ result ((List_t T) * (List_t T -> result (List_t T)))
+ :=
+ Return (ls, Return)
-(** [loops::id_shared]: forward function
+(** [loops::id_shared]:
Source: 'src/', lines 139:0-139:45 *)
Definition id_shared (T : Type) (ls : List_t T) : result (List_t T) :=
Return ls
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_with_id]: loop 0: forward function
+(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_with_id]: loop 0:
Source: 'src/', lines 144:0-155:1 *)
Fixpoint list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop
- (T : Type) (n : nat) (i : u32) (ls : List_t T) : result T :=
- match n with
- | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
- match ls with
- | List_Cons x tl =>
- if i s= 0%u32
- then Return x
- else (i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32; list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop T n0 i0 tl)
- | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
- end
- end
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_with_id]: forward function
- Source: 'src/', lines 144:0-144:75 *)
-Definition list_nth_mut_loop_with_id
- (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls : List_t T) (i : u32) : result T :=
- ls0 <- id_mut T ls; list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop T n i ls0
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_with_id]: loop 0: backward function 0
- Source: 'src/', lines 144:0-155:1 *)
-Fixpoint list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop_back
- (T : Type) (n : nat) (i : u32) (ls : List_t T) (ret : T) :
- result (List_t T)
+ (T : Type) (n : nat) (i : u32) (ls : List_t T) :
+ result (T * (T -> result (List_t T)))
match n with
| O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
+ | S n1 =>
match ls with
| List_Cons x tl =>
if i s= 0%u32
- then Return (List_Cons ret tl)
+ then
+ let back := fun (ret : T) => Return (List_Cons ret tl) in
+ Return (x, back)
else (
- i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
- tl0 <- list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop_back T n0 i0 tl ret;
- Return (List_Cons x tl0))
+ i1 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
+ p <- list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop T n1 i1 tl;
+ let (t, back) := p in
+ let back1 := fun (ret : T) => tl1 <- back ret; Return (List_Cons x tl1)
+ in
+ Return (t, back1))
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_with_id]: backward function 0
+(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_with_id]:
Source: 'src/', lines 144:0-144:75 *)
-Definition list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_back
- (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls : List_t T) (i : u32) (ret : T) :
- result (List_t T)
+Definition list_nth_mut_loop_with_id
+ (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls : List_t T) (i : u32) :
+ result (T * (T -> result (List_t T)))
- ls0 <- id_mut T ls;
- l <- list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop_back T n i ls0 ret;
- id_mut_back T ls l
+ p <- id_mut T ls;
+ let (ls1, id_mut_back) := p in
+ p1 <- list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop T n i ls1;
+ let (t, back) := p1 in
+ let back1 := fun (ret : T) => l <- back ret; id_mut_back l in
+ Return (t, back1)
-(** [loops::list_nth_shared_loop_with_id]: loop 0: forward function
+(** [loops::list_nth_shared_loop_with_id]: loop 0:
Source: 'src/', lines 158:0-169:1 *)
Fixpoint list_nth_shared_loop_with_id_loop
(T : Type) (n : nat) (i : u32) (ls : List_t T) : result T :=
match n with
| O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
+ | S n1 =>
match ls with
| List_Cons x tl =>
if i s= 0%u32
then Return x
else (
- i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32; list_nth_shared_loop_with_id_loop T n0 i0 tl)
+ i1 <- u32_sub i 1%u32; list_nth_shared_loop_with_id_loop T n1 i1 tl)
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
-(** [loops::list_nth_shared_loop_with_id]: forward function
+(** [loops::list_nth_shared_loop_with_id]:
Source: 'src/', lines 158:0-158:70 *)
Definition list_nth_shared_loop_with_id
(T : Type) (n : nat) (ls : List_t T) (i : u32) : result T :=
- ls0 <- id_shared T ls; list_nth_shared_loop_with_id_loop T n i ls0
+ ls1 <- id_shared T ls; list_nth_shared_loop_with_id_loop T n i ls1
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair]: loop 0: forward function
+(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair]: loop 0:
Source: 'src/', lines 174:0-195:1 *)
Fixpoint list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop
(T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) :
- result (T * T)
+ result ((T * T) * (T -> result (List_t T)) * (T -> result (List_t T)))
match n with
| O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
+ | S n1 =>
match ls0 with
| List_Cons x0 tl0 =>
match ls1 with
| List_Cons x1 tl1 =>
if i s= 0%u32
- then Return (x0, x1)
+ then
+ let back_'a := fun (ret : T) => Return (List_Cons ret tl0) in
+ let back_'b := fun (ret : T) => Return (List_Cons ret tl1) in
+ Return ((x0, x1), back_'a, back_'b)
else (
- i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32; list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop T n0 tl0 tl1 i0)
+ i1 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
+ t <- list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop T n1 tl0 tl1 i1;
+ let '(p, back_'a, back_'b) := t in
+ let back_'a1 :=
+ fun (ret : T) => tl01 <- back_'a ret; Return (List_Cons x0 tl01) in
+ let back_'b1 :=
+ fun (ret : T) => tl11 <- back_'b ret; Return (List_Cons x1 tl11) in
+ Return (p, back_'a1, back_'b1))
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
@@ -418,86 +371,18 @@ Fixpoint list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair]: forward function
+(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair]:
Source: 'src/', lines 174:0-178:27 *)
Definition list_nth_mut_loop_pair
(T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) :
- result (T * T)
+ result ((T * T) * (T -> result (List_t T)) * (T -> result (List_t T)))
- list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop T n ls0 ls1 i
+ t <- list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop T n ls0 ls1 i;
+ let '(p, back_'a, back_'b) := t in
+ Return (p, back_'a, back_'b)
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair]: loop 0: backward function 0
- Source: 'src/', lines 174:0-195:1 *)
-Fixpoint list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_back'a
- (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) (ret : T) :
- result (List_t T)
- :=
- match n with
- | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
- match ls0 with
- | List_Cons x0 tl0 =>
- match ls1 with
- | List_Cons x1 tl1 =>
- if i s= 0%u32
- then Return (List_Cons ret tl0)
- else (
- i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
- tl00 <- list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_back'a T n0 tl0 tl1 i0 ret;
- Return (List_Cons x0 tl00))
- | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
- end
- | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
- end
- end
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair]: backward function 0
- Source: 'src/', lines 174:0-178:27 *)
-Definition list_nth_mut_loop_pair_back'a
- (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) (ret : T) :
- result (List_t T)
- :=
- list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_back'a T n ls0 ls1 i ret
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair]: loop 0: backward function 1
- Source: 'src/', lines 174:0-195:1 *)
-Fixpoint list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_back'b
- (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) (ret : T) :
- result (List_t T)
- :=
- match n with
- | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
- match ls0 with
- | List_Cons x0 tl0 =>
- match ls1 with
- | List_Cons x1 tl1 =>
- if i s= 0%u32
- then Return (List_Cons ret tl1)
- else (
- i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
- tl10 <- list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_back'b T n0 tl0 tl1 i0 ret;
- Return (List_Cons x1 tl10))
- | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
- end
- | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
- end
- end
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair]: backward function 1
- Source: 'src/', lines 174:0-178:27 *)
-Definition list_nth_mut_loop_pair_back'b
- (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) (ret : T) :
- result (List_t T)
- :=
- list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_back'b T n ls0 ls1 i ret
-(** [loops::list_nth_shared_loop_pair]: loop 0: forward function
+(** [loops::list_nth_shared_loop_pair]: loop 0:
Source: 'src/', lines 198:0-219:1 *)
Fixpoint list_nth_shared_loop_pair_loop
(T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) :
@@ -505,7 +390,7 @@ Fixpoint list_nth_shared_loop_pair_loop
match n with
| O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
+ | S n1 =>
match ls0 with
| List_Cons x0 tl0 =>
match ls1 with
@@ -513,7 +398,7 @@ Fixpoint list_nth_shared_loop_pair_loop
if i s= 0%u32
then Return (x0, x1)
else (
- i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32; list_nth_shared_loop_pair_loop T n0 tl0 tl1 i0)
+ i1 <- u32_sub i 1%u32; list_nth_shared_loop_pair_loop T n1 tl0 tl1 i1)
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
@@ -521,7 +406,7 @@ Fixpoint list_nth_shared_loop_pair_loop
-(** [loops::list_nth_shared_loop_pair]: forward function
+(** [loops::list_nth_shared_loop_pair]:
Source: 'src/', lines 198:0-202:19 *)
Definition list_nth_shared_loop_pair
(T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) :
@@ -530,24 +415,36 @@ Definition list_nth_shared_loop_pair
list_nth_shared_loop_pair_loop T n ls0 ls1 i
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge]: loop 0: forward function
+(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge]: loop 0:
Source: 'src/', lines 223:0-238:1 *)
Fixpoint list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop
(T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) :
- result (T * T)
+ result ((T * T) * ((T * T) -> result ((List_t T) * (List_t T))))
match n with
| O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
+ | S n1 =>
match ls0 with
| List_Cons x0 tl0 =>
match ls1 with
| List_Cons x1 tl1 =>
if i s= 0%u32
- then Return (x0, x1)
+ then
+ let back_'a :=
+ fun (ret : (T * T)) =>
+ let (t, t1) := ret in Return (List_Cons t tl0, List_Cons t1 tl1)
+ in
+ Return ((x0, x1), back_'a)
else (
- i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
- list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop T n0 tl0 tl1 i0)
+ i1 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
+ p <- list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop T n1 tl0 tl1 i1;
+ let (p1, back_'a) := p in
+ let back_'a1 :=
+ fun (ret : (T * T)) =>
+ p2 <- back_'a ret;
+ let (tl01, tl11) := p2 in
+ Return (List_Cons x0 tl01, List_Cons x1 tl11) in
+ Return (p1, back_'a1))
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
@@ -555,54 +452,18 @@ Fixpoint list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge]: forward function
+(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge]:
Source: 'src/', lines 223:0-227:27 *)
Definition list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge
(T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) :
- result (T * T)
+ result ((T * T) * ((T * T) -> result ((List_t T) * (List_t T))))
- list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop T n ls0 ls1 i
+ p <- list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop T n ls0 ls1 i;
+ let (p1, back_'a) := p in
+ Return (p1, back_'a)
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge]: loop 0: backward function 0
- Source: 'src/', lines 223:0-238:1 *)
-Fixpoint list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_back
- (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32)
- (ret : (T * T)) :
- result ((List_t T) * (List_t T))
- :=
- match n with
- | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
- match ls0 with
- | List_Cons x0 tl0 =>
- match ls1 with
- | List_Cons x1 tl1 =>
- if i s= 0%u32
- then let (t, t0) := ret in Return (List_Cons t tl0, List_Cons t0 tl1)
- else (
- i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
- p <- list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_back T n0 tl0 tl1 i0 ret;
- let (tl00, tl10) := p in
- Return (List_Cons x0 tl00, List_Cons x1 tl10))
- | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
- end
- | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
- end
- end
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge]: backward function 0
- Source: 'src/', lines 223:0-227:27 *)
-Definition list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_back
- (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32)
- (ret : (T * T)) :
- result ((List_t T) * (List_t T))
- :=
- list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_back T n ls0 ls1 i ret
-(** [loops::list_nth_shared_loop_pair_merge]: loop 0: forward function
+(** [loops::list_nth_shared_loop_pair_merge]: loop 0:
Source: 'src/', lines 241:0-256:1 *)
Fixpoint list_nth_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop
(T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) :
@@ -610,7 +471,7 @@ Fixpoint list_nth_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop
match n with
| O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
+ | S n1 =>
match ls0 with
| List_Cons x0 tl0 =>
match ls1 with
@@ -618,8 +479,8 @@ Fixpoint list_nth_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop
if i s= 0%u32
then Return (x0, x1)
else (
- i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
- list_nth_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop T n0 tl0 tl1 i0)
+ i1 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
+ list_nth_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop T n1 tl0 tl1 i1)
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
@@ -627,7 +488,7 @@ Fixpoint list_nth_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop
-(** [loops::list_nth_shared_loop_pair_merge]: forward function
+(** [loops::list_nth_shared_loop_pair_merge]:
Source: 'src/', lines 241:0-245:19 *)
Definition list_nth_shared_loop_pair_merge
(T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) :
@@ -636,24 +497,30 @@ Definition list_nth_shared_loop_pair_merge
list_nth_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop T n ls0 ls1 i
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair]: loop 0: forward function
+(** [loops::list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair]: loop 0:
Source: 'src/', lines 259:0-274:1 *)
Fixpoint list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_loop
(T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) :
- result (T * T)
+ result ((T * T) * (T -> result (List_t T)))
match n with
| O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
+ | S n1 =>
match ls0 with
| List_Cons x0 tl0 =>
match ls1 with
| List_Cons x1 tl1 =>
if i s= 0%u32
- then Return (x0, x1)
+ then
+ let back_'a := fun (ret : T) => Return (List_Cons ret tl0) in
+ Return ((x0, x1), back_'a)
else (
- i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
- list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_loop T n0 tl0 tl1 i0)
+ i1 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
+ p <- list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_loop T n1 tl0 tl1 i1;
+ let (p1, back_'a) := p in
+ let back_'a1 :=
+ fun (ret : T) => tl01 <- back_'a ret; Return (List_Cons x0 tl01) in
+ Return (p1, back_'a1))
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
@@ -661,68 +528,41 @@ Fixpoint list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_loop
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair]: forward function
+(** [loops::list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair]:
Source: 'src/', lines 259:0-263:23 *)
Definition list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair
(T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) :
- result (T * T)
+ result ((T * T) * (T -> result (List_t T)))
- list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_loop T n ls0 ls1 i
+ p <- list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_loop T n ls0 ls1 i;
+ let (p1, back_'a) := p in
+ Return (p1, back_'a)
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair]: loop 0: backward function 0
- Source: 'src/', lines 259:0-274:1 *)
-Fixpoint list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_loop_back
- (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) (ret : T) :
- result (List_t T)
- :=
- match n with
- | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
- match ls0 with
- | List_Cons x0 tl0 =>
- match ls1 with
- | List_Cons x1 tl1 =>
- if i s= 0%u32
- then Return (List_Cons ret tl0)
- else (
- i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
- tl00 <- list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_loop_back T n0 tl0 tl1 i0 ret;
- Return (List_Cons x0 tl00))
- | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
- end
- | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
- end
- end
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair]: backward function 0
- Source: 'src/', lines 259:0-263:23 *)
-Definition list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_back
- (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) (ret : T) :
- result (List_t T)
- :=
- list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_loop_back T n ls0 ls1 i ret
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge]: loop 0: forward function
+(** [loops::list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge]: loop 0:
Source: 'src/', lines 278:0-293:1 *)
Fixpoint list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop
(T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) :
- result (T * T)
+ result ((T * T) * (T -> result (List_t T)))
match n with
| O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
+ | S n1 =>
match ls0 with
| List_Cons x0 tl0 =>
match ls1 with
| List_Cons x1 tl1 =>
if i s= 0%u32
- then Return (x0, x1)
+ then
+ let back_'a := fun (ret : T) => Return (List_Cons ret tl0) in
+ Return ((x0, x1), back_'a)
else (
- i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
- list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop T n0 tl0 tl1 i0)
+ i1 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
+ p <- list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop T n1 tl0 tl1 i1;
+ let (p1, back_'a) := p in
+ let back_'a1 :=
+ fun (ret : T) => tl01 <- back_'a ret; Return (List_Cons x0 tl01) in
+ Return (p1, back_'a1))
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
@@ -730,69 +570,41 @@ Fixpoint list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge]: forward function
+(** [loops::list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge]:
Source: 'src/', lines 278:0-282:23 *)
Definition list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge
(T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) :
- result (T * T)
- :=
- list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop T n ls0 ls1 i
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge]: loop 0: backward function 0
- Source: 'src/', lines 278:0-293:1 *)
-Fixpoint list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop_back
- (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) (ret : T) :
- result (List_t T)
- :=
- match n with
- | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
- match ls0 with
- | List_Cons x0 tl0 =>
- match ls1 with
- | List_Cons x1 tl1 =>
- if i s= 0%u32
- then Return (List_Cons ret tl0)
- else (
- i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
- tl00 <-
- list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop_back T n0 tl0 tl1 i0 ret;
- Return (List_Cons x0 tl00))
- | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
- end
- | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
- end
- end
-(** [loops::list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge]: backward function 0
- Source: 'src/', lines 278:0-282:23 *)
-Definition list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_back
- (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) (ret : T) :
- result (List_t T)
+ result ((T * T) * (T -> result (List_t T)))
- list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop_back T n ls0 ls1 i ret
+ p <- list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop T n ls0 ls1 i;
+ let (p1, back_'a) := p in
+ Return (p1, back_'a)
-(** [loops::list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair]: loop 0: forward function
+(** [loops::list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair]: loop 0:
Source: 'src/', lines 297:0-312:1 *)
Fixpoint list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_loop
(T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) :
- result (T * T)
+ result ((T * T) * (T -> result (List_t T)))
match n with
| O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
+ | S n1 =>
match ls0 with
| List_Cons x0 tl0 =>
match ls1 with
| List_Cons x1 tl1 =>
if i s= 0%u32
- then Return (x0, x1)
+ then
+ let back_'b := fun (ret : T) => Return (List_Cons ret tl1) in
+ Return ((x0, x1), back_'b)
else (
- i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
- list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_loop T n0 tl0 tl1 i0)
+ i1 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
+ p <- list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_loop T n1 tl0 tl1 i1;
+ let (p1, back_'b) := p in
+ let back_'b1 :=
+ fun (ret : T) => tl11 <- back_'b ret; Return (List_Cons x1 tl11) in
+ Return (p1, back_'b1))
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
@@ -800,68 +612,41 @@ Fixpoint list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_loop
-(** [loops::list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair]: forward function
+(** [loops::list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair]:
Source: 'src/', lines 297:0-301:23 *)
Definition list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair
(T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) :
- result (T * T)
+ result ((T * T) * (T -> result (List_t T)))
- list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_loop T n ls0 ls1 i
-(** [loops::list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair]: loop 0: backward function 1
- Source: 'src/', lines 297:0-312:1 *)
-Fixpoint list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_loop_back
- (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) (ret : T) :
- result (List_t T)
- :=
- match n with
- | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
- match ls0 with
- | List_Cons x0 tl0 =>
- match ls1 with
- | List_Cons x1 tl1 =>
- if i s= 0%u32
- then Return (List_Cons ret tl1)
- else (
- i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
- tl10 <- list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_loop_back T n0 tl0 tl1 i0 ret;
- Return (List_Cons x1 tl10))
- | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
- end
- | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
- end
- end
+ p <- list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_loop T n ls0 ls1 i;
+ let (p1, back_'b) := p in
+ Return (p1, back_'b)
-(** [loops::list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair]: backward function 1
- Source: 'src/', lines 297:0-301:23 *)
-Definition list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_back
- (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) (ret : T) :
- result (List_t T)
- :=
- list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_loop_back T n ls0 ls1 i ret
-(** [loops::list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge]: loop 0: forward function
+(** [loops::list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge]: loop 0:
Source: 'src/', lines 316:0-331:1 *)
Fixpoint list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop
(T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) :
- result (T * T)
+ result ((T * T) * (T -> result (List_t T)))
match n with
| O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
+ | S n1 =>
match ls0 with
| List_Cons x0 tl0 =>
match ls1 with
| List_Cons x1 tl1 =>
if i s= 0%u32
- then Return (x0, x1)
+ then
+ let back_'a := fun (ret : T) => Return (List_Cons ret tl1) in
+ Return ((x0, x1), back_'a)
else (
- i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
- list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop T n0 tl0 tl1 i0)
+ i1 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
+ p <- list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop T n1 tl0 tl1 i1;
+ let (p1, back_'a) := p in
+ let back_'a1 :=
+ fun (ret : T) => tl11 <- back_'a ret; Return (List_Cons x1 tl11) in
+ Return (p1, back_'a1))
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
@@ -869,49 +654,15 @@ Fixpoint list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop
-(** [loops::list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge]: forward function
+(** [loops::list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge]:
Source: 'src/', lines 316:0-320:23 *)
Definition list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge
(T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) :
- result (T * T)
- :=
- list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop T n ls0 ls1 i
-(** [loops::list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge]: loop 0: backward function 0
- Source: 'src/', lines 316:0-331:1 *)
-Fixpoint list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_back
- (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) (ret : T) :
- result (List_t T)
- :=
- match n with
- | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel
- | S n0 =>
- match ls0 with
- | List_Cons x0 tl0 =>
- match ls1 with
- | List_Cons x1 tl1 =>
- if i s= 0%u32
- then Return (List_Cons ret tl1)
- else (
- i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
- tl10 <-
- list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_back T n0 tl0 tl1 i0 ret;
- Return (List_Cons x1 tl10))
- | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
- end
- | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
- end
- end
-(** [loops::list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge]: backward function 0
- Source: 'src/', lines 316:0-320:23 *)
-Definition list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_back
- (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls0 : List_t T) (ls1 : List_t T) (i : u32) (ret : T) :
- result (List_t T)
+ result ((T * T) * (T -> result (List_t T)))
- list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_back T n ls0 ls1 i ret
+ p <- list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop T n ls0 ls1 i;
+ let (p1, back_'a) := p in
+ Return (p1, back_'a)
End Loops.
diff --git a/tests/coq/misc/NoNestedBorrows.v b/tests/coq/misc/NoNestedBorrows.v
index 65164ac5..8857d4b6 100644
--- a/tests/coq/misc/NoNestedBorrows.v
+++ b/tests/coq/misc/NoNestedBorrows.v
@@ -54,97 +54,97 @@ Inductive Sum_t (T1 T2 : Type) :=
Arguments Sum_Left { _ _ }.
Arguments Sum_Right { _ _ }.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::neg_test]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::neg_test]:
Source: 'src/', lines 48:0-48:30 *)
Definition neg_test (x : i32) : result i32 :=
i32_neg x.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::add_u32]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::add_u32]:
Source: 'src/', lines 54:0-54:37 *)
Definition add_u32 (x : u32) (y : u32) : result u32 :=
u32_add x y.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::subs_u32]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::subs_u32]:
Source: 'src/', lines 60:0-60:38 *)
Definition subs_u32 (x : u32) (y : u32) : result u32 :=
u32_sub x y.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::div_u32]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::div_u32]:
Source: 'src/', lines 66:0-66:37 *)
Definition div_u32 (x : u32) (y : u32) : result u32 :=
u32_div x y.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::div_u32_const]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::div_u32_const]:
Source: 'src/', lines 73:0-73:35 *)
Definition div_u32_const (x : u32) : result u32 :=
u32_div x 2%u32.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::rem_u32]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::rem_u32]:
Source: 'src/', lines 78:0-78:37 *)
Definition rem_u32 (x : u32) (y : u32) : result u32 :=
u32_rem x y.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::mul_u32]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::mul_u32]:
Source: 'src/', lines 82:0-82:37 *)
Definition mul_u32 (x : u32) (y : u32) : result u32 :=
u32_mul x y.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::add_i32]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::add_i32]:
Source: 'src/', lines 88:0-88:37 *)
Definition add_i32 (x : i32) (y : i32) : result i32 :=
i32_add x y.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::subs_i32]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::subs_i32]:
Source: 'src/', lines 92:0-92:38 *)
Definition subs_i32 (x : i32) (y : i32) : result i32 :=
i32_sub x y.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::div_i32]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::div_i32]:
Source: 'src/', lines 96:0-96:37 *)
Definition div_i32 (x : i32) (y : i32) : result i32 :=
i32_div x y.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::div_i32_const]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::div_i32_const]:
Source: 'src/', lines 100:0-100:35 *)
Definition div_i32_const (x : i32) : result i32 :=
i32_div x 2%i32.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::rem_i32]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::rem_i32]:
Source: 'src/', lines 104:0-104:37 *)
Definition rem_i32 (x : i32) (y : i32) : result i32 :=
i32_rem x y.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::mul_i32]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::mul_i32]:
Source: 'src/', lines 108:0-108:37 *)
Definition mul_i32 (x : i32) (y : i32) : result i32 :=
i32_mul x y.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::mix_arith_u32]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::mix_arith_u32]:
Source: 'src/', lines 112:0-112:51 *)
Definition mix_arith_u32 (x : u32) (y : u32) (z : u32) : result u32 :=
i <- u32_add x y;
- i0 <- u32_div x y;
- i1 <- u32_mul i i0;
- i2 <- u32_rem z y;
- i3 <- u32_sub x i2;
- i4 <- u32_add i1 i3;
- i5 <- u32_add x y;
- i6 <- u32_add i5 z;
- u32_rem i4 i6
+ i1 <- u32_div x y;
+ i2 <- u32_mul i i1;
+ i3 <- u32_rem z y;
+ i4 <- u32_sub x i3;
+ i5 <- u32_add i2 i4;
+ i6 <- u32_add x y;
+ i7 <- u32_add i6 z;
+ u32_rem i5 i7
-(** [no_nested_borrows::mix_arith_i32]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::mix_arith_i32]:
Source: 'src/', lines 116:0-116:51 *)
Definition mix_arith_i32 (x : i32) (y : i32) (z : i32) : result i32 :=
i <- i32_add x y;
- i0 <- i32_div x y;
- i1 <- i32_mul i i0;
- i2 <- i32_rem z y;
- i3 <- i32_sub x i2;
- i4 <- i32_add i1 i3;
- i5 <- i32_add x y;
- i6 <- i32_add i5 z;
- i32_rem i4 i6
+ i1 <- i32_div x y;
+ i2 <- i32_mul i i1;
+ i3 <- i32_rem z y;
+ i4 <- i32_sub x i3;
+ i5 <- i32_add i2 i4;
+ i6 <- i32_add x y;
+ i7 <- i32_add i6 z;
+ i32_rem i5 i7
(** [no_nested_borrows::CONST0]
@@ -157,22 +157,22 @@ Definition const0_c : usize := const0_body%global.
Definition const1_body : result usize := usize_mul 2%usize 2%usize.
Definition const1_c : usize := const1_body%global.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::cast_u32_to_i32]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::cast_u32_to_i32]:
Source: 'src/', lines 128:0-128:37 *)
Definition cast_u32_to_i32 (x : u32) : result i32 :=
scalar_cast U32 I32 x.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::cast_bool_to_i32]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::cast_bool_to_i32]:
Source: 'src/', lines 132:0-132:39 *)
Definition cast_bool_to_i32 (x : bool) : result i32 :=
scalar_cast_bool I32 x.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::cast_bool_to_bool]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::cast_bool_to_bool]:
Source: 'src/', lines 137:0-137:41 *)
Definition cast_bool_to_bool (x : bool) : result bool :=
Return x.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::test2]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::test2]:
Source: 'src/', lines 142:0-142:14 *)
Definition test2 : result unit :=
_ <- u32_add 23%u32 44%u32; Return tt.
@@ -180,13 +180,13 @@ Definition test2 : result unit :=
(** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test2] *)
Check (test2 )%return.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::get_max]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::get_max]:
Source: 'src/', lines 154:0-154:37 *)
Definition get_max (x : u32) (y : u32) : result u32 :=
if x s>= y then Return x else Return y
-(** [no_nested_borrows::test3]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::test3]:
Source: 'src/', lines 162:0-162:14 *)
Definition test3 : result unit :=
x <- get_max 4%u32 3%u32;
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ Definition test3 : result unit :=
(** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test3] *)
Check (test3 )%return.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::test_neg1]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::test_neg1]:
Source: 'src/', lines 169:0-169:18 *)
Definition test_neg1 : result unit :=
y <- i32_neg 3%i32; if negb (y s= (-3)%i32) then Fail_ Failure else Return tt
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ Definition test_neg1 : result unit :=
(** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_neg1] *)
Check (test_neg1 )%return.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::refs_test1]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::refs_test1]:
Source: 'src/', lines 176:0-176:19 *)
Definition refs_test1 : result unit :=
if negb (1%i32 s= 1%i32) then Fail_ Failure else Return tt
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ Definition refs_test1 : result unit :=
(** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::refs_test1] *)
Check (refs_test1 )%return.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::refs_test2]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::refs_test2]:
Source: 'src/', lines 187:0-187:19 *)
Definition refs_test2 : result unit :=
if negb (2%i32 s= 2%i32)
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ Definition refs_test2 : result unit :=
(** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::refs_test2] *)
Check (refs_test2 )%return.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::test_list1]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::test_list1]:
Source: 'src/', lines 203:0-203:19 *)
Definition test_list1 : result unit :=
Return tt.
@@ -241,36 +241,37 @@ Definition test_list1 : result unit :=
(** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_list1] *)
Check (test_list1 )%return.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::test_box1]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::test_box1]:
Source: 'src/', lines 208:0-208:18 *)
Definition test_box1 : result unit :=
- let b := 0%i32 in
- b0 <- alloc_boxed_Box_deref_mut_back i32 b 1%i32;
- x <- alloc_boxed_Box_deref i32 b0;
+ p <- alloc_boxed_Box_deref_mut i32 0%i32;
+ let (_, deref_mut_back) := p in
+ b <- deref_mut_back 1%i32;
+ x <- alloc_boxed_Box_deref i32 b;
if negb (x s= 1%i32) then Fail_ Failure else Return tt
(** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_box1] *)
Check (test_box1 )%return.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::copy_int]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::copy_int]:
Source: 'src/', lines 218:0-218:30 *)
Definition copy_int (x : i32) : result i32 :=
Return x.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::test_unreachable]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::test_unreachable]:
Source: 'src/', lines 224:0-224:32 *)
Definition test_unreachable (b : bool) : result unit :=
if b then Fail_ Failure else Return tt
-(** [no_nested_borrows::test_panic]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::test_panic]:
Source: 'src/', lines 232:0-232:26 *)
Definition test_panic (b : bool) : result unit :=
if b then Fail_ Failure else Return tt
-(** [no_nested_borrows::test_copy_int]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::test_copy_int]:
Source: 'src/', lines 239:0-239:22 *)
Definition test_copy_int : result unit :=
y <- copy_int 0%i32; if negb (0%i32 s= y) then Fail_ Failure else Return tt
@@ -279,24 +280,23 @@ Definition test_copy_int : result unit :=
(** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_copy_int] *)
Check (test_copy_int )%return.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::is_cons]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::is_cons]:
Source: 'src/', lines 246:0-246:38 *)
Definition is_cons (T : Type) (l : List_t T) : result bool :=
- match l with | List_Cons t l0 => Return true | List_Nil => Return false end
+ match l with | List_Cons _ _ => Return true | List_Nil => Return false end
-(** [no_nested_borrows::test_is_cons]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::test_is_cons]:
Source: 'src/', lines 253:0-253:21 *)
Definition test_is_cons : result unit :=
- let l := List_Nil in
- b <- is_cons i32 (List_Cons 0%i32 l);
+ b <- is_cons i32 (List_Cons 0%i32 List_Nil);
if negb b then Fail_ Failure else Return tt
(** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_is_cons] *)
Check (test_is_cons )%return.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::split_list]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::split_list]:
Source: 'src/', lines 259:0-259:48 *)
Definition split_list (T : Type) (l : List_t T) : result (T * (List_t T)) :=
match l with
@@ -305,11 +305,10 @@ Definition split_list (T : Type) (l : List_t T) : result (T * (List_t T)) :=
-(** [no_nested_borrows::test_split_list]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::test_split_list]:
Source: 'src/', lines 267:0-267:24 *)
Definition test_split_list : result unit :=
- let l := List_Nil in
- p <- split_list i32 (List_Cons 0%i32 l);
+ p <- split_list i32 (List_Cons 0%i32 List_Nil);
let (hd, _) := p in
if negb (hd s= 0%i32) then Fail_ Failure else Return tt
@@ -317,29 +316,26 @@ Definition test_split_list : result unit :=
(** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_split_list] *)
Check (test_split_list )%return.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::choose]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::choose]:
Source: 'src/', lines 274:0-274:70 *)
-Definition choose (T : Type) (b : bool) (x : T) (y : T) : result T :=
- if b then Return x else Return y
+Definition choose
+ (T : Type) (b : bool) (x : T) (y : T) : result (T * (T -> result (T * T))) :=
+ if b
+ then let back_'a := fun (ret : T) => Return (ret, y) in Return (x, back_'a)
+ else let back_'a := fun (ret : T) => Return (x, ret) in Return (y, back_'a)
-(** [no_nested_borrows::choose]: backward function 0
- Source: 'src/', lines 274:0-274:70 *)
-Definition choose_back
- (T : Type) (b : bool) (x : T) (y : T) (ret : T) : result (T * T) :=
- if b then Return (ret, y) else Return (x, ret)
-(** [no_nested_borrows::choose_test]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::choose_test]:
Source: 'src/', lines 282:0-282:20 *)
Definition choose_test : result unit :=
- z <- choose i32 true 0%i32 0%i32;
- z0 <- i32_add z 1%i32;
- if negb (z0 s= 1%i32)
+ p <- choose i32 true 0%i32 0%i32;
+ let (z, choose_back) := p in
+ z1 <- i32_add z 1%i32;
+ if negb (z1 s= 1%i32)
then Fail_ Failure
else (
- p <- choose_back i32 true 0%i32 0%i32 z0;
- let (x, y) := p in
+ p1 <- choose_back z1;
+ let (x, y) := p1 in
if negb (x s= 1%i32)
then Fail_ Failure
else if negb (y s= 0%i32) then Fail_ Failure else Return tt)
@@ -348,7 +344,7 @@ Definition choose_test : result unit :=
(** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::choose_test] *)
Check (choose_test )%return.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::test_char]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::test_char]:
Source: 'src/', lines 294:0-294:26 *)
Definition test_char : result char :=
Return (char_of_byte Coq.Init.Byte.x61).
@@ -372,56 +368,52 @@ Arguments Tree_Node { _ }.
Arguments NodeElem_Cons { _ }.
Arguments NodeElem_Nil { _ }.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::list_length]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::list_length]:
Source: 'src/', lines 339:0-339:48 *)
Fixpoint list_length (T : Type) (l : List_t T) : result u32 :=
match l with
- | List_Cons t l1 => i <- list_length T l1; u32_add 1%u32 i
+ | List_Cons _ l1 => i <- list_length T l1; u32_add 1%u32 i
| List_Nil => Return 0%u32
-(** [no_nested_borrows::list_nth_shared]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::list_nth_shared]:
Source: 'src/', lines 347:0-347:62 *)
Fixpoint list_nth_shared (T : Type) (l : List_t T) (i : u32) : result T :=
match l with
| List_Cons x tl =>
if i s= 0%u32
then Return x
- else (i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32; list_nth_shared T tl i0)
+ else (i1 <- u32_sub i 1%u32; list_nth_shared T tl i1)
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
-(** [no_nested_borrows::list_nth_mut]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::list_nth_mut]:
Source: 'src/', lines 363:0-363:67 *)
-Fixpoint list_nth_mut (T : Type) (l : List_t T) (i : u32) : result T :=
+Fixpoint list_nth_mut
+ (T : Type) (l : List_t T) (i : u32) :
+ result (T * (T -> result (List_t T)))
+ :=
match l with
| List_Cons x tl =>
if i s= 0%u32
- then Return x
- else (i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32; list_nth_mut T tl i0)
- | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
- end
-(** [no_nested_borrows::list_nth_mut]: backward function 0
- Source: 'src/', lines 363:0-363:67 *)
-Fixpoint list_nth_mut_back
- (T : Type) (l : List_t T) (i : u32) (ret : T) : result (List_t T) :=
- match l with
- | List_Cons x tl =>
- if i s= 0%u32
- then Return (List_Cons ret tl)
+ then
+ let back_'a := fun (ret : T) => Return (List_Cons ret tl) in
+ Return (x, back_'a)
else (
- i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
- tl0 <- list_nth_mut_back T tl i0 ret;
- Return (List_Cons x tl0))
+ i1 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
+ p <- list_nth_mut T tl i1;
+ let (t, list_nth_mut_back) := p in
+ let back_'a :=
+ fun (ret : T) => tl1 <- list_nth_mut_back ret; Return (List_Cons x tl1)
+ in
+ Return (t, back_'a))
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
-(** [no_nested_borrows::list_rev_aux]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::list_rev_aux]:
Source: 'src/', lines 379:0-379:63 *)
Fixpoint list_rev_aux
(T : Type) (li : List_t T) (lo : List_t T) : result (List_t T) :=
@@ -431,116 +423,91 @@ Fixpoint list_rev_aux
-(** [no_nested_borrows::list_rev]: merged forward/backward function
- (there is a single backward function, and the forward function returns ())
+(** [no_nested_borrows::list_rev]:
Source: 'src/', lines 393:0-393:42 *)
Definition list_rev (T : Type) (l : List_t T) : result (List_t T) :=
- let li := core_mem_replace (List_t T) l List_Nil in
+ let (li, _) := core_mem_replace (List_t T) l List_Nil in
list_rev_aux T li List_Nil
-(** [no_nested_borrows::test_list_functions]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::test_list_functions]:
Source: 'src/', lines 398:0-398:28 *)
Definition test_list_functions : result unit :=
- let l := List_Nil in
- let l0 := List_Cons 2%i32 l in
- let l1 := List_Cons 1%i32 l0 in
+ let l := List_Cons 2%i32 List_Nil in
+ let l1 := List_Cons 1%i32 l in
i <- list_length i32 (List_Cons 0%i32 l1);
if negb (i s= 3%u32)
then Fail_ Failure
else (
- i0 <- list_nth_shared i32 (List_Cons 0%i32 l1) 0%u32;
- if negb (i0 s= 0%i32)
+ i1 <- list_nth_shared i32 (List_Cons 0%i32 l1) 0%u32;
+ if negb (i1 s= 0%i32)
then Fail_ Failure
else (
- i1 <- list_nth_shared i32 (List_Cons 0%i32 l1) 1%u32;
- if negb (i1 s= 1%i32)
+ i2 <- list_nth_shared i32 (List_Cons 0%i32 l1) 1%u32;
+ if negb (i2 s= 1%i32)
then Fail_ Failure
else (
- i2 <- list_nth_shared i32 (List_Cons 0%i32 l1) 2%u32;
- if negb (i2 s= 2%i32)
+ i3 <- list_nth_shared i32 (List_Cons 0%i32 l1) 2%u32;
+ if negb (i3 s= 2%i32)
then Fail_ Failure
else (
- ls <- list_nth_mut_back i32 (List_Cons 0%i32 l1) 1%u32 3%i32;
- i3 <- list_nth_shared i32 ls 0%u32;
- if negb (i3 s= 0%i32)
+ p <- list_nth_mut i32 (List_Cons 0%i32 l1) 1%u32;
+ let (_, list_nth_mut_back) := p in
+ ls <- list_nth_mut_back 3%i32;
+ i4 <- list_nth_shared i32 ls 0%u32;
+ if negb (i4 s= 0%i32)
then Fail_ Failure
else (
- i4 <- list_nth_shared i32 ls 1%u32;
- if negb (i4 s= 3%i32)
+ i5 <- list_nth_shared i32 ls 1%u32;
+ if negb (i5 s= 3%i32)
then Fail_ Failure
else (
- i5 <- list_nth_shared i32 ls 2%u32;
- if negb (i5 s= 2%i32) then Fail_ Failure else Return tt))))))
+ i6 <- list_nth_shared i32 ls 2%u32;
+ if negb (i6 s= 2%i32) then Fail_ Failure else Return tt))))))
(** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_list_functions] *)
Check (test_list_functions )%return.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair1]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair1]:
Source: 'src/', lines 414:0-414:89 *)
-Definition id_mut_pair1 (T1 T2 : Type) (x : T1) (y : T2) : result (T1 * T2) :=
- Return (x, y)
-(** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair1]: backward function 0
- Source: 'src/', lines 414:0-414:89 *)
-Definition id_mut_pair1_back
- (T1 T2 : Type) (x : T1) (y : T2) (ret : (T1 * T2)) : result (T1 * T2) :=
- let (t, t0) := ret in Return (t, t0)
-(** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair2]: forward function
- Source: 'src/', lines 418:0-418:88 *)
-Definition id_mut_pair2 (T1 T2 : Type) (p : (T1 * T2)) : result (T1 * T2) :=
- let (t, t0) := p in Return (t, t0)
+Definition id_mut_pair1
+ (T1 T2 : Type) (x : T1) (y : T2) :
+ result ((T1 * T2) * ((T1 * T2) -> result (T1 * T2)))
+ :=
+ let back_'a := fun (ret : (T1 * T2)) => let (t, t1) := ret in Return (t, t1)
+ in
+ Return ((x, y), back_'a)
-(** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair2]: backward function 0
+(** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair2]:
Source: 'src/', lines 418:0-418:88 *)
-Definition id_mut_pair2_back
- (T1 T2 : Type) (p : (T1 * T2)) (ret : (T1 * T2)) : result (T1 * T2) :=
- let (t, t0) := ret in Return (t, t0)
+Definition id_mut_pair2
+ (T1 T2 : Type) (p : (T1 * T2)) :
+ result ((T1 * T2) * ((T1 * T2) -> result (T1 * T2)))
+ :=
+ let (t, t1) := p in
+ let back_'a :=
+ fun (ret : (T1 * T2)) => let (t2, t3) := ret in Return (t2, t3) in
+ Return ((t, t1), back_'a)
-(** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair3]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair3]:
Source: 'src/', lines 422:0-422:93 *)
-Definition id_mut_pair3 (T1 T2 : Type) (x : T1) (y : T2) : result (T1 * T2) :=
- Return (x, y)
-(** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair3]: backward function 0
- Source: 'src/', lines 422:0-422:93 *)
-Definition id_mut_pair3_back'a
- (T1 T2 : Type) (x : T1) (y : T2) (ret : T1) : result T1 :=
- Return ret
-(** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair3]: backward function 1
- Source: 'src/', lines 422:0-422:93 *)
-Definition id_mut_pair3_back'b
- (T1 T2 : Type) (x : T1) (y : T2) (ret : T2) : result T2 :=
- Return ret
-(** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair4]: forward function
- Source: 'src/', lines 426:0-426:92 *)
-Definition id_mut_pair4 (T1 T2 : Type) (p : (T1 * T2)) : result (T1 * T2) :=
- let (t, t0) := p in Return (t, t0)
+Definition id_mut_pair3
+ (T1 T2 : Type) (x : T1) (y : T2) :
+ result ((T1 * T2) * (T1 -> result T1) * (T2 -> result T2))
+ :=
+ Return ((x, y), Return, Return)
-(** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair4]: backward function 0
+(** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair4]:
Source: 'src/', lines 426:0-426:92 *)
-Definition id_mut_pair4_back'a
- (T1 T2 : Type) (p : (T1 * T2)) (ret : T1) : result T1 :=
- Return ret
-(** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair4]: backward function 1
- Source: 'src/', lines 426:0-426:92 *)
-Definition id_mut_pair4_back'b
- (T1 T2 : Type) (p : (T1 * T2)) (ret : T2) : result T2 :=
- Return ret
+Definition id_mut_pair4
+ (T1 T2 : Type) (p : (T1 * T2)) :
+ result ((T1 * T2) * (T1 -> result T1) * (T2 -> result T2))
+ :=
+ let (t, t1) := p in Return ((t, t1), Return, Return)
(** [no_nested_borrows::StructWithTuple]
@@ -554,19 +521,19 @@ mkStructWithTuple_t {
Arguments mkStructWithTuple_t { _ _ }.
Arguments structWithTuple_p { _ _ }.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::new_tuple1]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::new_tuple1]:
Source: 'src/', lines 437:0-437:48 *)
Definition new_tuple1 : result (StructWithTuple_t u32 u32) :=
Return {| structWithTuple_p := (1%u32, 2%u32) |}
-(** [no_nested_borrows::new_tuple2]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::new_tuple2]:
Source: 'src/', lines 441:0-441:48 *)
Definition new_tuple2 : result (StructWithTuple_t i16 i16) :=
Return {| structWithTuple_p := (1%i16, 2%i16) |}
-(** [no_nested_borrows::new_tuple3]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::new_tuple3]:
Source: 'src/', lines 445:0-445:48 *)
Definition new_tuple3 : result (StructWithTuple_t u64 i64) :=
Return {| structWithTuple_p := (1%u64, 2%i64) |}
@@ -583,13 +550,13 @@ mkStructWithPair_t {
Arguments mkStructWithPair_t { _ _ }.
Arguments structWithPair_p { _ _ }.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::new_pair1]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::new_pair1]:
Source: 'src/', lines 454:0-454:46 *)
Definition new_pair1 : result (StructWithPair_t u32 u32) :=
Return {| structWithPair_p := {| pair_x := 1%u32; pair_y := 2%u32 |} |}
-(** [no_nested_borrows::test_constants]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::test_constants]:
Source: 'src/', lines 462:0-462:23 *)
Definition test_constants : result unit :=
swt <- new_tuple1;
@@ -597,14 +564,14 @@ Definition test_constants : result unit :=
if negb (i s= 1%u32)
then Fail_ Failure
else (
- swt0 <- new_tuple2;
- let (i0, _) := swt0.(structWithTuple_p) in
- if negb (i0 s= 1%i16)
+ swt1 <- new_tuple2;
+ let (i1, _) := swt1.(structWithTuple_p) in
+ if negb (i1 s= 1%i16)
then Fail_ Failure
else (
- swt1 <- new_tuple3;
- let (i1, _) := swt1.(structWithTuple_p) in
- if negb (i1 s= 1%u64)
+ swt2 <- new_tuple3;
+ let (i2, _) := swt2.(structWithTuple_p) in
+ if negb (i2 s= 1%u64)
then Fail_ Failure
else (
swp <- new_pair1;
@@ -616,7 +583,7 @@ Definition test_constants : result unit :=
(** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_constants] *)
Check (test_constants )%return.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::test_weird_borrows1]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::test_weird_borrows1]:
Source: 'src/', lines 471:0-471:28 *)
Definition test_weird_borrows1 : result unit :=
Return tt.
@@ -624,65 +591,79 @@ Definition test_weird_borrows1 : result unit :=
(** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_weird_borrows1] *)
Check (test_weird_borrows1 )%return.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::test_mem_replace]: merged forward/backward function
- (there is a single backward function, and the forward function returns ())
+(** [no_nested_borrows::test_mem_replace]:
Source: 'src/', lines 481:0-481:37 *)
Definition test_mem_replace (px : u32) : result u32 :=
- let y := core_mem_replace u32 px 1%u32 in
+ let (y, _) := core_mem_replace u32 px 1%u32 in
if negb (y s= 0%u32) then Fail_ Failure else Return 2%u32
-(** [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_bool1]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_bool1]:
Source: 'src/', lines 488:0-488:47 *)
Definition test_shared_borrow_bool1 (b : bool) : result u32 :=
if b then Return 0%u32 else Return 1%u32
-(** [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_bool2]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_bool2]:
Source: 'src/', lines 501:0-501:40 *)
Definition test_shared_borrow_bool2 : result u32 :=
Return 0%u32.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_enum1]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_enum1]:
Source: 'src/', lines 516:0-516:52 *)
Definition test_shared_borrow_enum1 (l : List_t u32) : result u32 :=
- match l with | List_Cons i l0 => Return 1%u32 | List_Nil => Return 0%u32 end
+ match l with | List_Cons _ _ => Return 1%u32 | List_Nil => Return 0%u32 end
-(** [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_enum2]: forward function
+(** [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_enum2]:
Source: 'src/', lines 528:0-528:40 *)
Definition test_shared_borrow_enum2 : result u32 :=
Return 0%u32.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::Tuple]
+(** [no_nested_borrows::incr]:
Source: 'src/', lines 539:0-539:24 *)
+Definition incr (x : u32) : result u32 :=
+ u32_add x 1%u32.
+(** [no_nested_borrows::call_incr]:
+ Source: 'src/', lines 543:0-543:35 *)
+Definition call_incr (x : u32) : result u32 :=
+ incr x.
+(** [no_nested_borrows::read_then_incr]:
+ Source: 'src/', lines 548:0-548:41 *)
+Definition read_then_incr (x : u32) : result (u32 * u32) :=
+ x1 <- u32_add x 1%u32; Return (x, x1)
+(** [no_nested_borrows::Tuple]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 554:0-554:24 *)
Definition Tuple_t (T1 T2 : Type) : Type := T1 * T2.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::use_tuple_struct]: merged forward/backward function
- (there is a single backward function, and the forward function returns ())
- Source: 'src/', lines 541:0-541:48 *)
+(** [no_nested_borrows::use_tuple_struct]:
+ Source: 'src/', lines 556:0-556:48 *)
Definition use_tuple_struct (x : Tuple_t u32 u32) : result (Tuple_t u32 u32) :=
let (_, i) := x in Return (1%u32, i)
-(** [no_nested_borrows::create_tuple_struct]: forward function
- Source: 'src/', lines 545:0-545:61 *)
+(** [no_nested_borrows::create_tuple_struct]:
+ Source: 'src/', lines 560:0-560:61 *)
Definition create_tuple_struct
(x : u32) (y : u64) : result (Tuple_t u32 u64) :=
Return (x, y)
(** [no_nested_borrows::IdType]
- Source: 'src/', lines 550:0-550:20 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 565:0-565:20 *)
Definition IdType_t (T : Type) : Type := T.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::use_id_type]: forward function
- Source: 'src/', lines 552:0-552:40 *)
+(** [no_nested_borrows::use_id_type]:
+ Source: 'src/', lines 567:0-567:40 *)
Definition use_id_type (T : Type) (x : IdType_t T) : result T :=
Return x.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::create_id_type]: forward function
- Source: 'src/', lines 556:0-556:43 *)
+(** [no_nested_borrows::create_id_type]:
+ Source: 'src/', lines 571:0-571:43 *)
Definition create_id_type (T : Type) (x : T) : result (IdType_t T) :=
Return x.
diff --git a/tests/coq/misc/Paper.v b/tests/coq/misc/Paper.v
index 6b110193..769cf34c 100644
--- a/tests/coq/misc/Paper.v
+++ b/tests/coq/misc/Paper.v
@@ -8,44 +8,40 @@ Import ListNotations.
Local Open Scope Primitives_scope.
Module Paper.
-(** [paper::ref_incr]: merged forward/backward function
- (there is a single backward function, and the forward function returns ())
+(** [paper::ref_incr]:
Source: 'src/', lines 4:0-4:28 *)
Definition ref_incr (x : i32) : result i32 :=
i32_add x 1%i32.
-(** [paper::test_incr]: forward function
+(** [paper::test_incr]:
Source: 'src/', lines 8:0-8:18 *)
Definition test_incr : result unit :=
- x <- ref_incr 0%i32; if negb (x s= 1%i32) then Fail_ Failure else Return tt
+ i <- ref_incr 0%i32; if negb (i s= 1%i32) then Fail_ Failure else Return tt
(** Unit test for [paper::test_incr] *)
Check (test_incr )%return.
-(** [paper::choose]: forward function
+(** [paper::choose]:
Source: 'src/', lines 15:0-15:70 *)
-Definition choose (T : Type) (b : bool) (x : T) (y : T) : result T :=
- if b then Return x else Return y
+Definition choose
+ (T : Type) (b : bool) (x : T) (y : T) : result (T * (T -> result (T * T))) :=
+ if b
+ then let back_'a := fun (ret : T) => Return (ret, y) in Return (x, back_'a)
+ else let back_'a := fun (ret : T) => Return (x, ret) in Return (y, back_'a)
-(** [paper::choose]: backward function 0
- Source: 'src/', lines 15:0-15:70 *)
-Definition choose_back
- (T : Type) (b : bool) (x : T) (y : T) (ret : T) : result (T * T) :=
- if b then Return (ret, y) else Return (x, ret)
-(** [paper::test_choose]: forward function
+(** [paper::test_choose]:
Source: 'src/', lines 23:0-23:20 *)
Definition test_choose : result unit :=
- z <- choose i32 true 0%i32 0%i32;
- z0 <- i32_add z 1%i32;
- if negb (z0 s= 1%i32)
+ p <- choose i32 true 0%i32 0%i32;
+ let (z, choose_back) := p in
+ z1 <- i32_add z 1%i32;
+ if negb (z1 s= 1%i32)
then Fail_ Failure
else (
- p <- choose_back i32 true 0%i32 0%i32 z0;
- let (x, y) := p in
+ p1 <- choose_back z1;
+ let (x, y) := p1 in
if negb (x s= 1%i32)
then Fail_ Failure
else if negb (y s= 0%i32) then Fail_ Failure else Return tt)
@@ -64,35 +60,31 @@ Inductive List_t (T : Type) :=
Arguments List_Cons { _ }.
Arguments List_Nil { _ }.
-(** [paper::list_nth_mut]: forward function
- Source: 'src/', lines 42:0-42:67 *)
-Fixpoint list_nth_mut (T : Type) (l : List_t T) (i : u32) : result T :=
- match l with
- | List_Cons x tl =>
- if i s= 0%u32
- then Return x
- else (i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32; list_nth_mut T tl i0)
- | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
- end
-(** [paper::list_nth_mut]: backward function 0
+(** [paper::list_nth_mut]:
Source: 'src/', lines 42:0-42:67 *)
-Fixpoint list_nth_mut_back
- (T : Type) (l : List_t T) (i : u32) (ret : T) : result (List_t T) :=
+Fixpoint list_nth_mut
+ (T : Type) (l : List_t T) (i : u32) :
+ result (T * (T -> result (List_t T)))
+ :=
match l with
| List_Cons x tl =>
if i s= 0%u32
- then Return (List_Cons ret tl)
+ then
+ let back_'a := fun (ret : T) => Return (List_Cons ret tl) in
+ Return (x, back_'a)
else (
- i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
- tl0 <- list_nth_mut_back T tl i0 ret;
- Return (List_Cons x tl0))
+ i1 <- u32_sub i 1%u32;
+ p <- list_nth_mut T tl i1;
+ let (t, list_nth_mut_back) := p in
+ let back_'a :=
+ fun (ret : T) => tl1 <- list_nth_mut_back ret; Return (List_Cons x tl1)
+ in
+ Return (t, back_'a))
| List_Nil => Fail_ Failure
-(** [paper::sum]: forward function
+(** [paper::sum]:
Source: 'src/', lines 57:0-57:32 *)
Fixpoint sum (l : List_t i32) : result i32 :=
match l with
@@ -101,15 +93,15 @@ Fixpoint sum (l : List_t i32) : result i32 :=
-(** [paper::test_nth]: forward function
+(** [paper::test_nth]:
Source: 'src/', lines 68:0-68:17 *)
Definition test_nth : result unit :=
- let l := List_Nil in
- let l0 := List_Cons 3%i32 l in
- let l1 := List_Cons 2%i32 l0 in
- x <- list_nth_mut i32 (List_Cons 1%i32 l1) 2%u32;
- x0 <- i32_add x 1%i32;
- l2 <- list_nth_mut_back i32 (List_Cons 1%i32 l1) 2%u32 x0;
+ let l := List_Cons 3%i32 List_Nil in
+ let l1 := List_Cons 2%i32 l in
+ p <- list_nth_mut i32 (List_Cons 1%i32 l1) 2%u32;
+ let (x, list_nth_mut_back) := p in
+ x1 <- i32_add x 1%i32;
+ l2 <- list_nth_mut_back x1;
i <- sum l2;
if negb (i s= 7%i32) then Fail_ Failure else Return tt
@@ -117,15 +109,16 @@ Definition test_nth : result unit :=
(** Unit test for [paper::test_nth] *)
Check (test_nth )%return.
-(** [paper::call_choose]: forward function
+(** [paper::call_choose]:
Source: 'src/', lines 76:0-76:44 *)
Definition call_choose (p : (u32 * u32)) : result u32 :=
let (px, py) := p in
- pz <- choose u32 true px py;
- pz0 <- u32_add pz 1%u32;
- p0 <- choose_back u32 true px py pz0;
- let (px0, _) := p0 in
- Return px0
+ p1 <- choose u32 true px py;
+ let (pz, choose_back) := p1 in
+ pz1 <- u32_add pz 1%u32;
+ p2 <- choose_back pz1;
+ let (px1, _) := p2 in
+ Return px1
End Paper.
diff --git a/tests/coq/misc/PoloniusList.v b/tests/coq/misc/PoloniusList.v
index 2371b1cc..8f403a8e 100644
--- a/tests/coq/misc/PoloniusList.v
+++ b/tests/coq/misc/PoloniusList.v
@@ -18,26 +18,24 @@ Inductive List_t (T : Type) :=
Arguments List_Cons { _ }.
Arguments List_Nil { _ }.
-(** [polonius_list::get_list_at_x]: forward function
+(** [polonius_list::get_list_at_x]:
Source: 'src/', lines 13:0-13:76 *)
-Fixpoint get_list_at_x (ls : List_t u32) (x : u32) : result (List_t u32) :=
- match ls with
- | List_Cons hd tl =>
- if hd s= x then Return (List_Cons hd tl) else get_list_at_x tl x
- | List_Nil => Return List_Nil
- end
-(** [polonius_list::get_list_at_x]: backward function 0
- Source: 'src/', lines 13:0-13:76 *)
-Fixpoint get_list_at_x_back
- (ls : List_t u32) (x : u32) (ret : List_t u32) : result (List_t u32) :=
+Fixpoint get_list_at_x
+ (ls : List_t u32) (x : u32) :
+ result ((List_t u32) * (List_t u32 -> result (List_t u32)))
+ :=
match ls with
| List_Cons hd tl =>
if hd s= x
- then Return ret
- else (tl0 <- get_list_at_x_back tl x ret; Return (List_Cons hd tl0))
- | List_Nil => Return ret
+ then Return (List_Cons hd tl, Return)
+ else (
+ p <- get_list_at_x tl x;
+ let (l, get_list_at_x_back) := p in
+ let back_'a :=
+ fun (ret : List_t u32) =>
+ tl1 <- get_list_at_x_back ret; Return (List_Cons hd tl1) in
+ Return (l, back_'a))
+ | List_Nil => Return (List_Nil, Return)
diff --git a/tests/coq/misc/Primitives.v b/tests/coq/misc/Primitives.v
index 84280b96..990e27e4 100644
--- a/tests/coq/misc/Primitives.v
+++ b/tests/coq/misc/Primitives.v
@@ -67,8 +67,7 @@ Definition string := Coq.Strings.String.string.
Definition char := Coq.Strings.Ascii.ascii.
Definition char_of_byte := Coq.Strings.Ascii.ascii_of_byte.
-Definition core_mem_replace (a : Type) (x : a) (y : a) : a := x .
-Definition core_mem_replace_back (a : Type) (x : a) (y : a) : a := y .
+Definition core_mem_replace (a : Type) (x : a) (y : a) : a * a := (x, x) .
Record mut_raw_ptr (T : Type) := { mut_raw_ptr_v : T }.
Record const_raw_ptr (T : Type) := { const_raw_ptr_v : T }.
@@ -504,13 +503,15 @@ Arguments core_ops_index_Index_index {_ _}.
(* Trait declaration: [core::ops::index::IndexMut] *)
Record core_ops_index_IndexMut (Self Idx : Type) := mk_core_ops_index_IndexMut {
core_ops_index_IndexMut_indexInst : core_ops_index_Index Self Idx;
- core_ops_index_IndexMut_index_mut : Self -> Idx -> result core_ops_index_IndexMut_indexInst.(core_ops_index_Index_Output);
- core_ops_index_IndexMut_index_mut_back : Self -> Idx -> core_ops_index_IndexMut_indexInst.(core_ops_index_Index_Output) -> result Self;
+ core_ops_index_IndexMut_index_mut :
+ Self ->
+ Idx ->
+ result (core_ops_index_IndexMut_indexInst.(core_ops_index_Index_Output) *
+ (core_ops_index_IndexMut_indexInst.(core_ops_index_Index_Output) -> result Self));
Arguments mk_core_ops_index_IndexMut {_ _}.
Arguments core_ops_index_IndexMut_indexInst {_ _}.
Arguments core_ops_index_IndexMut_index_mut {_ _}.
-Arguments core_ops_index_IndexMut_index_mut_back {_ _}.
(* Trait declaration [core::ops::deref::Deref] *)
Record core_ops_deref_Deref (Self : Type) := mk_core_ops_deref_Deref {
@@ -524,13 +525,14 @@ Arguments core_ops_deref_Deref_deref {_}.
(* Trait declaration [core::ops::deref::DerefMut] *)
Record core_ops_deref_DerefMut (Self : Type) := mk_core_ops_deref_DerefMut {
core_ops_deref_DerefMut_derefInst : core_ops_deref_Deref Self;
- core_ops_deref_DerefMut_deref_mut : Self -> result core_ops_deref_DerefMut_derefInst.(core_ops_deref_Deref_target);
- core_ops_deref_DerefMut_deref_mut_back : Self -> core_ops_deref_DerefMut_derefInst.(core_ops_deref_Deref_target) -> result Self;
+ core_ops_deref_DerefMut_deref_mut :
+ Self ->
+ result (core_ops_deref_DerefMut_derefInst.(core_ops_deref_Deref_target) *
+ (core_ops_deref_DerefMut_derefInst.(core_ops_deref_Deref_target) -> result Self));
Arguments mk_core_ops_deref_DerefMut {_}.
Arguments core_ops_deref_DerefMut_derefInst {_}.
Arguments core_ops_deref_DerefMut_deref_mut {_}.
-Arguments core_ops_deref_DerefMut_deref_mut_back {_}.
Record core_ops_range_Range (T : Type) := mk_core_ops_range_Range {
core_ops_range_Range_start : T;
@@ -543,8 +545,8 @@ Arguments core_ops_range_Range_end_ {_}.
(*** [alloc] *)
Definition alloc_boxed_Box_deref (T : Type) (x : T) : result T := Return x.
-Definition alloc_boxed_Box_deref_mut (T : Type) (x : T) : result T := Return x.
-Definition alloc_boxed_Box_deref_mut_back (T : Type) (_ : T) (x : T) : result T := Return x.
+Definition alloc_boxed_Box_deref_mut (T : Type) (x : T) : result (T * (T -> result T)) :=
+ Return (x, fun x => Return x).
(* Trait instance *)
Definition alloc_boxed_Box_coreopsDerefInst (Self : Type) : core_ops_deref_Deref Self := {|
@@ -556,7 +558,6 @@ Definition alloc_boxed_Box_coreopsDerefInst (Self : Type) : core_ops_deref_Deref
Definition alloc_boxed_Box_coreopsDerefMutInst (Self : Type) : core_ops_deref_DerefMut Self := {|
core_ops_deref_DerefMut_derefInst := alloc_boxed_Box_coreopsDerefInst Self;
core_ops_deref_DerefMut_deref_mut := alloc_boxed_Box_deref_mut Self;
- core_ops_deref_DerefMut_deref_mut_back := alloc_boxed_Box_deref_mut_back Self;
@@ -584,6 +585,13 @@ Axiom array_repeat : forall (T : Type) (n : usize) (x : T), array T n.
Axiom array_index_usize : forall (T : Type) (n : usize) (x : array T n) (i : usize), result T.
Axiom array_update_usize : forall (T : Type) (n : usize) (x : array T n) (i : usize) (nx : T), result (array T n).
+Definition array_index_mut_usize (T : Type) (n : usize) (a : array T n) (i : usize) :
+ result (T * (T -> result (array T n))) :=
+ match array_index_usize T n a i with
+ | Fail_ e => Fail_ e
+ | Return x => Return (x, array_update_usize T n a i)
+ end.
(*** Slice *)
Definition slice T := { l: list T | Z.of_nat (length l) <= usize_max}.
@@ -591,11 +599,25 @@ Axiom slice_len : forall (T : Type) (s : slice T), usize.
Axiom slice_index_usize : forall (T : Type) (x : slice T) (i : usize), result T.
Axiom slice_update_usize : forall (T : Type) (x : slice T) (i : usize) (nx : T), result (slice T).
+Definition slice_index_mut_usize (T : Type) (s : slice T) (i : usize) :
+ result (T * (T -> result (slice T))) :=
+ match slice_index_usize T s i with
+ | Fail_ e => Fail_ e
+ | Return x => Return (x, slice_update_usize T s i)
+ end.
(*** Subslices *)
Axiom array_to_slice : forall (T : Type) (n : usize) (x : array T n), result (slice T).
Axiom array_from_slice : forall (T : Type) (n : usize) (x : array T n) (s : slice T), result (array T n).
+Definition array_to_slice_mut (T : Type) (n : usize) (a : array T n) :
+ result (slice T * (slice T -> result (array T n))) :=
+ match array_to_slice T n a with
+ | Fail_ e => Fail_ e
+ | Return x => Return (x, array_from_slice T n a)
+ end.
Axiom array_subslice: forall (T : Type) (n : usize) (x : array T n) (r : core_ops_range_Range usize), result (slice T).
Axiom array_update_subslice: forall (T : Type) (n : usize) (x : array T n) (r : core_ops_range_Range usize) (ns : slice T), result (array T n).
@@ -639,16 +661,9 @@ Definition alloc_vec_Vec_bind {A B} (v: alloc_vec_Vec A) (f: list A -> result (l
| right _ => Fail_ Failure
-(* The **forward** function shouldn't be used *)
-Definition alloc_vec_Vec_push_fwd (T: Type) (v: alloc_vec_Vec T) (x: T) : unit := tt.
Definition alloc_vec_Vec_push (T: Type) (v: alloc_vec_Vec T) (x: T) : result (alloc_vec_Vec T) :=
alloc_vec_Vec_bind v (fun l => Return (l ++ [x])).
-(* The **forward** function shouldn't be used *)
-Definition alloc_vec_Vec_insert_fwd (T: Type) (v: alloc_vec_Vec T) (i: usize) (x: T) : result unit :=
- if to_Z i <? alloc_vec_Vec_length v then Return tt else Fail_ Failure.
Definition alloc_vec_Vec_insert (T: Type) (v: alloc_vec_Vec T) (i: usize) (x: T) : result (alloc_vec_Vec T) :=
alloc_vec_Vec_bind v (fun l =>
if to_Z i <? Z.of_nat (length l)
@@ -661,6 +676,14 @@ Axiom alloc_vec_Vec_index_usize : forall {T : Type} (v : alloc_vec_Vec T) (i : u
(* Helper *)
Axiom alloc_vec_Vec_update_usize : forall {T : Type} (v : alloc_vec_Vec T) (i : usize) (x : T), result (alloc_vec_Vec T).
+Definition alloc_vec_Vec_index_mut_usize {T : Type} (v: alloc_vec_Vec T) (i: usize) :
+ result (T * (T -> result (alloc_vec_Vec T))) :=
+ match alloc_vec_Vec_index_usize v i with
+ | Return x =>
+ Return (x, alloc_vec_Vec_update_usize v i)
+ | Fail_ e => Fail_ e
+ end.
(* Trait declaration: [core::slice::index::private_slice_index::Sealed] *)
Definition core_slice_index_private_slice_index_Sealed (self : Type) := unit.
@@ -669,25 +692,23 @@ Record core_slice_index_SliceIndex (Self T : Type) := mk_core_slice_index_SliceI
core_slice_index_SliceIndex_sealedInst : core_slice_index_private_slice_index_Sealed Self;
core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output : Type;
core_slice_index_SliceIndex_get : Self -> T -> result (option core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output);
- core_slice_index_SliceIndex_get_mut : Self -> T -> result (option core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output);
- core_slice_index_SliceIndex_get_mut_back : Self -> T -> option core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output -> result T;
+ core_slice_index_SliceIndex_get_mut :
+ Self -> T -> result (option core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output * (option core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output -> result T));
core_slice_index_SliceIndex_get_unchecked : Self -> const_raw_ptr T -> result (const_raw_ptr core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output);
core_slice_index_SliceIndex_get_unchecked_mut : Self -> mut_raw_ptr T -> result (mut_raw_ptr core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output);
core_slice_index_SliceIndex_index : Self -> T -> result core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output;
- core_slice_index_SliceIndex_index_mut : Self -> T -> result core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output;
- core_slice_index_SliceIndex_index_mut_back : Self -> T -> core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output -> result T;
+ core_slice_index_SliceIndex_index_mut :
+ Self -> T -> result (core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output * (core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output -> result T));
Arguments mk_core_slice_index_SliceIndex {_ _}.
Arguments core_slice_index_SliceIndex_sealedInst {_ _}.
Arguments core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output {_ _}.
Arguments core_slice_index_SliceIndex_get {_ _}.
Arguments core_slice_index_SliceIndex_get_mut {_ _}.
-Arguments core_slice_index_SliceIndex_get_mut_back {_ _}.
Arguments core_slice_index_SliceIndex_get_unchecked {_ _}.
Arguments core_slice_index_SliceIndex_get_unchecked_mut {_ _}.
Arguments core_slice_index_SliceIndex_index {_ _}.
Arguments core_slice_index_SliceIndex_index_mut {_ _}.
-Arguments core_slice_index_SliceIndex_index_mut_back {_ _}.
(* [core::slice::index::[T]::index]: forward function *)
Definition core_slice_index_Slice_index
@@ -704,11 +725,9 @@ Axiom core_slice_index_RangeUsize_get : forall (T : Type) (i : core_ops_range_Ra
(* [core::slice::index::Range::get_mut]: forward function *)
Axiom core_slice_index_RangeUsize_get_mut :
- forall (T : Type), core_ops_range_Range usize -> slice T -> result (option (slice T)).
-(* [core::slice::index::Range::get_mut]: backward function 0 *)
-Axiom core_slice_index_RangeUsize_get_mut_back :
- forall (T : Type), core_ops_range_Range usize -> slice T -> option (slice T) -> result (slice T).
+ forall (T : Type),
+ core_ops_range_Range usize -> slice T ->
+ result (option (slice T) * (option (slice T) -> result (slice T))).
(* [core::slice::index::Range::get_unchecked]: forward function *)
Definition core_slice_index_RangeUsize_get_unchecked
@@ -732,21 +751,14 @@ Axiom core_slice_index_RangeUsize_index :
(* [core::slice::index::Range::index_mut]: forward function *)
Axiom core_slice_index_RangeUsize_index_mut :
- forall (T : Type), core_ops_range_Range usize -> slice T -> result (slice T).
-(* [core::slice::index::Range::index_mut]: backward function 0 *)
-Axiom core_slice_index_RangeUsize_index_mut_back :
- forall (T : Type), core_ops_range_Range usize -> slice T -> slice T -> result (slice T).
+ forall (T : Type), core_ops_range_Range usize -> slice T -> result (slice T * (slice T -> result (slice T))).
(* [core::slice::index::[T]::index_mut]: forward function *)
Axiom core_slice_index_Slice_index_mut :
forall (T Idx : Type) (inst : core_slice_index_SliceIndex Idx (slice T)),
- slice T -> Idx -> result inst.(core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output).
-(* [core::slice::index::[T]::index_mut]: backward function 0 *)
-Axiom core_slice_index_Slice_index_mut_back :
- forall (T Idx : Type) (inst : core_slice_index_SliceIndex Idx (slice T)),
- slice T -> Idx -> inst.(core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output) -> result (slice T).
+ slice T -> Idx ->
+ result (inst.(core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output) *
+ (inst.(core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output) -> result (slice T))).
(* [core::array::[T; N]::index]: forward function *)
Axiom core_array_Array_index :
@@ -756,12 +768,9 @@ Axiom core_array_Array_index :
(* [core::array::[T; N]::index_mut]: forward function *)
Axiom core_array_Array_index_mut :
forall (T Idx : Type) (N : usize) (inst : core_ops_index_IndexMut (slice T) Idx)
- (a : array T N) (i : Idx), result inst.(core_ops_index_IndexMut_indexInst).(core_ops_index_Index_Output).
-(* [core::array::[T; N]::index_mut]: backward function 0 *)
-Axiom core_array_Array_index_mut_back :
- forall (T Idx : Type) (N : usize) (inst : core_ops_index_IndexMut (slice T) Idx)
- (a : array T N) (i : Idx) (x : inst.(core_ops_index_IndexMut_indexInst).(core_ops_index_Index_Output)), result (array T N).
+ (a : array T N) (i : Idx),
+ result (inst.(core_ops_index_IndexMut_indexInst).(core_ops_index_Index_Output) *
+ (inst.(core_ops_index_IndexMut_indexInst).(core_ops_index_Index_Output) -> result (array T N))).
(* Trait implementation: [core::slice::index::private_slice_index::Range] *)
Definition core_slice_index_private_slice_index_SealedRangeUsizeInst
@@ -774,12 +783,10 @@ Definition core_slice_index_SliceIndexRangeUsizeSliceTInst (T : Type) :
core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output := slice T;
core_slice_index_SliceIndex_get := core_slice_index_RangeUsize_get T;
core_slice_index_SliceIndex_get_mut := core_slice_index_RangeUsize_get_mut T;
- core_slice_index_SliceIndex_get_mut_back := core_slice_index_RangeUsize_get_mut_back T;
core_slice_index_SliceIndex_get_unchecked := core_slice_index_RangeUsize_get_unchecked T;
core_slice_index_SliceIndex_get_unchecked_mut := core_slice_index_RangeUsize_get_unchecked_mut T;
core_slice_index_SliceIndex_index := core_slice_index_RangeUsize_index T;
core_slice_index_SliceIndex_index_mut := core_slice_index_RangeUsize_index_mut T;
- core_slice_index_SliceIndex_index_mut_back := core_slice_index_RangeUsize_index_mut_back T;
(* Trait implementation: [core::slice::index::[T]] *)
@@ -796,7 +803,6 @@ Definition core_ops_index_IndexMutSliceTIInst (T Idx : Type)
core_ops_index_IndexMut (slice T) Idx := {|
core_ops_index_IndexMut_indexInst := core_ops_index_IndexSliceTIInst T Idx inst;
core_ops_index_IndexMut_index_mut := core_slice_index_Slice_index_mut T Idx inst;
- core_ops_index_IndexMut_index_mut_back := core_slice_index_Slice_index_mut_back T Idx inst;
(* Trait implementation: [core::array::[T; N]] *)
@@ -813,18 +819,14 @@ Definition core_ops_index_IndexMutArrayInst (T Idx : Type) (N : usize)
core_ops_index_IndexMut (array T N) Idx := {|
core_ops_index_IndexMut_indexInst := core_ops_index_IndexArrayInst T Idx N inst.(core_ops_index_IndexMut_indexInst);
core_ops_index_IndexMut_index_mut := core_array_Array_index_mut T Idx N inst;
- core_ops_index_IndexMut_index_mut_back := core_array_Array_index_mut_back T Idx N inst;
(* [core::slice::index::usize::get]: forward function *)
Axiom core_slice_index_usize_get : forall (T : Type), usize -> slice T -> result (option T).
(* [core::slice::index::usize::get_mut]: forward function *)
-Axiom core_slice_index_usize_get_mut : forall (T : Type), usize -> slice T -> result (option T).
-(* [core::slice::index::usize::get_mut]: backward function 0 *)
-Axiom core_slice_index_usize_get_mut_back :
- forall (T : Type), usize -> slice T -> option T -> result (slice T).
+Axiom core_slice_index_usize_get_mut :
+ forall (T : Type), usize -> slice T -> result (option T * (option T -> result (slice T))).
(* [core::slice::index::usize::get_unchecked]: forward function *)
Axiom core_slice_index_usize_get_unchecked :
@@ -838,11 +840,8 @@ Axiom core_slice_index_usize_get_unchecked_mut :
Axiom core_slice_index_usize_index : forall (T : Type), usize -> slice T -> result T.
(* [core::slice::index::usize::index_mut]: forward function *)
-Axiom core_slice_index_usize_index_mut : forall (T : Type), usize -> slice T -> result T.
-(* [core::slice::index::usize::index_mut]: backward function 0 *)
-Axiom core_slice_index_usize_index_mut_back :
- forall (T : Type), usize -> slice T -> T -> result (slice T).
+Axiom core_slice_index_usize_index_mut :
+ forall (T : Type), usize -> slice T -> result (T * (T -> result (slice T))).
(* Trait implementation: [core::slice::index::private_slice_index::usize] *)
Definition core_slice_index_private_slice_index_SealedUsizeInst
@@ -855,12 +854,10 @@ Definition core_slice_index_SliceIndexUsizeSliceTInst (T : Type) :
core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output := T;
core_slice_index_SliceIndex_get := core_slice_index_usize_get T;
core_slice_index_SliceIndex_get_mut := core_slice_index_usize_get_mut T;
- core_slice_index_SliceIndex_get_mut_back := core_slice_index_usize_get_mut_back T;
core_slice_index_SliceIndex_get_unchecked := core_slice_index_usize_get_unchecked T;
core_slice_index_SliceIndex_get_unchecked_mut := core_slice_index_usize_get_unchecked_mut T;
core_slice_index_SliceIndex_index := core_slice_index_usize_index T;
core_slice_index_SliceIndex_index_mut := core_slice_index_usize_index_mut T;
- core_slice_index_SliceIndex_index_mut_back := core_slice_index_usize_index_mut_back T;
(* [alloc::vec::Vec::index]: forward function *)
@@ -869,12 +866,9 @@ Axiom alloc_vec_Vec_index : forall (T Idx : Type) (inst : core_slice_index_Slice
(* [alloc::vec::Vec::index_mut]: forward function *)
Axiom alloc_vec_Vec_index_mut : forall (T Idx : Type) (inst : core_slice_index_SliceIndex Idx (slice T))
- (Self : alloc_vec_Vec T) (i : Idx), result inst.(core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output).
-(* [alloc::vec::Vec::index_mut]: backward function 0 *)
-Axiom alloc_vec_Vec_index_mut_back :
- forall (T Idx : Type) (inst : core_slice_index_SliceIndex Idx (slice T))
- (Self : alloc_vec_Vec T) (i : Idx) (x : inst.(core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output)), result (alloc_vec_Vec T).
+ (Self : alloc_vec_Vec T) (i : Idx),
+ result (inst.(core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output) *
+ (inst.(core_slice_index_SliceIndex_Output) -> result (alloc_vec_Vec T))).
(* Trait implementation: [alloc::vec::Vec] *)
Definition alloc_vec_Vec_coreopsindexIndexInst (T Idx : Type)
@@ -890,7 +884,6 @@ Definition alloc_vec_Vec_coreopsindexIndexMutInst (T Idx : Type)
core_ops_index_IndexMut (alloc_vec_Vec T) Idx := {|
core_ops_index_IndexMut_indexInst := alloc_vec_Vec_coreopsindexIndexInst T Idx inst;
core_ops_index_IndexMut_index_mut := alloc_vec_Vec_index_mut T Idx inst;
- core_ops_index_IndexMut_index_mut_back := alloc_vec_Vec_index_mut_back T Idx inst;
(*** Theorems *)
@@ -901,10 +894,6 @@ Axiom alloc_vec_Vec_index_eq : forall {a : Type} (v : alloc_vec_Vec a) (i : usiz
Axiom alloc_vec_Vec_index_mut_eq : forall {a : Type} (v : alloc_vec_Vec a) (i : usize) (x : a),
alloc_vec_Vec_index_mut a usize (core_slice_index_SliceIndexUsizeSliceTInst a) v i =
- alloc_vec_Vec_index_usize v i.
-Axiom alloc_vec_Vec_index_mut_back_eq : forall {a : Type} (v : alloc_vec_Vec a) (i : usize) (x : a),
- alloc_vec_Vec_index_mut_back a usize (core_slice_index_SliceIndexUsizeSliceTInst a) v i x =
- alloc_vec_Vec_update_usize v i x.
+ alloc_vec_Vec_index_mut_usize v i.
End Primitives.
diff --git a/tests/coq/misc/_CoqProject b/tests/coq/misc/_CoqProject
index 869cdb4d..64cddedd 100644
--- a/tests/coq/misc/_CoqProject
+++ b/tests/coq/misc/_CoqProject
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ External_Types.v