path: root/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 179 insertions, 149 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8848ff20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+(** Module to perform type checking on the pure AST - we use this for sanity checks only *)
+open Pure
+open PureUtils
+(** Utility function, used for type checking *)
+let get_adt_field_types (type_decls : type_decl TypeDeclId.Map.t)
+ (type_id : type_id) (variant_id : option) (tys : ty list) :
+ ty list =
+ match type_id with
+ | Tuple ->
+ (* Tuple *)
+ assert (variant_id = None);
+ tys
+ | AdtId def_id ->
+ (* "Regular" ADT *)
+ let def = TypeDeclId.Map.find def_id type_decls in
+ type_decl_get_instantiated_fields_types def variant_id tys
+ | Assumed aty -> (
+ (* Assumed type *)
+ match aty with
+ | State ->
+ (* `State` is opaque *)
+ raise (Failure "Unreachable: `State` values are opaque")
+ | Result ->
+ let ty = Collections.List.to_cons_nil tys in
+ let variant_id = Option.get variant_id in
+ if variant_id = result_return_id then [ ty ]
+ else if variant_id = result_fail_id then []
+ else
+ raise (Failure "Unreachable: improper variant id for result type")
+ | Option ->
+ let ty = Collections.List.to_cons_nil tys in
+ let variant_id = Option.get variant_id in
+ if variant_id = option_some_id then [ ty ]
+ else if variant_id = option_none_id then []
+ else
+ raise (Failure "Unreachable: improper variant id for result type")
+ | Vec -> raise (Failure "Unreachable: `Vector` values are opaque"))
+type tc_ctx = {
+ type_decls : type_decl TypeDeclId.Map.t; (** The type declarations *)
+ env : ty VarId.Map.t; (** Environment from variables to types *)
+let check_constant_value (v : constant_value) (ty : ty) : unit =
+ match (ty, v) with
+ | Integer int_ty, V.Scalar sv -> assert (int_ty = sv.V.int_ty)
+ | Bool, Bool _ | Char, Char _ | Str, String _ -> ()
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "Inconsistent type")
+let rec check_typed_pattern (ctx : tc_ctx) (v : typed_pattern) : tc_ctx =
+ log#ldebug (lazy ("check_typed_pattern: " ^ show_typed_pattern v));
+ match v.value with
+ | PatConcrete cv ->
+ check_constant_value cv v.ty;
+ ctx
+ | PatDummy -> ctx
+ | PatVar (var, _) ->
+ assert (var.ty = v.ty);
+ let env = VarId.Map.add var.ty ctx.env in
+ { ctx with env }
+ | PatAdt av ->
+ (* Compute the field types *)
+ let type_id, tys =
+ match v.ty with
+ | Adt (type_id, tys) -> (type_id, tys)
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "Inconsistently typed value")
+ in
+ let field_tys =
+ get_adt_field_types ctx.type_decls type_id av.variant_id tys
+ in
+ let check_value (ctx : tc_ctx) (ty : ty) (v : typed_pattern) : tc_ctx =
+ if ty <> v.ty then (
+ log#serror
+ ("check_typed_pattern: not the same types:" ^ "\n- ty: "
+ ^ show_ty ty ^ "\n- v.ty: " ^ show_ty v.ty);
+ raise (Failure "Inconsistent types"));
+ check_typed_pattern ctx v
+ in
+ (* Check the field types: check that the field patterns have the expected
+ * types, and check that the field patterns themselves are well-typed *)
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun ctx (ty, v) -> check_value ctx ty v)
+ ctx
+ (List.combine field_tys av.field_values)
+let rec check_texpression (ctx : tc_ctx) (e : texpression) : unit =
+ match e.e with
+ | Var var_id -> (
+ (* Lookup the variable - note that the variable may not be there,
+ * if we type-check a subexpression (i.e.: if the variable is introduced
+ * "outside" of the expression) - TODO: this won't happen once
+ * we use a locally nameless representation *)
+ match VarId.Map.find_opt var_id ctx.env with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some ty -> assert (ty = e.ty))
+ | Const cv -> check_constant_value cv e.ty
+ | App (app, arg) ->
+ let input_ty, output_ty = destruct_arrow app.ty in
+ assert (input_ty = arg.ty);
+ assert (output_ty = e.ty);
+ check_texpression ctx app;
+ check_texpression ctx arg
+ | Abs (pat, body) ->
+ let pat_ty, body_ty = destruct_arrow e.ty in
+ assert (pat.ty = pat_ty);
+ assert (body.ty = body_ty);
+ (* Check the pattern and register the introduced variables at the same time *)
+ let ctx = check_typed_pattern ctx pat in
+ check_texpression ctx body
+ | Qualif qualif -> (
+ match with
+ | Func _ -> () (* TODO *)
+ | Proj { adt_id = proj_adt_id; field_id } ->
+ (* Note we can only project fields of structures (not enumerations) *)
+ (* Deconstruct the projector type *)
+ let adt_ty, field_ty = destruct_arrow e.ty in
+ let adt_id, adt_type_args =
+ match adt_ty with
+ | Adt (type_id, tys) -> (type_id, tys)
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
+ in
+ (* Check the ADT type *)
+ assert (adt_id = proj_adt_id);
+ assert (adt_type_args = qualif.type_args);
+ (* Retrieve and check the expected field type *)
+ let variant_id = None in
+ let expected_field_tys =
+ get_adt_field_types ctx.type_decls proj_adt_id variant_id
+ qualif.type_args
+ in
+ let expected_field_ty = FieldId.nth expected_field_tys field_id in
+ assert (expected_field_ty = field_ty)
+ | AdtCons id -> (
+ let expected_field_tys =
+ get_adt_field_types ctx.type_decls id.adt_id id.variant_id
+ qualif.type_args
+ in
+ let field_tys, adt_ty = destruct_arrows e.ty in
+ assert (expected_field_tys = field_tys);
+ match adt_ty with
+ | Adt (type_id, tys) ->
+ assert (type_id = id.adt_id);
+ assert (tys = qualif.type_args)
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")))
+ | Let (monadic, pat, re, e_next) ->
+ let expected_pat_ty = if monadic then destruct_result re.ty else re.ty in
+ assert (pat.ty = expected_pat_ty);
+ assert (e.ty = e_next.ty);
+ (* Check the right-expression *)
+ check_texpression ctx re;
+ (* Check the pattern and register the introduced variables at the same time *)
+ let ctx = check_typed_pattern ctx pat in
+ (* Check the next expression *)
+ check_texpression ctx e_next
+ | Switch (scrut, switch_body) -> (
+ check_texpression ctx scrut;
+ match switch_body with
+ | If (e_then, e_else) ->
+ assert (scrut.ty = Bool);
+ assert (e_then.ty = e.ty);
+ assert (e_else.ty = e.ty);
+ check_texpression ctx e_then;
+ check_texpression ctx e_else
+ | Match branches ->
+ let check_branch (br : match_branch) : unit =
+ assert (br.pat.ty = scrut.ty);
+ let ctx = check_typed_pattern ctx br.pat in
+ check_texpression ctx br.branch
+ in
+ List.iter check_branch branches)
+ | Meta (_, e_next) ->
+ assert (e_next.ty = e.ty);
+ check_texpression ctx e_next
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 96982b4b..8651679f 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -513,148 +513,3 @@ let get_adt_field_types (type_decls : type_decl TypeDeclId.Map.t)
raise (Failure "Unreachable: improper variant id for result type")
| Vec -> raise (Failure "Unreachable: `Vector` values are opaque"))
-(** Module to perform type checking - we use this for sanity checks only
- TODO: move to a special file (so that we can also use PrintPure for
- debugging)
- *)
-module TypeCheck = struct
- type tc_ctx = {
- type_decls : type_decl TypeDeclId.Map.t; (** The type declarations *)
- env : ty VarId.Map.t; (** Environment from variables to types *)
- }
- let check_constant_value (v : constant_value) (ty : ty) : unit =
- match (ty, v) with
- | Integer int_ty, V.Scalar sv -> assert (int_ty = sv.V.int_ty)
- | Bool, Bool _ | Char, Char _ | Str, String _ -> ()
- | _ -> raise (Failure "Inconsistent type")
- let rec check_typed_pattern (ctx : tc_ctx) (v : typed_pattern) : tc_ctx =
- log#ldebug (lazy ("check_typed_pattern: " ^ show_typed_pattern v));
- match v.value with
- | PatConcrete cv ->
- check_constant_value cv v.ty;
- ctx
- | PatDummy -> ctx
- | PatVar (var, _) ->
- assert (var.ty = v.ty);
- let env = VarId.Map.add var.ty ctx.env in
- { ctx with env }
- | PatAdt av ->
- (* Compute the field types *)
- let type_id, tys =
- match v.ty with
- | Adt (type_id, tys) -> (type_id, tys)
- | _ -> raise (Failure "Inconsistently typed value")
- in
- let field_tys =
- get_adt_field_types ctx.type_decls type_id av.variant_id tys
- in
- let check_value (ctx : tc_ctx) (ty : ty) (v : typed_pattern) : tc_ctx =
- if ty <> v.ty then (
- log#serror
- ("check_typed_pattern: not the same types:" ^ "\n- ty: "
- ^ show_ty ty ^ "\n- v.ty: " ^ show_ty v.ty);
- raise (Failure "Inconsistent types"));
- check_typed_pattern ctx v
- in
- (* Check the field types: check that the field patterns have the expected
- * types, and check that the field patterns themselves are well-typed *)
- List.fold_left
- (fun ctx (ty, v) -> check_value ctx ty v)
- ctx
- (List.combine field_tys av.field_values)
- let rec check_texpression (ctx : tc_ctx) (e : texpression) : unit =
- match e.e with
- | Var var_id -> (
- (* Lookup the variable - note that the variable may not be there,
- * if we type-check a subexpression (i.e.: if the variable is introduced
- * "outside" of the expression) - TODO: this won't happen once
- * we use a locally nameless representation *)
- match VarId.Map.find_opt var_id ctx.env with
- | None -> ()
- | Some ty -> assert (ty = e.ty))
- | Const cv -> check_constant_value cv e.ty
- | App (app, arg) ->
- let input_ty, output_ty = destruct_arrow app.ty in
- assert (input_ty = arg.ty);
- assert (output_ty = e.ty);
- check_texpression ctx app;
- check_texpression ctx arg
- | Abs (pat, body) ->
- let pat_ty, body_ty = destruct_arrow e.ty in
- assert (pat.ty = pat_ty);
- assert (body.ty = body_ty);
- (* Check the pattern and register the introduced variables at the same time *)
- let ctx = check_typed_pattern ctx pat in
- check_texpression ctx body
- | Qualif qualif -> (
- match with
- | Func _ -> () (* TODO *)
- | Proj { adt_id = proj_adt_id; field_id } ->
- (* Note we can only project fields of structures (not enumerations) *)
- (* Deconstruct the projector type *)
- let adt_ty, field_ty = destruct_arrow e.ty in
- let adt_id, adt_type_args =
- match adt_ty with
- | Adt (type_id, tys) -> (type_id, tys)
- | _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
- in
- (* Check the ADT type *)
- assert (adt_id = proj_adt_id);
- assert (adt_type_args = qualif.type_args);
- (* Retrieve and check the expected field type *)
- let variant_id = None in
- let expected_field_tys =
- get_adt_field_types ctx.type_decls proj_adt_id variant_id
- qualif.type_args
- in
- let expected_field_ty = FieldId.nth expected_field_tys field_id in
- assert (expected_field_ty = field_ty)
- | AdtCons id -> (
- let expected_field_tys =
- get_adt_field_types ctx.type_decls id.adt_id id.variant_id
- qualif.type_args
- in
- let field_tys, adt_ty = destruct_arrows e.ty in
- assert (expected_field_tys = field_tys);
- match adt_ty with
- | Adt (type_id, tys) ->
- assert (type_id = id.adt_id);
- assert (tys = qualif.type_args)
- | _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")))
- | Let (monadic, pat, re, e_next) ->
- let expected_pat_ty =
- if monadic then destruct_result re.ty else re.ty
- in
- assert (pat.ty = expected_pat_ty);
- assert (e.ty = e_next.ty);
- (* Check the right-expression *)
- check_texpression ctx re;
- (* Check the pattern and register the introduced variables at the same time *)
- let ctx = check_typed_pattern ctx pat in
- (* Check the next expression *)
- check_texpression ctx e_next
- | Switch (scrut, switch_body) -> (
- check_texpression ctx scrut;
- match switch_body with
- | If (e_then, e_else) ->
- assert (scrut.ty = Bool);
- assert (e_then.ty = e.ty);
- assert (e_else.ty = e.ty);
- check_texpression ctx e_then;
- check_texpression ctx e_else
- | Match branches ->
- let check_branch (br : match_branch) : unit =
- assert (br.pat.ty = scrut.ty);
- let ctx = check_typed_pattern ctx br.pat in
- check_texpression ctx br.branch
- in
- List.iter check_branch branches)
- | Meta (_, e_next) ->
- assert (e_next.ty = e.ty);
- check_texpression ctx e_next
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 156d5661..4754d237 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -113,14 +113,14 @@ type bs_ctx = {
let type_check_pattern (ctx : bs_ctx) (v : typed_pattern) : unit =
let env = VarId.Map.empty in
- let ctx = { TypeCheck.type_decls = ctx.type_context.type_decls; env } in
- let _ = TypeCheck.check_typed_pattern ctx v in
+ let ctx = { PureTypeCheck.type_decls = ctx.type_context.type_decls; env } in
+ let _ = PureTypeCheck.check_typed_pattern ctx v in
let type_check_texpression (ctx : bs_ctx) (e : texpression) : unit =
let env = VarId.Map.empty in
- let ctx = { TypeCheck.type_decls = ctx.type_context.type_decls; env } in
- TypeCheck.check_texpression ctx e
+ let ctx = { PureTypeCheck.type_decls = ctx.type_context.type_decls; env } in
+ PureTypeCheck.check_texpression ctx e
(* TODO: move *)
let bs_ctx_to_ast_formatter (ctx : bs_ctx) : Print.LlbcAst.ast_formatter =