path: root/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 844 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index e404f40d..00000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,844 +0,0 @@
-open Identifiers
-open Types
-(* TODO: I often write "abstract" (value, borrow content, etc.) while I should
- * write "abstraction" (because those values are not abstract, they simply are
- * inside abstractions) *)
-module VarId = IdGen ()
-module BorrowId = IdGen ()
-module SymbolicValueId = IdGen ()
-module AbstractionId = IdGen ()
-module FunCallId = IdGen ()
-(** A variable *)
-type big_int = Z.t
-let big_int_of_yojson (json : Yojson.Safe.t) : (big_int, string) result =
- match json with
- | `Int i -> Ok (Z.of_int i)
- | `Intlit is -> Ok (Z.of_string is)
- | _ -> Error "not an integer or an integer literal"
-let big_int_to_yojson (i : big_int) = `Intlit (Z.to_string i)
-let pp_big_int (fmt : Format.formatter) (bi : big_int) : unit =
- Format.pp_print_string fmt (Z.to_string bi)
-let show_big_int (bi : big_int) : string = Z.to_string bi
-(** A scalar value
- Note that we use unbounded integers everywhere.
- We then harcode the boundaries for the different types.
- *)
-type scalar_value = { value : big_int; int_ty : integer_type } [@@deriving show]
-(** A constant value *)
-type constant_value =
- | Scalar of scalar_value
- | Bool of bool
- | Char of char
- | String of string
-[@@deriving show]
-(** The kind of a symbolic value, which precises how the value was generated *)
-type sv_kind =
- | FunCallRet (** The value is the return value of a function call *)
- | FunCallGivenBack
- (** The value is a borrowed value given back by an abstraction
- (happens when giving a borrow to a function: when the abstraction
- introduced to model the function call ends we reintroduce a symbolic
- value in the context for the value modified by the abstraction through
- the borrow).
- *)
- | SynthInput
- (** The value is an input value of the function whose body we are
- currently synthesizing.
- *)
- | SynthRetGivenBack
- (** The value is a borrowed value that the function whose body we are
- synthesizing returned, and which was given back because we ended
- one of the lifetimes of this function (we do this to synthesize
- the backward functions).
- *)
- | SynthInputGivenBack
- (** The value was given back upon ending one of the input abstractions *)
- | Global (** The value is a global *)
-[@@deriving show]
-(** A symbolic value *)
-type symbolic_value = {
- sv_kind : sv_kind;
- sv_id :;
- sv_ty : rty;
-[@@deriving show]
-(** Ancestor for {!typed_value} iter visitor *)
-class ['self] iter_typed_value_base =
- object (_self : 'self)
- inherit [_] VisitorsRuntime.iter
- method visit_constant_value : 'env -> constant_value -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
- method visit_erased_region : 'env -> erased_region -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
- method visit_symbolic_value : 'env -> symbolic_value -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
- method visit_ety : 'env -> ety -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
- end
-(** Ancestor for {!typed_value} map visitor for *)
-class ['self] map_typed_value_base =
- object (_self : 'self)
- inherit [_]
- method visit_constant_value : 'env -> constant_value -> constant_value =
- fun _ cv -> cv
- method visit_erased_region : 'env -> erased_region -> erased_region =
- fun _ r -> r
- method visit_symbolic_value : 'env -> symbolic_value -> symbolic_value =
- fun _ sv -> sv
- method visit_ety : 'env -> ety -> ety = fun _ ty -> ty
- end
-(** An untyped value, used in the environments *)
-type value =
- | Concrete of constant_value (** Concrete (non-symbolic) value *)
- | Adt of adt_value (** Enumerations and structures *)
- | Bottom (** No value (uninitialized or moved value) *)
- | Borrow of borrow_content (** A borrowed value *)
- | Loan of loan_content (** A loaned value *)
- | Symbolic of symbolic_value
- (** Borrow projector over a symbolic value.
- Note that contrary to the abstraction-values case, symbolic values
- appearing in regular values are interpreted as *borrow* projectors,
- they can never be *loan* projectors.
- *)
-and adt_value = {
- variant_id : ( option[@opaque]);
- field_values : typed_value list;
-and borrow_content =
- | SharedBorrow of mvalue * ([@opaque])
- (** A shared borrow.
- We remember the shared value which was borrowed as a meta value.
- This is necessary for synthesis: upon translating to "pure" values,
- we can't perform any lookup because we don't have an environment
- anymore. Note that it is ok to keep the shared value and copy
- the shared value this way, because shared values are immutable
- for as long as they are shared (i.e., as long as we can use the
- shared borrow).
- *)
- | MutBorrow of ([@opaque]) * typed_value
- (** A mutably borrowed value. *)
- | InactivatedMutBorrow of mvalue * ([@opaque])
- (** An inactivated mut borrow.
- This is used to model {{:} two-phase borrows}.
- When evaluating a two-phase mutable borrow, we first introduce an inactivated
- borrow which behaves like a shared borrow, until the moment we actually *use*
- the borrow: at this point, we end all the other shared borrows (or inactivated
- borrows - though there shouldn't be any other inactivated borrows if the program
- is well typed) of this value and replace the inactivated borrow with a
- mutable borrow.
- A simple use case of two-phase borrows:
- {[
- let mut v = Vec::new();
- v.push(v.len());
- ]}
- This gets desugared to (something similar to) the following MIR:
- {[
- v = Vec::new();
- v1 = &mut v;
- v2 = &v; // We need this borrow, but v has already been mutably borrowed!
- l = Vec::len(move v2);
- Vec::push(move v1, move l); // In practice, v1 gets activated only here
- ]}
- The meta-value is used for the same purposes as with shared borrows,
- at the exception that in case of inactivated borrows it is not
- *necessary* for the synthesis: we keep it only as meta-information.
- To be more precise:
- - when generating the synthesized program, we may need to convert
- shared borrows to pure values
- - we never need to do so for inactivated borrows: such borrows must
- be activated at the moment we use them (meaning we convert a *mutable*
- borrow to a pure value). However, we save meta-data about the assignments,
- which is used to make the code cleaner: when generating this meta-data,
- we may need to convert inactivated borrows to pure values, in which
- situation we convert the meta-value we stored in the inactivated
- borrow.
- *)
-and loan_content =
- | SharedLoan of (BorrowId.Set.t[@opaque]) * typed_value
- | MutLoan of ([@opaque])
- (** TODO: we might want to add a set of borrow ids (useful for inactivated
- borrows, and extremely useful when giving shared values to abstractions).
- *)
-(** "Meta"-value: information we store for the synthesis.
- Note that we never automatically visit the meta-values with the
- visitors: they really are meta information, and shouldn't be considered
- as part of the environment during a symbolic execution.
- TODO: we may want to create wrappers, to prevent accidently mixing meta
- values and regular values.
- *)
-and mvalue = typed_value
-(** "Regular" typed value (we map variables to typed values) *)
-and typed_value = { value : value; ty : ety }
- show,
- visitors
- {
- name = "iter_typed_value_visit_mvalue";
- variety = "iter";
- ancestors = [ "iter_typed_value_base" ];
- nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
- concrete = true;
- },
- visitors
- {
- name = "map_typed_value_visit_mvalue";
- variety = "map";
- ancestors = [ "map_typed_value_base" ];
- nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
- concrete = true;
- }]
-(** We have to override the {!iter_typed_value_visit_mvalue.visit_mvalue} method,
- to ignore meta-values *)
-class ['self] iter_typed_value =
- object (_self : 'self)
- inherit [_] iter_typed_value_visit_mvalue
- method! visit_mvalue : 'env -> mvalue -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
- end
-(** We have to override the {!iter_typed_value_visit_mvalue.visit_mvalue} method,
- to ignore meta-values *)
-class ['self] map_typed_value =
- object (_self : 'self)
- inherit [_] map_typed_value_visit_mvalue
- method! visit_mvalue : 'env -> mvalue -> mvalue = fun _ x -> x
- end
-(** "Meta"-symbolic value.
- See the explanations for {!mvalue}
- TODO: we may want to create wrappers, to prevent mixing meta values
- and regular values.
- *)
-type msymbolic_value = symbolic_value [@@deriving show]
-(** When giving shared borrows to functions (i.e., inserting shared borrows inside
- abstractions) we need to reborrow the shared values. When doing so, we lookup
- the shared values and apply some special projections to the shared value
- (until we can't go further, i.e., we find symbolic values which may get
- expanded upon reading them later), which don't generate avalues but
- sets of borrow ids and symbolic values.
- Note that as shared values can't get modified it is ok to forget the
- structure of the values we projected, and only keep the set of borrows
- (and symbolic values).
- TODO: we may actually need to remember the structure, in order to know
- which borrows are inside which other borrows...
-type abstract_shared_borrow =
- | AsbBorrow of ([@opaque])
- | AsbProjReborrows of (symbolic_value[@opaque]) * (rty[@opaque])
-[@@deriving show]
-(** A set of abstract shared borrows *)
-type abstract_shared_borrows = abstract_shared_borrow list [@@deriving show]
-(** Ancestor for {!aproj} iter visitor *)
-class ['self] iter_aproj_base =
- object (_self : 'self)
- inherit [_] iter_typed_value
- method visit_rty : 'env -> rty -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
- method visit_msymbolic_value : 'env -> msymbolic_value -> unit =
- fun _ _ -> ()
- end
-(** Ancestor for {!aproj} map visitor *)
-class ['self] map_aproj_base =
- object (_self : 'self)
- inherit [_] map_typed_value
- method visit_rty : 'env -> rty -> rty = fun _ ty -> ty
- method visit_msymbolic_value : 'env -> msymbolic_value -> msymbolic_value =
- fun _ m -> m
- end
-type aproj =
- | AProjLoans of symbolic_value * (msymbolic_value * aproj) list
- (** A projector of loans over a symbolic value.
- Note that the borrows of a symbolic value may be spread between
- different abstractions, meaning that the projector of loans might
- receive *several* (symbolic) given back values.
- This is the case in the following example:
- {[
- fn f<'a> (...) -> (&'a mut u32, &'a mut u32);
- fn g<'b, 'c>(p : (&'b mut u32, &'c mut u32));
- let p = f(...);
- g(move p);
- // Symbolic context after the call to g:
- // abs'a {'a} { [s@0 <: (&'a mut u32, &'a mut u32)] }
- //
- // abs'b {'b} { (s@0 <: (&'b mut u32, &'c mut u32)) }
- // abs'c {'c} { (s@0 <: (&'b mut u32, &'c mut u32)) }
- ]}
- Upon evaluating the call to [f], we introduce a symbolic value [s@0]
- and a projector of loans (projector loans from the region 'c).
- This projector will later receive two given back values: one for
- 'a and one for 'b.
- We accumulate those values in the list of projections (note that
- the meta value stores the value which was given back).
- We can later end the projector of loans if [s@0] is not referenced
- anywhere in the context below a projector of borrows which intersects
- this projector of loans.
- *)
- | AProjBorrows of symbolic_value * rty
- (** Note that an AProjBorrows only operates on a value which is not below
- a shared loan: under a shared loan, we use {!abstract_shared_borrow}.
- Also note that once given to a borrow projection, a symbolic value
- can't get updated/expanded: this means that we don't need to save
- any meta-value here.
- *)
- | AEndedProjLoans of msymbolic_value * (msymbolic_value * aproj) list
- (** An ended projector of loans over a symbolic value.
- See the explanations for {!AProjLoans}
- Note that we keep the original symbolic value as a meta-value.
- *)
- | AEndedProjBorrows of msymbolic_value
- (** The only purpose of {!AEndedProjBorrows} is to store, for synthesis
- purposes, the symbolic value which was generated and given back upon
- ending the borrow.
- *)
- | AIgnoredProjBorrows
- show,
- visitors
- {
- name = "iter_aproj";
- variety = "iter";
- ancestors = [ "iter_aproj_base" ];
- nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
- concrete = true;
- },
- visitors
- {
- name = "map_aproj";
- variety = "map";
- ancestors = [ "map_aproj_base" ];
- nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
- concrete = true;
- }]
-type region = Types.region [@@deriving show]
-(** Ancestor for {!typed_avalue} iter visitor *)
-class ['self] iter_typed_avalue_base =
- object (_self : 'self)
- inherit [_] iter_aproj
- method visit_id : 'env -> -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
- method visit_region : 'env -> region -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
- method visit_abstract_shared_borrows
- : 'env -> abstract_shared_borrows -> unit =
- fun _ _ -> ()
- end
-(** Ancestor for {!typed_avalue} map visitor *)
-class ['self] map_typed_avalue_base =
- object (_self : 'self)
- inherit [_] map_aproj
- method visit_id : 'env -> -> = fun _ id -> id
- method visit_region : 'env -> region -> region = fun _ r -> r
- method visit_abstract_shared_borrows
- : 'env -> abstract_shared_borrows -> abstract_shared_borrows =
- fun _ asb -> asb
- end
-(** Abstraction values are used inside of abstractions to properly model
- borrowing relations introduced by function calls.
- When calling a function, we lose information about the borrow graph:
- part of it is thus "abstracted" away.
-type avalue =
- | AConcrete of constant_value
- (** TODO: remove. We actually don't use that for the synthesis, but the
- meta-values.
- Note that this case is not used in the projections to keep track of the
- borrow graph (because there are no borrows in "concrete" values!) but
- to correctly instantiate the backward functions (we may give back some
- values at different moments: we need to remember what those values were
- precisely). Also note that even though avalues and values are not the
- same, once values are projected to avalues, those avalues still have
- the structure of the original values (this is necessary, again, to
- correctly instantiate the backward functions)
- *)
- | AAdt of adt_avalue
- | ABottom
- | ALoan of aloan_content
- | ABorrow of aborrow_content
- | ASymbolic of aproj
- | AIgnored
- (** A value which doesn't contain borrows, or which borrows we
- don't own and thus ignore *)
-and adt_avalue = {
- variant_id : ( option[@opaque]);
- field_values : typed_avalue list;
-(** A loan content as stored in an abstraction.
- Note that the children avalues are independent of the parent avalues.
- For instance, the child avalue contained in an {!AMutLoan} will likely
- contain other, independent loans.
- Keeping track of the hierarchy is not necessary to maintain the borrow graph
- (which is the primary role of the abstractions), but it is necessary
- to properly instantiate the backward functions when generating the pure
- translation.
-and aloan_content =
- | AMutLoan of ([@opaque]) * typed_avalue
- (** A mutable loan owned by an abstraction.
- Example:
- ========
- {[
- fn f<'a>(...) -> &'a mut &'a mut u32;
- let px = f(...);
- ]}
- We get (after some symbolic exansion):
- {[
- abs0 {
- a_mut_loan l0 (a_mut_loan l1)
- }
- px -> mut_borrow l0 (mut_borrow @s1)
- ]}
- *)
- | ASharedLoan of (BorrowId.Set.t[@opaque]) * typed_value * typed_avalue
- (** A shared loan owned by an abstraction.
- Example:
- ========
- {[
- fn f<'a>(...) -> &'a u32;
- let px = f(...);
- ]}
- We get:
- {[
- abs0 { a_shared_loan {l0} @s0 ⊥ }
- px -> shared_loan l0
- ]}
- *)
- | AEndedMutLoan of {
- child : typed_avalue;
- given_back : typed_avalue;
- given_back_meta : mvalue;
- }
- (** An ended mutable loan in an abstraction.
- We need it because abstractions must keep track of the values
- we gave back to them, so that we can correctly instantiate
- backward functions.
- Rk.: *DO NOT* use [visit_AEndedMutLoan]. If we update the order of
- the arguments and you forget to swap them at the level of
- [visit_AEndedMutLoan], you will not notice it.
- Example:
- ========
- {[
- abs0 { a_mut_loan l0 ⊥ }
- x -> mut_borrow l0 (U32 3)
- ]}
- After ending [l0]:
- {[
- abs0 { a_ended_mut_loan { given_back = U32 3; child = ⊥; }
- x -> ⊥
- ]}
- *)
- | AEndedSharedLoan of typed_value * typed_avalue
- (** Similar to {!AEndedMutLoan} but in this case there are no avalues to
- give back. We keep the shared value because it now behaves as a
- "regular" value (which contains borrows we might want to end...).
- *)
- | AIgnoredMutLoan of ([@opaque]) * typed_avalue
- (** An ignored mutable loan.
- We need to keep track of ignored mutable loans, because we may have
- to apply projections on the values given back to those loans (say
- you have a borrow of type [&'a mut &'b mut], in the abstraction 'b,
- the outer loan is ignored, however you need to keep track of it so
- that when ending the borrow corresponding to 'a you can correctly
- project on the inner value).
- Example:
- ========
- {[
- fn f<'a,'b>(...) -> &'a mut &'b mut u32;
- let x = f(...);
- > abs'a { a_mut_loan l0 (a_ignored_mut_loan l1 ⊥) }
- > abs'b { a_ignored_mut_loan l0 (a_mut_loan l1 ⊥) }
- > x -> mut_borrow l0 (mut_borrow l1 @s1)
- ]}
- *)
- | AEndedIgnoredMutLoan of {
- child : typed_avalue;
- given_back : typed_avalue;
- given_back_meta : mvalue;
- }
- (** Similar to {!AEndedMutLoan}, for ignored loans.
- Rk.: *DO NOT* use [visit_AEndedIgnoredMutLoan].
- See the comment for {!AEndedMutLoan}.
- *)
- | AIgnoredSharedLoan of typed_avalue
- (** An ignored shared loan.
- Example:
- ========
- {[
- fn f<'a,'b>(...) -> &'a &'b u32;
- let x = f(...);
- > abs'a { a_shared_loan {l0} (shared_borrow l1) (a_ignored_shared_loan ⊥) }
- > abs'b { a_ignored_shared_loan (a_shared_loan {l1} @s1 ⊥) }
- > x -> shared_borrow l0
- ]}
- *)
-(** Note that when a borrow content is ended, it is replaced by ⊥ (while
- we need to track ended loans more precisely, especially because of their
- children values).
- Note that contrary to {!aloan_content}, here the children avalues are
- not independent of the parent avalues. For instance, a value
- [AMutBorrow (_, AMutBorrow (_, ...)] (ignoring the types) really is
- to be seen like a [mut_borrow ... (mut_borrow ...)].
- TODO: be more precise about the ignored borrows (keep track of the borrow
- ids)?
-and aborrow_content =
- | AMutBorrow of mvalue * ([@opaque]) * typed_avalue
- (** A mutable borrow owned by an abstraction.
- Is used when an abstraction "consumes" borrows, when giving borrows
- as arguments to a function.
- Example:
- ========
- {[
- fn f<'a>(px : &'a mut u32);
- > x -> mut_loan l0
- > px -> mut_borrow l0 (U32 0)
- f(move px);
- > x -> mut_loan l0
- > px -> ⊥
- > abs0 { a_mut_borrow l0 (U32 0) }
- ]}
- The meta-value stores the initial value on which the projector was
- applied, which reduced to this mut borrow. This meta-information
- is only used for the synthesis.
- TODO: do we really use it actually?
- *)
- | ASharedBorrow of ([@opaque])
- (** A shared borrow owned by an abstraction.
- Example:
- ========
- {[
- fn f<'a>(px : &'a u32);
- > x -> shared_loan {l0} (U32 0)
- > px -> shared_borrow l0
- f(move px);
- > x -> shared_loan {l0} (U32 0)
- > px -> ⊥
- > abs0 { a_shared_borrow l0 }
- ]}
- *)
- | AIgnoredMutBorrow of option * typed_avalue
- (** An ignored mutable borrow.
- We need to keep track of ignored mut borrows because when ending such
- borrows, we need to project the loans of the given back value to
- insert them in the proper abstractions.
- Note that we need to do so only for borrows consumed by parent
- abstractions (hence the optional borrow id).
- TODO: the below explanations are obsolete
- Example:
- ========
- {[
- fn f<'a,'b>(ppx : &'a mut &'b mut u32);
- > x -> mut_loan l0
- > px -> mut_loan l1
- > ppx -> mut_borrow l1 (mut_borrow l0 (U32 0))
- f(move ppx);
- > x -> mut_loan l0
- > px -> mut_loan l1
- > ppx -> ⊥
- > abs'a { a_mut_borrow l1 (a_ignored_mut_borrow None (U32 0)) } // TODO: duplication
- > abs'b {parents={abs'a}} { a_ignored_mut_borrow (Some l1) (a_mut_borrow l0 (U32 0)) }
- ... // abs'a ends
- > x -> mut_loan l0
- > px -> @s0
- > ppx -> ⊥
- > abs'b {
- > a_ended_ignored_mut_borrow (a_proj_loans (@s0 <: &'b mut u32)) // <-- loan projector
- > (a_mut_borrow l0 (U32 0))
- > }
- ... // [@s0] gets expanded to [&mut l2 @s1]
- > x -> mut_loan l0
- > px -> &mut l2 @s1
- > ppx -> ⊥
- > abs'b {
- > a_ended_ignored_mut_borrow (a_mut_loan l2) // <-- loan l2 is here
- > (a_mut_borrow l0 (U32 0))
- > }
- ]}
- Note that we could use AIgnoredMutLoan in the case the borrow id is not
- None, which would allow us to simplify the rules (to not have rules
- to specifically handle the case of AIgnoredMutBorrow with Some borrow
- id) and also remove the AEndedIgnoredMutBorrow variant.
- For now, the rules are implemented and it allows us to make the avalues
- more precise and clearer, so we will keep it that way.
- TODO: this is annoying, we are duplicating information. Maybe we
- could introduce an "Ignored" value? We have to pay attention to
- two things:
- - introducing ⊥ when ignoring a value is not always possible, because
- we check whether the borrowed value contains ⊥ when giving back a
- borrowed value (if it is the case we give back ⊥, otherwise we
- introduce a symbolic value). This is necessary when ending nested
- borrows with the same lifetime: when ending the inner borrow we
- actually give back a value, however when ending the outer borrow
- we need to give back ⊥.
- TODO: actually we don't do that anymore, we check if the borrowed
- avalue contains ended regions (which is cleaner and more robust).
- - we may need to remember the precise values given to the
- abstraction so that we can properly call the backward functions
- when generating the pure translation.
- *)
- | AEndedMutBorrow of msymbolic_value * typed_avalue
- (** The sole purpose of {!AEndedMutBorrow} is to store the (symbolic) value
- that we gave back as a meta-value, to help with the synthesis.
- We also remember the child {!avalue} because this structural information
- is useful for the synthesis (but not for the symbolic execution):
- in practice the child value should only contain ended borrows, ignored
- values, bottom values, etc.
- *)
- | AEndedSharedBorrow
- (** We don't really need {!AEndedSharedBorrow}: we simply want to be
- precise, and not insert ⊥ when ending borrows.
- *)
- | AEndedIgnoredMutBorrow of {
- child : typed_avalue;
- given_back_loans_proj : typed_avalue;
- given_back_meta : msymbolic_value;
- (** [given_back_meta] is used to store the (symbolic) value we gave back
- upon ending the borrow.
- Rk.: *DO NOT* use [visit_AEndedIgnoredMutLoan].
- See the comment for {!AEndedMutLoan}.
- *)
- } (** See the explanations for {!AIgnoredMutBorrow} *)
- | AProjSharedBorrow of abstract_shared_borrows
- (** A projected shared borrow.
- When giving shared borrows as arguments to function calls, we
- introduce new borrows to keep track of the fact that the function
- might reborrow values inside. Note that as shared values are immutable,
- we don't really need to remember the structure of the shared values.
- Example:
- ========
- Below, when calling [f], we need to introduce one shared borrow per
- borrow in the argument.
- {[
- fn f<'a,'b>(pppx : &'a &'b &'c mut u32);
- > x -> mut_loan l0
- > px -> shared_loan {l1} (mut_borrow l0 (U32 0))
- > ppx -> shared_loan {l2} (shared_borrow l1)
- > pppx -> shared_borrow l2
- f(move pppx);
- > x -> mut_loan l0
- > px -> shared_loan {l1, l3, l4} (mut_borrow l0 (U32 0))
- > ppx -> shared_loan {l2} (shared_borrow l1)
- > pppx -> ⊥
- > abs'a { a_proj_shared_borrow {l2} }
- > abs'b { a_proj_shared_borrow {l3} } // l3 reborrows l1
- > abs'c { a_proj_shared_borrow {l4} } // l4 reborrows l0
- ]}
- *)
-(* TODO: the type of avalues doesn't make sense for loan avalues: they currently
- are typed as [& (mut) T] instead of [T]...
-and typed_avalue = { value : avalue; ty : rty }
- show,
- visitors
- {
- name = "iter_typed_avalue";
- variety = "iter";
- ancestors = [ "iter_typed_avalue_base" ];
- nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
- concrete = true;
- },
- visitors
- {
- name = "map_typed_avalue";
- variety = "map";
- ancestors = [ "map_typed_avalue_base" ];
- nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
- concrete = true;
- }]
-(** The kind of an abstraction, which keeps track of its origin *)
-type abs_kind =
- | FunCall (** The abstraction was introduced because of a function call *)
- | SynthInput
- (** The abstraction keeps track of the input values of the function
- we are currently synthesizing. *)
- | SynthRet
- (** The abstraction "absorbed" the value returned by the function we
- are currently synthesizing *)
-[@@deriving show]
-(** Abstractions model the parts in the borrow graph where the borrowing relations
- have been abstracted because of a function call.
- In order to model the relations between the borrows, we use "abstraction values",
- which are a special kind of value.
-type abs = {
- abs_id : ([@opaque]);
- call_id : ([@opaque]);
- (** The identifier of the function call which introduced this
- abstraction. This is not used by the symbolic execution:
- this is only used for pretty-printing and debugging, in the
- symbolic AST, generated by the symbolic execution.
- *)
- back_id : ([@opaque]);
- (** The region group id to which this abstraction is linked.
- In most situations, it gives the id of the backward function (hence
- the name), but it is a bit more subtle in the case of synth input
- and synth ret abstractions.
- This is not used by the symbolic execution: it is a utility for
- the symbolic AST, generated by the symbolic execution.
- *)
- kind : (abs_kind[@opaque]);
- can_end : (bool[@opaque]);
- (** Controls whether the region can be ended or not.
- This allows to "pin" some regions, and is useful when generating
- backward functions.
- For instance, if we have: [fn f<'a, 'b>(...) -> (&'a mut T, &'b mut T)],
- when generating the backward function for 'a, we have to make sure we
- don't need to end the return region for 'b (if it is the case, it means
- the function doesn't borrow check).
- *)
- parents : (AbstractionId.Set.t[@opaque]); (** The parent abstractions *)
- original_parents : ( list[@opaque]);
- (** The original list of parents, ordered. This is used for synthesis. *)
- regions : (RegionId.Set.t[@opaque]); (** Regions owned by this abstraction *)
- ancestors_regions : (RegionId.Set.t[@opaque]);
- (** Union of the regions owned by this abstraction's ancestors (not
- including the regions of this abstraction itself) *)
- avalues : typed_avalue list; (** The values in this abstraction *)
- show,
- visitors
- {
- name = "iter_abs";
- variety = "iter";
- ancestors = [ "iter_typed_avalue" ];
- nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
- concrete = true;
- },
- visitors
- {
- name = "map_abs";
- variety = "map";
- ancestors = [ "map_typed_avalue" ];
- nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
- concrete = true;
- }]
-(** A symbolic expansion
- A symbolic expansion doesn't represent a value, but rather an operation
- that we apply to values.
- TODO: this should rather be name "expanded_symbolic"
- *)
-type symbolic_expansion =
- | SeConcrete of constant_value
- | SeAdt of ( option * symbolic_value list)
- | SeMutRef of * symbolic_value
- | SeSharedRef of BorrowId.Set.t * symbolic_value