path: root/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 604a7948..00000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-(** The "symbolic" AST is the AST directly generated by the symbolic execution.
- It is very rough and meant to be extremely straightforward to build during
- the symbolic execution: we later apply transformations to generate the
- pure AST that we export. *)
-module T = Types
-module V = Values
-module E = Expressions
-module A = LlbcAst
-(** "Meta"-place: a place stored as meta-data.
- Whenever we need to introduce new symbolic variables, for instance because
- of symbolic expansions, we try to store a "place", which gives information
- about the origin of the values (this place information comes from assignment
- information, etc.).
- We later use this place information to generate meaningful name, to prettify
- the generated code.
- *)
-type mplace = {
- bv : Contexts.binder;
- (** It is important that we store the binder, and not just the variable id,
- because the most important information in a place is the name of the
- variable!
- *)
- projection : E.projection;
- (** We store the projection because we can, but it is actually not that useful *)
-type call_id =
- | Fun of A.fun_id *
- (** A "regular" function (i.e., a function which is not a primitive operation) *)
- | Unop of E.unop
- | Binop of E.binop
-[@@deriving show, ord]
-type call = {
- call_id : call_id;
- abstractions : list;
- type_params : T.ety list;
- args : V.typed_value list;
- args_places : mplace option list; (** Meta information *)
- dest : V.symbolic_value;
- dest_place : mplace option; (** Meta information *)
-(** Meta information, not necessary for synthesis but useful to guide it to
- generate a pretty output.
- *)
-type meta =
- | Assignment of mplace * V.typed_value * mplace option
- (** We generated an assignment (destination, assigned value, src) *)
-(** **Rk.:** here, {!expression} is not at all equivalent to the expressions
- used in LLBC: they are a first step towards lambda-calculus expressions.
- *)
-type expression =
- | Return of V.typed_value option
- (** There are two cases:
- - the AST is for a forward function: the typed value should contain
- the value which was in the return variable
- - the AST is for a backward function: the typed value should be [None]
- *)
- | Panic
- | FunCall of call * expression
- | EndAbstraction of V.abs * expression
- | EvalGlobal of * V.symbolic_value * expression
- (** Evaluate a global to a fresh symbolic value *)
- | Expansion of mplace option * V.symbolic_value * expansion
- (** Expansion of a symbolic value.
- The place is "meta": it gives the path to the symbolic value (if available)
- which got expanded (this path is available when the symbolic expansion
- comes from a path evaluation, during an assignment for instance).
- We use it to compute meaningful names for the variables we introduce,
- to prettify the generated code.
- *)
- | Meta of meta * expression (** Meta information *)
-and expansion =
- | ExpandNoBranch of V.symbolic_expansion * expression
- (** A symbolic expansion which doesn't generate a branching.
- Includes:
- - concrete expansion
- - borrow expansion
- *Doesn't* include:
- - expansion of ADTs with one variant
- *)
- | ExpandAdt of
- ( option * V.symbolic_value list * expression) list
- (** ADT expansion *)
- | ExpandBool of expression * expression
- (** A boolean expansion (i.e, an [if ... then ... else ...]) *)
- | ExpandInt of
- T.integer_type * (V.scalar_value * expression) list * expression
- (** An integer expansion (i.e, a switch over an integer). The last
- expression is for the "otherwise" branch. *)