path: root/src/
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1 files changed, 53 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 23bffa1d..0045cc1d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -244,9 +244,9 @@ let functions_not_mutually_recursive (funs : fun_decl list) : bool =
inherit [_] iter_expression as super
- method! visit_call env call =
- if FunIdSet.mem call.func !ids then raise Utils.Found
- else super#visit_call env call
+ method! visit_func env func =
+ if FunIdSet.mem func.func !ids then raise Utils.Found
+ else super#visit_func env func
@@ -264,13 +264,13 @@ let functions_not_mutually_recursive (funs : fun_decl list) : bool =
We only look for outer monadic let-bindings.
This is used when printing the branches of `if ... then ... else ...`.
-let rec expression_requires_parentheses (e : texpression) : bool =
+let rec let_group_requires_parentheses (e : texpression) : bool =
match e.e with
- | Value _ | Call _ -> false
+ | Value _ | App _ | Func _ -> false
| Let (monadic, _, _, next_e) ->
- if monadic then true else expression_requires_parentheses next_e
+ if monadic then true else let_group_requires_parentheses next_e
| Switch (_, _) -> false
- | Meta (_, next_e) -> expression_requires_parentheses next_e
+ | Meta (_, next_e) -> let_group_requires_parentheses next_e
(** Module to perform type checking - we use this for sanity checks only *)
module TypeCheck = struct
@@ -385,3 +385,49 @@ let as_var (e : texpression) : =
(** Remove the external occurrences of [Meta] *)
let rec unmeta (e : texpression) : texpression =
match e.e with Meta (_, e) -> unmeta e | _ -> e
+(** Construct a type as a list of arrows: ty1 -> ... tyn *)
+let mk_arrows (inputs : ty list) (output : ty) =
+ let rec aux (tys : ty list) : ty =
+ match tys with [] -> output | ty :: tys' -> Arrow (ty, aux tys')
+ in
+ aux inputs
+(** Destruct an `App` expression into an expression and a list of arguments.
+ We simply destruct the expression as long as it is of the form `App (f, x)`.
+ *)
+let destruct_apps (e : texpression) : texpression * texpression list =
+ let rec aux (args : texpression list) (e : texpression) :
+ texpression * texpression list =
+ match e.e with App (f, x) -> aux (x :: args) f | _ -> (e, args)
+ in
+ aux [] e
+(** The reverse of [destruct_app] *)
+let mk_apps (e : texpression) (args : texpression list) : texpression =
+ (* Reverse the arguments *)
+ let args = List.rev args in
+ (* Apply *)
+ let rec aux (e : texpression) (args : texpression list) : texpression =
+ match args with
+ | [] -> e
+ | arg :: args' -> (
+ let e' = aux e args' in
+ match e'.ty with
+ | Arrow (ty0, ty1) ->
+ (* Sanity check *)
+ assert (ty0 == arg.ty);
+ let e'' = App (e', arg) in
+ let ty'' = ty1 in
+ { e = e''; ty = ty'' }
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "Expected an arrow type"))
+ in
+ aux e args
+(* Destruct an expression into a function identifier and a list of arguments,
+ * if possible *)
+let opt_destruct_function_call (e : texpression) :
+ (func * texpression list) option =
+ let app, args = destruct_apps e in
+ match app.e with Func func -> Some (func, args) | _ -> None