path: root/src/
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1 files changed, 107 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 6ae8184d..662902e6 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -170,6 +170,34 @@ let make_type_subst (vars : type_var list) (tys : ty list) : -> ty
fun id -> TypeVarId.Map.find id mp
+(** Retrieve the list of fields for the given variant of a [type_def].
+ Raises [Invalid_argument] if the arguments are incorrect.
+ *)
+let type_def_get_fields (def : type_def) (opt_variant_id : option)
+ : field list =
+ match (def.kind, opt_variant_id) with
+ | Enum variants, Some variant_id -> (VariantId.nth variants variant_id).fields
+ | Struct fields, None -> fields
+ | _ ->
+ let opt_variant_id =
+ match opt_variant_id with None -> "None" | Some _ -> "Some"
+ in
+ raise
+ (Invalid_argument
+ ("The variant id should be [Some] if and only if the definition is \
+ an enumeration:\n\
+ - def: " ^ show_type_def def ^ "\n- opt_variant_id: "
+ ^ opt_variant_id))
+(** Instantiate the type variables for the chosen variant in an ADT definition,
+ and return the list of the types of its fields *)
+let type_def_get_instantiated_fields_types (def : type_def)
+ (opt_variant_id : option) (types : ty list) : ty list =
+ let ty_subst = make_type_subst def.type_params types in
+ let fields = type_def_get_fields def opt_variant_id in
+ (fun f -> ty_substitute ty_subst f.field_ty) fields
let fun_sig_substitute (tsubst : -> ty) (sg : fun_sig) :
inst_fun_sig =
let subst = ty_substitute tsubst in
@@ -228,3 +256,82 @@ let rec expression_requires_parentheses (e : texpression) : bool =
if monadic then true else expression_requires_parentheses next_e
| Switch (_, _) -> false
| Meta (_, next_e) -> expression_requires_parentheses next_e
+(** Module to perform type checking - we use this for sanity checks only *)
+module TypeCheck = struct
+ type tc_ctx = { type_defs : type_def TypeDefId.Map.t }
+ let check_constant_value (ty : ty) (v : constant_value) : unit =
+ match (ty, v) with
+ | Integer int_ty, V.Scalar sv -> assert (int_ty = sv.V.int_ty)
+ | Bool, Bool _ | Char, Char _ | Str, String _ -> ()
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "Inconsistent type")
+ let check_adt_g_value (ctx : tc_ctx) (check_value : ty -> 'v -> unit)
+ (variant_id : option) (field_values : 'v list) (ty : ty) :
+ unit =
+ (* let field_values = value_to_string field_values in *)
+ (* Retrieve the field types *)
+ let field_tys =
+ match ty with
+ | Adt (Tuple, tys) ->
+ (* Tuple *)
+ tys
+ | Adt (AdtId def_id, tys) ->
+ (* "Regular" ADT *)
+ let def = TypeDefId.Map.find def_id ctx.type_defs in
+ type_def_get_instantiated_fields_types def variant_id tys
+ | Adt (Assumed aty, tys) -> (
+ (* Assumed type *)
+ match aty with
+ | Result ->
+ let ty = Collections.List.to_cons_nil tys in
+ let variant_id = Option.get variant_id in
+ if variant_id = result_return_id then [ ty ]
+ else if variant_id = result_fail_id then []
+ else
+ raise
+ (Failure "Unreachable: improper variant id for result type")
+ | Option ->
+ let ty = Collections.List.to_cons_nil tys in
+ let variant_id = Option.get variant_id in
+ if variant_id = option_some_id then [ ty ]
+ else if variant_id = option_none_id then []
+ else
+ raise
+ (Failure "Unreachable: improper variant id for result type")
+ | Vec ->
+ assert (variant_id = None);
+ let ty = Collections.List.to_cons_nil tys in
+ (fun _ -> ty) field_values)
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "Inconsistently typed value")
+ in
+ (* Check that the field values have the expected types *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun (ty, v) -> check_value ty v)
+ (List.combine field_tys field_values)
+ let rec check_typed_lvalue (ctx : tc_ctx) (v : typed_lvalue) : unit =
+ match v.value with
+ | LvConcrete cv -> check_constant_value v.ty cv
+ | LvVar _ -> ()
+ | LvAdt av ->
+ check_adt_g_value ctx
+ (fun ty (v : typed_lvalue) ->
+ assert (ty = v.ty);
+ check_typed_lvalue ctx v)
+ av.variant_id av.field_values v.ty
+ let rec check_typed_rvalue (ctx : tc_ctx) (v : typed_rvalue) : unit =
+ match v.value with
+ | RvConcrete cv -> check_constant_value v.ty cv
+ | RvPlace _ ->
+ (* TODO: *)
+ ()
+ | RvAdt av ->
+ check_adt_g_value ctx
+ (fun ty (v : typed_rvalue) ->
+ assert (ty = v.ty);
+ check_typed_rvalue ctx v)
+ av.variant_id av.field_values v.ty