path: root/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 032d65d0..992b8cb8 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -453,39 +453,5 @@ let mk_result_return_pattern (v : typed_pattern) : typed_pattern =
{ value; ty }
-let opt_destruct_state_monad_result (ty : ty) : ty option =
- (* Checking:
- * ty == state -> result (state & _) ? *)
- match ty with
- | Arrow (ty0, ty1) ->
- (* ty == ty0 -> ty1
- * Checking: ty0 == state ?
- * *)
- if ty0 = mk_state_ty then
- (* Checking: ty1 == result (state & _) *)
- match opt_destruct_result ty1 with
- | None -> None
- | Some ty2 -> (
- (* Checking: ty2 == state & _ *)
- match opt_destruct_tuple ty2 with
- | Some [ ty3; ty4 ] -> if ty3 = mk_state_ty then Some ty4 else None
- | _ -> None)
- else None
- | _ -> None
let opt_unmeta_mplace (e : texpression) : mplace option * texpression =
match e.e with Meta (MPlace mp, e) -> (Some mp, e) | _ -> (None, e)
-let get_fun_effect_info (use_state : bool) (fun_id : A.fun_id)
- (gid : option) : fun_effect_info =
- match fun_id with
- | A.Regular _ ->
- let input_state = use_state in
- let output_state = input_state && gid = None in
- { can_fail = true; input_state; output_state }
- | A.Assumed aid ->
- {
- can_fail = Assumed.assumed_can_fail aid;
- input_state = false;
- output_state = false;
- }