path: root/src/
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1 files changed, 17 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index f51c15be..be43ff54 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -698,18 +698,18 @@ let fun_declaration_group_of_json (js : json) :
combine_error_msgs js "fun_declaration_group_of_json"
(g_declaration_group_of_json A.FunDeclId.id_of_json js)
-(* TODO Should a global declaration group be converted to its function bodies ?
- It does not seems very clean.
-let global_declaration_group_of_json (js : json) (gid_conv : global_id_converter) :
- (M.fun_declaration_group, string) result =
+let global_declaration_group_of_json (js : json) :
+ (, string) result =
combine_error_msgs js "global_declaration_group_of_json"
- (g_declaration_group_of_json (fun js ->
- let* id = A.GlobalDeclId.id_of_json js in
- Ok (global_to_fun_id gid_conv id)
- ) js)
-let declaration_group_of_json (js : json) (gid_conv : global_id_converter) : (M.declaration_group, string) result
+ (match js with
+ | `Assoc [ ("NonRec", `List [ id ]) ] ->
+ let* id = A.GlobalDeclId.id_of_json id in
+ Ok (id)
+ | `Assoc [ ("Rec", `List [ _ ]) ] ->
+ Error "got mutually dependent globals"
+ | _ -> Error "")
+let declaration_group_of_json (js : json) : (M.declaration_group, string) result
combine_error_msgs js "declaration_of_json"
(match js with
@@ -720,8 +720,8 @@ let declaration_group_of_json (js : json) (gid_conv : global_id_converter) : (M.
let* decl = fun_declaration_group_of_json decl in
Ok (M.Fun decl)
| `Assoc [ ("Global", `List [ decl ]) ] ->
- let* decl = global_declaration_group_of_json decl gid_conv in
- Ok (M.Fun decl)
+ let* id = global_declaration_group_of_json decl in
+ Ok (M.Global id)
| _ -> Error "")
let length_of_json_list (js: json) : (int, string) result =
@@ -741,15 +741,12 @@ let llbc_module_of_json (js : json) : (M.llbc_module, string) result =
("functions", functions);
("globals", globals);
] ->
- let* fun_count = length_of_json_list functions in
- let gid_conv = { fun_count } in
let* name = string_of_json name in
- let* declarations =
- list_of_json (fun js -> declaration_group_of_json js gid_conv) declarations
- in
- let* types = list_of_json type_decl_of_json types in
+ let* declarations = list_of_json declaration_group_of_json declarations in
+ let* types = list_of_json type_decl_of_json types in
let* functions = list_of_json fun_decl_of_json functions in
- let* globals = list_of_json (fun js -> global_decl_of_json js gid_conv) globals in
+ let gid_conv = { fun_count = List.length functions } in
+ let* globals = list_of_json (fun js -> global_decl_of_json js gid_conv) globals in
let globals, global_bodies = List.split globals in
Ok {;