path: root/src/
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1 files changed, 196 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index f6a5b6b0..5caafa79 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -13,19 +13,210 @@ module L = Logging
open TypesUtils
open ValuesUtils
+type borrow_info = {
+ loan_kind : T.ref_kind;
+ loan_ids : V.BorrowId.set_t;
+ borrow_ids : V.BorrowId.set_t;
+type borrow_kind = Mut | Shared | Inactivated
(** Check that:
- loans and borrows are correctly related
+ *)
+let check_loans_borrows_relation_invariant (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : unit =
+ (* Link all the borrow ids to a representant - necessary because of shared
+ * borrows/loans *)
+ let ids_reprs : V.BorrowId.Map.t ref =
+ ref V.BorrowId.Map.empty
+ in
+ (* Link all the id representants to a borrow information *)
+ let borrows_infos : borrow_info V.BorrowId.Map.t ref =
+ ref V.BorrowId.Map.empty
+ in
+ (* First, register all the loans *)
+ (* Some utilities to register the loans *)
+ let register_shared_loan (bids : V.BorrowId.set_t) : unit =
+ let reprs = !ids_reprs in
+ let infos = !borrows_infos in
+ (* Use the first borrow id as representant *)
+ let repr_bid = V.BorrowId.Set.min_elt bids in
+ assert (not (V.BorrowId.Map.mem repr_bid infos));
+ (* Insert the mappings to the representant *)
+ let reprs =
+ V.BorrowId.Set.fold
+ (fun bid reprs ->
+ assert (not (V.BorrowId.Map.mem bid reprs));
+ V.BorrowId.Map.add bid repr_bid reprs)
+ bids reprs
+ in
+ (* Insert the loan info *)
+ let info =
+ {
+ loan_kind = T.Shared;
+ loan_ids = bids;
+ borrow_ids = V.BorrowId.Set.empty;
+ }
+ in
+ let infos = V.BorrowId.Map.add repr_bid info infos in
+ (* Update *)
+ ids_reprs := reprs;
+ borrows_infos := infos
+ in
+ let register_mut_loan (bid : : unit =
+ let reprs = !ids_reprs in
+ let infos = !borrows_infos in
+ (* Sanity checks *)
+ assert (not (V.BorrowId.Map.mem bid reprs));
+ assert (not (V.BorrowId.Map.mem bid infos));
+ (* Add the mapping for the representant *)
+ let reprs = V.BorrowId.Map.add bid bid reprs in
+ (* Add the mapping for the loan info *)
+ let info =
+ {
+ loan_kind = T.Mut;
+ loan_ids = V.BorrowId.Set.singleton bid;
+ borrow_ids = V.BorrowId.Set.empty;
+ }
+ in
+ let infos = V.BorrowId.Map.add bid info infos in
+ (* Update *)
+ ids_reprs := reprs;
+ borrows_infos := infos
+ in
+ let loans_visitor =
+ object
+ inherit [_] C.iter_eval_ctx as super
+ method! visit_loan_content env lc =
+ (* Register the loan *)
+ let _ =
+ match lc with
+ | V.SharedLoan (bids, tv) -> register_shared_loan bids
+ | V.MutLoan bid -> register_mut_loan bid
+ in
+ (* Continue exploring *)
+ super#visit_loan_content env lc
+ method! visit_aloan_content env lc =
+ let _ =
+ match lc with
+ | V.AMutLoan (bid, _) -> register_mut_loan bid
+ | V.ASharedLoan (bids, _, _) -> register_shared_loan bids
+ | V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back = _; child = _ }
+ | V.AEndedSharedLoan (_, _)
+ | V.AIgnoredMutLoan (_, _) (* We might want to do something here *)
+ | V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan { given_back = _; child = _ }
+ | V.AIgnoredSharedLoan _ ->
+ (* Do nothing *)
+ ()
+ in
+ (* Continue exploring *)
+ super#visit_aloan_content env lc
+ end
+ in
+ (* Visit *)
+ loans_visitor#visit_eval_ctx () ctx;
+ (* Then, register all the borrows *)
+ (* Some utilities to register the borrows *)
+ let find_info (bid : : borrow_info =
+ (* Find the representant *)
+ let repr_bid = V.BorrowId.Map.find bid !ids_reprs in
+ (* Lookup the info *)
+ V.BorrowId.Map.find repr_bid !borrows_infos
+ in
+ let update_info (bid : (info : borrow_info) : unit =
+ (* Find the representant *)
+ let repr_bid = V.BorrowId.Map.find bid !ids_reprs in
+ (* Update the info *)
+ let infos =
+ V.BorrowId.Map.update repr_bid
+ (fun x ->
+ match x with Some _ -> Some info | None -> failwith "Unreachable")
+ !borrows_infos
+ in
+ borrows_infos := infos
+ in
+ let register_borrow (kind : borrow_kind) (bid : : unit =
+ (* Lookup the info *)
+ let info = find_info bid in
+ (* Check that the borrow kind is consistent *)
+ (match (info.loan_kind, kind) with
+ | T.Shared, (Shared | Inactivated) | T.Mut, Mut -> ()
+ | _ -> failwith "Invariant not satisfied");
+ (* Insert the borrow id *)
+ let borrow_ids = info.borrow_ids in
+ assert (not (V.BorrowId.Set.mem bid borrow_ids));
+ let info = { info with borrow_ids = V.BorrowId.Set.add bid borrow_ids } in
+ (* Update the info in the map *)
+ update_info bid info
+ in
+ let borrows_visitor =
+ object
+ inherit [_] C.iter_eval_ctx as super
+ method! visit_abstract_shared_borrows env asb =
+ let visit asb =
+ match asb with
+ | V.AsbBorrow bid -> register_borrow Shared bid
+ | V.AsbProjReborrows _ -> ()
+ in
+ List.iter visit asb
+ method! visit_borrow_content env bc =
+ (* Register the loan *)
+ let _ =
+ match bc with
+ | V.SharedBorrow bid -> register_borrow Shared bid
+ | V.MutBorrow (bid, _) -> register_borrow Mut bid
+ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid -> register_borrow Inactivated bid
+ in
+ (* Continue exploring *)
+ super#visit_borrow_content env bc
+ method! visit_aborrow_content env bc =
+ let _ =
+ match bc with
+ | V.AMutBorrow (bid, _) -> register_borrow Mut bid
+ | V.ASharedBorrow bid -> register_borrow Shared bid
+ | V.AIgnoredMutBorrow _ | V.AProjSharedBorrow _ ->
+ (* Do nothing *)
+ ()
+ in
+ (* Continue exploring *)
+ super#visit_aborrow_content env bc
+ end
+ in
+ (* Visit *)
+ borrows_visitor#visit_eval_ctx () ctx;
+ (* Finally, check that everything is consistant *)
+ V.BorrowId.Map.iter
+ (fun _ info ->
+ assert (info.loan_ids = info.borrow_ids);
+ match info.loan_kind with
+ | T.Mut -> assert (V.BorrowId.Set.cardinal info.loan_ids = 1)
+ | T.Shared -> ())
+ !borrows_infos
+(** Check that:
- borrows/loans can't contain ⊥ or inactivated mut borrows
- shared loans can't contain mutable loans
- TODO: a two-phase borrow can't point to a value inside an abstraction
-let check_borrows_invariant (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : unit = ()
-let check_no_bottom_below_ref_invariant (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : unit = ()
+let check_borrowed_values_invariant (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : unit = ()
let check_typing_invariant (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : unit = ()
let check_invariants (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : unit =
- check_borrows_invariant ctx;
- check_no_bottom_below_ref_invariant ctx;
+ check_loans_borrows_relation_invariant ctx;
+ check_borrowed_values_invariant ctx;
check_typing_invariant ctx