path: root/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 617f6211..c7cdc329 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
+open Cps
+open InterpreterUtils
+open InterpreterProjectors
+open InterpreterBorrows
+open InterpreterExpressions
+open InterpreterStatements
+open CfimAstUtils
module L = Logging
module T = Types
module A = CfimAst
module M = Modules
module SA = SymbolicAst
-open Cps
-open InterpreterUtils
-open InterpreterExpressions
-open InterpreterStatements
(** The local logger *)
let log = L.interpreter_log
@@ -65,24 +68,18 @@ let initialize_symbolic_context_for_fun (m : M.cfim_module) (fdef : A.fun_def) :
(* Initialize the abstractions as empty (i.e., with no avalues) abstractions *)
let call_id = C.fresh_fun_call_id () in
assert (call_id =;
- let empty_absl =
- create_empty_abstractions_from_abs_region_groups call_id V.SynthInput
- inst_sg.A.regions_hierarchy
- in
- (* Add the avalues to the abstractions and insert them in the context *)
- let insert_abs (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (abs : V.abs) : C.eval_ctx =
+ let compute_abs_avalues (abs : V.abs) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
+ C.eval_ctx * V.typed_avalue list =
(* Project over the values - we use *loan* projectors, as explained above *)
let avalues = (mk_aproj_loans_value_from_symbolic_value abs.regions) input_svs
- (* Insert the avalues in the abstraction *)
- let abs = { abs with avalues } in
- (* Insert the abstraction in the context *)
- let ctx = { ctx with env = Abs abs :: ctx.env } in
- (* Return *)
- ctx
+ (ctx, avalues)
+ in
+ let ctx =
+ create_push_abstractions_from_abs_region_groups call_id V.SynthInput
+ inst_sg.A.regions_hierarchy compute_abs_avalues ctx
- let ctx = List.fold_left insert_abs ctx empty_absl in
(* Split the variables between return var, inputs and remaining locals *)
let ret_var = List.hd fdef.locals in
let input_vars, local_vars =
@@ -98,6 +95,78 @@ let initialize_symbolic_context_for_fun (m : M.cfim_module) (fdef : A.fun_def) :
(* Return *)
+(** Small helper.
+let evaluate_function_symbolic_synthesize_backward_from_return
+ (config : C.config) (m : M.cfim_module) (fdef : A.fun_def)
+ (inst_sg : A.inst_fun_sig) (back_id : (ctx : C.eval_ctx)
+ : SA.expression option =
+ (* We need to instantiate the function signature - to retrieve
+ * the return type. Note that it is important to re-generate
+ * an instantiation of the signature, so that we use fresh
+ * region ids for the return abstractions. *)
+ let sg = fdef.signature in
+ let type_params = (fun tv -> T.TypeVar tv.T.index) sg.type_params in
+ let ret_inst_sg = instantiate_fun_sig type_params sg in
+ let ret_rty = ret_inst_sg.output in
+ (* Move the return value out of the return variable *)
+ let cf_move_ret = move_return_value config in
+ (* Insert the return value in the return abstractions (by applying
+ * borrow projections) *)
+ let cf_consume_ret ret_value ctx =
+ let ret_call_id = C.fresh_fun_call_id () in
+ let compute_abs_avalues (abs : V.abs) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
+ C.eval_ctx * V.typed_avalue list =
+ let ctx, avalue =
+ apply_proj_borrows_on_input_value config ctx abs.regions
+ abs.ancestors_regions ret_value ret_rty
+ in
+ (ctx, [ avalue ])
+ in
+ (* Initialize and insert the abstractions in the context *)
+ let ctx =
+ create_push_abstractions_from_abs_region_groups ret_call_id V.SynthRet
+ ret_inst_sg.A.regions_hierarchy compute_abs_avalues ctx
+ in
+ (* We now need to end the proper *input* abstractions - pay attention
+ * to the fact that we end the *input* abstractions, not the *return*
+ * abstractions (of course, the corresponding return abstractions will
+ * automatically be ended, because they consumed values coming from the
+ * input abstractions...) *)
+ let parent_rgs = list_parent_region_groups sg back_id in
+ let parent_input_abs_ids =
+ T.RegionGroupId.mapi
+ (fun rg_id rg ->
+ if T.RegionGroupId.Set.mem rg_id parent_rgs then Some
+ else None)
+ inst_sg.regions_hierarchy
+ in
+ let parent_input_abs_ids =
+ List.filter_map (fun x -> x) parent_input_abs_ids
+ in
+ (* End the parent abstractions and the current abstraction - note that we
+ * end them in an order which follows the regions hierarchy: it should lead
+ * to generated code which has a better consistency between the parent
+ * and children backward functions *)
+ let current_abs_id =
+ (T.RegionGroupId.nth inst_sg.regions_hierarchy back_id).id
+ in
+ let target_abs_ids = List.append parent_input_abs_ids [ current_abs_id ] in
+ let cf_end_target_abs cf =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun cf id -> end_abstraction config [] id cf)
+ cf target_abs_ids
+ in
+ (* Generate the Return node *)
+ let cf_return : m_fun = fun _ -> Some (SA.Return None) in
+ (* Apply *)
+ cf_end_target_abs cf_return ctx
+ in
+ cf_move_ret cf_consume_ret ctx
(** Evaluate a function with the symbolic interpreter *)
let evaluate_function_symbolic (config : C.partial_config) (synthesize : bool)
(m : M.cfim_module) (fid :
@@ -133,10 +202,7 @@ let evaluate_function_symbolic (config : C.partial_config) (synthesize : bool)
| None ->
(* Forward translation *)
(* Move the return value *)
- let ret_vid = in
- let cf_move =
- eval_operand config (E.Move (mk_place_from_var_id ret_vid))
- in
+ let cf_move = move_return_value config in
(* Generate the Return node *)
let cf_return ret_value : m_fun =
fun _ -> Some (SA.Return ret_value)
@@ -144,7 +210,9 @@ let evaluate_function_symbolic (config : C.partial_config) (synthesize : bool)
(* Apply *)
cf_move cf_return ctx
| Some back_id ->
- (* Backward translation *) raise Errors.Unimplemented
+ (* Backward translation *)
+ evaluate_function_symbolic_synthesize_backward_from_return config
+ m fdef inst_sg back_id ctx
else None
| Panic ->
(* Note that as we explore all the execution branches, one of