path: root/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 4359 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index b105c97b..2789517e 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,16 +1,10 @@
+module L = Logging
module T = Types
-module V = Values
-open Scalars
-module E = Expressions
-open Errors
-module C = Contexts
-module Subst = Substitute
module A = CfimAst
-module L = Logging
-open TypesUtils
-open ValuesUtils
-module Inv = Invariants
+open Utils
open InterpreterUtils
+open InterpreterExpressions
+open InterpreterStatements
(* TODO: check that the value types are correct when evaluating *)
(* TODO: for debugging purposes, we might want to put use eval_ctx everywhere
@@ -27,4342 +21,93 @@ open InterpreterUtils
(* TODO: remove the config parameters when they are useless *)
-(** TODO: change the name *)
-type eval_error = Panic
-type 'a eval_result = ('a, eval_error) result
-(** TODO: move *)
-let borrow_is_asb (bid : (asb : V.abstract_shared_borrow) : bool
- =
- match asb with
- | V.AsbBorrow bid' -> bid' = bid
- | V.AsbProjReborrows _ -> false
-(** TODO: move *)
-let borrow_in_asb (bid : (asb : V.abstract_shared_borrows) : bool
- =
- List.exists (borrow_is_asb bid) asb
-(** TODO: move *)
-let remove_borrow_from_asb (bid :
- (asb : V.abstract_shared_borrows) : V.abstract_shared_borrows =
- let removed = ref 0 in
- let asb =
- List.filter
- (fun asb ->
- if not (borrow_is_asb bid asb) then true
- else (
- removed := !removed + 1;
- false))
- asb
- in
- assert (!removed = 1);
- asb
-(* TODO: cleanup this a bit, once we have a better understanding about what we need *)
-type exploration_kind = {
- enter_shared_loans : bool;
- enter_mut_borrows : bool;
- enter_abs : bool;
- (** Note that if we allow to enter abs, we don't check whether we enter
- mutable/shared loans or borrows: there are no use cases requiring
- a finer control. *)
-(** This record controls how some generic helper lookup/update
- functions behave, by restraining the kind of therms they can enter.
-let ek_all : exploration_kind =
- { enter_shared_loans = true; enter_mut_borrows = true; enter_abs = true }
-(** We sometimes need to return a value whose type may vary depending on
- whether we find it in a "concrete" value or an abstraction (ex.: loan
- contents when we perform environment lookups by using borrow ids) *)
-type ('a, 'b) concrete_or_abs = Concrete of 'a | Abstract of 'b
-type g_loan_content = (V.loan_content, V.aloan_content) concrete_or_abs
-(** Generic loan content: concrete or abstract *)
-type g_borrow_content = (V.borrow_content, V.aborrow_content) concrete_or_abs
-(** Generic borrow content: concrete or abstract *)
-type abs_or_var_id = AbsId of | VarId of
-exception Found
-(** Utility exception
- When looking for something while exploring a term, it can be easier to
- just throw an exception to signal we found what we were looking for.
- *)
-exception FoundBorrowContent of V.borrow_content
-(** Utility exception *)
-exception FoundLoanContent of V.loan_content
-(** Utility exception *)
-exception FoundABorrowContent of V.aborrow_content
-(** Utility exception *)
-exception FoundGBorrowContent of g_borrow_content
-(** Utility exception *)
-exception FoundGLoanContent of g_loan_content
-(** Utility exception *)
-(** Check if a value contains a borrow *)
-let borrows_in_value (v : V.typed_value) : bool =
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value
- method! visit_borrow_content _env _ = raise Found
- end
- in
- (* We use exceptions *)
- try
- obj#visit_typed_value () v;
- false
- with Found -> true
-(** Check if a value contains inactivated mutable borrows *)
-let inactivated_in_value (v : V.typed_value) : bool =
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value
- method! visit_InactivatedMutBorrow _env _ = raise Found
- end
- in
- (* We use exceptions *)
- try
- obj#visit_typed_value () v;
- false
- with Found -> true
-(** Check if a value contains a loan *)
-let loans_in_value (v : V.typed_value) : bool =
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value
- method! visit_loan_content _env _ = raise Found
- end
- in
- (* We use exceptions *)
- try
- obj#visit_typed_value () v;
- false
- with Found -> true
-let symbolic_value_id_in_ctx (sv_id : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
- bool =
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] C.iter_eval_ctx
- method! visit_Symbolic _ sv =
- if sv.V.svalue.V.sv_id = sv_id then raise Found else ()
- method! visit_ASymbolic _ aproj =
- match aproj with
- | AProjLoans sv | AProjBorrows (sv, _) ->
- if sv.V.sv_id = sv_id then raise Found else ()
- method! visit_abstract_shared_borrows _ asb =
- let visit (asb : V.abstract_shared_borrow) : unit =
- match asb with
- | V.AsbBorrow _ -> ()
- | V.AsbProjReborrows (sv, _) ->
- if sv.V.sv_id = sv_id then raise Found else ()
- in
- List.iter visit asb
- end
- in
- (* We use exceptions *)
- try
- obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx;
- false
- with Found -> true
-(** Lookup a loan content.
- The loan is referred to by a borrow id.
- TODO: group abs_or_var_id and g_loan_content.
- *)
-let lookup_loan_opt (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : (abs_or_var_id * g_loan_content) option =
- (* We store here whether we are inside an abstraction or a value - note that we
- * could also track that with the environment, it would probably be more idiomatic
- * and cleaner *)
- let abs_or_var : abs_or_var_id option ref = ref None in
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] C.iter_eval_ctx as super
- method! visit_borrow_content env bc =
- match bc with
- | V.SharedBorrow bid ->
- (* Nothing specific to do *)
- super#visit_SharedBorrow env bid
- | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid ->
- (* Nothing specific to do *)
- super#visit_InactivatedMutBorrow env bid
- | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) ->
- (* Control the dive *)
- if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_MutBorrow env bid mv
- else ()
- method! visit_loan_content env lc =
- match lc with
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
- (* Check if this is the loan we are looking for, and control the dive *)
- if V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then
- raise (FoundGLoanContent (Concrete lc))
- else if ek.enter_shared_loans then
- super#visit_SharedLoan env bids sv
- else ()
- | V.MutLoan bid ->
- (* Check if this is the loan we are looking for *)
- if bid = l then raise (FoundGLoanContent (Concrete lc))
- else super#visit_MutLoan env bid
- (** We reimplement [visit_Loan] (rather than the more precise functions
- [visit_SharedLoan], etc.) on purpose: as we have an exhaustive match
- below, we are more resilient to definition updates (the compiler
- is our friend).
- *)
- method! visit_aloan_content env lc =
- match lc with
- | V.AMutLoan (bid, av) ->
- if bid = l then raise (FoundGLoanContent (Abstract lc))
- else super#visit_AMutLoan env bid av
- | V.ASharedLoan (bids, v, av) ->
- if V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then
- raise (FoundGLoanContent (Abstract lc))
- else super#visit_ASharedLoan env bids v av
- | V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back; child } ->
- super#visit_AEndedMutLoan env given_back child
- | V.AEndedSharedLoan (v, av) -> super#visit_AEndedSharedLoan env v av
- | V.AIgnoredMutLoan (bid, av) -> super#visit_AIgnoredMutLoan env bid av
- | V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan { given_back; child } ->
- super#visit_AEndedIgnoredMutLoan env given_back child
- | V.AIgnoredSharedLoan av -> super#visit_AIgnoredSharedLoan env av
- (** Note that we don't control diving inside the abstractions: if we
- allow to dive inside abstractions, we allow to go anywhere
- (because there are no use cases requiring finer control) *)
- method! visit_Var env bv v =
- assert (Option.is_none !abs_or_var);
- abs_or_var := Some (VarId bv.C.index);
- super#visit_Var env bv v;
- abs_or_var := None
- method! visit_Abs env abs =
- assert (Option.is_none !abs_or_var);
- if ek.enter_abs then (
- abs_or_var := Some (AbsId abs.V.abs_id);
- super#visit_Abs env abs)
- else ()
- end
- in
- (* We use exceptions *)
- try
- obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx;
- None
- with FoundGLoanContent lc -> (
- match !abs_or_var with
- | Some abs_or_var -> Some (abs_or_var, lc)
- | None -> failwith "Inconsistent state")
-(** Lookup a loan content.
- The loan is referred to by a borrow id.
- Raises an exception if no loan was found.
- *)
-let lookup_loan (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
- abs_or_var_id * g_loan_content =
- match lookup_loan_opt ek l ctx with
- | None -> failwith "Unreachable"
- | Some res -> res
-(** Update a loan content.
- The loan is referred to by a borrow id.
- This is a helper function: it might break invariants.
- *)
-let update_loan (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
- (nlc : V.loan_content) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* We use a reference to check that we update exactly one loan: when updating
- * inside values, we check we don't update more than one loan. Then, upon
- * returning we check that we updated at least once. *)
- let r = ref false in
- let update () : V.loan_content =
- assert (not !r);
- r := true;
- nlc
- in
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
- method! visit_borrow_content env bc =
- match bc with
- | V.SharedBorrow _ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ ->
- (* Nothing specific to do *)
- super#visit_borrow_content env bc
- | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) ->
- (* Control the dive into mutable borrows *)
- if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_MutBorrow env bid mv
- else V.MutBorrow (bid, mv)
- method! visit_loan_content env lc =
- match lc with
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
- (* Shared loan: check if this is the loan we are looking for, and
- control the dive. *)
- if V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then update ()
- else if ek.enter_shared_loans then
- super#visit_SharedLoan env bids sv
- else V.SharedLoan (bids, sv)
- | V.MutLoan bid ->
- (* Mut loan: checks if this is the loan we are looking for *)
- if bid = l then update () else super#visit_MutLoan env bid
- (** We reimplement [visit_loan_content] (rather than one of the sub-
- functions) on purpose: exhaustive matches are good for maintenance *)
- method! visit_abs env abs =
- if ek.enter_abs then super#visit_abs env abs else abs
- (** Note that once inside the abstractions, we don't control diving
- (there are no use cases requiring finer control).
- Also, as we give back a [loan_content] (and not an [aloan_content])
- we don't need to do reimplement the visit functions for the values
- inside the abstractions (rk.: there may be "concrete" values inside
- abstractions, so there is a utility in diving inside). *)
- end
- in
- let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx in
- (* Check that we updated at least one loan *)
- assert !r;
- ctx
-(** Update a abstraction loan content.
- The loan is referred to by a borrow id.
- This is a helper function: it might break invariants.
- *)
-let update_aloan (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
- (nlc : V.aloan_content) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* We use a reference to check that we update exactly one loan: when updating
- * inside values, we check we don't update more than one loan. Then, upon
- * returning we check that we updated at least once. *)
- let r = ref false in
- let update () : V.aloan_content =
- assert (not !r);
- r := true;
- nlc
- in
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
- method! visit_aloan_content env lc =
- match lc with
- | V.AMutLoan (bid, av) ->
- if bid = l then update () else super#visit_AMutLoan env bid av
- | V.ASharedLoan (bids, v, av) ->
- if V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then update ()
- else super#visit_ASharedLoan env bids v av
- | V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back; child } ->
- super#visit_AEndedMutLoan env given_back child
- | V.AEndedSharedLoan (v, av) -> super#visit_AEndedSharedLoan env v av
- | V.AIgnoredMutLoan (bid, av) -> super#visit_AIgnoredMutLoan env bid av
- | V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan { given_back; child } ->
- super#visit_AEndedIgnoredMutLoan env given_back child
- | V.AIgnoredSharedLoan av -> super#visit_AIgnoredSharedLoan env av
- method! visit_abs env abs =
- if ek.enter_abs then super#visit_abs env abs else abs
- (** Note that once inside the abstractions, we don't control diving
- (there are no use cases requiring finer control). *)
- end
- in
- let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx in
- (* Check that we updated at least one loan *)
- assert !r;
- ctx
-(** Lookup a borrow content from a borrow id. *)
-let lookup_borrow_opt (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : g_borrow_content option =
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] C.iter_eval_ctx as super
- method! visit_borrow_content env bc =
- match bc with
- | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) ->
- (* Check the borrow id and control the dive *)
- if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Concrete bc))
- else if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_MutBorrow env bid mv
- else ()
- | V.SharedBorrow bid ->
- (* Check the borrow id *)
- if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Concrete bc)) else ()
- | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid ->
- (* Check the borrow id *)
- if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Concrete bc)) else ()
- method! visit_loan_content env lc =
- match lc with
- | V.MutLoan bid ->
- (* Nothing special to do *) super#visit_MutLoan env bid
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
- (* Control the dive *)
- if ek.enter_shared_loans then super#visit_SharedLoan env bids sv
- else ()
- method! visit_aborrow_content env bc =
- match bc with
- | V.AMutBorrow (bid, av) ->
- if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Abstract bc))
- else super#visit_AMutBorrow env bid av
- | V.ASharedBorrow bid ->
- if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Abstract bc))
- else super#visit_ASharedBorrow env bid
- | V.AIgnoredMutBorrow av -> super#visit_AIgnoredMutBorrow env av
- | V.AProjSharedBorrow asb ->
- if borrow_in_asb l asb then
- raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Abstract bc))
- else ()
- method! visit_abs env abs =
- if ek.enter_abs then super#visit_abs env abs else ()
- end
- in
- (* We use exceptions *)
- try
- obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx;
- None
- with FoundGBorrowContent lc -> Some lc
-(** Lookup a borrow content from a borrow id.
- Raise an exception if no loan was found
-let lookup_borrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (ctx : C.eval_ctx)
- : g_borrow_content =
- match lookup_borrow_opt ek l ctx with
- | None -> failwith "Unreachable"
- | Some lc -> lc
-(** Update a borrow content.
- The borrow is referred to by a borrow id.
- This is a helper function: it might break invariants.
- *)
-let update_borrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
- (nbc : V.borrow_content) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* We use a reference to check that we update exactly one borrow: when updating
- * inside values, we check we don't update more than one borrow. Then, upon
- * returning we check that we updated at least once. *)
- let r = ref false in
- let update () : V.borrow_content =
- assert (not !r);
- r := true;
- nbc
- in
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
- method! visit_borrow_content env bc =
- match bc with
- | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) ->
- (* Check the id and control dive *)
- if bid = l then update ()
- else if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_MutBorrow env bid mv
- else V.MutBorrow (bid, mv)
- | V.SharedBorrow bid ->
- (* Check the id *)
- if bid = l then update () else super#visit_SharedBorrow env bid
- | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid ->
- (* Check the id *)
- if bid = l then update ()
- else super#visit_InactivatedMutBorrow env bid
- method! visit_loan_content env lc =
- match lc with
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
- (* Control the dive *)
- if ek.enter_shared_loans then super#visit_SharedLoan env bids sv
- else V.SharedLoan (bids, sv)
- | V.MutLoan bid ->
- (* Nothing specific to do *)
- super#visit_MutLoan env bid
- method! visit_abs env abs =
- if ek.enter_abs then super#visit_abs env abs else abs
- end
- in
- let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx in
- (* Check that we updated at least one borrow *)
- assert !r;
- ctx
-(** Update an abstraction borrow content.
- The borrow is referred to by a borrow id.
- This is a helper function: it might break invariants.
- *)
-let update_aborrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (nv : V.avalue)
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* We use a reference to check that we update exactly one borrow: when updating
- * inside values, we check we don't update more than one borrow. Then, upon
- * returning we check that we updated at least once. *)
- let r = ref false in
- let update () : V.avalue =
- assert (not !r);
- r := true;
- nv
- in
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
- method! visit_ABorrow env bc =
- match bc with
- | V.AMutBorrow (bid, av) ->
- if bid = l then update ()
- else V.ABorrow (super#visit_AMutBorrow env bid av)
- | V.ASharedBorrow bid ->
- if bid = l then update ()
- else V.ABorrow (super#visit_ASharedBorrow env bid)
- | V.AIgnoredMutBorrow av ->
- V.ABorrow (super#visit_AIgnoredMutBorrow env av)
- | V.AProjSharedBorrow asb ->
- if borrow_in_asb l asb then update ()
- else V.ABorrow (super#visit_AProjSharedBorrow env asb)
- method! visit_abs env abs =
- if ek.enter_abs then super#visit_abs env abs else abs
- end
- in
- let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx in
- (* Check that we updated at least one borrow *)
- assert !r;
- ctx
-(** The following type identifies the relative position of expressions (in
- particular borrows) in other expressions.
- For instance, it is used to control [end_borrow]: we usually only allow
- to end "outer" borrows, unless we perform a drop.
-type inner_outer = Inner | Outer
-type borrow_ids = Borrows of V.BorrowId.Set.t | Borrow of
-exception FoundBorrowIds of borrow_ids
-let update_if_none opt x = match opt with None -> Some x | _ -> opt
-(** Auxiliary function: see its usage in [end_borrow_get_borrow_in_value] *)
-let update_outer_borrows (io : inner_outer)
- (outer : option * borrow_ids option) (x : borrow_ids) :
- option * borrow_ids option =
- match io with
- | Inner ->
- (* If we can end inner borrows, we don't keep track of the outer borrows *)
- outer
- | Outer ->
- let abs, opt = outer in
- (abs, update_if_none opt x)
-(** Return the first loan we find in a value *)
-let get_first_loan_in_value (v : V.typed_value) : V.loan_content option =
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value
- method! visit_loan_content _ lc = raise (FoundLoanContent lc)
- end
- in
- (* We use exceptions *)
- try
- obj#visit_typed_value () v;
- None
- with FoundLoanContent lc -> Some lc
-(** Check if a region is in a set of regions *)
-let region_in_set (r : T.region) (rset : T.RegionId.set_t) : bool
- =
- match r with T.Static -> false | T.Var id -> T.RegionId.Set.mem id rset
-(** Return the set of regions in an rty *)
-let rty_regions (ty : T.rty) : T.RegionId.set_t =
- let s = ref T.RegionId.Set.empty in
- let add_region (r : T.region) =
- match r with T.Static -> () | T.Var rid -> s := T.RegionId.Set.add rid !s
- in
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] T.iter_ty
- method! visit_'r _env r = add_region r
- end
- in
- (* Explore the type *)
- obj#visit_ty () ty;
- (* Return the set of accumulated regions *)
- !s
-let rty_regions_intersect (ty : T.rty) (regions : T.RegionId.set_t) : bool =
- let ty_regions = rty_regions ty in
- not (T.RegionId.Set.disjoint ty_regions regions)
-(** Check if two different projections intersect. This is necessary when
- giving a symbolic value to an abstraction: we need to check that
- the regions which are already ended inside the abstraction don't
- intersect the regions over which we project in the new abstraction.
- Note that the two abstractions have different views (in terms of regions)
- of the symbolic value (hence the two region types).
-let rec projections_intersect (ty1 : T.rty) (rset1 : T.RegionId.set_t)
- (ty2 : T.rty) (rset2 : T.RegionId.set_t) : bool =
- match (ty1, ty2) with
- | T.Bool, T.Bool | T.Char, T.Char | T.Str, T.Str -> false
- | T.Integer int_ty1, T.Integer int_ty2 ->
- assert (int_ty1 = int_ty2);
- false
- | T.Adt (id1, regions1, tys1), T.Adt (id2, regions2, tys2) ->
- assert (id1 = id2);
- (* The intersection check for the ADTs is very crude:
- * we check if some arguments intersect. As all the type and region
- * parameters should be used somewhere in the ADT (otherwise rustc
- * generates an error), it means that it should be equivalent to checking
- * whether two fields intersect (and anyway comparing the field types is
- * difficult in case of enumerations...).
- * If we didn't have the above property enforced by the rust compiler,
- * this check would still be a reasonable conservative approximation. *)
- let regions = List.combine regions1 regions2 in
- let tys = List.combine tys1 tys2 in
- List.exists
- (fun (r1, r2) -> region_in_set r1 rset1 && region_in_set r2 rset2)
- regions
- || List.exists
- (fun (ty1, ty2) -> projections_intersect ty1 rset1 ty2 rset2)
- tys
- | T.Array ty1, T.Array ty2 | T.Slice ty1, T.Slice ty2 ->
- projections_intersect ty1 rset1 ty2 rset2
- | T.Ref (r1, ty1, kind1), T.Ref (r2, ty2, kind2) ->
- (* Sanity check *)
- assert (kind1 = kind2);
- (* The projections intersect if the borrows intersect or their contents
- * intersect *)
- (region_in_set r1 rset1 && region_in_set r2 rset2)
- || projections_intersect ty1 rset1 ty2 rset2
- | _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
-(** Check if the ended regions of a comp projector over a symbolic value
- intersect the regions listed in another projection *)
-let symbolic_proj_comp_ended_regions_intersect_proj (s : V.symbolic_proj_comp)
- (ty : T.rty) (regions : T.RegionId.set_t) : bool =
- projections_intersect s.V.svalue.V.sv_ty s.V.rset_ended ty regions
-(** Check that a symbolic value doesn't contain ended regions.
- Note that we don't check that the set of ended regions is empty: we
- check that the set of ended regions doesn't intersect the set of
- regions used in the type (this is more general).
-let symbolic_proj_comp_ended_regions (s : V.symbolic_proj_comp) : bool =
- let regions = rty_regions s.V.svalue.V.sv_ty in
- not (T.RegionId.Set.disjoint regions s.rset_ended)
-(** Check if a [value] contains ⊥.
- Note that this function is very general: it also checks wether
- symbolic values contain already ended regions.
- *)
-let bottom_in_value (v : V.typed_value) : bool =
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value
- method! visit_Bottom _ = raise Found
- method! visit_symbolic_proj_comp _ s =
- if symbolic_proj_comp_ended_regions s then raise Found else ()
- end
- in
- (* We use exceptions *)
- try
- obj#visit_typed_value () v;
- false
- with Found -> true
-(** Check if an [avalue] contains ⊥.
- Note that this function is very general: it also checks wether
- symbolic values contain already ended regions.
- TODO: remove?
-let bottom_in_avalue (v : V.typed_avalue) (_abs_regions : T.RegionId.set_t) :
- bool =
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] V.iter_typed_avalue
- method! visit_Bottom _ = raise Found
- method! visit_symbolic_proj_comp _ sv =
- if symbolic_proj_comp_ended_regions sv then raise Found else ()
- method! visit_aproj _ ap =
- (* Nothing to do actually *)
- match ap with
- | V.AProjLoans _sv -> ()
- | V.AProjBorrows (_sv, _rty) -> ()
- end
- in
- (* We use exceptions *)
- try
- obj#visit_typed_avalue () v;
- false
- with Found -> true
-type outer_borrows_or_abs =
- | OuterBorrows of borrow_ids
- | OuterAbs of
-exception FoundOuter of outer_borrows_or_abs
-(** Utility exception *)
-(** Auxiliary function.
- Apply a proj_borrows on a shared borrow.
- In the case of shared borrows, we return [abstract_shared_borrows],
- not avalues.
-let rec apply_proj_borrows_on_shared_borrow (ctx : C.eval_ctx)
- (fresh_reborrow : ->
- (regions : T.RegionId.set_t) (v : V.typed_value) (ty : T.rty) :
- V.abstract_shared_borrows =
- (* Sanity check - TODO: move this elsewhere (here we perform the check at every
- * recursive call which is a bit overkill...) *)
- let ety = Substitute.erase_regions ty in
- assert (ety = v.V.ty);
- (* Project *)
- match (v.V.value, ty) with
- | V.Concrete _, (T.Bool | T.Char | T.Integer _ | T.Str) -> []
- | V.Adt adt, T.Adt (id, region_params, tys) ->
- (* Retrieve the types of the fields *)
- let field_types =
- Subst.ctx_adt_value_get_instantiated_field_rtypes ctx adt id
- region_params tys
- in
- (* Project over the field values *)
- let fields_types = List.combine adt.V.field_values field_types in
- let proj_fields =
- (fun (fv, fty) ->
- apply_proj_borrows_on_shared_borrow ctx fresh_reborrow regions fv
- fty)
- fields_types
- in
- List.concat proj_fields
- | V.Bottom, _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
- | V.Borrow bc, T.Ref (r, ref_ty, kind) ->
- (* Retrieve the bid of the borrow and the asb of the projected borrowed value *)
- let bid, asb =
- (* Not in the set: dive *)
- match (bc, kind) with
- | V.MutBorrow (bid, bv), T.Mut ->
- (* Apply the projection on the borrowed value *)
- let asb =
- apply_proj_borrows_on_shared_borrow ctx fresh_reborrow regions bv
- ref_ty
- in
- (bid, asb)
- | V.SharedBorrow bid, T.Shared ->
- (* Lookup the shared value *)
- let ek = ek_all in
- let sv = lookup_loan ek bid ctx in
- let asb =
- match sv with
- | _, Concrete (V.SharedLoan (_, sv))
- | _, Abstract (V.ASharedLoan (_, sv, _)) ->
- apply_proj_borrows_on_shared_borrow ctx fresh_reborrow regions
- sv ref_ty
- | _ -> failwith "Unexpected"
- in
- (bid, asb)
- | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _, _ ->
- failwith
- "Can't apply a proj_borrow over an inactivated mutable borrow"
- | _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
- in
- let asb =
- (* Check if the region is in the set of projected regions (note that
- * we never project over static regions) *)
- if region_in_set r regions then
- let bid' = fresh_reborrow bid in
- V.AsbBorrow bid' :: asb
- else asb
- in
- asb
- | V.Loan _, _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
- | V.Symbolic s, _ ->
- assert (not (symbolic_proj_comp_ended_regions_intersect_proj s ty regions));
- [ V.AsbProjReborrows (s.V.svalue, ty) ]
- | _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
-(** Apply (and reduce) a projector over borrows to a value.
- - [regions]: the regions we project
- - [v]: the value over which we project
- - [ty]: the projection type (is used to map borrows to regions, or to
- interpret the borrows as belonging to some regions...). Remember that
- `v` doesn't contain region information.
- For instance, if we have:
- `v <: ty` where:
- - `v = mut_borrow l ...`
- - `ty = Ref (r, ...)`
- then we interpret the borrow `l` as belonging to region `r`
- Also, when applying projections on shared values, we need to apply
- reborrows. This is a bit annoying because, with the way we compute
- the projection on borrows, we can't update the context immediately.
- Instead, we remember the list of borrows we have to insert in the
- context *afterwards*.
- [check_symbolic_no_ended] controls whether we check or not whether
- symbolic values don't contain already ended regions.
- This check is activated when applying projectors upon calling a function
- (because we need to check that function arguments don't contain ⊥),
- but deactivated when expanding symbolic values:
- ```
- fn f<'a,'b>(x : &'a mut u32, y : &'b mut u32) -> (&'a mut u32, &'b mut u32);
- let p = f(&mut x, &mut y); // p -> @s0
- assert(x == ...); // end 'a
- let z = p.1; // HERE: the symbolic expansion of @s0 contains ended regions
- ```
-let rec apply_proj_borrows (check_symbolic_no_ended : bool) (ctx : C.eval_ctx)
- (fresh_reborrow : ->
- (regions : T.RegionId.set_t) (v : V.typed_value) (ty : T.rty) :
- V.typed_avalue =
- (* Sanity check - TODO: move this elsewhere (here we perform the check at every
- * recursive call which is a bit overkill...) *)
- let ety = Substitute.erase_regions ty in
- assert (ety = v.V.ty);
- (* Match *)
- let value : V.avalue =
- match (v.V.value, ty) with
- | V.Concrete cv, (T.Bool | T.Char | T.Integer _ | T.Str) -> V.AConcrete cv
- | V.Adt adt, T.Adt (id, region_params, tys) ->
- (* Retrieve the types of the fields *)
- let field_types =
- Subst.ctx_adt_value_get_instantiated_field_rtypes ctx adt id
- region_params tys
- in
- (* Project over the field values *)
- let fields_types = List.combine adt.V.field_values field_types in
- let proj_fields =
- (fun (fv, fty) ->
- apply_proj_borrows check_symbolic_no_ended ctx fresh_reborrow
- regions fv fty)
- fields_types
- in
- V.AAdt { V.variant_id = adt.V.variant_id; field_values = proj_fields }
- | V.Bottom, _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
- | V.Borrow bc, T.Ref (r, ref_ty, kind) ->
- if
- (* Check if the region is in the set of projected regions (note that
- * we never project over static regions) *)
- region_in_set r regions
- then
- (* In the set *)
- let bc =
- match (bc, kind) with
- | V.MutBorrow (bid, bv), T.Mut ->
- (* Apply the projection on the borrowed value *)
- let bv =
- apply_proj_borrows check_symbolic_no_ended ctx fresh_reborrow
- regions bv ref_ty
- in
- V.AMutBorrow (bid, bv)
- | V.SharedBorrow bid, T.Shared -> V.ASharedBorrow bid
- | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _, _ ->
- failwith
- "Can't apply a proj_borrow over an inactivated mutable borrow"
- | _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
- in
- V.ABorrow bc
- else
- (* Not in the set: ignore *)
- let bc =
- match (bc, kind) with
- | V.MutBorrow (_bid, bv), T.Mut ->
- (* Apply the projection on the borrowed value *)
- let bv =
- apply_proj_borrows check_symbolic_no_ended ctx fresh_reborrow
- regions bv ref_ty
- in
- V.AIgnoredMutBorrow bv
- | V.SharedBorrow bid, T.Shared ->
- (* Lookup the shared value *)
- let ek = ek_all in
- let sv = lookup_loan ek bid ctx in
- let asb =
- match sv with
- | _, Concrete (V.SharedLoan (_, sv))
- | _, Abstract (V.ASharedLoan (_, sv, _)) ->
- apply_proj_borrows_on_shared_borrow ctx fresh_reborrow
- regions sv ref_ty
- | _ -> failwith "Unexpected"
- in
- V.AProjSharedBorrow asb
- | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _, _ ->
- failwith
- "Can't apply a proj_borrow over an inactivated mutable borrow"
- | _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
- in
- V.ABorrow bc
- | V.Loan _, _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
- | V.Symbolic s, _ ->
- (* Check that the symbolic value doesn't contain already ended regions,
- * if necessary *)
- if check_symbolic_no_ended then
- assert (
- not (symbolic_proj_comp_ended_regions_intersect_proj s ty regions));
- V.ASymbolic (V.AProjBorrows (s.V.svalue, ty))
- | _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
- in
- { V.value; V.ty }
-type symbolic_expansion =
- | SeConcrete of V.constant_value
- | SeAdt of ( option * V.symbolic_proj_comp list)
- | SeMutRef of * V.symbolic_proj_comp
- | SeSharedRef of V.BorrowId.set_t * V.symbolic_proj_comp
-(** Convert a symbolic expansion *which is not a borrow* to a value *)
-let symbolic_expansion_non_borrow_to_value (sv : V.symbolic_value)
- (see : symbolic_expansion) : V.typed_value =
- let ty = Subst.erase_regions sv.V.sv_ty in
- let value =
- match see with
- | SeConcrete cv -> V.Concrete cv
- | SeAdt (variant_id, field_values) ->
- let field_values =
- mk_typed_value_from_proj_comp field_values
- in
- V.Adt { V.variant_id; V.field_values }
- | SeMutRef (_, _) | SeSharedRef (_, _) ->
- failwith "Unexpected symbolic reference expansion"
- in
- { V.value; V.ty }
-(** Convert a symbolic expansion to a value.
- If the expansion is a mutable reference expansion, it converts it to a borrow.
- This function is meant to be used when reducing projectors over borrows,
- during a symbolic expansion.
- *)
-let symbolic_expansion_non_shared_borrow_to_value (sv : V.symbolic_value)
- (see : symbolic_expansion) : V.typed_value =
- match see with
- | SeMutRef (bid, bv) ->
- let ty = Subst.erase_regions sv.V.sv_ty in
- let bv = mk_typed_value_from_proj_comp bv in
- let value = V.Borrow (V.MutBorrow (bid, bv)) in
- { V.value; ty }
- | SeSharedRef (_, _) ->
- failwith "Unexpected symbolic shared reference expansion"
- | _ -> symbolic_expansion_non_borrow_to_value sv see
-(** Apply (and reduce) a projector over loans to a value.
- TODO: detailed comments. See [apply_proj_borrows]
-let apply_proj_loans_on_symbolic_expansion (regions : T.RegionId.set_t)
- (see : symbolic_expansion) (original_sv_ty : T.rty) : V.typed_avalue =
- (* Match *)
- let (value, ty) : V.avalue * T.rty =
- match (see, original_sv_ty) with
- | SeConcrete cv, (T.Bool | T.Char | T.Integer _ | T.Str) ->
- (V.AConcrete cv, original_sv_ty)
- | SeAdt (variant_id, field_values), T.Adt (_id, _region_params, _tys) ->
- (* Project over the field values *)
- let field_values =
- mk_aproj_loans_from_proj_comp field_values
- in
- (V.AAdt { V.variant_id; field_values }, original_sv_ty)
- | SeMutRef (bid, spc), T.Ref (r, ref_ty, T.Mut) ->
- (* Apply the projector to the borrowed value *)
- let child_av = mk_aproj_loans_from_proj_comp spc in
- (* Check if the region is in the set of projected regions (note that
- * we never project over static regions) *)
- if region_in_set r regions then
- (* In the set: keep *)
- (V.ALoan (V.AMutLoan (bid, child_av)), ref_ty)
- else
- (* Not in the set: ignore *)
- (V.ALoan (V.AIgnoredMutLoan (bid, child_av)), ref_ty)
- | SeSharedRef (bids, spc), T.Ref (r, ref_ty, T.Shared) ->
- (* Apply the projector to the borrowed value *)
- let child_av = mk_aproj_loans_from_proj_comp spc in
- (* Check if the region is in the set of projected regions (note that
- * we never project over static regions) *)
- if region_in_set r regions then
- (* In the set: keep *)
- let shared_value = mk_typed_value_from_proj_comp spc in
- (V.ALoan (V.ASharedLoan (bids, shared_value, child_av)), ref_ty)
- else
- (* Not in the set: ignore *)
- (V.ALoan (V.AIgnoredSharedLoan child_av), ref_ty)
- | _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
- in
- { V.value; V.ty }
-(** Auxiliary function to end borrows: lookup a borrow in the environment,
- update it (by returning an updated environment where the borrow has been
- replaced by [Bottom])) if we can end the borrow (for instance, it is not
- an outer borrow...) or return the reason why we couldn't update the borrow.
- [end_borrow] then simply performs a loop: as long as we need to end (outer)
- borrows, we end them, before finally ending the borrow we wanted to end in the
- first place.
- Note that it is possible to end a borrow in an abstraction, without ending
- the whole abstraction, if the corresponding loan is inside the abstraction
- as well. The [allowed_abs] parameter controls whether we allow to end borrows
- in an abstraction or not, and in which abstraction.
-let end_borrow_get_borrow (io : inner_outer)
- (allowed_abs : option) (l :
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
- (C.eval_ctx * g_borrow_content option, outer_borrows_or_abs) result =
- (* We use a reference to communicate the kind of borrow we found, if we
- * find one *)
- let replaced_bc : g_borrow_content option ref = ref None in
- let set_replaced_bc (bc : g_borrow_content) =
- assert (Option.is_none !replaced_bc);
- replaced_bc := Some bc
- in
- (* Raise an exception if there are outer borrows or if we are inside an
- * abstraction: this exception is caught in a wrapper function *)
- let raise_if_outer (outer : option * borrow_ids option) =
- let outer_abs, outer_borrows = outer in
- match outer_abs with
- | Some abs -> (
- if
- (* Check if we can end borrows inside this abstraction *)
- Some abs <> allowed_abs
- then raise (FoundOuter (OuterAbs abs))
- else
- match outer_borrows with
- | Some borrows -> raise (FoundOuter (OuterBorrows borrows))
- | None -> ())
- | None -> (
- match outer_borrows with
- | Some borrows -> raise (FoundOuter (OuterBorrows borrows))
- | None -> ())
- in
- (* The environment is used to keep track of the outer loans *)
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
- method! visit_Loan (outer : option * borrow_ids option)
- lc =
- match lc with
- | V.MutLoan bid -> V.Loan (super#visit_MutLoan outer bid)
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, v) ->
- (* Update the outer borrows before diving into the shared value *)
- let outer = update_outer_borrows io outer (Borrows bids) in
- V.Loan (super#visit_SharedLoan outer bids v)
- (** We reimplement [visit_Loan] because we may have to update the
- outer borrows *)
- method! visit_Borrow outer bc =
- match bc with
- | SharedBorrow l' | InactivatedMutBorrow l' ->
- (* Check if this is the borrow we are looking for *)
- if l = l' then (
- (* Check if there are outer borrows or if we are inside an abstraction *)
- raise_if_outer outer;
- (* Register the update *)
- set_replaced_bc (Concrete bc);
- (* Update the value *)
- V.Bottom)
- else super#visit_Borrow outer bc
- | V.MutBorrow (l', bv) ->
- (* Check if this is the borrow we are looking for *)
- if l = l' then (
- (* Check if there are outer borrows or if we are inside an abstraction *)
- raise_if_outer outer;
- (* Register the update *)
- set_replaced_bc (Concrete bc);
- (* Update the value *)
- V.Bottom)
- else
- (* Update the outer borrows before diving into the borrowed value *)
- let outer = update_outer_borrows io outer (Borrow l') in
- V.Borrow (super#visit_MutBorrow outer l' bv)
- method! visit_ALoan outer lc =
- (* Note that the children avalues are just other, independent loans,
- * so we don't need to update the outer borrows when diving in.
- * We keep track of the parents/children relationship only because we
- * need it to properly instantiate the backward functions when generating
- * the pure translation. *)
- match lc with
- | V.AMutLoan (bid, av) ->
- (* Nothing special to do *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_AMutLoan outer bid av)
- | V.ASharedLoan (bids, v, av) ->
- (* Explore the shared value - we need to update the outer borrows *)
- let souter = update_outer_borrows io outer (Borrows bids) in
- let v = super#visit_typed_value souter v in
- (* Explore the child avalue - we keep the same outer borrows *)
- let av = super#visit_typed_avalue outer av in
- (* Reconstruct *)
- V.ALoan (V.ASharedLoan (bids, v, av))
- | V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back; child } ->
- (* The loan has ended, so no need to update the outer borrows *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_AEndedMutLoan outer given_back child)
- | V.AEndedSharedLoan (v, av) ->
- (* The loan has ended, so no need to update the outer borrows *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_AEndedSharedLoan outer v av)
- | V.AIgnoredMutLoan (bid, av) ->
- (* Nothing special to do *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_AIgnoredMutLoan outer bid av)
- | V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan { given_back; child } ->
- (* Nothing special to do *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_AEndedIgnoredMutLoan outer given_back child)
- | V.AIgnoredSharedLoan av ->
- (* Nothing special to do *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_AIgnoredSharedLoan outer av)
- (** We reimplement [visit_ALoan] because we may have to update the
- outer borrows *)
- method! visit_ABorrow outer bc =
- match bc with
- | V.AMutBorrow (bid, av) ->
- (* Check if this is the borrow we are looking for *)
- if bid = l then (
- (* When ending a mut borrow, there are two cases:
- * - in the general case, we have to end the whole abstraction
- * (and thus raise an exception to signal that to the caller)
- * - in some situations, the associated loan is inside the same
- * abstraction as the borrow. In this situation, we can end
- * the borrow without ending the whole abstraction, and we
- * simply move the child avalue around.
- *)
- (* Check there are outer borrows, or if we need to end the whole
- * abstraction *)
- raise_if_outer outer;
- (* Register the update *)
- set_replaced_bc (Abstract bc);
- (* Update the value - note that we are necessarily in the second
- * of the two cases described above *)
- V.ABottom)
- else
- (* Update the outer borrows before diving into the child avalue *)
- let outer = update_outer_borrows io outer (Borrow bid) in
- V.ABorrow (super#visit_AMutBorrow outer bid av)
- | V.ASharedBorrow bid ->
- (* Check if this is the borrow we are looking for *)
- if bid = l then (
- (* Check there are outer borrows, or if we need to end the whole
- * abstraction *)
- raise_if_outer outer;
- (* Register the update *)
- set_replaced_bc (Abstract bc);
- (* Update the value - note that we are necessarily in the second
- * of the two cases described above *)
- V.ABottom)
- else V.ABorrow (super#visit_ASharedBorrow outer bid)
- | V.AIgnoredMutBorrow av ->
- (* Nothing special to do *)
- V.ABorrow (super#visit_AIgnoredMutBorrow outer av)
- | V.AProjSharedBorrow asb ->
- (* Check if the borrow we are looking for is in the asb *)
- if borrow_in_asb l asb then (
- (* Check there are outer borrows, or if we need to end the whole
- * abstraction *)
- raise_if_outer outer;
- (* Register the update *)
- set_replaced_bc (Abstract bc);
- (* Update the value - note that we are necessarily in the second
- * of the two cases described above *)
- let asb = remove_borrow_from_asb l asb in
- V.ABorrow (V.AProjSharedBorrow asb))
- else
- (* Nothing special to do *)
- V.ABorrow (super#visit_AProjSharedBorrow outer asb)
- method! visit_abs outer abs =
- (* Update the outer abs *)
- let outer_abs, outer_borrows = outer in
- assert (Option.is_none outer_abs);
- assert (Option.is_none outer_borrows);
- let outer = (Some abs.V.abs_id, None) in
- super#visit_abs outer abs
- end
- in
- (* Catch the exceptions - raised if there are outer borrows *)
- try
- let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx (None, None) ctx in
- Ok (ctx, !replaced_bc)
- with FoundOuter outers -> Error outers
-(** Auxiliary function. See [give_back_value].
- Apply reborrows to a context.
- The [reborrows] input is a list of pairs (shared loan id, id to insert in the shared loan).
-let apply_reborrows (reborrows : ( * list)
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* This is a bit brutal, but whenever we insert a reborrow, we remove
- * it from the list. This allows us to check that all the reborrows were
- * applied before returning.
- * We might reimplement that in a more efficient manner by using maps. *)
- let reborrows = ref reborrows in
- (* Check if a value is a mutable borrow, and return its identifier if
- it is the case *)
- let get_borrow_in_mut_borrow (v : V.typed_value) : option =
- match v.V.value with
- | V.Borrow lc -> (
- match lc with
- | V.SharedBorrow _ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ -> None
- | V.MutBorrow (id, _) -> Some id)
- | _ -> None
- in
- (* Add the proper reborrows to a set of borrow ids (for a shared loan) *)
- let insert_reborrows bids =
- (* Find the reborrows to apply *)
- let insert, reborrows' =
- List.partition (fun (bid, _) -> V.BorrowId.Set.mem bid bids) !reborrows
- in
- reborrows := reborrows';
- let insert = snd insert in
- (* Insert the borrows *)
- List.fold_left (fun bids bid -> V.BorrowId.Set.add bid bids) bids insert
- in
- (* Get the list of reborrows for a given borrow id *)
- let get_reborrows_for_bid bid =
- (* Find the reborrows to apply *)
- let insert, reborrows' =
- List.partition (fun (bid', _) -> bid' = bid) !reborrows
- in
- reborrows := reborrows';
- snd insert
- in
- let borrows_to_set bids =
- List.fold_left
- (fun bids bid -> V.BorrowId.Set.add bid bids)
- V.BorrowId.Set.empty bids
- in
- (* Insert reborrows for a given borrow id into a given set of borrows *)
- let insert_reborrows_for_bid bids bid =
- (* Find the reborrows to apply *)
- let insert = get_reborrows_for_bid bid in
- (* Insert the borrows *)
- List.fold_left (fun bids bid -> V.BorrowId.Set.add bid bids) bids insert
- in
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
- method! visit_typed_value env v =
- match v.V.value with
- | V.Borrow (V.MutBorrow (bid, bv)) ->
- let insert = get_reborrows_for_bid bid in
- let nbc = super#visit_MutBorrow env bid bv in
- let nbc = { v with V.value = V.Borrow nbc } in
- if insert = [] then (* No reborrows: do nothing special *)
- nbc
- else
- (* There are reborrows: insert a shared loan *)
- let insert = borrows_to_set insert in
- let value = V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (insert, nbc)) in
- let ty = v.V.ty in
- { V.value; ty }
- | _ -> super#visit_typed_value env v
- (** We may need to reborrow mutable borrows. Note that this doesn't
- happen for aborrows *)
- method! visit_loan_content env lc =
- match lc with
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
- (* Insert the reborrows *)
- let bids = insert_reborrows bids in
- (* Check if the contained value is a mutable borrow, in which
- * case we might need to reborrow it by adding more borrow ids
- * to the current set of borrows - by doing this small
- * manipulation here, we accumulate the borrow ids in the same
- * shared loan, right above the mutable borrow, and avoid
- * stacking shared loans (note that doing this is not a problem
- * from a soundness point of view, but it is a bit ugly...) *)
- let bids =
- match get_borrow_in_mut_borrow sv with
- | None -> bids
- | Some bid -> insert_reborrows_for_bid bids bid
- in
- (* Update and explore *)
- super#visit_SharedLoan env bids sv
- | V.MutLoan bid ->
- (* Nothing special to do *)
- super#visit_MutLoan env bid
- (** We reimplement [visit_loan_content] (rather than one of the sub-
- functions) on purpose: exhaustive matches are good for maintenance *)
- method! visit_aloan_content env lc =
- (* TODO: ashared_loan (amut_loan ) case *)
- match lc with
- | V.ASharedLoan (bids, v, av) ->
- (* Insert the reborrows *)
- let bids = insert_reborrows bids in
- (* Update and explore *)
- super#visit_ASharedLoan env bids v av
- | V.AIgnoredSharedLoan _
- | V.AMutLoan (_, _)
- | V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back = _; child = _ }
- | V.AEndedSharedLoan (_, _)
- | V.AIgnoredMutLoan (_, _)
- | V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan { given_back = _; child = _ } ->
- (* Nothing particular to do *)
- super#visit_aloan_content env lc
- end
- in
- (* Visit *)
- let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx in
- (* Check that there are no reborrows remaining *)
- assert (!reborrows = []);
- (* Return *)
- ctx
-(** Auxiliary function to prepare reborrowing operations (used when
- applying projectors).
- Returns two functions:
- - a function to generate fresh re-borrow ids, and register the reborrows
- - a function to apply the reborrows in a context
- Those functions are of course stateful.
- *)
-let prepare_reborrows (config : C.config) (allow_reborrows : bool)
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
- ( -> * (C.eval_ctx -> C.eval_ctx) =
- let reborrows : ( * list ref = ref [] in
- let borrow_counter = ref ctx.C.borrow_counter in
- (* The function to generate and register fresh reborrows *)
- let fresh_reborrow (bid : : =
- if allow_reborrows then (
- let bid', cnt' = V.BorrowId.fresh !borrow_counter in
- borrow_counter := cnt';
- reborrows := (bid, bid') :: !reborrows;
- bid')
- else failwith "Unexpected reborrow"
- in
- (* The function to apply the reborrows in a context *)
- let apply_registered_reborrows (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- match config.C.mode with
- | C.ConcreteMode ->
- (* Reborrows are introduced when applying projections in symbolic mode *)
- assert (!borrow_counter = ctx.C.borrow_counter);
- assert (!reborrows = []);
- ctx
- | C.SymbolicMode ->
- (* Update the borrow counter *)
- let ctx = { ctx with C.borrow_counter = !borrow_counter } in
- (* Apply the reborrows *)
- apply_reborrows !reborrows ctx
- in
- (fresh_reborrow, apply_registered_reborrows)
-(** Auxiliary function to end borrows. See [give_back].
- When we end a mutable borrow, we need to "give back" the value it contained
- to its original owner by reinserting it at the proper position.
- Note that this function checks that there is exactly one loan to which we
- give the value back.
- TODO: this was not the case before, so some sanity checks are not useful anymore.
- *)
-let give_back_value (config : C.config) (bid :
- (nv : V.typed_value) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* We use a reference to check that we updated exactly one loan *)
- let replaced : bool ref = ref false in
- let set_replaced () =
- assert (not !replaced);
- replaced := true
- in
- (* Whenever giving back symbolic values, they shouldn't contain already ended regions *)
- let check_symbolic_no_ended = true in
- (* We sometimes need to reborrow values while giving a value back due: prepare that *)
- let allow_reborrows = true in
- let fresh_reborrow, apply_registered_reborrows =
- prepare_reborrows config allow_reborrows ctx
- in
- (* The visitor to give back the values *)
- let obj =
- object (self)
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
- method! visit_Loan opt_abs lc =
- match lc with
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, v) ->
- (* We are giving back a value (i.e., the content of a *mutable*
- * borrow): nothing special to do *)
- V.Loan (super#visit_SharedLoan opt_abs bids v)
- | V.MutLoan bid' ->
- (* Check if this is the loan we are looking for *)
- if bid' = bid then (
- set_replaced ();
- nv.V.value)
- else V.Loan (super#visit_MutLoan opt_abs bid')
- method! visit_typed_avalue opt_abs (av : V.typed_avalue) : V.typed_avalue
- =
- match av.V.value with
- | V.ALoan lc ->
- let value = self#visit_typed_ALoan opt_abs av.V.ty lc in
- ({ av with V.value } : V.typed_avalue)
- | _ -> super#visit_typed_avalue opt_abs av
- (** This is a bit annoying, but as we need the type of the avalue we
- are exploring, in order to be able to project the value we give
- back, we need to reimplement [visit_typed_avalue] instead of
- [visit_ALoan] *)
- method visit_typed_ALoan (opt_abs : V.abs option) (ty : T.rty)
- (lc : V.aloan_content) : V.avalue =
- (* Preparing a bit *)
- let regions =
- match opt_abs with
- | None -> failwith "Unreachable"
- | Some abs -> abs.V.regions
- in
- match lc with
- | V.AMutLoan (bid', child) ->
- if bid' = bid then (
- (* This is the loan we are looking for: apply the projection to
- * the value we give back and replaced this mutable loan with
- * an ended loan *)
- (* Register the insertion *)
- set_replaced ();
- (* Apply the projection *)
- let given_back =
- apply_proj_borrows check_symbolic_no_ended ctx fresh_reborrow
- regions nv ty
- in
- (* Return the new value *)
- V.ALoan (V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back; child }))
- else
- (* Continue exploring *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_AMutLoan opt_abs bid' child)
- | V.ASharedLoan (bids, v, av) ->
- (* We are giving back a value to a *mutable* loan: nothing special to do *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_ASharedLoan opt_abs bids v av)
- | V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back; child } ->
- (* Nothing special to do *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_AEndedMutLoan opt_abs given_back child)
- | V.AEndedSharedLoan (v, av) ->
- (* Nothing special to do *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_AEndedSharedLoan opt_abs v av)
- | V.AIgnoredMutLoan (bid', child) ->
- (* This loan is ignored, but we may have to project on a subvalue
- * of the value which is given back *)
- if bid' = bid then
- (* Note that we replace the ignored mut loan by an *ended* ignored
- * mut loan. Also, this is not the loan we are looking for *per se*:
- * we don't register the fact that we inserted the value somewhere
- * (i.e., we don't call [set_replaced]) *)
- let given_back =
- apply_proj_borrows check_symbolic_no_ended ctx fresh_reborrow
- regions nv ty
- in
- V.ALoan (V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan { given_back; child })
- else V.ALoan (super#visit_AIgnoredMutLoan opt_abs bid' child)
- | V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan { given_back; child } ->
- (* Nothing special to do *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_AEndedIgnoredMutLoan opt_abs given_back child)
- | V.AIgnoredSharedLoan av ->
- (* Nothing special to do *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_AIgnoredSharedLoan opt_abs av)
- (** We are not specializing an already existing method, but adding a
- new method (for projections, we need type information) *)
- method! visit_Abs opt_abs abs =
- (* We remember in which abstraction we are before diving -
- * this is necessary for projecting values: we need to know
- * over which regions to project *)
- assert (Option.is_none opt_abs);
- super#visit_Abs (Some abs) abs
- end
- in
- (* Explore the environment *)
- let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx None ctx in
- (* Check we gave back to exactly one loan *)
- assert !replaced;
- (* Apply the reborrows *)
- apply_registered_reborrows ctx
-(** Auxiliary function to end borrows. See [give_back].
- This function is similar to [give_back_value] but gives back an [avalue]
- (coming from an abstraction).
- It is used when ending a borrow inside an abstraction, when the corresponding
- loan is inside the same abstraction (in which case we don't need to end the whole
- abstraction).
- REMARK: this function can't be used to give back the values borrowed by
- end abstraction when ending this abstraction. When doing this, we need
- to convert the [avalue] to a [value] by introducing the proper symbolic values.
- *)
-let give_back_avalue (_config : C.config) (bid :
- (nv : V.typed_avalue) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* We use a reference to check that we updated exactly one loan *)
- let replaced : bool ref = ref false in
- let set_replaced () =
- assert (not !replaced);
- replaced := true
- in
- let obj =
- object (self)
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
- method! visit_typed_avalue opt_abs (av : V.typed_avalue) : V.typed_avalue
- =
- match av.V.value with
- | V.ALoan lc ->
- let value = self#visit_typed_ALoan opt_abs av.V.ty lc in
- ({ av with V.value } : V.typed_avalue)
- | _ -> super#visit_typed_avalue opt_abs av
- (** This is a bit annoying, but as we need the type of the avalue we
- are exploring, in order to be able to project the value we give
- back, we need to reimplement [visit_typed_avalue] instead of
- [visit_ALoan] *)
- method visit_typed_ALoan (opt_abs : V.abs option) (ty : T.rty)
- (lc : V.aloan_content) : V.avalue =
- match lc with
- | V.AMutLoan (bid', child) ->
- if bid' = bid then (
- (* This is the loan we are looking for: apply the projection to
- * the value we give back and replaced this mutable loan with
- * an ended loan *)
- (* Register the insertion *)
- set_replaced ();
- (* Sanity check *)
- assert (nv.V.ty = ty);
- (* Return the new value *)
- V.ALoan (V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back = nv; child }))
- else
- (* Continue exploring *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_AMutLoan opt_abs bid' child)
- | V.ASharedLoan (bids, v, av) ->
- (* We are giving back a value to a *mutable* loan: nothing special to do *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_ASharedLoan opt_abs bids v av)
- | V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back; child } ->
- (* Nothing special to do *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_AEndedMutLoan opt_abs given_back child)
- | V.AEndedSharedLoan (v, av) ->
- (* Nothing special to do *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_AEndedSharedLoan opt_abs v av)
- | V.AIgnoredMutLoan (bid', child) ->
- (* This loan is ignored, but we may have to project on a subvalue
- * of the value which is given back *)
- if bid' = bid then (
- (* Note that we replace the ignored mut loan by an *ended* ignored
- * mut loan. Also, this is not the loan we are looking for *per se*:
- * we don't register the fact that we inserted the value somewhere
- * (i.e., we don't call [set_replaced]) *)
- (* Sanity check *)
- assert (nv.V.ty = ty);
- V.ALoan (V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan { given_back = nv; child }))
- else V.ALoan (super#visit_AIgnoredMutLoan opt_abs bid' child)
- | V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan { given_back; child } ->
- (* Nothing special to do *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_AEndedIgnoredMutLoan opt_abs given_back child)
- | V.AIgnoredSharedLoan av ->
- (* Nothing special to do *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_AIgnoredSharedLoan opt_abs av)
- (** We are not specializing an already existing method, but adding a
- new method (for projections, we need type information) *)
- end
- in
- (* Explore the environment *)
- let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx None ctx in
- (* Check we gave back to exactly one loan *)
- assert !replaced;
- (* Return *)
- ctx
-(** Auxiliary function to end borrows. See [give_back].
- When we end a shared borrow, we need to remove the borrow id from the list
- of borrows to the shared value.
- Note that this function checks that there is exactly one shared loan that
- we update.
- TODO: this was not the case before, so some sanity checks are not useful anymore.
- *)
-let give_back_shared _config (bid : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
- C.eval_ctx =
- (* We use a reference to check that we updated exactly one loan *)
- let replaced : bool ref = ref false in
- let set_replaced () =
- assert (not !replaced);
- replaced := true
- in
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
- method! visit_Loan opt_abs lc =
- match lc with
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, shared_value) ->
- if V.BorrowId.Set.mem bid bids then (
- (* This is the loan we are looking for *)
- set_replaced ();
- (* If there remains exactly one borrow identifier, we need
- * to end the loan. Otherwise, we just remove the current
- * loan identifier *)
- if V.BorrowId.Set.cardinal bids = 1 then shared_value.V.value
- else
- V.Loan
- (V.SharedLoan (V.BorrowId.Set.remove bid bids, shared_value)))
- else
- (* Not the loan we are looking for: continue exploring *)
- V.Loan (super#visit_SharedLoan opt_abs bids shared_value)
- | V.MutLoan bid' ->
- (* We are giving back a *shared* borrow: nothing special to do *)
- V.Loan (super#visit_MutLoan opt_abs bid')
- method! visit_ALoan opt_abs lc =
- match lc with
- | V.AMutLoan (bid, av) ->
- (* Nothing special to do (we are giving back a *shared* borrow) *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_AMutLoan opt_abs bid av)
- | V.ASharedLoan (bids, shared_value, child) ->
- if V.BorrowId.Set.mem bid bids then (
- (* This is the loan we are looking for *)
- set_replaced ();
- (* If there remains exactly one borrow identifier, we need
- * to end the loan. Otherwise, we just remove the current
- * loan identifier *)
- if V.BorrowId.Set.cardinal bids = 1 then
- V.ALoan (V.AEndedSharedLoan (shared_value, child))
- else
- V.ALoan
- (V.ASharedLoan
- (V.BorrowId.Set.remove bid bids, shared_value, child)))
- else
- (* Not the loan we are looking for: continue exploring *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_ASharedLoan opt_abs bids shared_value child)
- | V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back; child } ->
- (* Nothing special to do (the loan has ended) *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_AEndedMutLoan opt_abs given_back child)
- | V.AEndedSharedLoan (v, av) ->
- (* Nothing special to do (the loan has ended) *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_AEndedSharedLoan opt_abs v av)
- | V.AIgnoredMutLoan (bid, av) ->
- (* Nothing special to do (we are giving back a *shared* borrow) *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_AIgnoredMutLoan opt_abs bid av)
- | V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan { given_back; child } ->
- (* Nothing special to do *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_AEndedIgnoredMutLoan opt_abs given_back child)
- | V.AIgnoredSharedLoan av ->
- (* Nothing special to do *)
- V.ALoan (super#visit_AIgnoredSharedLoan opt_abs av)
- end
- in
- (* Explore the environment *)
- let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx None ctx in
- (* Check we gave back to exactly one loan *)
- assert !replaced;
- (* Return *)
- ctx
-(** When copying values, we duplicate the shared borrows. This is tantamount
- to reborrowing the shared value. The following function applies this change
- to an environment by inserting a new borrow id in the set of borrows tracked
- by a shared value, referenced by the [original_bid] argument.
- *)
-let reborrow_shared (original_bid : (new_bid :
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* Keep track of changes *)
- let r = ref false in
- let set_ref () =
- assert (not !r);
- r := true
- in
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] C.map_env as super
- method! visit_SharedLoan env bids sv =
- (* Shared loan: check if the borrow id we are looking for is in the
- set of borrow ids. If yes, insert the new borrow id, otherwise
- explore inside the shared value *)
- if V.BorrowId.Set.mem original_bid bids then (
- set_ref ();
- let bids' = V.BorrowId.Set.add new_bid bids in
- V.SharedLoan (bids', sv))
- else super#visit_SharedLoan env bids sv
- method! visit_ASharedLoan env bids v av =
- (* This case is similar to the [SharedLoan] case *)
- if V.BorrowId.Set.mem original_bid bids then (
- set_ref ();
- let bids' = V.BorrowId.Set.add new_bid bids in
- V.ASharedLoan (bids', v, av))
- else super#visit_ASharedLoan env bids v av
- end
- in
- let env = obj#visit_env () ctx.env in
- (* Check that we reborrowed once *)
- assert !r;
- { ctx with env }
-(** Auxiliary function: see [end_borrow_in_env] *)
-let give_back (config : C.config) (l : (bc : g_borrow_content)
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* This is used for sanity checks *)
- let sanity_ek =
- { enter_shared_loans = true; enter_mut_borrows = true; enter_abs = true }
- in
- match bc with
- | Concrete (V.MutBorrow (l', tv)) ->
- (* Sanity check *)
- assert (l' = l);
- (* Check that the corresponding loan is somewhere - purely a sanity check *)
- assert (Option.is_some (lookup_loan_opt sanity_ek l ctx));
- (* Update the context *)
- give_back_value config l tv ctx
- | Concrete (V.SharedBorrow l' | V.InactivatedMutBorrow l') ->
- (* Sanity check *)
- assert (l' = l);
- (* Check that the borrow is somewhere - purely a sanity check *)
- assert (Option.is_some (lookup_loan_opt sanity_ek l ctx));
- (* Update the context *)
- give_back_shared config l ctx
- | Abstract (V.AMutBorrow (l', av)) ->
- (* Sanity check *)
- assert (l' = l);
- (* Check that the corresponding loan is somewhere - purely a sanity check *)
- assert (Option.is_some (lookup_loan_opt sanity_ek l ctx));
- (* Update the context *)
- give_back_avalue config l av ctx
- | Abstract (V.ASharedBorrow l') ->
- (* Sanity check *)
- assert (l' = l);
- (* Check that the borrow is somewhere - purely a sanity check *)
- assert (Option.is_some (lookup_loan_opt sanity_ek l ctx));
- (* Update the context *)
- give_back_shared config l ctx
- | Abstract (V.AProjSharedBorrow asb) ->
- (* Sanity check *)
- assert (borrow_in_asb l asb);
- (* Update the context *)
- give_back_shared config l ctx
- | Abstract (V.AIgnoredMutBorrow _) -> failwith "Unreachable"
-(** Convert an [avalue] to a [value].
- This function is used when ending abstractions: whenever we end a borrow
- in an abstraction, we converted the borrowed [avalue] to a [value], then give
- back this [value] to the context.
- There are two possibilities:
- - either the borrowed [avalue] contains ended regions, in which case we return ⊥
- - or it doesn't contain ⊥, in which case we simply return a newly introduced
- symbolic value.
- We return a new context because we may have to introduce a symbolic value.
- The `ended_regions` parameter is for the regions contained in the current
- abstraction.
- *)
-let convert_avalue_to_value (ended_regions : T.RegionId.set_t)
- (av : V.typed_avalue) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value =
- (* Convert the type *)
- let ty = Subst.erase_regions av.V.ty in
- (* Check if the avalue contains ended regions *)
- if rty_regions_intersect av.V.ty ended_regions then
- (* Contains ended regions: return ⊥ *)
- (ctx, { V.value = V.Bottom; V.ty })
- else
- (* Doesn't contain ended regions: return a symbolic value *)
- let ctx, sv_id = C.fresh_symbolic_value_id ctx in
- let svalue : V.symbolic_value = { V.sv_id; sv_ty = av.V.ty } in
- let value : V.symbolic_proj_comp =
- (* Note that the set of ended regions is empty: we shouldn't have to take
- * into account any ended regions at this point, otherwise we would be in
- * the first case where we should return ⊥ *)
- { V.svalue; V.rset_ended = T.RegionId.Set.empty }
- in
- let value = V.Symbolic value in
- (ctx, { V.value; V.ty })
-(** End a borrow identified by its borrow id in a context
- First lookup the borrow in the context and replace it with [Bottom].
- Then, check that there is an associated loan in the context. When moving
- values, before putting the value in its destination, we get an
- intermediate state where some values are "outside" the context and thus
- inaccessible. As [give_back_value] just performs a map for instance (TODO:
- not the case anymore), we need to check independently that there is indeed a
- loan ready to receive the value we give back (note that we also have other
- invariants like: there is exacly one mutable loan associated to a mutable
- borrow, etc. but they are more easily maintained).
- Note that in theory, we shouldn't never reach a problematic state as the
- one we describe above, because when we move a value we need to end all the
- loans inside before moving it. Still, it is a very useful sanity check.
- Finally, give the values back.
- Of course, we end outer borrows before updating the target borrow if it
- proves necessary: this is controled by the [io] parameter. If it is [Inner],
- we allow ending inner borrows (without ending the outer borrows first),
- otherwise we only allow ending outer borrows.
- If a borrow is inside an abstraction, we need to end the whole abstraction,
- at the exception of the case where the loan corresponding to the borrow is
- inside the same abstraction. We control this with the [allowed_abs] parameter:
- if it is not `None`, we allow ending a borrow if it is inside the given
- abstraction. In practice, if the value is `Some abs_id`, we should have
- checked that the corresponding loan is inside the abstraction given by
- `abs_id` before. In practice, only [end_borrow] should call itself
- with `allowed_abs = Some ...`, all the other calls should use `allowed_abs = None`:
- if you look ath the implementation details, `end_borrow` performs
- all tne necessary checks in case a borrow is inside an abstraction.
- *)
-let rec end_borrow (config : C.config) (io : inner_outer)
- (allowed_abs : option) (l :
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- match end_borrow_get_borrow io allowed_abs l ctx with
- (* Two cases:
- * - error: we found outer borrows (end them first)
- * - success: we didn't find outer borrows when updating (but maybe we actually
- didn't find the borrow we were looking for...)
+module Test = struct
+ let initialize_context (type_context : C.type_context)
+ (fun_defs : A.fun_def list) (type_vars : T.type_var list) : C.eval_ctx =
+ C.reset_global_counters ();
+ {
+ C.type_context;
+ C.fun_context = fun_defs;
+ C.type_vars;
+ C.env = [];
+ C.ended_regions = T.RegionId.Set.empty;
+ }
+ (** Initialize an evaluation context to execute a function.
+ Introduces local variables initialized in the following manner:
+ - input arguments are initialized as symbolic values
+ - the remaining locals are initialized as ⊥
+ "Dummy" abstractions are introduced for the regions present in the
+ function signature.
- | Error outer -> (
- (* End the outer borrows, abstraction, then try again to end the target
- * borrow (if necessary) *)
- match outer with
- | OuterBorrows (Borrows bids) ->
- (* Note that when ending outer borrows, we use io=Outer. However,
- * we shouldn't need to end outer borrows if io=Inner, so we just
- * add the following assertion *)
- assert (io = Outer);
- (* Note that we might get there with `allowed_abs <> None`: we might
- * be trying to end a borrow inside an abstraction, but which is actually
- * inside another borrow *)
- let allowed_abs' = None in
- let ctx = end_borrows config io allowed_abs' bids ctx in
- (* Retry to end the borrow *)
- end_borrow config io allowed_abs l ctx
- | OuterBorrows (Borrow bid) ->
- (* See the comments for the previous case *)
- assert (io = Outer);
- let allowed_abs' = None in
- let ctx = end_borrow config io allowed_abs' bid ctx in
- (* Retry to end the borrow *)
- end_borrow config io allowed_abs l ctx
- | OuterAbs abs_id -> (
- (* The borrow is inside an asbtraction: check if the corresponding
- * loan is inside the same abstraction. If this is the case, we end
- * the borrow without ending the abstraction. If not, we need to
- * end the whole abstraction *)
- (* Note that we can lookup the loan anywhere *)
- let ek =
- {
- enter_shared_loans = true;
- enter_mut_borrows = true;
- enter_abs = true;
- }
- in
- match lookup_loan ek l ctx with
- | AbsId loan_abs_id, _ ->
- if loan_abs_id = abs_id then (
- (* Same abstraction! We can end the borrow *)
- let ctx = end_borrow config io (Some abs_id) l ctx in
- (* Sanity check *)
- assert (Option.is_none (lookup_borrow_opt ek l ctx));
- ctx)
- else
- (* Not the same abstraction: we need to end the whole abstraction.
- * By doing that we should have ended the target borrow (see the
- * below sanity check) *)
- let ctx = end_abstraction config abs_id ctx in
- (* Sanity check: we ended the target borrow *)
- assert (Option.is_none (lookup_borrow_opt ek l ctx));
- ctx
- | VarId _, _ ->
- (* The loan is not inside the same abstraction (actually inside
- * a non-abstraction value): we need to end the whole abstraction *)
- let ctx = end_abstraction config abs_id ctx in
- (* Sanity check: we ended the target borrow *)
- assert (Option.is_none (lookup_borrow_opt ek l ctx));
- ctx))
- | Ok (ctx, None) ->
- (* It is possible that we can't find a borrow in symbolic mode (ending
- * an abstraction may end several borrows at once *)
- assert (config.mode = SymbolicMode);
- ctx
- (* We found a borrow: give the value back (i.e., update the corresponding loan) *)
- | Ok (ctx, Some bc) -> give_back config l bc ctx
-and end_borrows (config : C.config) (io : inner_outer)
- (allowed_abs : option) (lset : V.BorrowId.Set.t)
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- V.BorrowId.Set.fold
- (fun id ctx -> end_borrow config io allowed_abs id ctx)
- lset ctx
-and end_abstraction (config : C.config) (abs_id :
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* Lookup the abstraction *)
- let abs = C.ctx_lookup_abs ctx abs_id in
- (* End the parent abstractions first *)
- let ctx = end_abstractions config abs.parents ctx in
- (* End the loans inside the abstraction *)
- let ctx = end_abstraction_loans config abs_id ctx in
- (* End the abstraction itself by redistributing the borrows it contains *)
- let ctx = end_abstraction_borrows config abs_id ctx in
- (* End the regions owned by the abstraction *)
- let ctx = end_abstraction_regions config abs_id ctx in
- (* Remove all the references to the id of the current abstraction, and remove
- * the abstraction itself *)
- end_abstraction_remove_from_context config abs_id ctx
-and end_abstractions (config : C.config) (abs_ids : V.AbstractionId.set_t)
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- V.AbstractionId.Set.fold
- (fun id ctx -> end_abstraction config id ctx)
- abs_ids ctx
-and end_abstraction_loans (config : C.config) (abs_id :
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* Lookup the abstraction *)
- let abs = C.ctx_lookup_abs ctx abs_id in
- (* End the first loan we find *)
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] V.iter_abs as super
- method! visit_aloan_content env lc =
- match lc with
- | V.AMutLoan (bid, _) -> raise (FoundBorrowIds (Borrow bid))
- | V.ASharedLoan (bids, _, _) -> raise (FoundBorrowIds (Borrows bids))
- | V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back; child } ->
- super#visit_AEndedMutLoan env given_back child
- | V.AEndedSharedLoan (v, av) -> super#visit_AEndedSharedLoan env v av
- | V.AIgnoredMutLoan (bid, av) ->
- (* Note that this loan can't come from a parent abstraction, because
- * we should have ended them already) *)
- super#visit_AIgnoredMutLoan env bid av
- | V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan { given_back; child } ->
- super#visit_AEndedIgnoredMutLoan env given_back child
- | V.AIgnoredSharedLoan av -> super#visit_AIgnoredSharedLoan env av
- end
- in
- try
- (* Check if there are loans *)
- obj#visit_abs () abs;
- (* No loans: nothing to update *)
- ctx
- with (* There are loans: end them, then recheck *)
- | FoundBorrowIds bids ->
- let ctx =
- match bids with
- | Borrow bid -> end_outer_borrow config bid ctx
- | Borrows bids -> end_outer_borrows config bids ctx
- in
- (* Recheck *)
- end_abstraction_loans config abs_id ctx
-and end_abstraction_borrows (config : C.config) (abs_id :
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* Note that the abstraction mustn't contain any loans *)
- (* We end the borrows, starting with the *inner* ones. This is important
- when considering nested borrows which have the same lifetime.
- For instance:
- ```
- x -> mut_loan l1
- px -> mut_loan l0
- abs0 { a_mut_borrow l0 (a_mut_borrow l1 (U32 3)) }
- ```
- becomes (`U32 3` doesn't contain ⊥, so we give back a symbolic value):
- ```
- x -> @s0
- px -> mut_loan l0
- abs0 { a_mut_borrow l0 ⊥ }
- ```
- then (the borrowed value contains ⊥, we give back ⊥):
- ```
- x -> @s0
- px -> ⊥
- abs0 { ⊥ }
- ```
- *)
- (* We explore in-depth and use exceptions. When exploring a borrow, if
- * the exploration didn't trigger an exception, it means there are no
- * inner borrows to end: we can thus trigger an exception for the current
- * borrow. *)
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] V.iter_abs as super
- method! visit_aborrow_content env bc =
- (* In-depth exploration *)
- super#visit_aborrow_content env bc;
- (* No exception was raise: we can raise an exception for the
- * current borrow *)
- match bc with
- | V.AMutBorrow (_, _) | V.ASharedBorrow _ ->
- (* Raise an exception *)
- raise (FoundABorrowContent bc)
- | V.AProjSharedBorrow asb ->
- (* Raise an exception only if the asb contains borrows *)
- if
- List.exists
- (fun x -> match x with V.AsbBorrow _ -> true | _ -> false)
- asb
- then raise (FoundABorrowContent bc)
- else ()
- | V.AIgnoredMutBorrow _ ->
- (* Nothing to do for ignored borrows *)
- ()
- end
- in
- (* Lookup the abstraction *)
- let abs = C.ctx_lookup_abs ctx abs_id in
- try
- (* Explore the abstraction, looking for borrows *)
- obj#visit_abs () abs;
- (* No borrows: nothing to update *)
- ctx
- with
- (* There are borrows: end them, then reexplore *)
- | FoundABorrowContent bc ->
- (* First, replace the borrow by ⊥ *)
- let bid =
- match bc with
- | V.AMutBorrow (bid, _) | V.ASharedBorrow bid -> bid
- | V.AProjSharedBorrow asb -> (
- (* There should be at least one borrow identifier in the set, which we
- * can use to identify the whole set *)
- match
- List.find
- (fun x -> match x with V.AsbBorrow _ -> true | _ -> false)
- asb
- with
- | V.AsbBorrow bid -> bid
- | _ -> failwith "Unexpected")
- | V.AIgnoredMutBorrow _ -> failwith "Unexpected"
+ let initialize_symbolic_context_for_fun (type_context : C.type_context)
+ (fun_defs : A.fun_def list) (fdef : A.fun_def) : C.eval_ctx =
+ (* The abstractions are not initialized the same way as for function
+ * calls: they contain *loan* projectors, because they "provide" us
+ * with the input values (which behave as if they had been returned
+ * by some function calls...).
+ * Also, note that we properly set the set of parents of every abstraction:
+ * this should not be necessary, as those abstractions should never be
+ * *automatically* ended (because ending some borrows requires to end
+ * one of them), but rather selectively ended when generating code
+ * for each of the backward functions. We do it only because we can
+ * do it, and because it gives a bit of sanity.
+ * *)
+ let sg = fdef.signature in
+ (* Create the context *)
+ let ctx = initialize_context type_context fun_defs sg.type_params in
+ (* Instantiate the signature *)
+ let type_params =
+ (fun tv -> T.TypeVar tv.T.index) sg.type_params
- let ctx = update_aborrow ek_all bid V.ABottom ctx in
- (* Then give back the value *)
- let ctx =
- match bc with
- | V.AMutBorrow (bid, av) ->
- (* First, convert the avalue to a value (by introducing the proper
- * symbolic values). Note that we should probably use the regions owned
- * by the abstraction for the ended_regions parameter, but for safety
- * I'm using the accumulated regions (which include the ancestors'
- * regions). Think a bit about that... *)
- let ctx, v = convert_avalue_to_value abs.acc_regions av ctx in
- give_back_value config bid v ctx
- | V.ASharedBorrow bid -> give_back_shared config bid ctx
- | V.AProjSharedBorrow _ ->
- (* Nothing to do *)
- ctx
- | V.AIgnoredMutBorrow _ -> failwith "Unexpected"
+ let ctx, inst_sg = instantiate_fun_sig type_params sg ctx in
+ (* Create fresh symbolic values for the inputs *)
+ let input_svs =
+ (fun ty -> mk_fresh_symbolic_value ty) inst_sg.inputs
- (* Reexplore *)
- end_abstraction_borrows config abs_id ctx
-(** Update the symbolic values in a context to register the regions in the
- abstraction we are ending as already ended.
- Note that this function also checks that no symbolic value in an abstraction
- contains regions which we are ending.
- Of course, we ignore the abstraction we are currently ending...
- *)
-and end_abstraction_regions (_config : C.config) (abs_id :
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* Lookup the abstraction to retrieve the set of owned regions *)
- let abs = C.ctx_lookup_abs ctx abs_id in
- let ended_regions = abs.V.regions in
- (* Update all the symbolic values in the context *)
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
- method! visit_Symbolic _ sproj =
- let sproj =
- {
- sproj with
- V.rset_ended = T.RegionId.Set.union sproj.V.rset_ended ended_regions;
- }
- in
- V.Symbolic sproj
- method! visit_aproj (abs_regions : T.RegionId.set_t option) aproj =
- (* Sanity check *)
- (match aproj with
- | V.AProjLoans _ -> ()
- | V.AProjBorrows (sv, ty) -> (
- match abs_regions with
- | None -> failwith "Unexpected"
- | Some abs_regions ->
- assert (
- not
- (projections_intersect sv.V.sv_ty ended_regions ty
- abs_regions))));
- (* Return - nothing to update *)
- aproj
- method! visit_abs (regions : T.RegionId.set_t option) abs =
- if abs.V.abs_id = abs_id then abs
- else (
- assert (Option.is_none regions);
- (* Check that we don't project over already ended regions *)
- assert (T.RegionId.Set.disjoint ended_regions abs.V.regions);
- (* Remember the set of regions owned by the abstraction *)
- let regions = Some abs.V.regions in
- super#visit_abs regions abs)
- (** Whenever we dive in an abstraction, we need to keep track of the
- set of regions owned by the abstraction.
- Also: we don't dive in the abstraction we are currently ending... *)
- end
- in
- (* Update the context *)
- obj#visit_eval_ctx None ctx
-(** Remove an abstraction from the context, as well as all its references *)
-and end_abstraction_remove_from_context (_config : C.config)
- (abs_id : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- let map_env_elem (ev : C.env_elem) : C.env_elem option =
- match ev with
- | C.Var (_, _) | C.Frame -> Some ev
- | C.Abs abs ->
- if abs.abs_id = abs_id then None
- else
- let parents = V.AbstractionId.Set.remove abs_id abs.parents in
- Some (C.Abs { abs with V.parents })
- in
- let env = List.filter_map map_env_elem ctx.C.env in
- { ctx with C.env }
-and end_outer_borrow config = end_borrow config Outer None
-and end_outer_borrows config = end_borrows config Outer None
-and end_inner_borrow config = end_borrow config Inner None
-and end_inner_borrows config = end_borrows config Inner None
-(** Helper function: see [activate_inactivated_mut_borrow].
- This function updates the shared loan to a mutable loan (we then update
- the borrow with another helper). Of course, the shared loan must contain
- exactly one borrow id (the one we give as parameter), otherwise we can't
- promote it. Also, the shared value mustn't contain any loan.
- The returned value (previously shared) is checked:
- - it mustn't contain loans
- - it mustn't contain [Bottom]
- - it mustn't contain inactivated borrows
- TODO: this kind of checks should be put in an auxiliary helper, because
- they are redundant
- *)
-let promote_shared_loan_to_mut_loan (l : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
- C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value =
- (* Lookup the shared loan *)
- let ek =
- { enter_shared_loans = false; enter_mut_borrows = true; enter_abs = false }
- in
- match lookup_loan ek l ctx with
- | _, Concrete (V.MutLoan _) ->
- failwith "Expected a shared loan, found a mut loan"
- | _, Concrete (V.SharedLoan (bids, sv)) ->
- (* Check that there is only one borrow id (l) and update the loan *)
- assert (V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids && V.BorrowId.Set.cardinal bids = 1);
- (* We need to check that there aren't any loans in the value:
- we should have gotten rid of those already, but it is better
- to do a sanity check. *)
- assert (not (loans_in_value sv));
- (* Check there isn't [Bottom] (this is actually an invariant *)
- assert (not (bottom_in_value sv));
- (* Check there aren't inactivated borrows *)
- assert (not (inactivated_in_value sv));
- (* Update the loan content *)
- let ctx = update_loan ek l (V.MutLoan l) ctx in
- (* Return *)
- (ctx, sv)
- | _, Abstract _ ->
- (* I don't think it is possible to have two-phase borrows involving borrows
- * returned by abstractions. I'm not sure how we could handle that anyway. *)
- failwith
- "Can't promote a shared loan to a mutable loan if the loan is inside \
- an abstraction"
-(** Helper function: see [activate_inactivated_mut_borrow].
- This function updates a shared borrow to a mutable borrow.
- *)
-let promote_inactivated_borrow_to_mut_borrow (l :
- (borrowed_value : V.typed_value) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* Lookup the inactivated borrow - note that we don't go inside borrows/loans:
- there can't be inactivated borrows inside other borrows/loans
- *)
- let ek =
- { enter_shared_loans = false; enter_mut_borrows = false; enter_abs = false }
- in
- match lookup_borrow ek l ctx with
- | Concrete (V.SharedBorrow _ | V.MutBorrow (_, _)) ->
- failwith "Expected an inactivated mutable borrow"
- | Concrete (V.InactivatedMutBorrow _) ->
- (* Update it *)
- update_borrow ek l (V.MutBorrow (l, borrowed_value)) ctx
- | Abstract _ ->
- (* This can't happen for sure *)
- failwith
- "Can't promote a shared borrow to a mutable borrow if the borrow is \
- inside an abstraction"
-(** Promote an inactivated mut borrow to a mut borrow.
- The borrow must point to a shared value which is borrowed exactly once.
- *)
-let rec activate_inactivated_mut_borrow (config : C.config) (io : inner_outer)
- (l : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* Lookup the value *)
- let ek =
- { enter_shared_loans = false; enter_mut_borrows = true; enter_abs = false }
- in
- match lookup_loan ek l ctx with
- | _, Concrete (V.MutLoan _) -> failwith "Unreachable"
- | _, Concrete (V.SharedLoan (bids, sv)) -> (
- (* If there are loans inside the value, end them. Note that there can't be
- inactivated borrows inside the value.
- If we perform an update, do a recursive call to lookup the updated value *)
- match get_first_loan_in_value sv with
- | Some lc ->
- (* End the loans *)
- let ctx =
- match lc with
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, _) -> end_outer_borrows config bids ctx
- | V.MutLoan bid -> end_outer_borrow config bid ctx
- in
- (* Recursive call *)
- activate_inactivated_mut_borrow config io l ctx
- | None ->
- (* No loan to end inside the value *)
- (* Some sanity checks *)
- L.log#ldebug
- (lazy
- ("activate_inactivated_mut_borrow: resulting value:\n"
- ^ V.show_typed_value sv));
- assert (not (loans_in_value sv));
- assert (not (bottom_in_value sv));
- assert (not (inactivated_in_value sv));
- (* End the borrows which borrow from the value, at the exception of
- the borrow we want to promote *)
- let bids = V.BorrowId.Set.remove l bids in
- let allowed_abs = None in
- let ctx = end_borrows config io allowed_abs bids ctx in
- (* Promote the loan *)
- let ctx, borrowed_value = promote_shared_loan_to_mut_loan l ctx in
- (* Promote the borrow - the value should have been checked by
- [promote_shared_loan_to_mut_loan]
- *)
- promote_inactivated_borrow_to_mut_borrow l borrowed_value ctx)
- | _, Abstract _ ->
- (* I don't think it is possible to have two-phase borrows involving borrows
- * returned by abstractions. I'm not sure how we could handle that anyway. *)
- failwith
- "Can't activate an inactivated mutable borrow referencing a loan inside\n\
- \ an abstraction"
-(** Paths *)
-(** When we fail reading from or writing to a path, it might be because we
- need to update the environment by ending borrows, expanding symbolic
- values, etc. The following type is used to convey this information.
- TODO: compare with borrow_lres?
-type path_fail_kind =
- | FailSharedLoan of V.BorrowId.Set.t
- (** Failure because we couldn't go inside a shared loan *)
- | FailMutLoan of
- (** Failure because we couldn't go inside a mutable loan *)
- | FailInactivatedMutBorrow of
- (** Failure because we couldn't go inside an inactivated mutable borrow
- (which should get activated) *)
- | FailSymbolic of (E.projection_elem * V.symbolic_proj_comp)
- (** Failure because we need to enter a symbolic value (and thus need to expand it) *)
- (* TODO: Remove the parentheses *)
- | FailBottom of (int * E.projection_elem * T.ety)
- (** Failure because we need to enter an any value - we can expand Bottom
- values if they are left values. We return the number of elements which
- were remaining in the path when we reached the error - this allows to
- properly update the Bottom value, if needs be.
- *)
- | FailBorrow of V.borrow_content
- (** We got stuck because we couldn't enter a borrow *)
-(** Result of evaluating a path (reading from a path/writing to a path)
- Note that when we fail, we return information used to update the
- environment, as well as the
-type 'a path_access_result = ('a, path_fail_kind) result
-(** The result of reading from/writing to a place *)
-type updated_read_value = { read : V.typed_value; updated : V.typed_value }
-type projection_access = {
- enter_shared_loans : bool;
- enter_mut_borrows : bool;
- lookup_shared_borrows : bool;
-(** Generic function to access (read/write) the value at the end of a projection.
- We return the (eventually) updated value, the value we read at the end of
- the place and the (eventually) updated environment.
- TODO: use exceptions?
- *)
-let rec access_projection (access : projection_access) (ctx : C.eval_ctx)
- (* Function to (eventually) update the value we find *)
- (update : V.typed_value -> V.typed_value) (p : E.projection)
- (v : V.typed_value) : (C.eval_ctx * updated_read_value) path_access_result =
- (* For looking up/updating shared loans *)
- let ek : exploration_kind =
- { enter_shared_loans = true; enter_mut_borrows = true; enter_abs = true }
- in
- match p with
- | [] ->
- let nv = update v in
- (* Type checking *)
- if nv.ty <> v.ty then (
- L.log#lerror
- (lazy
- ("Not the same type:\n- nv.ty: " ^ T.show_ety nv.ty ^ "\n- v.ty: "
- ^ T.show_ety v.ty));
- failwith
- "Assertion failed: new value doesn't have the same type as its \
- destination");
- Ok (ctx, { read = v; updated = nv })
- | pe :: p' -> (
- (* Match on the projection element and the value *)
- match (pe, v.V.value, v.V.ty) with
- (* Field projection - ADTs *)
- | ( Field (ProjAdt (def_id, opt_variant_id), field_id),
- V.Adt adt,
- T.Adt (T.AdtId def_id', _, _) ) -> (
- assert (def_id = def_id');
- (* Check that the projection is consistent with the current value *)
- (match (opt_variant_id, adt.variant_id) with
- | None, None -> ()
- | Some vid, Some vid' -> if vid <> vid' then failwith "Unreachable"
- | _ -> failwith "Unreachable");
- (* Actually project *)
- let fv = T.FieldId.nth adt.field_values field_id in
- match access_projection access ctx update p' fv with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, res) ->
- (* Update the field value *)
- let nvalues =
- T.FieldId.update_nth adt.field_values field_id res.updated
- in
- let nadt = V.Adt { adt with V.field_values = nvalues } in
- let updated = { v with value = nadt } in
- Ok (ctx, { res with updated }))
- (* Tuples *)
- | Field (ProjTuple arity, field_id), V.Adt adt, T.Adt (T.Tuple, _, _) -> (
- assert (arity = List.length adt.field_values);
- let fv = T.FieldId.nth adt.field_values field_id in
- (* Project *)
- match access_projection access ctx update p' fv with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, res) ->
- (* Update the field value *)
- let nvalues =
- T.FieldId.update_nth adt.field_values field_id res.updated
- in
- let ntuple = V.Adt { adt with field_values = nvalues } in
- let updated = { v with value = ntuple } in
- Ok (ctx, { res with updated })
- (* If we reach Bottom, it may mean we need to expand an uninitialized
- * enumeration value *))
- | Field (ProjAdt (_, _), _), V.Bottom, _ ->
- Error (FailBottom (1 + List.length p', pe, v.ty))
- | Field (ProjTuple _, _), V.Bottom, _ ->
- Error (FailBottom (1 + List.length p', pe, v.ty))
- (* Symbolic value: needs to be expanded *)
- | _, Symbolic sp, _ ->
- (* Expand the symbolic value *)
- Error (FailSymbolic (pe, sp))
- (* Box dereferencement *)
- | ( DerefBox,
- Adt { variant_id = None; field_values = [ bv ] },
- T.Adt (T.Assumed T.Box, _, _) ) -> (
- (* We allow moving inside of boxes. In practice, this kind of
- * manipulations should happen only inside unsage code, so
- * it shouldn't happen due to user code, and we leverage it
- * when implementing box dereferencement for the concrete
- * interpreter *)
- match access_projection access ctx update p' bv with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, res) ->
- let nv =
- {
- v with
- value =
- V.Adt { variant_id = None; field_values = [ res.updated ] };
- }
- in
- Ok (ctx, { res with updated = nv }))
- (* Borrows *)
- | Deref, V.Borrow bc, _ -> (
- match bc with
- | V.SharedBorrow bid ->
- (* Lookup the loan content, and explore from there *)
- if access.lookup_shared_borrows then
- match lookup_loan ek bid ctx with
- | _, Concrete (V.MutLoan _) -> failwith "Expected a shared loan"
- | _, Concrete (V.SharedLoan (bids, sv)) -> (
- (* Explore the shared value *)
- match access_projection access ctx update p' sv with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, res) ->
- (* Update the shared loan with the new value returned
- by [access_projection] *)
- let ctx =
- update_loan ek bid
- (V.SharedLoan (bids, res.updated))
- ctx
- in
- (* Return - note that we don't need to update the borrow itself *)
- Ok (ctx, { res with updated = v }))
- | ( _,
- Abstract
- ( V.AMutLoan (_, _)
- | V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back = _; child = _ }
- | V.AEndedSharedLoan (_, _)
- | V.AIgnoredMutLoan (_, _)
- | V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan { given_back = _; child = _ }
- | V.AIgnoredSharedLoan _ ) ) ->
- failwith "Expected a shared (abstraction) loan"
- | _, Abstract (V.ASharedLoan (bids, sv, _av)) -> (
- (* Explore the shared value *)
- match access_projection access ctx update p' sv with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, res) ->
- (* Relookup the child avalue *)
- let av =
- match lookup_loan ek bid ctx with
- | _, Abstract (V.ASharedLoan (_, _, av)) -> av
- | _ -> failwith "Unexpected"
- in
- (* Update the shared loan with the new value returned
- by [access_projection] *)
- let ctx =
- update_aloan ek bid
- (V.ASharedLoan (bids, res.updated, av))
- ctx
- in
- (* Return - note that we don't need to update the borrow itself *)
- Ok (ctx, { res with updated = v }))
- else Error (FailBorrow bc)
- | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid -> Error (FailInactivatedMutBorrow bid)
- | V.MutBorrow (bid, bv) ->
- if access.enter_mut_borrows then
- match access_projection access ctx update p' bv with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, res) ->
- let nv =
- {
- v with
- value = V.Borrow (V.MutBorrow (bid, res.updated));
- }
- in
- Ok (ctx, { res with updated = nv })
- else Error (FailBorrow bc))
- | _, V.Loan lc, _ -> (
- match lc with
- | V.MutLoan bid -> Error (FailMutLoan bid)
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
- (* If we can enter shared loan, we ignore the loan. Pay attention
- to the fact that we need to reexplore the *whole* place (i.e,
- we mustn't ignore the current projection element *)
- if access.enter_shared_loans then
- match access_projection access ctx update (pe :: p') sv with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, res) ->
- let nv =
- {
- v with
- value = V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (bids, res.updated));
- }
- in
- Ok (ctx, { res with updated = nv })
- else Error (FailSharedLoan bids))
- | (_, (V.Concrete _ | V.Adt _ | V.Bottom | V.Borrow _), _) as r ->
- let pe, v, ty = r in
- let pe = "- pe: " ^ E.show_projection_elem pe in
- let v = "- v:\n" ^ V.show_value v in
- let ty = "- ty:\n" ^ T.show_ety ty in
- L.log#serror ("Inconsistent projection:\n" ^ pe ^ "\n" ^ v ^ "\n" ^ ty);
- failwith "Inconsistent projection")
-(** Generic function to access (read/write) the value at a given place.
- We return the value we read at the place and the (eventually) updated
- environment, if we managed to access the place, or the precise reason
- why we failed.
- *)
-let access_place (access : projection_access)
- (* Function to (eventually) update the value we find *)
- (update : V.typed_value -> V.typed_value) (p : (ctx : C.eval_ctx)
- : (C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value) path_access_result =
- (* Lookup the variable's value *)
- let value = C.ctx_lookup_var_value ctx p.var_id in
- (* Apply the projection *)
- match access_projection access ctx update p.projection value with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, res) ->
- (* Update the value *)
- let ctx = C.ctx_update_var_value ctx p.var_id res.updated in
+ (* Create the abstractions and insert them in the context *)
+ let create_abs (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (rg : A.abs_region_group) : C.eval_ctx =
+ let abs_id = in
+ let parents =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun s pid -> V.AbstractionId.Set.add pid s)
+ V.AbstractionId.Set.empty rg.A.parents
+ in
+ let regions =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun s rid -> T.RegionId.Set.add rid s)
+ T.RegionId.Set.empty rg.A.regions
+ in
+ (* Project over the values - we use *loan* projectors, as explained above *)
+ let avalues = mk_aproj_loans_from_symbolic_value input_svs in
+ (* Create the abstraction *)
+ let abs = { V.abs_id; parents; regions; avalues } in
+ (* Insert the abstraction in the context *)
+ let ctx = { ctx with env = Abs abs :: ctx.env } in
(* Return *)
- Ok (ctx,
-type access_kind =
- | Read (** We can go inside borrows and loans *)
- | Write (** Don't enter shared borrows or shared loans *)
- | Move (** Don't enter borrows or loans *)
-let access_kind_to_projection_access (access : access_kind) : projection_access
- =
- match access with
- | Read ->
- {
- enter_shared_loans = true;
- enter_mut_borrows = true;
- lookup_shared_borrows = true;
- }
- | Write ->
- {
- enter_shared_loans = false;
- enter_mut_borrows = true;
- lookup_shared_borrows = false;
- }
- | Move ->
- {
- enter_shared_loans = false;
- enter_mut_borrows = false;
- lookup_shared_borrows = false;
- }
-(** Read the value at a given place *)
-let read_place (config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (p :
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : V.typed_value path_access_result =
- let access = access_kind_to_projection_access access in
- (* The update function is the identity *)
- let update v = v in
- match access_place access update p ctx with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx1, read_value) ->
- (* Note that we ignore the new environment: it should be the same as the
- original one.
- *)
- if config.check_invariants then
- if ctx1 <> ctx then (
- let msg =
- "Unexpected environment update:\nNew environment:\n"
- ^ C.show_env ctx1.env ^ "\n\nOld environment:\n"
- ^ C.show_env ctx.env
- in
- L.log#serror msg;
- failwith "Unexpected environment update");
- Ok read_value
-let read_place_unwrap (config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (p :
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : V.typed_value =
- match read_place config access p ctx with
- | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
- | Ok v -> v
-(** Update the value at a given place *)
-let write_place (_config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (p :
- (nv : V.typed_value) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx path_access_result =
- let access = access_kind_to_projection_access access in
- (* The update function substitutes the value with the new value *)
- let update _ = nv in
- match access_place access update p ctx with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, _) ->
- (* We ignore the read value *)
- Ok ctx
-let write_place_unwrap (config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (p :
- (nv : V.typed_value) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- match write_place config access p nv ctx with
- | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
- | Ok ctx -> ctx
-(** Projector kind *)
-type proj_kind = LoanProj | BorrowProj
-(** Auxiliary function.
- Apply a symbolic expansion to avalues in a context, targetting a specific
- kind of projectors.
- [proj_kind] controls whether we apply the expansion to projectors
- on loans or projectors on borrows.
- When dealing with reference expansion, it is necessary to first apply the
- expansion on loan projectors, then on borrow projectors. The reason is
- that reducing the borrow projectors might require to perform some reborrows,
- in which case we need to lookup the corresponding loans in the context.
- [allow_reborrows] controls whether we allow reborrows or not. It is useful
- only if we target borrow projectors.
- Also, if this function is called on an expansion for *shared references*,
- the proj borrows should already have been expanded.
- TODO: the way this function is used is a bit complex, especially because of
- the above condition. Maybe we should have:
- 1. a generic function to expand the loan projectors
- 2. a function to expand the borrow projectors for non-borrows
- 3. specialized functions for mut borrows and shared borrows
- Note that 2. and 3. may have a little bit of duplicated code, but hopefully
- it would make things clearer.
-let apply_symbolic_expansion_to_target_avalues (config : C.config)
- (allow_reborrows : bool) (proj_kind : proj_kind)
- (original_sv : V.symbolic_value) (expansion : symbolic_expansion)
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* Symbolic values contained in the expansion might contain already ended regions *)
- let check_symbolic_no_ended = false in
- (* Prepare reborrows registration *)
- let fresh_reborrow, apply_registered_reborrows =
- prepare_reborrows config allow_reborrows ctx
- in
- (* Visitor to apply the expansion *)
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
- method! visit_abs proj_regions abs =
- assert (Option.is_none proj_regions);
- let proj_regions = Some abs.V.regions in
- super#visit_abs proj_regions abs
- (** When visiting an abstraction, we remember the regions it owns to be
- able to properly reduce projectors when expanding symbolic values *)
- method! visit_ASymbolic proj_regions aproj =
- let proj_regions = Option.get proj_regions in
- match (aproj, proj_kind) with
- | V.AProjLoans sv, LoanProj ->
- (* Check if this is the symbolic value we are looking for *)
- if same_symbolic_id sv original_sv then
- (* Apply the projector *)
- let projected_value =
- apply_proj_loans_on_symbolic_expansion proj_regions expansion
- original_sv.V.sv_ty
- in
- (* Replace *)
- projected_value.V.value
- else
- (* Not the searched symbolic value: nothing to do *)
- super#visit_ASymbolic (Some proj_regions) aproj
- | V.AProjBorrows (sv, proj_ty), BorrowProj ->
- (* Check if this is the symbolic value we are looking for *)
- if same_symbolic_id sv original_sv then
- (* Convert the symbolic expansion to a value on which we can
- * apply a projector (if the expansion is a reference expansion,
- * convert it to a borrow) *)
- (* WARNING: we mustn't get there if the expansion is for a shared
- * reference. *)
- let expansion =
- symbolic_expansion_non_shared_borrow_to_value original_sv
- expansion
- in
- (* Apply the projector *)
- let projected_value =
- apply_proj_borrows check_symbolic_no_ended ctx fresh_reborrow
- proj_regions expansion proj_ty
- in
- (* Replace *)
- projected_value.V.value
- else
- (* Not the searched symbolic value: nothing to do *)
- super#visit_ASymbolic (Some proj_regions) aproj
- | V.AProjLoans _, BorrowProj | V.AProjBorrows (_, _), LoanProj ->
- (* Nothing to do *)
- super#visit_ASymbolic (Some proj_regions) aproj
- end
- in
- (* Apply the expansion *)
- let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx None ctx in
- (* Apply the reborrows *)
- apply_registered_reborrows ctx
-(** Auxiliary function.
- Apply a symbolic expansion to avalues in a context.
-let apply_symbolic_expansion_to_avalues (config : C.config)
- (allow_reborrows : bool) (original_sv : V.symbolic_value)
- (expansion : symbolic_expansion) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- let apply_expansion proj_kind ctx =
- apply_symbolic_expansion_to_target_avalues config allow_reborrows proj_kind
- original_sv expansion ctx
- in
- (* First target the loan projectors, then the borrow projectors *)
- let ctx = apply_expansion LoanProj ctx in
- let ctx = apply_expansion BorrowProj ctx in
- ctx
-(** Auxiliary function.
- Simply replace the symbolic values (*not avalues*) in the context with
- a given value. Will break invariants if not used properly.
-let replace_symbolic_values (at_most_once : bool)
- (original_sv : V.symbolic_value) (nv : V.value) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
- C.eval_ctx =
- (* Count *)
- let replaced = ref false in
- let replace () =
- if at_most_once then assert (not !replaced);
- replaced := true;
- nv
- in
- (* Visitor to apply the substitution *)
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
- method! visit_Symbolic env spc =
- if same_symbolic_id spc.V.svalue original_sv then replace ()
- else super#visit_Symbolic env spc
- end
- in
- (* Apply the substitution *)
- let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx None ctx in
- (* Check that we substituted *)
- assert !replaced;
- (* Return *)
- ctx
-(** Apply a symbolic expansion to a context, by replacing the original
- symbolic value with its expanded value. Is valid only if the expansion
- is not a borrow (i.e., an adt...).
-let apply_symbolic_expansion_non_borrow (config : C.config)
- (original_sv : V.symbolic_value) (expansion : symbolic_expansion)
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* Apply the expansion to non-abstraction values *)
- let nv = symbolic_expansion_non_borrow_to_value original_sv expansion in
- let at_most_once = false in
- let ctx = replace_symbolic_values at_most_once original_sv nv.V.value ctx in
- (* Apply the expansion to abstraction values *)
- let allow_reborrows = false in
- apply_symbolic_expansion_to_avalues config allow_reborrows original_sv
- expansion ctx
-(** Compute an expanded ADT bottom value *)
-let compute_expanded_bottom_adt_value (tyctx : T.type_def list)
- (def_id : (opt_variant_id : option)
- (regions : T.erased_region list) (types : T.ety list) : V.typed_value =
- (* Lookup the definition and check if it is an enumeration - it
- should be an enumeration if and only if the projection element
- is a field projection with *some* variant id. Retrieve the list
- of fields at the same time. *)
- let def = T.TypeDefId.nth tyctx def_id in
- assert (List.length regions = List.length def.T.region_params);
- (* Compute the field types *)
- let field_types =
- Subst.type_def_get_instantiated_field_etypes def opt_variant_id types
- in
- (* Initialize the expanded value *)
- let fields =
- (fun ty : V.typed_value -> ({ V.value = V.Bottom; ty } : V.typed_value))
- field_types
- in
- let av = V.Adt { variant_id = opt_variant_id; field_values = fields } in
- let ty = T.Adt (T.AdtId def_id, regions, types) in
- { V.value = av; V.ty }
-(** Compute an expanded tuple bottom value *)
-let compute_expanded_bottom_tuple_value (field_types : T.ety list) :
- V.typed_value =
- (* Generate the field values *)
- let fields =
- (fun ty : V.typed_value -> { V.value = Bottom; ty }) field_types
- in
- let v = V.Adt { variant_id = None; field_values = fields } in
- let ty = T.Adt (T.Tuple, [], field_types) in
- { V.value = v; V.ty }
-(** Auxiliary helper to expand [Bottom] values.
- During compilation, rustc desaggregates the ADT initializations. The
- consequence is that the following rust code:
- ```
- let x = Cons a b;
- ```
- Looks like this in MIR:
- ```
- (x as Cons).0 = a;
- (x as Cons).1 = b;
- set_discriminant(x, 0); // If `Cons` is the variant of index 0
- ```
- The consequence is that we may sometimes need to write fields to values
- which are currently [Bottom]. When doing this, we first expand the value
- to, say, [Cons Bottom Bottom] (note that field projection contains information
- about which variant we should project to, which is why we *can* set the
- variant index when writing one of its fields).
-let expand_bottom_value_from_projection (config : C.config)
- (access : access_kind) (p : (remaining_pes : int)
- (pe : E.projection_elem) (ty : T.ety) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* Debugging *)
- L.log#ldebug
- (lazy
- ("expand_bottom_value_from_projection:\n" ^ "pe: "
- ^ E.show_projection_elem pe ^ "\n" ^ "ty: " ^ T.show_ety ty));
- (* Prepare the update: we need to take the proper prefix of the place
- during whose evaluation we got stuck *)
- let projection' =
- fst
- (Utilities.list_split_at p.projection
- (List.length p.projection - remaining_pes))
- in
- let p' = { p with projection = projection' } in
- (* Compute the expanded value.
- The type of the [Bottom] value should be a tuple or an ADT.
- Note that the projection element we got stuck at should be a
- field projection, and gives the variant id if the [Bottom] value
- is an enumeration value.
- Also, the expanded value should be the proper ADT variant or a tuple
- with the proper arity, with all the fields initialized to [Bottom]
- *)
- let nv =
- match (pe, ty) with
- (* "Regular" ADTs *)
- | ( Field (ProjAdt (def_id, opt_variant_id), _),
- T.Adt (T.AdtId def_id', regions, types) ) ->
- assert (def_id = def_id');
- compute_expanded_bottom_adt_value ctx.type_context def_id opt_variant_id
- regions types
- (* Tuples *)
- | Field (ProjTuple arity, _), T.Adt (T.Tuple, [], tys) ->
- assert (arity = List.length tys);
- (* Generate the field values *)
- compute_expanded_bottom_tuple_value tys
- | _ ->
- failwith
- ("Unreachable: " ^ E.show_projection_elem pe ^ ", " ^ T.show_ety ty)
- in
- (* Update the context by inserting the expanded value at the proper place *)
- match write_place config access p' nv ctx with
- | Ok ctx -> ctx
- | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
-(** Compute the expansion of an adt value.
- The function might return a list of contexts and values if the symbolic
- value to expand is an enumeration.
- `expand_enumerations` controls the expansion of enumerations: if false, it
- doesn't allow the expansion of enumerations *containing several variants*.
- *)
-let compute_expanded_symbolic_adt_value (expand_enumerations : bool)
- (ended_regions : T.RegionId.set_t) (def_id :
- (regions : T.region list) (types : T.rty list)
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : (C.eval_ctx * symbolic_expansion) list =
- (* Lookup the definition and check if it is an enumeration with several
- * variants *)
- let def = T.TypeDefId.nth ctx.type_context def_id in
- assert (List.length regions = List.length def.T.region_params);
- (* Retrieve, for every variant, the list of its instantiated field types *)
- let variants_fields_types =
- Subst.type_def_get_instantiated_variants_fields_rtypes def regions types
- in
- (* Check if there is strictly more than one variant *)
- if List.length variants_fields_types > 1 && not expand_enumerations then
- failwith "Not allowed to expand enumerations with several variants";
- (* Initialize the expanded value for a given variant *)
- let initialize (ctx : C.eval_ctx)
- ((variant_id, field_types) : option * T.rty list) :
- C.eval_ctx * symbolic_expansion =
- let ctx, field_values =
- List.fold_left_map
- (fun ctx (ty : T.rty) ->
- mk_fresh_symbolic_proj_comp ended_regions ty ctx)
- ctx field_types
+ ctx
- let see = SeAdt (variant_id, field_values) in
- (ctx, see)
- in
- (* Initialize all the expanded values of all the variants *)
- (initialize ctx) variants_fields_types
-let compute_expanded_symbolic_tuple_value (ended_regions : T.RegionId.set_t)
- (field_types : T.rty list) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
- C.eval_ctx * symbolic_expansion =
- (* Generate the field values *)
- let ctx, field_values =
- List.fold_left_map
- (fun ctx sv_ty -> mk_fresh_symbolic_proj_comp ended_regions sv_ty ctx)
- ctx field_types
- in
- let variant_id = None in
- let see = SeAdt (variant_id, field_values) in
- (ctx, see)
-let compute_expanded_symbolic_box_value (ended_regions : T.RegionId.set_t)
- (boxed_ty : T.rty) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx * symbolic_expansion =
- (* Introduce a fresh symbolic value *)
- let ctx, boxed_value =
- mk_fresh_symbolic_proj_comp ended_regions boxed_ty ctx
- in
- let see = SeAdt (None, [ boxed_value ]) in
- (ctx, see)
-let expand_symbolic_value_shared_borrow (config : C.config)
- (original_sv : V.symbolic_value) (ended_regions : T.RegionId.set_t)
- (ref_ty : T.rty) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* First, replace the projectors on borrows (AProjBorrow and proj_comp)
- * The important point is that the symbolic value to expand may appear
- * several times, if it has been copied. In this case, we need to introduce
- * one fresh borrow id per instance.
- *)
- let borrows = ref V.BorrowId.Set.empty in
- let borrow_counter = ref ctx.C.borrow_counter in
- let fresh_borrow () =
- let bid', cnt' = V.BorrowId.fresh !borrow_counter in
- borrow_counter := cnt';
- borrows := V.BorrowId.Set.add bid' !borrows;
- bid'
- in
- (* Small utility used on shared borrows in abstractions (regular borrow
- * projector and asb).
- * Returns `Some` if the symbolic value has been expanded to an asb list,
- * `None` otherwise *)
- let reborrow_ashared proj_regions (sv : V.symbolic_value) (proj_ty : T.rty) :
- V.abstract_shared_borrows option =
- if same_symbolic_id sv original_sv then
- match proj_ty with
- | T.Ref (r, ref_ty, T.Shared) ->
- (* Projector over the shared value *)
- let shared_asb = V.AsbProjReborrows (sv, ref_ty) in
- (* Check if the region is in the set of projected regions *)
- if region_in_set r proj_regions then
- (* In the set: we need to reborrow *)
- let bid = fresh_borrow () in
- Some [ V.AsbBorrow bid; shared_asb ]
- else (* Not in the set: ignore *)
- Some [ shared_asb ]
- | _ -> failwith "Unexpected"
- else None
- in
- (* Visitor to replace the projectors on borrows *)
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
- method! visit_Symbolic env sv =
- if same_symbolic_id sv.V.svalue original_sv then
- let bid = fresh_borrow () in
- V.Borrow (V.SharedBorrow bid)
- else super#visit_Symbolic env sv
- method! visit_Abs proj_regions abs =
- assert (Option.is_none proj_regions);
- let proj_regions = Some abs.V.regions in
- super#visit_Abs proj_regions abs
- method! visit_AProjSharedBorrow proj_regions asb =
- let expand_asb (asb : V.abstract_shared_borrow) :
- V.abstract_shared_borrows =
- match asb with
- | V.AsbBorrow _ -> [ asb ]
- | V.AsbProjReborrows (sv, proj_ty) -> (
- match reborrow_ashared (Option.get proj_regions) sv proj_ty with
- | None -> [ asb ]
- | Some asb -> asb)
- in
- let asb = List.concat ( expand_asb asb) in
- V.AProjSharedBorrow asb
- method! visit_ASymbolic proj_regions aproj =
- match aproj with
- | AProjLoans _ ->
- (* Loans are handled later *)
- super#visit_ASymbolic proj_regions aproj
- | AProjBorrows (sv, proj_ty) -> (
- (* Check if we need to reborrow *)
- match reborrow_ashared (Option.get proj_regions) sv proj_ty with
- | None -> super#visit_ASymbolic proj_regions aproj
- | Some asb -> V.ABorrow (V.AProjSharedBorrow asb))
- end
- in
- (* Call the visitor *)
- let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx None ctx in
- let ctx = { ctx with C.borrow_counter = !borrow_counter } in
- (* Finally, replace the projectors on loans *)
- let bids = !borrows in
- assert (not (V.BorrowId.Set.is_empty bids));
- let ctx, shared_sv = mk_fresh_symbolic_proj_comp ended_regions ref_ty ctx in
- let see = SeSharedRef (bids, shared_sv) in
- let allow_reborrows = true in
- apply_symbolic_expansion_to_avalues config allow_reborrows original_sv see ctx
-let expand_symbolic_value_borrow (config : C.config)
- (original_sv : V.symbolic_value) (ended_regions : T.RegionId.set_t)
- (region : T.region) (ref_ty : T.rty) (rkind : T.ref_kind)
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* Check that we are allowed to expand the reference *)
- assert (not (region_in_set region ended_regions));
- (* Match on the reference kind *)
- match rkind with
- | T.Mut ->
- (* Simple case: simply create a fresh symbolic value and a fresh
- * borrow id *)
- let ctx, sv = mk_fresh_symbolic_proj_comp ended_regions ref_ty ctx in
- let ctx, bid = C.fresh_borrow_id ctx in
- let see = SeMutRef (bid, sv) in
- (* Expand the symbolic values - we simply perform a substitution (and
- * check that we perform exactly one substitution) *)
- let nv = symbolic_expansion_non_shared_borrow_to_value original_sv see in
- let at_most_once = true in
- let ctx =
- replace_symbolic_values at_most_once original_sv nv.V.value ctx
- in
- (* Expand the symbolic avalues *)
- let allow_reborrows = true in
- apply_symbolic_expansion_to_avalues config allow_reborrows original_sv see
- ctx
- | T.Shared ->
- expand_symbolic_value_shared_borrow config original_sv ended_regions
- ref_ty ctx
-(** Expand a symbolic value which is not an enumeration with several variants.
- This function is used when exploring a path.
- *)
-let expand_symbolic_value_non_enum (config : C.config) (pe : E.projection_elem)
- (sp : V.symbolic_proj_comp) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* Compute the expanded value - note that when doing so, we may introduce
- * fresh symbolic values in the context (which thus gets updated) *)
- let rty = sp.V.svalue.V.sv_ty in
- let ended_regions = sp.V.rset_ended in
- let ctx =
- match (pe, rty) with
- (* "Regular" ADTs *)
- | ( Field (ProjAdt (def_id, _opt_variant_id), _),
- T.Adt (T.AdtId def_id', regions, types) ) -> (
- assert (def_id = def_id');
- (* Compute the expanded value - there should be exactly one because we
- * don't allow to expand enumerations with strictly more than one variant *)
- let expand_enumerations = false in
- match
- compute_expanded_symbolic_adt_value expand_enumerations ended_regions
- def_id regions types ctx
- with
- | [ (ctx, nv) ] ->
- (* Apply in the context *)
- apply_symbolic_expansion_non_borrow config sp.V.svalue nv ctx
- | _ -> failwith "Unexpected")
- (* Tuples *)
- | Field (ProjTuple arity, _), T.Adt (T.Tuple, [], tys) ->
- assert (arity = List.length tys);
- (* Generate the field values *)
- let ctx, nv =
- compute_expanded_symbolic_tuple_value ended_regions tys ctx
- in
- (* Apply in the context *)
- apply_symbolic_expansion_non_borrow config sp.V.svalue nv ctx
- (* Boxes *)
- | DerefBox, T.Adt (T.Assumed T.Box, [], [ boxed_ty ]) ->
- let ctx, nv =
- compute_expanded_symbolic_box_value ended_regions boxed_ty ctx
- in
- (* Apply in the context *)
- apply_symbolic_expansion_non_borrow config sp.V.svalue nv ctx
- (* Borrows *)
- | Deref, T.Ref (region, ref_ty, rkind) ->
- expand_symbolic_value_borrow config sp.V.svalue ended_regions region
- ref_ty rkind ctx
- | _ ->
- failwith
- ("Unreachable: " ^ E.show_projection_elem pe ^ ", " ^ T.show_rty rty)
- in
- (* Sanity check: the symbolic value has disappeared *)
- assert (not (symbolic_value_id_in_ctx sp.V.svalue.V.sv_id ctx));
- (* Return *)
- ctx
-(** Update the environment to be able to read a place.
- When reading a place, we may be stuck along the way because some value
- is borrowed, we reach a symbolic value, etc. In this situation [read_place]
- fails while returning precise information about the failure. This function
- uses this information to update the environment (by ending borrows,
- expanding symbolic values) until we manage to fully read the place.
- *)
-let rec update_ctx_along_read_place (config : C.config) (access : access_kind)
- (p : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* Attempt to read the place: if it fails, update the environment and retry *)
- match read_place config access p ctx with
- | Ok _ -> ctx
- | Error err ->
- let ctx =
- match err with
- | FailSharedLoan bids -> end_outer_borrows config bids ctx
- | FailMutLoan bid -> end_outer_borrow config bid ctx
- | FailInactivatedMutBorrow bid ->
- activate_inactivated_mut_borrow config Outer bid ctx
- | FailSymbolic (pe, sp) ->
- (* Expand the symbolic value *)
- expand_symbolic_value_non_enum config pe sp ctx
- | FailBottom (_, _, _) ->
- (* We can't expand [Bottom] values while reading them *)
- failwith "Found [Bottom] while reading a place"
- | FailBorrow _ -> failwith "Could not read a borrow"
- in
- update_ctx_along_read_place config access p ctx
-(** Update the environment to be able to write to a place.
- See [update_env_alond_read_place].
-let rec update_ctx_along_write_place (config : C.config) (access : access_kind)
- (p : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* Attempt to *read* (yes, "read": we check the access to the place, and
- write to it later) the place: if it fails, update the environment and retry *)
- match read_place config access p ctx with
- | Ok _ -> ctx
- | Error err ->
- let ctx =
- match err with
- | FailSharedLoan bids -> end_outer_borrows config bids ctx
- | FailMutLoan bid -> end_outer_borrow config bid ctx
- | FailInactivatedMutBorrow bid ->
- activate_inactivated_mut_borrow config Outer bid ctx
- | FailSymbolic (pe, sp) ->
- (* Expand the symbolic value *)
- expand_symbolic_value_non_enum config pe sp ctx
- | FailBottom (remaining_pes, pe, ty) ->
- (* Expand the [Bottom] value *)
- expand_bottom_value_from_projection config access p remaining_pes pe
- ty ctx
- | FailBorrow _ -> failwith "Could not write to a borrow"
- in
- update_ctx_along_write_place config access p ctx
-exception UpdateCtx of C.eval_ctx
-(** Small utility used to break control-flow *)
-(** End the loans at a given place: read the value, if it contains a loan,
- end this loan, repeat.
- This is used when reading, borrowing, writing to a value. We typically
- first call [update_ctx_along_read_place] or [update_ctx_along_write_place]
- to get access to the value, then call this function to "prepare" the value:
- when moving values, we can't move a value which contains loans and thus need
- to end them, etc.
- *)
-let rec end_loans_at_place (config : C.config) (access : access_kind)
- (p : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* Iterator to explore a value and update the context whenever we find
- * loans.
- * We use exceptions to make it handy: whenever we update the
- * context, we raise an exception wrapping the updated context.
- * *)
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value as super
- method! visit_borrow_content env bc =
- match bc with
- | V.SharedBorrow _ | V.MutBorrow (_, _) ->
- (* Nothing special to do *) super#visit_borrow_content env bc
- | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid ->
- (* We need to activate inactivated borrows *)
- let ctx = activate_inactivated_mut_borrow config Inner bid ctx in
- raise (UpdateCtx ctx)
- method! visit_loan_content env lc =
- match lc with
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, v) -> (
- (* End the loans if we need a modification access, otherwise dive into
- the shared value *)
- match access with
- | Read -> super#visit_SharedLoan env bids v
- | Write | Move ->
- let ctx = end_outer_borrows config bids ctx in
- raise (UpdateCtx ctx))
- | V.MutLoan bid ->
- (* We always need to end mutable borrows *)
- let ctx = end_outer_borrow config bid ctx in
- raise (UpdateCtx ctx)
- end
- in
- (* First, retrieve the value *)
- match read_place config access p ctx with
- | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
- | Ok v -> (
- (* Inspect the value and update the context while doing so.
- If the context gets updated: perform a recursive call (many things
- may have been updated in the context: we need to re-read the value
- at place [p] - and this value may actually not be accessible
- anymore...)
- *)
- try
- obj#visit_typed_value () v;
- (* No context update required: return the current context *)
- ctx
- with UpdateCtx ctx ->
- (* The context was updated: do a recursive call to reinspect the value *)
- end_loans_at_place config access p ctx)
-(** Drop (end) all the loans and borrows at a given place, which should be
- seen as an l-value (we will write to it later, but need to drop the borrows
- before writing).
- We start by only dropping the borrows, then we end the loans. The reason
- is that some loan we find may be borrowed by another part of the subvalue.
- In order to correctly handle the "outer borrow" priority (we should end
- the outer borrows first) which is not really applied here (we are preparing
- the value for override: we can end the borrows inside, without ending the
- borrows we traversed to actually access the value) we first end the borrows
- we find in the place, to make sure all the "local" loans are taken care of.
- Then, if we find a loan, it means it is "externally" borrowed (the associated
- borrow is not in a subvalue of the place under inspection).
- Also note that whenever we end a loan, we might propagate back a value inside
- the place under inspection: we must re-end all the borrows we find there,
- before reconsidering loans.
- Repeat:
- - read the value at a given place
- - as long as we find a loan or a borrow, end it
- This is used to drop values (when we need to write to a place, we first
- drop the value there to properly propagate back values which are not/can't
- be borrowed anymore).
- *)
-let rec drop_borrows_loans_at_lplace (config : C.config) (p :
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* Iterator to explore a value and update the context whenever we find
- borrows/loans.
- We use exceptions to make it handy: whenever we update the
- context, we raise an exception wrapping the updated context.
- Note that we can end the borrows which are inside the value (while the
- value itself might be inside a borrow/loan: we are thus ending inner
- borrows). Because a loan inside the value may be linked to a borrow
- somewhere else *also inside* the value (it's possible with adts),
- we first end all the borrows we find - by using [Inner] to allow
- ending inner borrows - then end all the loans we find.
- It is really important to do this in two steps: the borrow linked to a
- loan may be inside the value at place p, in which case this borrow may be
- an inner borrow that we *can* end, but it may also be outside this
- value, in which case we need to end all the outer borrows first...
- Also, whenever the context is updated, we need to re-inspect
- the value at place p *in two steps* again (end borrows, then end
- loans).
- Example:
- =======
- We want to end the borrows/loans at `*x` in the following environment:
- ```
- x -> mut_borrow l0 (mut_loan l1, mut_borrow l1 (Int 3), mut_loan l2)
- y -> mut_borrow l2 (Bool true)
- ```
- We have to consider two things:
- - the borrow `mut_borrow l1 (Int 3)` borrows a subvalue of `*x`
- - the borrow corresponding to the loan `mut_loan l2` is outside of `*x`
- We first end all the *borrows* (not the loans) inside of `*x`, which gives:
- ```
- x -> mut_borrow l0 (Int 3, ⊥, mut_loan l2)
- y -> mut_borrow l2 (Bool true)
- ```
- Note that when ending the borrows, we can (and have to) ignore the outer
- borrows (in this case `mut_borrow l0 ...`). Otherwise, we would have to end
- the borrow `l0` which is incorrect (note that we might have to drop the
- borrows/loans at `*x` if we evaluate, for instance, `*x = ...`).
- It is ok to ignore outer borrows in this case because whenever
- we end a borrow, it is an outer borrow locally to `*x` (i.e., we ignore
- the outer borrows when accessing `*x`, but once examining the value at
- `*x` we never dive into borrows: whenever we find one, we end it - it is thus
- an outer borrow, in some way).
- Then, we end the loans at `*x`. Note that as at this point `*x` doesn't
- contain borrows (only loans), the borrows corresponding to those loans
- are thus necessarily outside of `*x`: we mustn't ignore outer borrows this
- time. This gives:
- ```
- x -> mut_borrow l0 (Int 3, ⊥, Bool true)
- y -> ⊥
- ```
- *)
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value as super
- method! visit_borrow_content end_loans bc =
- (* Sanity check: we should have ended all the borrows before starting
- to end loans *)
- assert (not end_loans);
- (* We need to end all borrows. Note that we ignore the outer borrows
- when ending the borrows we find here (we call [end_inner_borrow(s)]:
- the value at place p might be below a borrow/loan). Note however
- that if we restrain ourselves at the value at place p, the borrow we
- found here can be considered as an outer borrow.
- *)
- match bc with
- | V.SharedBorrow bid | V.MutBorrow (bid, _) ->
- raise (UpdateCtx (end_inner_borrow config bid ctx))
- | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid ->
- (* We need to activate ithe nactivated borrow - later, we will
- * actually end it - Rk.: we could actually end it straight away
- * (this is not really important) *)
- let ctx = activate_inactivated_mut_borrow config Inner bid ctx in
- raise (UpdateCtx ctx)
- method! visit_loan_content end_loans lc =
- if
- (* If we can, end the loans, otherwise ignore: keep for later *)
- end_loans
- then
- (* We need to end all loans. Note that as all the borrows inside
- the value at place p should already have ended, the borrows
- associated to the loans we find here should be borrows from
- outside this value: we need to call [end_outer_borrow(s)]
- (we can't ignore outer borrows this time).
- *)
- match lc with
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, _) ->
- raise (UpdateCtx (end_outer_borrows config bids ctx))
- | V.MutLoan bid -> raise (UpdateCtx (end_outer_borrow config bid ctx))
- else super#visit_loan_content end_loans lc
- end
- in
- (* We do something similar to [end_loans_at_place].
- First, retrieve the value *)
- match read_place config Write p ctx with
- | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
- | Ok v -> (
- (* Inspect the value and update the context while doing so.
- If the context gets updated: perform a recursive call (many things
- may have been updated in the context: first we need to retrieve the
- proper updated value - and this value may actually not be accessible
- anymore
- *)
- try
- (* Inspect the value: end the borrows only *)
- obj#visit_typed_value false v;
- (* Inspect the value: end the loans *)
- obj#visit_typed_value true v;
- (* No context update required: return the current context *)
- ctx
- with UpdateCtx ctx -> drop_borrows_loans_at_lplace config p ctx)
-(** Copy a value, and return the resulting value.
- Note that copying values might update the context. For instance, when
- copying shared borrows, we need to insert new shared borrows in the context.
- *)
-let rec copy_value (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (v : V.typed_value) :
- C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value =
- (* Remark: at some point we rewrote this function to use iterators, but then
- * we reverted the changes: the result was less clear actually. In particular,
- * the fact that we have exhaustive matches below makes very obvious the cases
- * in which we need to fail *)
- match v.V.value with
- | V.Concrete _ -> (ctx, v)
- | V.Adt av ->
- (* Sanity check *)
- (match v.V.ty with
- | T.Adt (T.Assumed _, _, _) -> failwith "Can't copy an assumed value"
- | T.Adt ((T.AdtId _ | T.Tuple), _, _) -> () (* Ok *)
- | _ -> failwith "Unreachable");
- let ctx, fields =
- List.fold_left_map (copy_value config) ctx av.field_values
- in
- (ctx, { v with V.value = V.Adt { av with field_values = fields } })
- | V.Bottom -> failwith "Can't copy ⊥"
- | V.Borrow bc -> (
- (* We can only copy shared borrows *)
- match bc with
- | SharedBorrow bid ->
- (* We need to create a new borrow id for the copied borrow, and
- * update the context accordingly *)
- let ctx, bid' = C.fresh_borrow_id ctx in
- let ctx = reborrow_shared bid bid' ctx in
- (ctx, { v with V.value = V.Borrow (SharedBorrow bid') })
- | MutBorrow (_, _) -> failwith "Can't copy a mutable borrow"
- | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ ->
- failwith "Can't copy an inactivated mut borrow")
- | V.Loan lc -> (
- (* We can only copy shared loans *)
- match lc with
- | V.MutLoan _ -> failwith "Can't copy a mutable loan"
- | V.SharedLoan (_, sv) ->
- (* We don't copy the shared loan: only the shared value inside *)
- copy_value config ctx sv)
- | V.Symbolic _sp ->
- (* TODO: check that the value is copyable *)
- raise Unimplemented
-(** Convert a constant operand value to a typed value *)
-let constant_value_to_typed_value (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (ty : T.ety)
- (cv : E.operand_constant_value) : V.typed_value =
- (* Check the type while converting *)
- match (ty, cv) with
- (* Unit *)
- | T.Adt (T.Tuple, [], []), Unit -> mk_unit_value
- (* Adt with one variant and no fields *)
- | T.Adt (T.AdtId def_id, [], []), ConstantAdt def_id' ->
- assert (def_id = def_id');
- (* Check that the adt definition only has one variant with no fields,
- compute the variant id at the same time. *)
- let def = T.TypeDefId.nth ctx.type_context def_id in
- assert (List.length def.region_params = 0);
- assert (List.length def.type_params = 0);
- let variant_id =
- match def.kind with
- | Struct fields ->
- assert (List.length fields = 0);
- None
- | Enum variants ->
- assert (List.length variants = 1);
- let variant_id = in
- let variant = T.VariantId.nth variants variant_id in
- assert (List.length variant.fields = 0);
- Some variant_id
- in
- let value = V.Adt { variant_id; field_values = [] } in
- { value; ty }
- (* Scalar, boolean... *)
- | T.Bool, ConstantValue (Bool v) -> { V.value = V.Concrete (Bool v); ty }
- | T.Char, ConstantValue (Char v) -> { V.value = V.Concrete (Char v); ty }
- | T.Str, ConstantValue (String v) -> { V.value = V.Concrete (String v); ty }
- | T.Integer int_ty, ConstantValue (V.Scalar v) ->
- (* Check the type and the ranges *)
- assert (int_ty == v.int_ty);
- assert (check_scalar_value_in_range v);
- { V.value = V.Concrete (V.Scalar v); ty }
- (* Remaining cases (invalid) - listing as much as we can on purpose
- (allows to catch errors at compilation if the definitions change) *)
- | _, Unit | _, ConstantAdt _ | _, ConstantValue _ ->
- failwith "Improperly typed constant value"
-(** Small utility *)
-let prepare_rplace (config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (p :
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value =
- let ctx = update_ctx_along_read_place config access p ctx in
- let ctx = end_loans_at_place config access p ctx in
- let v = read_place_unwrap config access p ctx in
- (ctx, v)
-(** Evaluate an operand. *)
-let eval_operand (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (op : E.operand) :
- C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value =
- (* Debug *)
- L.log#ldebug
- (lazy
- ("eval_operand:\n- ctx:\n" ^ eval_ctx_to_string ctx ^ "\n\n- op:\n"
- ^ operand_to_string ctx op ^ "\n"));
- (* Evaluate *)
- match op with
- | Expressions.Constant (ty, cv) ->
- let v = constant_value_to_typed_value ctx ty cv in
- (ctx, v)
- | Expressions.Copy p ->
- (* Access the value *)
- let access = Read in
- let ctx, v = prepare_rplace config access p ctx in
- (* Copy the value *)
- L.log#ldebug (lazy ("Value to copy:\n" ^ typed_value_to_string ctx v));
- assert (not (bottom_in_value v));
- copy_value config ctx v
- | Expressions.Move p -> (
- (* Access the value *)
- let access = Move in
- let ctx, v = prepare_rplace config access p ctx in
- (* Move the value *)
- L.log#ldebug (lazy ("Value to move:\n" ^ typed_value_to_string ctx v));
- assert (not (bottom_in_value v));
- let bottom : V.typed_value = { V.value = Bottom; ty = v.ty } in
- match write_place config access p bottom ctx with
- | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
- | Ok ctx -> (ctx, v))
-(** Evaluate several operands. *)
-let eval_operands (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (ops : E.operand list)
- : C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value list =
- List.fold_left_map (fun ctx op -> eval_operand config ctx op) ctx ops
-let eval_two_operands (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (op1 : E.operand)
- (op2 : E.operand) : C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value * V.typed_value =
- match eval_operands config ctx [ op1; op2 ] with
- | ctx, [ v1; v2 ] -> (ctx, v1, v2)
- | _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
-let eval_unary_op (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (unop : E.unop)
- (op : E.operand) : (C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value) eval_result =
- (* Evaluate the operand *)
- let ctx, v = eval_operand config ctx op in
- (* Apply the unop *)
- match (unop, v.V.value) with
- | E.Not, V.Concrete (Bool b) ->
- Ok (ctx, { v with V.value = V.Concrete (Bool (not b)) })
- | E.Neg, V.Concrete (V.Scalar sv) -> (
- let i = Z.neg sv.V.value in
- match mk_scalar sv.int_ty i with
- | Error _ -> Error Panic
- | Ok sv -> Ok (ctx, { v with V.value = V.Concrete (V.Scalar sv) }))
- | (E.Not | E.Neg), Symbolic _ -> raise Unimplemented (* TODO *)
- | _ -> failwith "Invalid value for unop"
-let eval_binary_op (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (binop : E.binop)
- (op1 : E.operand) (op2 : E.operand) :
- (C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value) eval_result =
- (* Evaluate the operands *)
- let ctx, v1, v2 = eval_two_operands config ctx op1 op2 in
- if
- (* Binary operations only apply on integer values, but when we check for
- * equality *)
- binop = Eq || binop = Ne
- then (
- (* Equality/inequality check is primitive only on primitive types *)
- assert (v1.ty = v2.ty);
- let b = v1 = v2 in
- Ok (ctx, { V.value = V.Concrete (Bool b); ty = T.Bool }))
- else
- match (v1.V.value, v2.V.value) with
- | V.Concrete (V.Scalar sv1), V.Concrete (V.Scalar sv2) -> (
- let res =
- (* There are binops which require the two operands to have the same
- type, and binops for which it is not the case.
- There are also binops which return booleans, and binops which
- return integers.
- *)
- match binop with
- | E.Lt | E.Le | E.Ge | E.Gt ->
- (* The two operands must have the same type and the result is a boolean *)
- assert (sv1.int_ty = sv2.int_ty);
- let b =
- match binop with
- | E.Lt -> sv1.V.value sv2.V.value
- | E.Le -> Z.leq sv1.V.value sv2.V.value
- | E.Ge -> Z.geq sv1.V.value sv2.V.value
- | E.Gt -> sv1.V.value sv2.V.value
- | E.Div | E.Rem | E.Add | E.Sub | E.Mul | E.BitXor | E.BitAnd
- | E.BitOr | E.Shl | E.Shr | E.Ne | E.Eq ->
- failwith "Unreachable"
- in
- Ok
- ({ V.value = V.Concrete (Bool b); ty = T.Bool } : V.typed_value)
- | E.Div | E.Rem | E.Add | E.Sub | E.Mul | E.BitXor | E.BitAnd
- | E.BitOr -> (
- (* The two operands must have the same type and the result is an integer *)
- assert (sv1.int_ty = sv2.int_ty);
- let res =
- match binop with
- | E.Div ->
- if sv2.V.value = then Error ()
- else mk_scalar sv1.int_ty (Z.div sv1.V.value sv2.V.value)
- | E.Rem ->
- (* See [] *)
- if sv2.V.value = then Error ()
- else mk_scalar sv1.int_ty (Z.rem sv1.V.value sv2.V.value)
- | E.Add -> mk_scalar sv1.int_ty (Z.add sv1.V.value sv2.V.value)
- | E.Sub -> mk_scalar sv1.int_ty (Z.sub sv1.V.value sv2.V.value)
- | E.Mul -> mk_scalar sv1.int_ty (Z.mul sv1.V.value sv2.V.value)
- | E.BitXor -> raise Unimplemented
- | E.BitAnd -> raise Unimplemented
- | E.BitOr -> raise Unimplemented
- | E.Lt | E.Le | E.Ge | E.Gt | E.Shl | E.Shr | E.Ne | E.Eq ->
- failwith "Unreachable"
- in
- match res with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok sv ->
- Ok
- {
- V.value = V.Concrete (V.Scalar sv);
- ty = Integer sv1.int_ty;
- })
- | E.Shl | E.Shr -> raise Unimplemented
- | E.Ne | E.Eq -> failwith "Unreachable"
- in
- match res with Error _ -> Error Panic | Ok v -> Ok (ctx, v))
- | _ -> failwith "Invalid inputs for binop"
-(** Evaluate an rvalue in a given context: return the updated context and
- the computed value
-let eval_rvalue (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (rvalue : E.rvalue) :
- (C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value) eval_result =
- match rvalue with
- | E.Use op -> Ok (eval_operand config ctx op)
- | E.Ref (p, bkind) -> (
- match bkind with
- | E.Shared | E.TwoPhaseMut ->
- (* Access the value *)
- let access = if bkind = E.Shared then Read else Write in
- let ctx, v = prepare_rplace config access p ctx in
- (* Compute the rvalue - simply a shared borrow with a fresh id *)
- let ctx, bid = C.fresh_borrow_id ctx in
- (* Note that the reference is *mutable* if we do a two-phase borrow *)
- let rv_ty =
- T.Ref (T.Erased, v.ty, if bkind = E.Shared then Shared else Mut)
- in
- let bc =
- if bkind = E.Shared then V.SharedBorrow bid
- else V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid
- in
- let rv : V.typed_value = { V.value = V.Borrow bc; ty = rv_ty } in
- (* Compute the value with which to replace the value at place p *)
- let nv =
- match v.V.value with
- | V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (bids, sv)) ->
- (* Shared loan: insert the new borrow id *)
- let bids1 = V.BorrowId.Set.add bid bids in
- { v with V.value = V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (bids1, sv)) }
- | _ ->
- (* Not a shared loan: add a wrapper *)
- let v' =
- V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (V.BorrowId.Set.singleton bid, v))
- in
- { v with V.value = v' }
- in
- (* Update the value in the context *)
- let ctx = write_place_unwrap config access p nv ctx in
- (* Return *)
- Ok (ctx, rv)
- | E.Mut ->
- (* Access the value *)
- let access = Write in
- let ctx, v = prepare_rplace config access p ctx in
- (* Compute the rvalue - wrap the value in a mutable borrow with a fresh id *)
- let ctx, bid = C.fresh_borrow_id ctx in
- let rv_ty = T.Ref (T.Erased, v.ty, Mut) in
- let rv : V.typed_value =
- { V.value = V.Borrow (V.MutBorrow (bid, v)); ty = rv_ty }
- in
- (* Compute the value with which to replace the value at place p *)
- let nv = { v with V.value = V.Loan (V.MutLoan bid) } in
- (* Update the value in the context *)
- let ctx = write_place_unwrap config access p nv ctx in
- (* Return *)
- Ok (ctx, rv))
- | E.UnaryOp (unop, op) -> eval_unary_op config ctx unop op
- | E.BinaryOp (binop, op1, op2) -> eval_binary_op config ctx binop op1 op2
- | E.Discriminant p -> (
- (* Note that discriminant values have type `isize` *)
- (* Access the value *)
- let access = Read in
- let ctx, v = prepare_rplace config access p ctx in
- match v.V.value with
- | Adt av -> (
- match av.variant_id with
- | None ->
- failwith
- "Invalid input for `discriminant`: structure instead of enum"
- | Some variant_id -> (
- let id = Z.of_int (T.VariantId.to_int variant_id) in
- match mk_scalar Isize id with
- | Error _ ->
- failwith "Disciminant id out of range"
- (* Should really never happen *)
- | Ok sv ->
- Ok
- ( ctx,
- { V.value = V.Concrete (V.Scalar sv); ty = Integer Isize }
- )))
- | Symbolic _ -> raise Unimplemented
- | _ -> failwith "Invalid input for `discriminant`")
- | E.Aggregate (aggregate_kind, ops) -> (
- (* Evaluate the operands *)
- let ctx, values = eval_operands config ctx ops in
- (* Match on the aggregate kind *)
- match aggregate_kind with
- | E.AggregatedTuple ->
- let tys = (fun (v : V.typed_value) -> v.V.ty) values in
- let v = V.Adt { variant_id = None; field_values = values } in
- let ty = T.Adt (T.Tuple, [], tys) in
- Ok (ctx, { V.value = v; ty })
- | E.AggregatedAdt (def_id, opt_variant_id, regions, types) ->
- (* Sanity checks *)
- let type_def = C.ctx_lookup_type_def ctx def_id in
- assert (List.length type_def.region_params = List.length regions);
- let expected_field_types =
- Subst.ctx_adt_get_instantiated_field_etypes ctx def_id
- opt_variant_id types
- in
- assert (
- expected_field_types
- = (fun (v : V.typed_value) -> v.V.ty) values);
- (* Construct the value *)
- let av : V.adt_value =
- { V.variant_id = opt_variant_id; V.field_values = values }
- in
- let aty = T.Adt (T.AdtId def_id, regions, types) in
- Ok (ctx, { V.value = Adt av; ty = aty }))
-(** Result of evaluating a statement *)
-type statement_eval_res = Unit | Break of int | Continue of int | Return
-(** Small utility.
- Prepare a place which is to be used as the destination of an assignment:
- update the environment along the paths, end the borrows and loans at
- this place, etc.
- Return the updated context and the (updated) value at the end of the
- place. This value should not contain any loan or borrow (and we check
- it is the case). Note that it is very likely to contain [Bottom] values.
- *)
-let prepare_lplace (config : C.config) (p : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
- C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value =
- (* TODO *)
- let access = Write in
- let ctx = update_ctx_along_write_place config access p ctx in
- (* End the borrows and loans, starting with the borrows *)
- let ctx = drop_borrows_loans_at_lplace config p ctx in
- (* Read the value and check it *)
- let v = read_place_unwrap config access p ctx in
- (* Sanity checks *)
- assert (not (loans_in_value v));
- assert (not (borrows_in_value v));
- (* Return *)
- (ctx, v)
-(** Read the value at a given place.
- As long as it is a loan, end the loan.
- This function doesn't perform a recursive exploration:
- it won't dive into the value to end all the inner
- loans (contrary to [drop_borrows_loans_at_lplace] for
- instance).
- *)
-let rec end_loan_exactly_at_place (config : C.config) (access : access_kind)
- (p : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- let v = read_place_unwrap config access p ctx in
- match v.V.value with
- | V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (bids, _)) ->
- let ctx = end_outer_borrows config bids ctx in
- end_loan_exactly_at_place config access p ctx
- | V.Loan (V.MutLoan bid) ->
- let ctx = end_outer_borrow config bid ctx in
- end_loan_exactly_at_place config access p ctx
- | _ -> ctx
-(** Updates the discriminant of a value at a given place.
- There are two situations:
- - either the discriminant is already the proper one (in which case we
- don't do anything)
- - or it is not the proper one (because the variant is not the proper
- one, or the value is actually [Bottom] - this happens when
- initializing ADT values), in which case we replace the value with
- a variant with all its fields set to [Bottom].
- For instance, something like: `Cons Bottom Bottom`.
- *)
-let set_discriminant (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (p :
- (variant_id : :
- (C.eval_ctx * statement_eval_res) eval_result =
- (* Access the value *)
- let access = Write in
- let ctx = update_ctx_along_read_place config access p ctx in
- let ctx = end_loan_exactly_at_place config access p ctx in
- let v = read_place_unwrap config access p ctx in
- (* Update the value *)
- match (v.V.ty, v.V.value) with
- | T.Adt (T.AdtId def_id, regions, types), V.Adt av -> (
- (* There are two situations:
- - either the discriminant is already the proper one (in which case we
- don't do anything)
- - or it is not the proper one, in which case we replace the value with
- a variant with all its fields set to [Bottom]
- *)
- match av.variant_id with
- | None -> failwith "Found a struct value while expected an enum"
- | Some variant_id' ->
- if variant_id' = variant_id then (* Nothing to do *)
- Ok (ctx, Unit)
- else
- (* Replace the value *)
- let bottom_v =
- compute_expanded_bottom_adt_value ctx.type_context def_id
- (Some variant_id) regions types
- in
- let ctx = write_place_unwrap config access p bottom_v ctx in
- Ok (ctx, Unit))
- | T.Adt (T.AdtId def_id, regions, types), V.Bottom ->
- let bottom_v =
- compute_expanded_bottom_adt_value ctx.type_context def_id
- (Some variant_id) regions types
- in
- let ctx = write_place_unwrap config access p bottom_v ctx in
- Ok (ctx, Unit)
- | _, V.Symbolic _ ->
- assert (config.mode = SymbolicMode);
- (* TODO *) raise Unimplemented
- | _, (V.Adt _ | V.Bottom) -> failwith "Inconsistent state"
- | _, (V.Concrete _ | V.Borrow _ | V.Loan _) -> failwith "Unexpected value"
-(** Push a frame delimiter in the context's environment *)
-let ctx_push_frame (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- { ctx with env = Frame :: ctx.env }
-(** Drop a value at a given place *)
-let drop_value (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (p : : C.eval_ctx
- =
- L.log#ldebug (lazy ("drop_value: place: " ^ place_to_string ctx p));
- (* Prepare the place (by ending the loans, then the borrows) *)
- let ctx, v = prepare_lplace config p ctx in
- (* Replace the value with [Bottom] *)
- let nv = { v with value = V.Bottom } in
- let ctx = write_place_unwrap config Write p nv ctx in
- ctx
-(** Small helper: compute the type of the return value for a specific
- instantiation of a non-local function.
- *)
-let get_non_local_function_return_type (fid : A.assumed_fun_id)
- (region_params : T.erased_region list) (type_params : T.ety list) : T.ety =
- match (fid, region_params, type_params) with
- | A.BoxNew, [], [ bty ] -> T.Adt (T.Assumed T.Box, [], [ bty ])
- | A.BoxDeref, [], [ bty ] -> T.Ref (T.Erased, bty, T.Shared)
- | A.BoxDerefMut, [], [ bty ] -> T.Ref (T.Erased, bty, T.Mut)
- | A.BoxFree, [], [ _ ] -> mk_unit_ty
- | _ -> failwith "Inconsistent state"
-(** Pop the current frame.
- Drop all the local variables but the return variable, move the return
- value out of the return variable, remove all the local variables (but not the
- abstractions!) from the context, remove the [Frame] indicator delimiting the
- current frame and return the return value and the updated context.
- *)
-let ctx_pop_frame (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
- C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value =
- (* Debug *)
- L.log#ldebug (lazy ("ctx_pop_frame:\n" ^ eval_ctx_to_string ctx));
- (* Eval *)
- let ret_vid = in
- (* List the local variables, but the return variable *)
- let rec list_locals env =
- match env with
- | [] -> failwith "Inconsistent environment"
- | C.Abs _ :: env -> list_locals env
- | C.Var (var, _) :: env ->
- let locals = list_locals env in
- if var.index <> ret_vid then var.index :: locals else locals
- | C.Frame :: _ -> []
- in
- let locals = list_locals ctx.env in
- (* Debug *)
- L.log#ldebug
- (lazy
- ("ctx_pop_frame: locals to drop: ["
- ^ String.concat "," ( V.VarId.to_string locals)
- ^ "]"));
- (* Drop the local variables *)
- let ctx =
- List.fold_left
- (fun ctx lid -> drop_value config ctx (mk_place_from_var_id lid))
- ctx locals
- in
- (* Debug *)
- L.log#ldebug
- (lazy
- ("ctx_pop_frame: after dropping local variables:\n"
- ^ eval_ctx_to_string ctx));
- (* Move the return value out of the return variable *)
- let ctx, ret_value =
- eval_operand config ctx (E.Move (mk_place_from_var_id ret_vid))
- in
- (* Pop the frame *)
- let rec pop env =
- match env with
- | [] -> failwith "Inconsistent environment"
- | C.Abs abs :: env -> C.Abs abs :: pop env
- | C.Var (_, _) :: env -> pop env
- | C.Frame :: env -> env
- in
- let env = pop ctx.env in
- let ctx = { ctx with env } in
- (ctx, ret_value)
-(** Assign a value to a given place *)
-let assign_to_place (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (v : V.typed_value)
- (p : : C.eval_ctx =
- (* Prepare the destination *)
- let ctx, _ = prepare_lplace config p ctx in
- (* Update the destination *)
- let ctx = write_place_unwrap config Write p v ctx in
- ctx
-(** Auxiliary function - see [eval_non_local_function_call] *)
-let eval_box_new (config : C.config) (region_params : T.erased_region list)
- (type_params : T.ety list) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx eval_result =
- (* Check and retrieve the arguments *)
- match (region_params, type_params, ctx.env) with
- | ( [],
- [ boxed_ty ],
- Var (input_var, input_value) :: Var (_ret_var, _) :: C.Frame :: _ ) ->
- (* Required type checking *)
- assert (input_value.V.ty = boxed_ty);
- (* Move the input value *)
- let ctx, moved_input_value =
- eval_operand config ctx
- (E.Move (mk_place_from_var_id input_var.C.index))
- in
- (* Create the box value *)
- let box_ty = T.Adt (T.Assumed T.Box, [], [ boxed_ty ]) in
- let box_v =
- V.Adt { variant_id = None; field_values = [ moved_input_value ] }
- in
- let box_v = mk_typed_value box_ty box_v in
- (* Move this value to the return variable *)
- let dest = mk_place_from_var_id in
- let ctx = assign_to_place config ctx box_v dest in
- (* Return *)
- Ok ctx
- | _ -> failwith "Inconsistent state"
-(** Auxiliary function which factorizes code to evaluate `std::Deref::deref`
- and `std::DerefMut::deref_mut` - see [eval_non_local_function_call] *)
-let eval_box_deref_mut_or_shared (config : C.config)
- (region_params : T.erased_region list) (type_params : T.ety list)
- (is_mut : bool) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx eval_result =
- (* Check the arguments *)
- match (region_params, type_params, ctx.env) with
- | ( [],
- [ boxed_ty ],
- Var (input_var, input_value) :: Var (_ret_var, _) :: C.Frame :: _ ) -> (
- (* Required type checking. We must have:
- - input_value.ty == & (mut) Box<ty>
- - boxed_ty == ty
- for some ty
- *)
- (let _, input_ty, ref_kind = ty_get_ref input_value.V.ty in
- assert (match ref_kind with T.Shared -> not is_mut | T.Mut -> is_mut);
- let input_ty = ty_get_box input_ty in
- assert (input_ty = boxed_ty));
- (* Borrow the boxed value *)
- let p =
- { E.var_id = input_var.C.index; projection = [ E.Deref; E.DerefBox ] }
- in
- let borrow_kind = if is_mut then E.Mut else E.Shared in
- let rv = E.Ref (p, borrow_kind) in
- match eval_rvalue config ctx rv with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, borrowed_value) ->
- (* Move the borrowed value to its destination *)
- let destp = mk_place_from_var_id in
- let ctx = assign_to_place config ctx borrowed_value destp in
- Ok ctx)
- | _ -> failwith "Inconsistent state"
-(** Auxiliary function - see [eval_non_local_function_call] *)
-let eval_box_deref (config : C.config) (region_params : T.erased_region list)
- (type_params : T.ety list) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx eval_result =
- let is_mut = false in
- eval_box_deref_mut_or_shared config region_params type_params is_mut ctx
-(** Auxiliary function - see [eval_non_local_function_call] *)
-let eval_box_deref_mut (config : C.config)
- (region_params : T.erased_region list) (type_params : T.ety list)
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx eval_result =
- let is_mut = true in
- eval_box_deref_mut_or_shared config region_params type_params is_mut ctx
-(** Auxiliary function - see [eval_non_local_function_call].
- `Box::free` is not handled the same way as the other assumed functions:
- - in the regular case, whenever we need to evaluate an assumed function,
- we evaluate the operands, push a frame, call a dedicated function
- to correctly update the variables in the frame (and mimic the execution
- of a body) and finally pop the frame
- - in the case of `Box::free`: the value given to this function is often
- of the form `Box(⊥)` because we can move the value out of the
- box before freeing the box. It makes it invalid to see box_free as a
- "regular" function: it is not valid to call a function with arguments
- which contain `⊥`. For this reason, we execute `Box::free` as drop_value,
- but this is a bit annoying with regards to the semantics...
- Followingly this function doesn't behave like the others: it does not expect
- a stack frame to have been pushed, but rather simply behaves like [drop_value].
- It thus updates the box value (by calling [drop_value]) and updates
- the destination (by setting it to `()`).
-let eval_box_free (config : C.config) (region_params : T.erased_region list)
- (type_params : T.ety list) (args : E.operand list) (dest :
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx eval_result =
- match (region_params, type_params, args) with
- | [], [ boxed_ty ], [ E.Move input_box_place ] ->
- (* Required type checking *)
- let input_box = read_place_unwrap config Write input_box_place ctx in
- (let input_ty = ty_get_box input_box.V.ty in
- assert (input_ty = boxed_ty));
- (* Drop the value *)
- let ctx = drop_value config ctx input_box_place in
- (* Update the destination by setting it to `()` *)
- let ctx = assign_to_place config ctx mk_unit_value dest in
- (* Return *)
- Ok ctx
- | _ -> failwith "Inconsistent state"
-(** Evaluate a non-local (i.e, assumed) function call such as `Box::deref`
- (auxiliary helper for [eval_statement]) *)
-let eval_non_local_function_call (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx)
- (fid : A.assumed_fun_id) (region_params : T.erased_region list)
- (type_params : T.ety list) (args : E.operand list) (dest : :
- C.eval_ctx eval_result =
- (* Debug *)
- L.log#ldebug
- (lazy
- (let type_params =
- "["
- ^ String.concat ", " ( (ety_to_string ctx) type_params)
- ^ "]"
- in
- let args =
- "[" ^ String.concat ", " ( (operand_to_string ctx) args) ^ "]"
- in
- let dest = place_to_string ctx dest in
- "eval_non_local_function_call:\n- fid:" ^ A.show_assumed_fun_id fid
- ^ "\n- type_params: " ^ type_params ^ "\n- args: " ^ args ^ "\n- dest: "
- ^ dest));
- (* There are two cases (and this is extremely annoying):
- - the function is not box_free
- - the function is box_free
- See [eval_box_free]
- *)
- match fid with
- | A.BoxFree ->
- (* Degenerate case: box_free *)
- eval_box_free config region_params type_params args dest ctx
- | _ -> (
- (* "Normal" case: not box_free *)
- (* Evaluate the operands *)
- let ctx, args_vl = eval_operands config ctx args in
- (* Push the stack frame: we initialize the frame with the return variable,
- and one variable per input argument *)
- let ctx = ctx_push_frame ctx in
- (* Create and push the return variable *)
- let ret_vid = in
- let ret_ty =
- get_non_local_function_return_type fid region_params type_params
- in
- let ret_var = mk_var ret_vid (Some "@return") ret_ty in
- let ctx = C.ctx_push_uninitialized_var ctx ret_var in
- (* Create and push the input variables *)
- let input_vars =
- V.VarId.mapi_from1
- (fun id (v : V.typed_value) -> (mk_var id None v.V.ty, v))
- args_vl
- in
- let ctx = C.ctx_push_vars ctx input_vars in
- (* "Execute" the function body. As the functions are assumed, here we call
- custom functions to perform the proper manipulations: we don't have
- access to a body. *)
- let res =
- match fid with
- | A.BoxNew -> eval_box_new config region_params type_params ctx
- | A.BoxDeref -> eval_box_deref config region_params type_params ctx
- | A.BoxDerefMut ->
- eval_box_deref_mut config region_params type_params ctx
- | A.BoxFree -> failwith "Unreachable"
- (* should have been treated above *)
- in
- (* Check if the function body evaluated correctly *)
- match res with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok ctx ->
- (* Pop the stack frame and retrieve the return value *)
- let ctx, ret_value = ctx_pop_frame config ctx in
- (* Move the return value to its destination *)
- let ctx = assign_to_place config ctx ret_value dest in
- (* Return *)
- Ok ctx)
-(** Evaluate a statement *)
-let rec eval_statement (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (st : A.statement)
- : (C.eval_ctx * statement_eval_res) eval_result =
- (* Debugging *)
- L.log#ldebug
- (lazy
- ("\n" ^ eval_ctx_to_string ctx ^ "\nAbout to evaluate statement: "
- ^ statement_to_string ctx st ^ "\n"));
- (* Sanity check *)
- if config.C.check_invariants then Inv.check_invariants ctx;
- (* Evaluate *)
- match st with
- | A.Assign (p, rvalue) -> (
- (* Evaluate the rvalue *)
- match eval_rvalue config ctx rvalue with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, rvalue) ->
- (* Assign *)
- let ctx = assign_to_place config ctx rvalue p in
- Ok (ctx, Unit))
- | A.FakeRead p ->
- let ctx, _ = prepare_rplace config Read p ctx in
- Ok (ctx, Unit)
- | A.SetDiscriminant (p, variant_id) ->
- set_discriminant config ctx p variant_id
- | A.Drop p -> Ok (drop_value config ctx p, Unit)
- | A.Assert assertion -> (
- let ctx, v = eval_operand config ctx assertion.cond in
- assert (v.ty = T.Bool);
- match v.value with
- | Concrete (Bool b) ->
- if b = assertion.expected then Ok (ctx, Unit) else Error Panic
- | _ -> failwith "Expected a boolean")
- | A.Call call -> eval_function_call config ctx call
- | A.Panic -> Error Panic
- | A.Return -> Ok (ctx, Return)
- | A.Break i -> Ok (ctx, Break i)
- | A.Continue i -> Ok (ctx, Continue i)
- | A.Nop -> Ok (ctx, Unit)
- | A.Sequence (st1, st2) -> (
- (* Evaluate the first statement *)
- match eval_statement config ctx st1 with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, Unit) ->
- (* Evaluate the second statement *)
- eval_statement config ctx st2
- (* Control-flow break: transmit. We enumerate the cases on purpose *)
- | Ok (ctx, Break i) -> Ok (ctx, Break i)
- | Ok (ctx, Continue i) -> Ok (ctx, Continue i)
- | Ok (ctx, Return) -> Ok (ctx, Return))
- | A.Loop loop_body ->
- (* Evaluate a loop body
- We need a specific function for the [Continue] case: in case we continue,
- we might have to reevaluate the current loop body with the new context
- (and repeat this an indefinite number of times).
- *)
- let rec eval_loop_body (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
- (C.eval_ctx * statement_eval_res) eval_result =
- (* Evaluate the loop body *)
- match eval_statement config ctx loop_body with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, Unit) ->
- (* We finished evaluating the statement in a "normal" manner *)
- Ok (ctx, Unit)
- (* Control-flow breaks *)
- | Ok (ctx, Break i) ->
- (* Decrease the break index *)
- if i = 0 then Ok (ctx, Unit) else Ok (ctx, Break (i - 1))
- | Ok (ctx, Continue i) ->
- (* Decrease the continue index *)
- if i = 0 then
- (* We stop there. When we continue, we go back to the beginning
- of the loop: we must thus reevaluate the loop body (and
- recheck the result to know whether we must reevaluate again,
- etc. *)
- eval_loop_body ctx
- else (* We don't stop there: transmit *)
- Ok (ctx, Continue (i - 1))
- | Ok (ctx, Return) -> Ok (ctx, Return)
- in
- (* Apply *)
- eval_loop_body ctx
- | A.Switch (op, tgts) -> (
- (* Evaluate the operand *)
- let ctx, op_v = eval_operand config ctx op in
- match tgts with
- | A.If (st1, st2) -> (
- match op_v.value with
- | V.Concrete (V.Bool b) ->
- if b then eval_statement config ctx st1
- else eval_statement config ctx st2
- | _ -> failwith "Inconsistent state")
- | A.SwitchInt (int_ty, tgts, otherwise) -> (
- match op_v.value with
- | V.Concrete (V.Scalar sv) -> (
- assert (sv.V.int_ty = int_ty);
- match List.find_opt (fun (sv', _) -> sv = sv') tgts with
- | None -> eval_statement config ctx otherwise
- | Some (_, tgt) -> eval_statement config ctx tgt)
- | _ -> failwith "Inconsistent state"))
-(** Evaluate a function call (auxiliary helper for [eval_statement]) *)
-and eval_function_call (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (call : :
- (C.eval_ctx * statement_eval_res) eval_result =
- (* There are two cases *
- - this is a local function, in which case we execute its body
- - this is a non-local function, in which case there is a special treatment
- *)
- let res =
- match call.func with
- | A.Local fid ->
- eval_local_function_call config ctx fid call.region_params
- call.type_params call.args call.dest
- | A.Assumed fid ->
- eval_non_local_function_call config ctx fid call.region_params
- call.type_params call.args call.dest
- in
- match res with Error err -> Error err | Ok ctx -> Ok (ctx, Unit)
-(** Evaluate a local (i.e, not assumed) function call (auxiliary helper for
- [eval_statement]) *)
-and eval_local_function_call (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx)
- (fid : (_region_params : T.erased_region list)
- (type_params : T.ety list) (args : E.operand list) (dest : :
- C.eval_ctx eval_result =
- (* Retrieve the (correctly instantiated) body *)
- let def = C.ctx_lookup_fun_def ctx fid in
- match config.mode with
- | ConcreteMode -> (
- let tsubst =
- Subst.make_type_subst
- ( (fun v -> v.T.index) def.A.signature.type_params)
- type_params
- in
- let locals, body = Subst.fun_def_substitute_in_body tsubst def in
- (* Evaluate the input operands *)
- let ctx, args = eval_operands config ctx args in
- assert (List.length args = def.A.arg_count);
- (* Push a frame delimiter *)
- let ctx = ctx_push_frame ctx in
- (* Compute the initial values for the local variables *)
- (* 1. Push the return value *)
- let ret_var, locals =
- match locals with
- | ret_ty :: locals -> (ret_ty, locals)
- | _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
- in
- let ctx = C.ctx_push_var ctx ret_var (C.mk_bottom ret_var.var_ty) in
- (* 2. Push the input values *)
- let input_locals, locals =
- Utilities.list_split_at locals def.A.arg_count
- in
- let inputs = List.combine input_locals args in
- (* Note that this function checks that the variables and their values
- have the same type (this is important) *)
- let ctx = C.ctx_push_vars ctx inputs in
- (* 3. Push the remaining local variables (initialized as [Bottom]) *)
- let ctx = C.ctx_push_uninitialized_vars ctx locals in
- (* Execute the function body *)
- match eval_function_body config ctx body with
- | Error Panic -> Error Panic
- | Ok ctx ->
- (* Pop the stack frame and retrieve the return value *)
- let ctx, ret_value = ctx_pop_frame config ctx in
- (* Move the return value to its destination *)
- let ctx = assign_to_place config ctx ret_value dest in
- (* Return *)
- Ok ctx)
- | SymbolicMode -> raise Unimplemented
-(** Evaluate a statement seen as a function body (auxiliary helper for
- [eval_statement]) *)
-and eval_function_body (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx)
- (body : A.statement) : (C.eval_ctx, eval_error) result =
- match eval_statement config ctx body with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, res) -> (
- (* Sanity check *)
- if config.C.check_invariants then Inv.check_invariants ctx;
- match res with
- | Unit | Break _ | Continue _ -> failwith "Inconsistent state"
- | Return -> Ok ctx)
+ let ctx = List.fold_left create_abs ctx inst_sg.regions_hierarchy in
+ (* Split the variables between return var, inputs and remaining locals *)
+ let ret_var = List.hd fdef.locals in
+ let input_vars, local_vars =
+ list_split_at ( fdef.locals) fdef.arg_count
+ in
+ (* Push the return variable (initialized with ⊥) *)
+ let ctx = C.ctx_push_uninitialized_var ctx ret_var in
+ (* Push the input variables (initialized with symbolic values) *)
+ let input_values = mk_typed_value_from_symbolic_value input_svs in
+ let ctx = C.ctx_push_vars ctx (List.combine input_vars input_values) in
+ (* Push the remaining local variables (initialized with ⊥) *)
+ let ctx = C.ctx_push_uninitialized_vars ctx local_vars in
+ (* Return *)
+ ctx
-module Test = struct
(** Test a unit function (taking no arguments) by evaluating it in an empty
- environment
- *)
- let test_unit_function (type_defs : T.type_def list)
+ environment.
+ *)
+ let test_unit_function (type_context : C.type_context)
(fun_defs : A.fun_def list) (fid : : unit eval_result =
(* Retrieve the function declaration *)
let fdef = A.FunDefId.nth fun_defs fid in
@@ -4377,25 +122,19 @@ module Test = struct
assert (fdef.A.arg_count = 0);
(* Create the evaluation context *)
- let ctx =
- {
- C.type_context = type_defs;
- C.fun_context = fun_defs;
- C.type_vars = [];
- C.env = [];
- C.symbolic_counter = V.SymbolicValueId.generator_zero;
- C.borrow_counter = V.BorrowId.generator_zero;
- }
- in
+ let ctx = initialize_context type_context fun_defs [] in
- (* Put the (uninitialized) local variables *)
+ (* Insert the (uninitialized) local variables *)
let ctx = C.ctx_push_uninitialized_vars ctx fdef.A.locals in
(* Evaluate the function *)
let config = { C.mode = C.ConcreteMode; C.check_invariants = true } in
match eval_function_body config ctx fdef.A.body with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok _ -> Ok ()
+ | [ Ok _ ] -> Ok ()
+ | [ Error err ] -> Error err
+ | _ ->
+ (* We execute the concrete interpreter: there shouldn't be any branching *)
+ failwith "Unreachable"
(** Small helper: return true if the function is a unit function (no parameters,
no arguments) - TODO: move *)
@@ -4406,14 +145,53 @@ module Test = struct
&& List.length def.A.signature.inputs = 0
(** Test all the unit functions in a list of function definitions *)
- let test_all_unit_functions (type_defs : T.type_def list)
+ let test_unit_functions (type_defs : T.type_def list)
+ (fun_defs : A.fun_def list) : unit =
+ let unit_funs = List.filter fun_def_is_unit fun_defs in
+ let test_unit_fun (def : A.fun_def) : unit =
+ let type_ctx = { C.type_defs } in
+ match test_unit_function type_ctx fun_defs def.A.def_id with
+ | Error _ -> failwith "Unit test failed (concrete execution)"
+ | Ok _ -> ()
+ in
+ List.iter test_unit_fun unit_funs
+ (** Execute the symbolic interpreter on a function. *)
+ let test_function_symbolic (type_context : C.type_context)
+ (fun_defs : A.fun_def list) (fid : :
+ C.eval_ctx eval_result list =
+ (* Retrieve the function declaration *)
+ let fdef = A.FunDefId.nth fun_defs fid in
+ (* Debug *)
+ L.log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("test_function_symbolic: " ^ Print.Types.name_to_string;
+ (* Create the evaluation context *)
+ let ctx = initialize_symbolic_context_for_fun type_context fun_defs fdef in
+ (* Evaluate the function *)
+ let config = { C.mode = C.SymbolicMode; C.check_invariants = true } in
+ eval_function_body config ctx fdef.A.body
+ (** Execute the symbolic interpreter on a list of functions.
+ TODO: for now we ignore the functions which contain loops, because
+ they are not supported by the symbolic interpreter.
+ *)
+ let test_functions_symbolic (type_defs : T.type_def list)
(fun_defs : A.fun_def list) : unit =
+ let no_loop_funs =
+ List.filter (fun f -> not (CfimAstUtils.fun_def_has_loops f)) fun_defs
+ in
let test_fun (def : A.fun_def) : unit =
- if fun_def_is_unit def then
- match test_unit_function type_defs fun_defs def.A.def_id with
- | Error _ -> failwith "Unit test failed"
- | Ok _ -> ()
- else ()
+ let type_ctx = { C.type_defs } in
+ (* Execute the function - note that as the symbolic interpreter explores
+ * all the path, some executions are expected to "panic": we thus don't
+ * check the return value *)
+ let _ = test_function_symbolic type_ctx fun_defs def.A.def_id in
+ ()
- List.iter test_fun fun_defs
+ List.iter test_fun no_loop_funs