path: root/src/
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1 files changed, 158 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 0202060d..d4463355 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ open Print.Values
open Errors
open Contexts
+(* TODO: Change state-passing style to : st -> ... -> (st, v) *)
+(* TODO: check the types *)
(** The following type identifies the relative position of expressions (in
particular borrows) in other expressions.
@@ -918,7 +921,9 @@ let rec collect_borrows_at_place (config : config) (access : access_kind)
let rec inspect_update v : unit =
match v.value with
| Concrete _ -> ()
- | Bottom -> failwith "Unreachable"
+ | Bottom ->
+ failwith "Unreachable"
+ (* note that we don't really need to fail here *)
| Symbolic _ ->
(* Nothing to do for symbolic values - note that if the value needs
to be copied, etc. we perform additional checks later *)
@@ -972,9 +977,6 @@ let rec collect_borrows_at_place (config : config) (access : access_kind)
This is used to drop values (when we need to write to a place, we first
drop the value there to properly propagate back values which are not/can't
be borrowed anymore).
- TODO: this doesn't work because we may insert bottoms below borrows, etc.
- We need to use proper end_borrow functions...
let rec drop_borrows_at_place (config : config) (p : place) (env : env) : env =
(* We do something similar to [collect_borrows_at_place].
@@ -1103,3 +1105,155 @@ let rec copy_value (config : config) (ctx : eval_ctx) (v : typed_value) :
| Values.Symbolic _sp ->
(* TODO: check that the value is copyable *)
raise Unimplemented
+(** Check if a value contains ⊥ *)
+let rec bottom_in_value (v : typed_value) : bool =
+ match v.value with
+ | Concrete _ -> false
+ | Adt av ->
+ let fields = FieldId.vector_to_list av.field_values in
+ List.exists bottom_in_value fields
+ | Tuple fields ->
+ let fields = FieldId.vector_to_list fields in
+ List.exists bottom_in_value fields
+ | Assumed (Box bv) -> bottom_in_value bv
+ | Borrow bc -> (
+ match bc with
+ | SharedBorrow _ | InactivatedMutBorrow _ -> false
+ | MutBorrow (_, bv) -> bottom_in_value bv)
+ | Loan lc -> (
+ match lc with
+ | SharedLoan (_, sv) -> bottom_in_value sv
+ | MutLoan _ -> false)
+(* TODO: move those to *)
+let integer_type_of_scalar_value (sv : scalar_value) : integer_type =
+ match sv with
+ | Isize _ -> Types.Isize
+ | I8 _ -> Types.I8
+ | I16 _ -> Types.I16
+ | I32 _ -> Types.I32
+ | I64 _ -> Types.I64
+ | I128 _ -> Types.I128
+ | Usize _ -> Types.Usize
+ | U8 _ -> Types.U8
+ | U16 _ -> Types.U16
+ | U32 _ -> Types.U32
+ | U64 _ -> Types.U64
+ | U128 _ -> Types.U128
+(** The minimum values an integer type can have *)
+let i8_min = Z.of_string "-128"
+let i8_max = Z.of_string "127"
+let i16_min = Z.of_string "-32768"
+let i16_max = Z.of_string "32767"
+let i32_min = Z.of_string "-2147483648"
+let i32_max = Z.of_string "2147483647"
+let i64_min = Z.of_string "-9223372036854775808"
+let i64_max = Z.of_string "9223372036854775807"
+let i128_min = Z.of_string "-170141183460469231731687303715884105728"
+let i128_max = Z.of_string "170141183460469231731687303715884105727"
+let u8_min = Z.of_string "0"
+let u8_max = Z.of_string "255"
+let u16_min = Z.of_string "0"
+let u16_max = Z.of_string "65535"
+let u32_min = Z.of_string "0"
+let u32_max = Z.of_string "4294967295"
+let u64_min = Z.of_string "0"
+let u64_max = Z.of_string "18446744073709551615"
+let u128_min = Z.of_string "0"
+let u128_max = Z.of_string "340282366920938463463374607431768211455"
+(** Being a bit conservative about isize/usize: depending on the system,
+ the values are encoded as 32-bit values or 64-bit values - we may
+ want to take that into account in the future *)
+let isize_min = i32_min
+let isize_max = i32_max
+let usize_min = u32_min
+let usize_max = u32_max
+(*let integer_type_min_value (int_ty : integer_type) : big_int =*)
+(** Convert a constant operand value to a typed value *)
+let constant_value_to_typed_value (ctx : eval_ctx) (ty : ety)
+ (cv : operand_constant_value) : typed_value =
+ (* Check the type while converting *)
+ match (ty, cv) with
+ (* Unit *)
+ | Types.Tuple [], Unit -> { value = Tuple (FieldId.vector_of_list []); ty }
+ (* Adt with one variant and no fields *)
+ | Types.Adt (def_id, [], []), ConstantAdt def_id' ->
+ assert (def_id = def_id');
+ (* Check that the adt definition only has one variant with no fields,
+ compute the variant id at the same time. *)
+ let def = TypeDefId.nth ctx.type_context def_id in
+ assert (RegionVarId.length def.region_params = 0);
+ assert (TypeVarId.length def.type_params = 0);
+ let variant_id =
+ match def.kind with
+ | Struct fields ->
+ assert (FieldId.length fields = 0);
+ None
+ | Enum variants ->
+ assert (VariantId.length variants = 1);
+ let variant_id = in
+ let variant = VariantId.nth variants variant_id in
+ assert (FieldId.length variant.fields = 0);
+ Some variant_id
+ in
+ let value =
+ Adt
+ {
+ def_id;
+ variant_id;
+ regions = [];
+ types = [];
+ field_values = FieldId.vector_of_list [];
+ }
+ in
+ { value; ty }
+ (* Scalar, boolean... *)
+ | Types.Bool, ConstantValue (Bool v) -> { value = Concrete (Bool v); ty }
+ | Types.Char, ConstantValue (Char v) -> { value = Concrete (Char v); ty }
+ | Types.Str, ConstantValue (String v) -> { value = Concrete (String v); ty }
+ | Types.Integer int_ty, ConstantValue (Scalar v) ->
+ (* TODO *)
+ raise Unimplemented
+ (* Remaining cases (invalid) - listing as much as we can on purpose
+ (allows to catch errors at compilation if the definitions change) *)
+ | _, Unit | _, ConstantAdt _ | _, ConstantValue _ ->
+ failwith "Improperly typed constant value"
+let eval_operand (config : config) (ctx : eval_ctx) (op : operand) :
+ (eval_ctx * typed_value) =
+ match op with
+ | Constant (ty, cv) ->
+ | Copy p ->
+ | Move p ->
+ *)