path: root/src/
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef7d756a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+(** Extract to F* *)
+open Errors
+open Pure
+open TranslateCore
+open PureToExtract
+module F = Format
+(** Iter "between".
+ Iterate over a list, but call a function between every two elements
+ (but not before the first element, and not after the last).
+ *)
+let list_iterb (between : unit -> unit) (f : 'a -> unit) (ls : 'a list) : unit =
+ let rec iter ls =
+ match ls with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | [ x ] -> f x
+ | x :: y :: ls ->
+ f x;
+ between ();
+ iter (y :: ls)
+ in
+ iter ls
+(** [inside] constrols whether we should add parentheses or not around type
+ application (if `true` we add parentheses).
+ *)
+let rec extract_ty (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (inside : bool)
+ (ty : ty) : unit =
+ match ty with
+ | Adt (type_id, tys) -> (
+ match type_id with
+ | Tuple ->
+ F.pp_print_string fmt "(";
+ list_iterb (F.pp_print_space fmt) (extract_ty ctx fmt true) tys;
+ F.pp_print_string fmt ")"
+ | AdtId _ | Assumed _ ->
+ if inside then F.pp_print_string fmt "(";
+ F.pp_print_string fmt (ctx_find_type type_id ctx);
+ if tys <> [] then F.pp_print_space fmt ();
+ list_iterb (F.pp_print_space fmt) (extract_ty ctx fmt true) tys;
+ if inside then F.pp_print_string fmt ")")
+ | TypeVar vid -> F.pp_print_string fmt (ctx_find_type_var vid ctx)
+ | Bool -> F.pp_print_string fmt ctx.fmt.bool_name
+ | Char -> F.pp_print_string fmt ctx.fmt.char_name
+ | Integer int_ty -> F.pp_print_string fmt (ctx.fmt.int_name int_ty)
+ | Str -> F.pp_print_string fmt ctx.fmt.str_name
+ | Array _ | Slice _ -> raise Unimplemented
+let extract_type_def_struct_body (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
+ (type_name : string) (type_params : string list) (fields : field list) :
+ unit =
+ (* We want to generate a definition which looks like this:
+ * ```
+ * type s = { x : int; y : bool; }
+ * ```
+ *
+ * Or if there isn't enough space on one line:
+ * ```
+ * type s = {
+ * x : int;
+ * y : bool;
+ * }
+ * ```
+ * Note that we already printed: `type s =`
+ *)
+ F.pp_print_space fmt ();
+ F.pp_print_string fmt "{";
+ (* The body itself *)
+ F.pp_open_hvbox fmt 0;
+ F.pp_open_hvbox fmt ctx.indent_incr;
+ F.pp_print_space fmt ();
+ (* Print the fields *)
+ let print_field (f : field) : unit =
+ let field_name = ctx.fmt.field_name type_name f.field_name in
+ F.pp_open_box fmt ctx.indent_incr;
+ F.pp_print_string fmt field_name;
+ F.pp_print_space fmt ();
+ F.pp_print_string fmt ":";
+ F.pp_print_space fmt ();
+ extract_ty ctx fmt false f.field_ty;
+ F.pp_close_box fmt ()
+ in
+ List.iter print_field fields;
+ (* Close *)
+ F.pp_close_box fmt ();
+ F.pp_print_string fmt "}";
+ F.pp_close_box fmt ()
+let extract_type_def_enum_body (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
+ (type_name : string) (type_params : string list) (variants : variant list) :
+ unit =
+ raise Unimplemented
+let rec extract_type_def (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
+ (def : type_def) : unit =
+ let name = ctx_find_local_type def.def_id ctx in
+ let ctx, type_params = ctx_add_type_params def.type_params ctx in
+ (* > "type TYPE_NAME =" *)
+ F.pp_print_string fmt "type";
+ F.pp_print_space fmt ();
+ F.pp_print_string fmt name;
+ match def.kind with
+ | Struct fields ->
+ extract_type_def_struct_body ctx fmt name type_params fields
+ | Enum variants ->
+ extract_type_def_enum_body ctx fmt name type_params variants
+(*let rec extract_field (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (inside : bool)
+ (ty : ty) : unit =*)