path: root/src/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 472 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
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index 510976f4..00000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
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-open Types
-open Values
-open LlbcAst
-module V = Values
-open ValuesUtils
-(** Some global counters.
- Note that those counters were initially stored in {!eval_ctx} values,
- but it proved better to make them global and stateful:
- - when branching (and thus executing on several paths with different
- contexts) it is better to really have unique ids everywhere (and
- not have fresh ids shared by several contexts even though introduced
- after the branching) because at some point we might need to merge the
- different contexts
- - also, it is a lot more convenient to not store those counters in contexts
- objects
- =============
- **WARNING**:
- =============
- Pay attention when playing with closures, as you may not always generate
- fresh identifiers without noticing it, especially when using type abbreviations.
- For instance, consider the following:
- {[
- type fun_type = unit -> ...
- fn f x : fun_type =
- let id = fresh_id () in
- ...
- let g = f x in // <-- the fresh identifier gets generated here
- let x1 = g () in // <-- no fresh generation here
- let x2 = g () in
- ...
- ]}
- This is why, in such cases, we often introduce all the inputs, even
- when they are not used (which happens!).
- {[
- fn f x : fun_type =
- fun .. ->
- let id = fresh_id () in
- ...
- ]}
- Note that in practice, we never reuse closures, except when evaluating
- a branching in the execution (which is fine, because the branches evaluate
- independentely of each other). Still, it is always a good idea to be
- defensive.
- However, the same problem arises with logging.
- Also, a more defensive way would be to not use global references, and
- store the counters in the evaluation context. This is actually what was
- originally done, before we updated the code to use global counters because
- it proved more convenient (and even before updating the code of the
- interpreter to use CPS).
- *)
-let symbolic_value_id_counter, fresh_symbolic_value_id =
- SymbolicValueId.fresh_stateful_generator ()
-let borrow_id_counter, fresh_borrow_id = BorrowId.fresh_stateful_generator ()
-let region_id_counter, fresh_region_id = RegionId.fresh_stateful_generator ()
-let abstraction_id_counter, fresh_abstraction_id =
- AbstractionId.fresh_stateful_generator ()
-let fun_call_id_counter, fresh_fun_call_id =
- FunCallId.fresh_stateful_generator ()
-(** We shouldn't need to reset the global counters, but it might be good to
- do it from time to time, for instance every time we start evaluating/
- synthesizing a function.
- The reasons are manifold:
- - it might prevent the counters from overflowing (although this seems
- extremely unlikely - as a side node: we have overflow checks to make
- sure the synthesis doesn't get impacted by potential overflows)
- - most importantly, it allows to always manipulate low values, which
- is always a lot more readable when debugging
- *)
-let reset_global_counters () =
- symbolic_value_id_counter := SymbolicValueId.generator_zero;
- borrow_id_counter := BorrowId.generator_zero;
- region_id_counter := RegionId.generator_zero;
- abstraction_id_counter := AbstractionId.generator_zero;
- fun_call_id_counter := FunCallId.generator_zero
-(** A binder used in an environment, to map a variable to a value *)
-type binder = {
- index :; (** Unique variable identifier *)
- name : string option; (** Possible name *)
-[@@deriving show]
-(** Environment value: mapping from variable to value, abstraction (only
- used in symbolic mode) or stack frame delimiter.
- TODO: rename Var (-> Binding?)
- *)
-type env_elem =
- | Var of (binder option[@opaque]) * typed_value
- (** Variable binding - the binder is None if the variable is a dummy variable
- (we use dummy variables to store temporaries while doing bookkeeping such
- as ending borrows for instance). *)
- | Abs of abs
- | Frame
- show,
- visitors
- {
- name = "iter_env_elem";
- variety = "iter";
- ancestors = [ "iter_abs" ];
- nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
- concrete = true;
- },
- visitors
- {
- name = "map_env_elem";
- variety = "map";
- ancestors = [ "map_abs" ];
- nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
- concrete = true;
- }]
-type env = env_elem list
- show,
- visitors
- {
- name = "iter_env";
- variety = "iter";
- ancestors = [ "iter_env_elem" ];
- nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
- concrete = true;
- },
- visitors
- {
- name = "map_env";
- variety = "map";
- ancestors = [ "map_env_elem" ];
- nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
- concrete = true;
- }]
-type interpreter_mode = ConcreteMode | SymbolicMode [@@deriving show]
-type config = {
- mode : interpreter_mode;
- (** Concrete mode (interpreter) or symbolic mode (for synthesis) **)
- check_invariants : bool;
- (** Check that invariants are maintained whenever we execute a statement *)
- greedy_expand_symbolics_with_borrows : bool;
- (** Expand all symbolic values containing borrows upon introduction - allows
- to use restrict ourselves to a simpler model for the projectors over
- symbolic values.
- The interpreter fails if doing this requires to do a branching (because
- we need to expand an enumeration with strictly more than one variant)
- or if we need to expand a recursive type (because this leads to looping).
- *)
- allow_bottom_below_borrow : bool;
- (** Experimental.
- We sometimes want to temporarily break the invariant that there is no
- bottom value below a borrow. If this value is true, we don't check
- the invariant, and the rule becomes: we can't end a borrow *if* it contains
- a bottom value. The consequence is that it becomes ok to temporarily
- have bottom below a borrow, if we put something else inside before ending
- the borrow.
- For instance, when evaluating an assignment, we move the value which
- will be overwritten then do some administrative tasks with the borrows,
- then move the rvalue to its destination. We currently want to be able
- to check the invariants every time we end a borrow/an abstraction,
- meaning at intermediate steps of the assignment where the invariants
- might actually be broken.
- *)
- return_unit_end_abs_with_no_loans : bool;
- (** If a function doesn't return any borrows, we can immediately call
- its backward functions. If this option is on, whenever we call a
- function *and* this function returns unit, we immediately end all the
- abstractions which are introduced and don't contain loans. This can be
- useful to make the code cleaner (the backward function is introduced
- where the function call happened) and make sure all forward functions
- with no return value are followed by a backward function.
- *)
-[@@deriving show]
-(** See {!config} *)
-type partial_config = {
- check_invariants : bool;
- greedy_expand_symbolics_with_borrows : bool;
- allow_bottom_below_borrow : bool;
- return_unit_end_abs_with_no_loans : bool;
-let config_of_partial (mode : interpreter_mode) (config : partial_config) :
- config =
- {
- mode;
- check_invariants = config.check_invariants;
- greedy_expand_symbolics_with_borrows =
- config.greedy_expand_symbolics_with_borrows;
- allow_bottom_below_borrow = config.allow_bottom_below_borrow;
- return_unit_end_abs_with_no_loans = config.return_unit_end_abs_with_no_loans;
- }
-type type_context = {
- type_decls_groups : Crates.type_declaration_group TypeDeclId.Map.t;
- type_decls : type_decl TypeDeclId.Map.t;
- type_infos : TypesAnalysis.type_infos;
-[@@deriving show]
-type fun_context = { fun_decls : fun_decl FunDeclId.Map.t } [@@deriving show]
-type global_context = { global_decls : global_decl GlobalDeclId.Map.t }
-[@@deriving show]
-(** Evaluation context *)
-type eval_ctx = {
- type_context : type_context;
- fun_context : fun_context;
- global_context : global_context;
- type_vars : type_var list;
- env : env;
- ended_regions : RegionId.Set.t;
-[@@deriving show]
-let lookup_type_var (ctx : eval_ctx) (vid : : type_var =
- TypeVarId.nth ctx.type_vars vid
-let opt_binder_has_vid (bv : binder option) (vid : : bool =
- match bv with Some bv -> bv.index = vid | None -> false
-let ctx_lookup_binder (ctx : eval_ctx) (vid : : binder =
- (* TOOD: we might want to stop at the end of the frame *)
- let rec lookup env =
- match env with
- | [] ->
- raise (Invalid_argument ("Variable not found: " ^ VarId.to_string vid))
- | Var (var, _) :: env' ->
- if opt_binder_has_vid var vid then Option.get var else lookup env'
- | (Abs _ | Frame) :: env' -> lookup env'
- in
- lookup ctx.env
-(** TODO: make this more efficient with maps *)
-let ctx_lookup_type_decl (ctx : eval_ctx) (tid : : type_decl =
- TypeDeclId.Map.find tid ctx.type_context.type_decls
-(** TODO: make this more efficient with maps *)
-let ctx_lookup_fun_decl (ctx : eval_ctx) (fid : : fun_decl =
- FunDeclId.Map.find fid ctx.fun_context.fun_decls
-(** TODO: make this more efficient with maps *)
-let ctx_lookup_global_decl (ctx : eval_ctx) (gid : :
- global_decl =
- GlobalDeclId.Map.find gid ctx.global_context.global_decls
-(** Retrieve a variable's value in an environment *)
-let env_lookup_var_value (env : env) (vid : : typed_value =
- (* We take care to stop at the end of current frame: different variables
- in different frames can have the same id!
- *)
- let rec lookup env =
- match env with
- | [] -> failwith "Unexpected"
- | Var (var, v) :: env' ->
- if opt_binder_has_vid var vid then v else lookup env'
- | Abs _ :: env' -> lookup env'
- | Frame :: _ -> failwith "End of frame"
- in
- lookup env
-(** Retrieve a variable's value in an evaluation context *)
-let ctx_lookup_var_value (ctx : eval_ctx) (vid : : typed_value =
- env_lookup_var_value ctx.env vid
-(** Update a variable's value in an environment
- This is a helper function: it can break invariants and doesn't perform
- any check.
-let env_update_var_value (env : env) (vid : (nv : typed_value) : env =
- (* We take care to stop at the end of current frame: different variables
- in different frames can have the same id!
- *)
- let rec update env =
- match env with
- | [] -> failwith "Unexpected"
- | Var (var, v) :: env' ->
- if opt_binder_has_vid var vid then Var (var, nv) :: env'
- else Var (var, v) :: update env'
- | Abs abs :: env' -> Abs abs :: update env'
- | Frame :: _ -> failwith "End of frame"
- in
- update env
-let var_to_binder (var : var) : binder = { index = var.index; name = }
-(** Update a variable's value in an evaluation context.
- This is a helper function: it can break invariants and doesn't perform
- any check.
-let ctx_update_var_value (ctx : eval_ctx) (vid : (nv : typed_value) :
- eval_ctx =
- { ctx with env = env_update_var_value ctx.env vid nv }
-(** Push a variable in the context's environment.
- Checks that the pushed variable and its value have the same type (this
- is important).
-let ctx_push_var (ctx : eval_ctx) (var : var) (v : typed_value) : eval_ctx =
- assert (var.var_ty = v.ty);
- let bv = var_to_binder var in
- { ctx with env = Var (Some bv, v) :: ctx.env }
-(** Push a list of variables.
- Checks that the pushed variables and their values have the same type (this
- is important).
-let ctx_push_vars (ctx : eval_ctx) (vars : (var * typed_value) list) : eval_ctx
- =
- assert (
- List.for_all
- (fun (var, (value : typed_value)) -> var.var_ty = value.ty)
- vars);
- let vars =
- (fun (var, value) -> Var (Some (var_to_binder var), value)) vars
- in
- let vars = List.rev vars in
- { ctx with env = List.append vars ctx.env }
-(** Push a dummy variable in the context's environment. *)
-let ctx_push_dummy_var (ctx : eval_ctx) (v : typed_value) : eval_ctx =
- { ctx with env = Var (None, v) :: ctx.env }
-(** Pop the first dummy variable from a context's environment. *)
-let ctx_pop_dummy_var (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx * typed_value =
- let rec pop_var (env : env) : env * typed_value =
- match env with
- | [] -> failwith "Could not find a dummy variable"
- | Var (None, v) :: env -> (env, v)
- | ee :: env ->
- let env, v = pop_var env in
- (ee :: env, v)
- in
- let env, v = pop_var ctx.env in
- ({ ctx with env }, v)
-(** Read the first dummy variable in a context's environment. *)
-let ctx_read_first_dummy_var (ctx : eval_ctx) : typed_value =
- let rec read_var (env : env) : typed_value =
- match env with
- | [] -> failwith "Could not find a dummy variable"
- | Var (None, v) :: _env -> v
- | _ :: env -> read_var env
- in
- read_var ctx.env
-(** Push an uninitialized variable (which thus maps to {!Values.Bottom}) *)
-let ctx_push_uninitialized_var (ctx : eval_ctx) (var : var) : eval_ctx =
- ctx_push_var ctx var (mk_bottom var.var_ty)
-(** Push a list of uninitialized variables (which thus map to {!Values.Bottom}) *)
-let ctx_push_uninitialized_vars (ctx : eval_ctx) (vars : var list) : eval_ctx =
- let vars = (fun v -> (v, mk_bottom v.var_ty)) vars in
- ctx_push_vars ctx vars
-let env_lookup_abs (env : env) (abs_id : : V.abs =
- let rec lookup env =
- match env with
- | [] -> failwith "Unexpected"
- | Var (_, _) :: env' -> lookup env'
- | Abs abs :: env' -> if abs.abs_id = abs_id then abs else lookup env'
- | Frame :: env' -> lookup env'
- in
- lookup env
-let ctx_lookup_abs (ctx : eval_ctx) (abs_id : : V.abs =
- env_lookup_abs ctx.env abs_id
-let ctx_type_decl_is_rec (ctx : eval_ctx) (id : : bool =
- let decl_group = TypeDeclId.Map.find id ctx.type_context.type_decls_groups in
- match decl_group with Crates.Rec _ -> true | Crates.NonRec _ -> false
-(** Visitor to iterate over the values in the *current* frame *)
-class ['self] iter_frame =
- object (self : 'self)
- inherit [_] V.iter_abs
- method visit_Var : 'acc -> binder option -> typed_value -> unit =
- fun acc _vid v -> self#visit_typed_value acc v
- method visit_Abs : 'acc -> abs -> unit =
- fun acc abs -> self#visit_abs acc abs
- method visit_env_elem : 'acc -> env_elem -> unit =
- fun acc em ->
- match em with
- | Var (vid, v) -> self#visit_Var acc vid v
- | Abs abs -> self#visit_Abs acc abs
- | Frame -> failwith "Unreachable"
- method visit_env : 'acc -> env -> unit =
- fun acc env ->
- match env with
- | [] -> ()
- | Frame :: _ -> (* We stop here *) ()
- | em :: env ->
- self#visit_env_elem acc em;
- self#visit_env acc env
- end
-(** Visitor to map over the values in the *current* frame *)
-class ['self] map_frame_concrete =
- object (self : 'self)
- inherit [_] V.map_abs
- method visit_Var : 'acc -> binder option -> typed_value -> env_elem =
- fun acc vid v ->
- let v = self#visit_typed_value acc v in
- Var (vid, v)
- method visit_Abs : 'acc -> abs -> env_elem =
- fun acc abs -> Abs (self#visit_abs acc abs)
- method visit_env_elem : 'acc -> env_elem -> env_elem =
- fun acc em ->
- match em with
- | Var (vid, v) -> self#visit_Var acc vid v
- | Abs abs -> self#visit_Abs acc abs
- | Frame -> failwith "Unreachable"
- method visit_env : 'acc -> env -> env =
- fun acc env ->
- match env with
- | [] -> []
- | Frame :: env -> (* We stop here *) Frame :: env
- | em :: env ->
- let em = self#visit_env_elem acc em in
- let env = self#visit_env acc env in
- em :: env
- end
-(** Visitor to iterate over the values in a context *)
-class ['self] iter_eval_ctx =
- object (_self : 'self)
- inherit [_] iter_env as super
- method visit_eval_ctx : 'acc -> eval_ctx -> unit =
- fun acc ctx -> super#visit_env acc ctx.env
- end
-(** Visitor to map the values in a context *)
-class ['self] map_eval_ctx =
- object (_self : 'self)
- inherit [_] map_env as super
- method visit_eval_ctx : 'acc -> eval_ctx -> eval_ctx =
- fun acc ctx ->
- let env = super#visit_env acc ctx.env in
- { ctx with env }
- end