path: root/compiler/
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1 files changed, 215 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
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index 00000000..2033574d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/
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+(** Utilities for strongly connected components - this is similar to the [] file in Charon *)
+open Collections
+module SccId = Identifiers.IdGen ()
+(** A functor to compute and order strongly connected components *)
+module Make (Id : OrderedType) = struct
+ module IdMap = MakeMap (Id)
+ module IdSet = MakeSet (Id)
+ type id = Id.t
+ let pp_id = Id.pp_t
+ (** A structure containing information about SCCs (strongly connected components) *)
+ type sccs = {
+ sccs : id list SccId.Map.t;
+ scc_deps : SccId.Set.t SccId.Map.t; (** The dependencies between sccs *)
+ }
+ [@@deriving show]
+ (** The order in which Tarjan's algorithm generates the SCCs is arbitrary,
+ while we want to keep as much as possible the original order (the order
+ in which the user generated the ids). For this, we iterate through
+ the ordered ids and try to add the SCC containing the id to a new list of SCCs
+ Of course, this SCC might have dependencies, so we need to add the dependencies
+ first (in which case we have reordering to do). This is what this function
+ does: we add an SCC and its dependencies to the list of reordered SCCs by
+ doing a depth-first search.
+ We also compute the SCC dependencies while performing this exploration.
+ Rem.: we push SCCs to the *front* of [reordered_sccs] (which should then
+ be reversed before being used).
+ Rem.: [scc_deps]: we use the fact that the elements inside [SccId.Set.t]
+ are ordered.
+ TODO: change the type of [reordered_sccs] (not efficient...)
+ *)
+ let rec insert_scc_with_deps (id_deps : Id.t list IdMap.t)
+ (reordered_sccs : list ref)
+ (scc_deps : SccId.Set.t SccId.Map.t ref) (sccs : Id.t list SccId.Map.t)
+ (id_to_scc : IdMap.t) (scc_id : : unit =
+ (* Check if the SCC id has already been added *)
+ if List.mem scc_id !reordered_sccs then ()
+ else
+ (* Add the dependencies.
+ For every id in the dependencies, get the SCC containing this id.
+ If this is the current SCC: continue. If it is a different one, it is
+ a dependency: add it to the list of reordered SCCs. *)
+ let scc = SccId.Map.find scc_id sccs in
+ List.iter
+ (fun id ->
+ let ids = IdMap.find id id_deps in
+ List.iter
+ (fun dep_id ->
+ let dep_scc_id = IdMap.find dep_id id_to_scc in
+ if dep_scc_id = scc_id then ()
+ else
+ (* Insert the dependency *)
+ let scc_deps_set = SccId.Map.find scc_id !scc_deps in
+ let scc_deps_set = SccId.Set.add dep_scc_id scc_deps_set in
+ scc_deps := SccId.Map.add scc_id scc_deps_set !scc_deps;
+ (* Explore the parent SCC *)
+ insert_scc_with_deps id_deps reordered_sccs scc_deps sccs
+ id_to_scc dep_scc_id)
+ ids)
+ scc;
+ (* Add the current SCC *)
+ reordered_sccs := scc_id :: !reordered_sccs
+ (** Provided we computed the SCCs (Strongly Connected Components) of a set of
+ identifier, and those identifiers are ordered, compute the set of SCCs where
+ the order of the SCCs and the order of the identifiers inside the SCCs attempt
+ to respect as much as possible the original order between the identifiers.
+ The [ids] vector gives the ordered set of identifiers.
+ This is used to generate the translated definitions in a consistent and
+ stable manner. For instance, if some Rust functions are mutually recursive,
+ it is possible that we can extract the forward functions in one group, and
+ extract the backward functions in one group (after filtering the useless
+ calls in {!MicroPasses}), but is is also possible that all the functions
+ (forward and backward) are mutually recursive). For this reason, we compute
+ the dependency graph and the strongly connected components of that graph.
+ Similar problems when functions contain loops (especially mutually recursive
+ functions which contain loops (!)).
+ Also see the comments for the equivalent function in [] in the
+ Charon project.
+ *)
+ let reorder_sccs (id_deps : Id.t list IdMap.t) (ids : Id.t list)
+ (sccs : Id.t list list) : sccs =
+ (* Map the identifiers to the SCC indices *)
+ let id_to_scc =
+ IdMap.of_list
+ (List.concat
+ (SccId.mapi
+ (fun scc_id scc -> (fun id -> (id, scc_id)) scc)
+ sccs))
+ in
+ (* Reorder the identifiers inside the SCCs.
+ We iterate over the identifiers (in the order in which we register them) and add
+ them in their corresponding SCCs.
+ TODO: we append to the end of lists, this is not very efficient...
+ *)
+ let reordered_sccs : Id.t list SccId.Map.t ref =
+ ref (SccId.Map.of_list (SccId.mapi (fun scc_id _ -> (scc_id, [])) sccs))
+ in
+ List.iter
+ (fun id ->
+ let scc_id = IdMap.find id id_to_scc in
+ let scc_ids = SccId.Map.find scc_id !reordered_sccs in
+ (* TODO: this is not efficient *)
+ let scc_ids = List.append scc_ids [ id ] in
+ reordered_sccs := SccId.Map.add scc_id scc_ids !reordered_sccs)
+ ids;
+ (* Reorder the SCCs themselves - just do a depth first search. Iterate over
+ the def ids, and add the corresponding SCCs (with their dependencies) *)
+ let reordered_sccs_ids = ref [] in
+ let scc_deps =
+ ref ( (fun _ -> SccId.Set.empty) !reordered_sccs)
+ in
+ List.iter
+ (fun id ->
+ let scc_id = IdMap.find id id_to_scc in
+ insert_scc_with_deps id_deps reordered_sccs_ids scc_deps !reordered_sccs
+ id_to_scc scc_id)
+ ids;
+ let reordered_sccs_ids = List.rev !reordered_sccs_ids in
+ (* Compute the map from the original SCC ids to the new SCC ids (after reordering) *)
+ let old_to_new_id =
+ SccId.Map.of_list
+ (SccId.mapi (fun new_id old_id -> (old_id, new_id)) reordered_sccs_ids)
+ in
+ (* Generate the reordered SCCs *)
+ let tgt_sccs =
+ SccId.Map.of_list
+ (SccId.mapi
+ (fun new_id scc_id ->
+ (new_id, SccId.Map.find scc_id !reordered_sccs))
+ reordered_sccs_ids)
+ in
+ (* Compute the dependencies with the new indices *)
+ let tgt_deps =
+ SccId.Map.of_list
+ (
+ (fun (old_id, deps_ids) ->
+ let new_id = SccId.Map.find old_id old_to_new_id in
+ let new_deps_ids =
+ (fun id -> SccId.Map.find id old_to_new_id)
+ deps_ids
+ in
+ (new_id, new_deps_ids))
+ (SccId.Map.bindings !scc_deps))
+ in
+ (* Return *)
+ { sccs = tgt_sccs; scc_deps = tgt_deps }
+(** Test - TODO: make "real" unit tests *)
+let _ =
+ (* Check that some SCCs are correctly reordered *)
+ let check_sccs (id_deps : (int * int list) list) (ids : int list)
+ (sccs : int list list) (tgt_sccs : int list list) : unit =
+ let module Ord = OrderedInt in
+ let module Reorder = Make (Ord) in
+ let module Map = MakeMap (Ord) in
+ let id_deps = Map.of_list id_deps in
+ let reordered = Reorder.reorder_sccs id_deps ids sccs in
+ let tgt_sccs =
+ SccId.Map.of_list (SccId.mapi (fun scc_id ids -> (scc_id, ids)) tgt_sccs)
+ in
+ assert (reordered.sccs = tgt_sccs)
+ in
+ (* Shouldn't reorder *)
+ let _ =
+ let id_deps =
+ [ (0, []); (1, [ 2; 3 ]); (2, [ 1 ]); (3, [ 1 ]); (4, [ 2 ]) ]
+ in
+ let ids = [ 0; 1; 2; 3; 4 ] in
+ let sccs = [ [ 0 ]; [ 1; 2; 3 ]; [ 4 ] ] in
+ let tgt_sccs = sccs in
+ check_sccs id_deps ids sccs tgt_sccs
+ in
+ (* Small reorder *)
+ let _ =
+ let id_deps =
+ [ (0, []); (1, [ 2; 3 ]); (2, [ 1 ]); (3, [ 1 ]); (4, [ 2 ]) ]
+ in
+ let ids = [ 0; 1; 3; 2; 4 ] in
+ let sccs = [ [ 0 ]; [ 1; 2; 3 ]; [ 4 ] ] in
+ let tgt_sccs = [ [ 0 ]; [ 1; 3; 2 ]; [ 4 ] ] in
+ check_sccs id_deps ids sccs tgt_sccs
+ in
+ let _ =
+ let id_deps = [ (0, [ 1 ]); (1, [ 0 ]); (2, [ 3 ]); (3, [ 2 ]) ] in
+ let ids = [ 3; 2; 0; 1 ] in
+ let sccs = [ [ 0; 1 ]; [ 2; 3 ] ] in
+ let tgt_sccs = [ [ 3; 2 ]; [ 0; 1 ] ] in
+ check_sccs id_deps ids sccs tgt_sccs
+ in
+ ()