path: root/compiler/
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1 files changed, 243 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd566426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+(** This module analyzes function signatures to compute the
+ hierarchy between regions.
+ Note that we don't need to analyze the types: when there is a non-trivial
+ relation between lifetimes in a type definition, the Rust compiler will
+ automatically introduce the relevant where clauses. For instance, in the
+ definition below:
+ {[
+ struct Wrapper<'a, 'b, T> {
+ x : &'a mut &'b mut T,
+ }
+ ]}
+ the Rust compiler will introduce the where clauses:
+ {[
+ 'b : 'a
+ T : 'b
+ ]}
+ However, it doesn't do so for the function signatures, which means we have
+ to compute the constraints between the lifetimes ourselves, then that we
+ have to compute the SCCs of the lifetimes (two lifetimes 'a and 'b may
+ satisfy 'a : 'b and 'b : 'a, meaning they are actually equal and should
+ be grouped together).
+ *)
+open Types
+open TypesUtils
+open Expressions
+open LlbcAst
+open LlbcAstUtils
+open Assumed
+open SCC
+module Subst = Substitute
+let compute_regions_hierarchy_for_sig (type_decls : type_decl TypeDeclId.Map.t)
+ (sg : fun_sig) : region_groups =
+ (* Create the dependency graph.
+ An edge from 'short to 'long means that 'long outlives 'short (that is
+ we have 'long : 'short, using Rust notations).
+ *)
+ (* First initialize the regions map.
+ We add:
+ - the region variables
+ - the static region
+ - edges from the region variables to the static region
+ *)
+ let g : RegionSet.t RegionMap.t ref =
+ let s_set = RegionSet.singleton RStatic in
+ let m =
+ (fun (r : region_var) -> (RVar r.index, s_set))
+ sg.generics.regions
+ in
+ let s = (RStatic, RegionSet.empty) in
+ ref (RegionMap.of_list (s :: m))
+ in
+ let add_edge ~(short : region) ~(long : region) =
+ let m = !g in
+ let s = RegionMap.find short !g in
+ let s = RegionSet.add long s in
+ g := RegionMap.add short s m
+ in
+ let add_edge_from_region_constraint ((long, short) : region_outlives) =
+ add_edge ~short ~long
+ in
+ let add_edges ~(long : region) ~(shorts : region list) =
+ List.iter (fun short -> add_edge ~short ~long) shorts
+ in
+ (* Explore the clauses - we only explore the "region outlives" clause,
+ not the "type outlives" clauses *)
+ List.iter add_edge_from_region_constraint sg.preds.regions_outlive;
+ (* Explore the types in the signature to add the edges *)
+ let rec explore_ty (outer : region list) (ty : ty) =
+ match ty with
+ | TAdt (id, generics) ->
+ (* Add constraints coming from the type clauses *)
+ (match id with
+ | TAdtId id ->
+ (* Lookup the type declaration *)
+ let decl = TypeDeclId.Map.find id type_decls in
+ (* Instantiate the predicates *)
+ let tr_self =
+ UnknownTrait ("Unexpected, introduced by " ^ __FUNCTION__)
+ in
+ let subst =
+ Subst.make_subst_from_generics decl.generics generics tr_self
+ in
+ let predicates = Subst.predicates_substitute subst decl.preds in
+ (* Note that because we also explore the generics below, we may
+ explore several times the same type - this is ok *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun (long, short) -> add_edges ~long ~shorts:(short :: outer))
+ predicates.regions_outlive;
+ List.iter
+ (fun (ty, short) -> explore_ty (short :: outer) ty)
+ predicates.types_outlive
+ | TTuple -> (* No clauses for tuples *) ()
+ | TAssumed aid -> (
+ match aid with
+ | TBox | TArray | TSlice | TStr -> (* No clauses for those *) ()));
+ (* Explore the generics *)
+ explore_generics outer generics
+ | TVar _ | TLiteral _ | TNever -> ()
+ | TRef (r, ty, _) ->
+ (* Add the constraints for r *)
+ add_edges ~long:r ~shorts:outer;
+ (* Add r to the outer regions *)
+ let outer = r :: outer in
+ (* Continue *)
+ explore_ty outer ty
+ | TRawPtr (ty, _) -> explore_ty outer ty
+ | TTraitType (trait_ref, _generic_args, _) ->
+ (* The trait should reference a clause, and not an implementation
+ (otherwise it should have been normalized) *)
+ assert (
+ AssociatedTypes.trait_instance_id_is_local_clause trait_ref.trait_id);
+ (* We have nothing to do *)
+ ()
+ | TArrow (inputs, output) ->
+ (* TODO: this may be too constraining *)
+ List.iter (explore_ty outer) (output :: inputs)
+ and explore_generics (outer : region list) (generics : generic_args) =
+ let { regions; types; const_generics = _; trait_refs = _ } = generics in
+ List.iter (fun long -> add_edges ~long ~shorts:outer) regions;
+ List.iter (explore_ty outer) types
+ in
+ List.iter (explore_ty []) (sg.output :: sg.inputs);
+ (* Compute the ordered SCCs *)
+ let module Scc = SCC.Make (RegionOrderedType) in
+ let sccs = Scc.compute (RegionMap.bindings !g) in
+ (* Remove the SCC containing the static region.
+ For now, we don't handle cases where regions different from 'static
+ can live as long as 'static, so we check that if the group contains
+ 'static then it is the only region it contains, and then we filter
+ the group.
+ TODO: general support for 'static
+ *)
+ let sccs =
+ (* Find the SCC which contains the static region *)
+ let static_gr_id, static_scc =
+ List.find
+ (fun (_, scc) -> List.mem RStatic scc)
+ (SccId.Map.bindings sccs.sccs)
+ in
+ (* The SCC should only contain the 'static *)
+ assert (static_scc = [ RStatic ]);
+ (* Remove the group as well as references to this group from the
+ other SCCs *)
+ let { sccs; scc_deps } = sccs in
+ (* We have to change the indexing:
+ - if id < static_gr_id: we leave the id as it is
+ - if id = static_gr_id: we remove id
+ - if id > static_gr_id: we decrement it by one
+ *)
+ let static_i = SccId.to_int static_gr_id in
+ let convert_id (id : : option =
+ let i = SccId.to_int id in
+ if i < static_i then Some id
+ else if i = static_i then None
+ else Some (SccId.of_int (i - 1))
+ in
+ let sccs =
+ SccId.Map.of_list
+ (List.filter_map
+ (fun (id, rg_ids) ->
+ match convert_id id with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some id -> Some (id, rg_ids))
+ (SccId.Map.bindings sccs))
+ in
+ let scc_deps =
+ List.filter_map
+ (fun (id, deps) ->
+ match convert_id id with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some id ->
+ let deps = List.filter_map convert_id (SccId.Set.elements deps) in
+ Some (id, SccId.Set.of_list deps))
+ (SccId.Map.bindings scc_deps)
+ in
+ let scc_deps = SccId.Map.of_list scc_deps in
+ { sccs; scc_deps }
+ in
+ (*
+ * Compute the regions hierarchy
+ *)
+ List.filter_map
+ (fun (scc_id, scc) ->
+ (* The region id *)
+ let i = SccId.to_int scc_id in
+ let id = RegionGroupId.of_int i in
+ (* Retrieve the set of regions in the group *)
+ let regions =
+ (fun r ->
+ match r with RVar r -> r | _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable"))
+ scc
+ in
+ (* Compute the set of parent region groups *)
+ let parents =
+ (fun id -> RegionGroupId.of_int (SccId.to_int id))
+ (SccId.Set.elements (SccId.Map.find scc_id sccs.scc_deps))
+ in
+ (* Put together *)
+ Some { id; regions; parents })
+ (SccId.Map.bindings sccs.sccs)
+let compute_regions_hierarchies (type_decls : type_decl TypeDeclId.Map.t)
+ (fun_decls : fun_decl FunDeclId.Map.t) : region_groups FunIdMap.t =
+ let regular =
+ (fun (fid, d) -> (FRegular fid, d.signature))
+ (FunDeclId.Map.bindings fun_decls)
+ in
+ let assumed =
+ (fun (info : assumed_fun_info) -> (FAssumed info.fun_id, info.fun_sig))
+ assumed_fun_infos
+ in
+ FunIdMap.of_list
+ (
+ (fun (fid, sg) -> (fid, compute_regions_hierarchy_for_sig type_decls sg))
+ (regular @ assumed))