path: root/compiler/
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/')
1 files changed, 581 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77265f75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+open Identifiers
+open Names
+module T = Types
+module V = Values
+module E = Expressions
+module A = LlbcAst
+module TypeDeclId = T.TypeDeclId
+module TypeVarId = T.TypeVarId
+module RegionGroupId = T.RegionGroupId
+module VariantId = T.VariantId
+module FieldId = T.FieldId
+module SymbolicValueId = V.SymbolicValueId
+module FunDeclId = A.FunDeclId
+module GlobalDeclId = A.GlobalDeclId
+(** We give an identifier to every phase of the synthesis (forward, backward
+ for group of regions 0, etc.) *)
+module SynthPhaseId = IdGen ()
+(** Pay attention to the fact that we also define a {!Values.VarId} module in Values *)
+module VarId = IdGen ()
+type integer_type = T.integer_type [@@deriving show, ord]
+(** The assumed types for the pure AST.
+ In comparison with LLBC:
+ - we removed [Box] (because it is translated as the identity: [Box T == T])
+ - we added:
+ - [Result]: the type used in the error monad. This allows us to have a
+ unified treatment of expressions (especially when we have to unfold the
+ monadic binds)
+ - [State]: the type of the state, when using state-error monads. Note that
+ this state is opaque to Aeneas (the user can define it, or leave it as
+ assumed)
+ *)
+type assumed_ty = State | Result | Vec | Option [@@deriving show, ord]
+(* TODO: we should never directly manipulate [Return] and [Fail], but rather
+ * the monadic functions [return] and [fail] (makes treatment of error and
+ * state-error monads more uniform) *)
+let result_return_id = VariantId.of_int 0
+let result_fail_id = VariantId.of_int 1
+let option_some_id = T.option_some_id
+let option_none_id = T.option_none_id
+type type_id = AdtId of | Tuple | Assumed of assumed_ty
+[@@deriving show, ord]
+(** Ancestor for iter visitor for [ty] *)
+class ['self] iter_ty_base =
+ object (_self : 'self)
+ inherit [_] VisitorsRuntime.iter
+ method visit_id : 'env -> -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
+ method visit_type_id : 'env -> type_id -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
+ method visit_integer_type : 'env -> integer_type -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
+ end
+(** Ancestor for map visitor for [ty] *)
+class ['self] map_ty_base =
+ object (_self : 'self)
+ inherit [_]
+ method visit_id : 'env -> -> = fun _ id -> id
+ method visit_type_id : 'env -> type_id -> type_id = fun _ id -> id
+ method visit_integer_type : 'env -> integer_type -> integer_type =
+ fun _ ity -> ity
+ end
+type ty =
+ | Adt of type_id * ty list
+ (** {!Adt} encodes ADTs and tuples and assumed types.
+ TODO: what about the ended regions? (ADTs may be parameterized
+ with several region variables. When giving back an ADT value, we may
+ be able to only give back part of the ADT. We need a way to encode
+ such "partial" ADTs.
+ *)
+ | TypeVar of
+ | Bool
+ | Char
+ | Integer of integer_type
+ | Str
+ | Array of ty (* TODO: this should be an assumed type?... *)
+ | Slice of ty (* TODO: this should be an assumed type?... *)
+ | Arrow of ty * ty
+ show,
+ visitors
+ {
+ name = "iter_ty";
+ variety = "iter";
+ ancestors = [ "iter_ty_base" ];
+ nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
+ concrete = true;
+ polymorphic = false;
+ },
+ visitors
+ {
+ name = "map_ty";
+ variety = "map";
+ ancestors = [ "map_ty_base" ];
+ nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
+ concrete = true;
+ polymorphic = false;
+ }]
+type field = { field_name : string option; field_ty : ty } [@@deriving show]
+type variant = { variant_name : string; fields : field list } [@@deriving show]
+type type_decl_kind = Struct of field list | Enum of variant list | Opaque
+[@@deriving show]
+type type_var = T.type_var [@@deriving show]
+type type_decl = {
+ def_id :;
+ name : name;
+ type_params : type_var list;
+ kind : type_decl_kind;
+[@@deriving show]
+type scalar_value = V.scalar_value [@@deriving show]
+type constant_value = V.constant_value [@@deriving show]
+(** Because we introduce a lot of temporary variables, the list of variables
+ is not fixed: we thus must carry all its information with the variable
+ itself.
+ *)
+type var = {
+ id :;
+ basename : string option;
+ (** The "basename" is used to generate a meaningful name for the variable
+ (by potentially adding an index to uniquely identify it).
+ *)
+ ty : ty;
+[@@deriving show]
+(* TODO: we might want to redefine field_proj_kind here, to prevent field accesses
+ * on enumerations.
+ * Also: tuples...
+ * Rmk: projections are actually only used as meta-data.
+ * *)
+type mprojection_elem = { pkind : E.field_proj_kind; field_id : }
+[@@deriving show]
+type mprojection = mprojection_elem list [@@deriving show]
+(** "Meta" place.
+ Meta-data retrieved from the symbolic execution, which gives provenance
+ information about the values. We use this to generate names for the variables
+ we introduce.
+ *)
+type mplace = {
+ var_id :;
+ name : string option;
+ projection : mprojection;
+[@@deriving show]
+type variant_id = [@@deriving show]
+(** Ancestor for [iter_pat_var_or_dummy] visitor *)
+class ['self] iter_value_base =
+ object (_self : 'self)
+ inherit [_] VisitorsRuntime.iter
+ method visit_constant_value : 'env -> constant_value -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
+ method visit_var : 'env -> var -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
+ method visit_mplace : 'env -> mplace -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
+ method visit_ty : 'env -> ty -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
+ method visit_variant_id : 'env -> variant_id -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
+ end
+(** Ancestor for [map_typed_rvalue] visitor *)
+class ['self] map_value_base =
+ object (_self : 'self)
+ inherit [_]
+ method visit_constant_value : 'env -> constant_value -> constant_value =
+ fun _ x -> x
+ method visit_var : 'env -> var -> var = fun _ x -> x
+ method visit_mplace : 'env -> mplace -> mplace = fun _ x -> x
+ method visit_ty : 'env -> ty -> ty = fun _ x -> x
+ method visit_variant_id : 'env -> variant_id -> variant_id = fun _ x -> x
+ end
+(** Ancestor for [reduce_typed_rvalue] visitor *)
+class virtual ['self] reduce_value_base =
+ object (self : 'self)
+ inherit [_] VisitorsRuntime.reduce
+ method visit_constant_value : 'env -> constant_value -> 'a =
+ fun _ _ -> self#zero
+ method visit_var : 'env -> var -> 'a = fun _ _ -> self#zero
+ method visit_mplace : 'env -> mplace -> 'a = fun _ _ -> self#zero
+ method visit_ty : 'env -> ty -> 'a = fun _ _ -> self#zero
+ method visit_variant_id : 'env -> variant_id -> 'a = fun _ _ -> self#zero
+ end
+(** Ancestor for [mapreduce_typed_rvalue] visitor *)
+class virtual ['self] mapreduce_value_base =
+ object (self : 'self)
+ inherit [_] VisitorsRuntime.mapreduce
+ method visit_constant_value : 'env -> constant_value -> constant_value * 'a
+ =
+ fun _ x -> (x, self#zero)
+ method visit_var : 'env -> var -> var * 'a = fun _ x -> (x, self#zero)
+ method visit_mplace : 'env -> mplace -> mplace * 'a =
+ fun _ x -> (x, self#zero)
+ method visit_ty : 'env -> ty -> ty * 'a = fun _ x -> (x, self#zero)
+ method visit_variant_id : 'env -> variant_id -> variant_id * 'a =
+ fun _ x -> (x, self#zero)
+ end
+(** A pattern (which appears on the left of assignments, in matches, etc.). *)
+type pattern =
+ | PatConcrete of constant_value
+ (** {!PatConcrete} is necessary because we merge the switches over integer
+ values and the matches over enumerations *)
+ | PatVar of var * mplace option
+ | PatDummy (** Ignored value: [_]. *)
+ | PatAdt of adt_pattern
+and adt_pattern = {
+ variant_id : variant_id option;
+ field_values : typed_pattern list;
+and typed_pattern = { value : pattern; ty : ty }
+ show,
+ visitors
+ {
+ name = "iter_typed_pattern";
+ variety = "iter";
+ ancestors = [ "iter_value_base" ];
+ nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
+ concrete = true;
+ polymorphic = false;
+ },
+ visitors
+ {
+ name = "map_typed_pattern";
+ variety = "map";
+ ancestors = [ "map_value_base" ];
+ nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
+ concrete = true;
+ polymorphic = false;
+ },
+ visitors
+ {
+ name = "reduce_typed_pattern";
+ variety = "reduce";
+ ancestors = [ "reduce_value_base" ];
+ nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
+ polymorphic = false;
+ },
+ visitors
+ {
+ name = "mapreduce_typed_pattern";
+ variety = "mapreduce";
+ ancestors = [ "mapreduce_value_base" ];
+ nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
+ polymorphic = false;
+ }]
+type unop = Not | Neg of integer_type | Cast of integer_type * integer_type
+[@@deriving show, ord]
+type fun_id =
+ | Regular of A.fun_id * option
+ (** Backward id: [Some] if the function is a backward function, [None]
+ if it is a forward function.
+ TODO: we need to redefine A.fun_id here, to add [fail] and
+ [return] (important to get a unified treatment of the state-error
+ monad). For now, when using the state-error monad: extraction
+ works only if we unfold all the monadic let-bindings, and we
+ then replace the content of the occurrences of [Return] to also
+ return the state (which is really super ugly).
+ *)
+ | Unop of unop
+ | Binop of E.binop * integer_type
+[@@deriving show, ord]
+(** An identifier for an ADT constructor *)
+type adt_cons_id = { adt_id : type_id; variant_id : variant_id option }
+[@@deriving show]
+(** Projection - For now we don't support projection of tuple fields
+ (because not all the backends have syntax for this).
+ *)
+type projection = { adt_id : type_id; field_id : } [@@deriving show]
+type qualif_id =
+ | Func of fun_id
+ | Global of
+ | AdtCons of adt_cons_id (** A function or ADT constructor identifier *)
+ | Proj of projection (** Field projector *)
+[@@deriving show]
+(** An instantiated qualified.
+ Note that for now we have a clear separation between types and expressions,
+ which explains why we have the [type_params] field: a function or ADT
+ constructor is always fully instantiated.
+ *)
+type qualif = { id : qualif_id; type_args : ty list } [@@deriving show]
+type var_id = [@@deriving show]
+(** Ancestor for [iter_expression] visitor *)
+class ['self] iter_expression_base =
+ object (_self : 'self)
+ inherit [_] iter_typed_pattern
+ method visit_integer_type : 'env -> integer_type -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
+ method visit_var_id : 'env -> var_id -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
+ method visit_qualif : 'env -> qualif -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
+ end
+(** Ancestor for [map_expression] visitor *)
+class ['self] map_expression_base =
+ object (_self : 'self)
+ inherit [_] map_typed_pattern
+ method visit_integer_type : 'env -> integer_type -> integer_type =
+ fun _ x -> x
+ method visit_var_id : 'env -> var_id -> var_id = fun _ x -> x
+ method visit_qualif : 'env -> qualif -> qualif = fun _ x -> x
+ end
+(** Ancestor for [reduce_expression] visitor *)
+class virtual ['self] reduce_expression_base =
+ object (self : 'self)
+ inherit [_] reduce_typed_pattern
+ method visit_integer_type : 'env -> integer_type -> 'a =
+ fun _ _ -> self#zero
+ method visit_var_id : 'env -> var_id -> 'a = fun _ _ -> self#zero
+ method visit_qualif : 'env -> qualif -> 'a = fun _ _ -> self#zero
+ end
+(** Ancestor for [mapreduce_expression] visitor *)
+class virtual ['self] mapreduce_expression_base =
+ object (self : 'self)
+ inherit [_] mapreduce_typed_pattern
+ method visit_integer_type : 'env -> integer_type -> integer_type * 'a =
+ fun _ x -> (x, self#zero)
+ method visit_var_id : 'env -> var_id -> var_id * 'a =
+ fun _ x -> (x, self#zero)
+ method visit_qualif : 'env -> qualif -> qualif * 'a =
+ fun _ x -> (x, self#zero)
+ end
+(** **Rk.:** here, {!expression} is not at all equivalent to the expressions
+ used in LLBC. They are lambda-calculus expressions, and are thus actually
+ more general than the LLBC statements, in a sense.
+ *)
+type expression =
+ | Var of var_id (** a variable *)
+ | Const of constant_value
+ | App of texpression * texpression
+ (** Application of a function to an argument.
+ The function calls are still quite structured.
+ Change that?... We might want to have a "normal" lambda calculus
+ app (with head and argument): this would allow us to replace some
+ field accesses with calls to projectors over fields (when there
+ are clashes of field names, some provers like F* get pretty bad...)
+ *)
+ | Abs of typed_pattern * texpression (** Lambda abstraction: [fun x -> e] *)
+ | Qualif of qualif (** A top-level qualifier *)
+ | Let of bool * typed_pattern * texpression * texpression
+ (** Let binding.
+ TODO: the boolean should be replaced by an enum: sometimes we use
+ the error-monad, sometimes we use the state-error monad (and we
+ do this an a per-function basis! For instance, arithmetic functions
+ are always in the error monad).
+ The boolean controls whether the let is monadic or not.
+ For instance, in F*:
+ - non-monadic: [let x = ... in ...]
+ - monadic: [x <-- ...; ...]
+ Note that we are quite general for the left-value on purpose; this
+ is used in several situations:
+ 1. When deconstructing a tuple:
+ {[
+ let (x, y) = p in ...
+ ]}
+ (not all languages have syntax like [p.0], [p.1]... and it is more
+ readable anyway).
+ 2. When expanding an enumeration with one variant.
+ In this case, {!Let} has to be understood as:
+ {[
+ let Cons x tl = ls in
+ ...
+ ]}
+ Note that later, depending on the language we extract to, we can
+ eventually update it to something like this (for F*, for instance):
+ {[
+ let x = Cons?.v ls in
+ let tl = Cons?.tl ls in
+ ...
+ ]}
+ *)
+ | Switch of texpression * switch_body
+ | Meta of (meta[@opaque]) * texpression (** Meta-information *)
+and switch_body = If of texpression * texpression | Match of match_branch list
+and match_branch = { pat : typed_pattern; branch : texpression }
+and texpression = { e : expression; ty : ty }
+(** Meta-value (converted to an expression). It is important that the content
+ is opaque.
+ TODO: is it possible to mark the whole mvalue type as opaque?
+ *)
+and mvalue = (texpression[@opaque])
+and meta =
+ | Assignment of mplace * mvalue * mplace option
+ (** Meta-information stored in the AST.
+ The first mplace stores the destination.
+ The mvalue stores the value which is put in the destination
+ The second (optional) mplace stores the origin.
+ *)
+ | MPlace of mplace (** Meta-information about the origin of a value *)
+ show,
+ visitors
+ {
+ name = "iter_expression";
+ variety = "iter";
+ ancestors = [ "iter_expression_base" ];
+ nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
+ concrete = true;
+ },
+ visitors
+ {
+ name = "map_expression";
+ variety = "map";
+ ancestors = [ "map_expression_base" ];
+ nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
+ concrete = true;
+ },
+ visitors
+ {
+ name = "reduce_expression";
+ variety = "reduce";
+ ancestors = [ "reduce_expression_base" ];
+ nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
+ },
+ visitors
+ {
+ name = "mapreduce_expression";
+ variety = "mapreduce";
+ ancestors = [ "mapreduce_expression_base" ];
+ nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
+ }]
+(** Information about the "effect" of a function *)
+type fun_effect_info = {
+ input_state : bool; (** [true] if the function takes a state as input *)
+ output_state : bool;
+ (** [true] if the function outputs a state (it then lives
+ in a state monad) *)
+ can_fail : bool; (** [true] if the return type is a [result] *)
+(** Meta information about a function signature *)
+type fun_sig_info = {
+ num_fwd_inputs : int;
+ (** The number of input types for forward computation *)
+ num_back_inputs : int option;
+ (** The number of additional inputs for the backward computation (if pertinent) *)
+ effect_info : fun_effect_info;
+(** A function signature.
+ We have the following cases:
+ - forward function:
+ [in_ty0 -> ... -> in_tyn -> out_ty] (* pure function *)
+ `in_ty0 -> ... -> in_tyn -> result out_ty` (* error-monad *)
+ `in_ty0 -> ... -> in_tyn -> state -> result (state & out_ty)` (* state-error *)
+ - backward function:
+ `in_ty0 -> ... -> in_tyn -> back_in0 -> ... back_inm -> (back_out0 & ... & back_outp)` (* pure function *)
+ `in_ty0 -> ... -> in_tyn -> back_in0 -> ... back_inm ->
+ result (back_out0 & ... & back_outp)` (* error-monad *)
+ `in_ty0 -> ... -> in_tyn -> state -> back_in0 -> ... back_inm ->
+ result (back_out0 & ... & back_outp)` (* state-error *)
+ Note that a backward function never returns (i.e., updates) a state: only
+ forward functions do so. Also, the state input parameter is *betwee*
+ the forward inputs and the backward inputs.
+ The function's type should be given by `mk_arrows sig.inputs sig.output`.
+ We provide additional meta-information:
+ - we divide between forward inputs and backward inputs (i.e., inputs specific
+ to the forward functions, and additional inputs necessary if the signature is
+ for a backward function)
+ - we have booleans to give us the fact that the function takes a state as
+ input, or can fail, etc. without having to inspect the signature
+ - etc.
+ *)
+type fun_sig = {
+ type_params : type_var list;
+ inputs : ty list;
+ output : ty;
+ doutputs : ty list;
+ (** The "decomposed" list of outputs.
+ In case of a forward function, the list has length = 1, for the
+ type of the returned value.
+ In case of backward function, the list contains all the types of
+ all the given back values (there is at most one type per forward
+ input argument).
+ Ex.:
+ {[
+ fn choose<'a, T>(b : bool, x : &'a mut T, y : &'a mut T) -> &'a mut T;
+ ]}
+ Decomposed outputs:
+ - forward function: [T]
+ - backward function: [T; T] (for "x" and "y")
+ *)
+ info : fun_sig_info; (** Additional information *)
+(** An instantiated function signature. See {!fun_sig} *)
+type inst_fun_sig = {
+ inputs : ty list;
+ output : ty;
+ doutputs : ty list;
+ info : fun_sig_info;
+type fun_body = {
+ inputs : var list;
+ inputs_lvs : typed_pattern list;
+ (** The inputs seen as patterns. Allows to make transformations, for example
+ to replace unused variables by [_] *)
+ body : texpression;
+type fun_decl = {
+ def_id :;
+ back_id : option;
+ basename : fun_name;
+ (** The "base" name of the function.
+ The base name is the original name of the Rust function. We add suffixes
+ (to identify the forward/backward functions) later.
+ *)
+ signature : fun_sig;
+ is_global_decl_body : bool;
+ body : fun_body option;