path: root/compiler/
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1 files changed, 80 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index be154539..a0c01384 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -259,8 +259,87 @@ let remove_loop_breaks (crate : A.crate) (f : A.fun_decl) : A.fun_decl =
^ "\n"));
+(** Remove the use of shallow borrows from a function.
+ In theory, this allows the code to do more things than what Rust allows,
+ and in particular it would allow to modify the variant of an enumeration
+ in a guard, while matching over this enumeration.
+ In practice, this is not a soundness issue.
+ The pass is implemented as follows:
+ - we look for all the variables which appear in pattern of the form and
+ remove them:
+ {[
+ let x = &shallow ...;
+ ...
+ ]}
+ - whenever we find such a variable [x], we remove all the subsequent
+ occurrences of [fake_read(x)].
+ We then check that [x] completely disappeared from the function body (for
+ sanity).
+ *)
+let remove_shallow_borrows (crate : A.crate) (f : A.fun_decl) : A.fun_decl =
+ let f0 = f in
+ let filter_in_body (body : A.statement) : A.statement =
+ let filtered = ref E.VarId.Set.empty in
+ let filter_visitor =
+ object
+ inherit [_] A.map_statement as super
+ method! visit_Assign env p rv =
+ match (p.projection, rv) with
+ | [], E.Ref (_, E.Shallow) ->
+ (* Filter *)
+ filtered := E.VarId.Set.add p.var_id !filtered;
+ Nop
+ | _ ->
+ (* Don't filter *)
+ super#visit_Assign env p rv
+ method! visit_FakeRead env p =
+ if p.projection = [] && E.VarId.Set.mem p.var_id !filtered then
+ (* Filter *)
+ Nop
+ else super#visit_FakeRead env p
+ end
+ in
+ (* Filter the variables *)
+ let body = filter_visitor#visit_statement () body in
+ (* Check that the filtered variables completely disappeared from the body *)
+ let check_visitor =
+ object
+ inherit [_] A.iter_statement
+ method! visit_var_id _ id = assert (not (E.VarId.Set.mem id !filtered))
+ end
+ in
+ check_visitor#visit_statement () body;
+ (* Return the updated body *)
+ body
+ in
+ let body =
+ match f.body with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some body -> Some { body with body = filter_in_body body.body }
+ in
+ let f = { f with body } in
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("Before/after [remove_shallow_borrows]:\n"
+ ^ Print.Crate.crate_fun_decl_to_string crate f0
+ ^ "\n\n"
+ ^ Print.Crate.crate_fun_decl_to_string crate f
+ ^ "\n"));
+ f
let apply_passes (crate : A.crate) : A.crate =
- let passes = [ remove_loop_breaks crate ] in
+ let passes = [ remove_loop_breaks crate; remove_shallow_borrows crate ] in
let functions =
List.fold_left (fun fl pass -> pass fl) crate.functions passes