path: root/compiler/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/')
1 files changed, 285 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..835b9088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+open Aeneas.LlbcOfJson
+open Aeneas.Logging
+open Aeneas.LlbcAst
+open Aeneas.Interpreter
+module EL = Easy_logging.Logging
+open Aeneas.Config
+open Aeneas
+(** The local logger *)
+let log = main_log
+let _ =
+ (* Set up the logging - for now we use default values - TODO: use the
+ * command-line arguments *)
+ (* By setting a level for the main_logger_handler, we filter everything.
+ To have a good trace: one should switch between Info and Debug.
+ *)
+ Easy_logging.Handlers.set_level main_logger_handler EL.Debug;
+ main_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ llbc_of_json_logger#set_level EL.Info;
+ regions_hierarchy_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ pre_passes_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ associated_types_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ contexts_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ interpreter_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ statements_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ loops_match_ctxs_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ loops_join_ctxs_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ loops_fixed_point_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ loops_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ paths_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ expressions_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ expansion_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ projectors_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ borrows_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ invariants_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ pure_utils_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ symbolic_to_pure_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ pure_micro_passes_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ extract_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ builtin_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ translate_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ scc_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ reorder_decls_log#set_level EL.Info
+(* This is necessary to have a backtrace when raising exceptions - for some
+ * reason, the -g option doesn't work.
+ * TODO: run with OCAMLRUNPARAM=b=1? *)
+let () = Printexc.record_backtrace true
+let usage =
+ Printf.sprintf
+ {|Aeneas: verification of Rust programs by translation to pure lambda calculus
+Usage: %s [OPTIONS] FILE
+ Sys.argv.(0)
+let () =
+ (* Measure start time *)
+ let start_time = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ (* Read the command line arguments *)
+ let dest_dir = ref "" in
+ (* Print the imported llbc *)
+ let print_llbc = ref false in
+ let spec_ls =
+ [
+ ( "-backend",
+ Arg.Symbol (backend_names, set_backend),
+ " Specify the target backend" );
+ ("-dest", Arg.Set_string dest_dir, " Specify the output directory");
+ ( "-no-filter-useless-calls",
+ Arg.Clear filter_useless_monadic_calls,
+ " Do not filter the useless function calls" );
+ ( "-no-filter-useless-funs",
+ Arg.Clear filter_useless_functions,
+ " Do not filter the useless forward/backward functions" );
+ ( "-test-units",
+ Arg.Set test_unit_functions,
+ " Test the unit functions with the concrete (i.e., not symbolic) \
+ interpreter" );
+ ( "-test-trans-units",
+ Arg.Set test_trans_unit_functions,
+ " Test the translated unit functions with the target theorem prover's \
+ normalizer" );
+ ( "-decreases-clauses",
+ Arg.Set extract_decreases_clauses,
+ " Use decreases clauses/termination measures for the recursive \
+ definitions" );
+ ( "-state",
+ Arg.Set use_state,
+ " Use a *state*-error monads, instead of an error monads" );
+ ( "-use-fuel",
+ Arg.Set use_fuel,
+ " Use a fuel parameter to control divergence" );
+ ( "-backward-no-state-update",
+ Arg.Set backward_no_state_update,
+ " Forbid backward functions from updating the state" );
+ ( "-template-clauses",
+ Arg.Set extract_template_decreases_clauses,
+ " Generate templates for the required decreases clauses/termination \
+ measures, in a dedicated file. Implies -decreases-clauses" );
+ ( "-split-files",
+ Arg.Set split_files,
+ " Split the definitions between different files for types, functions, \
+ etc." );
+ ( "-checks",
+ Arg.Set sanity_checks,
+ " Activate extensive sanity checks (warning: causes a ~100 times slow \
+ down)." );
+ ( "-no-gen-lib-entry",
+ Arg.Clear generate_lib_entry_point,
+ " Do not generate the entry point file for the generated library (only \
+ valid if the crate is split between different files)" );
+ ( "-lean-default-lakefile",
+ Arg.Clear lean_gen_lakefile,
+ " Generate a default lakefile.lean (Lean only)" );
+ ("-print-llbc", Arg.Set print_llbc, " Print the imported LLBC");
+ ("-k", Arg.Clear fail_hard, " Do not fail hard in case of error");
+ ]
+ in
+ let spec = Arg.align spec_ls in
+ let filenames = ref [] in
+ let add_filename f = filenames := f :: !filenames in
+ Arg.parse spec add_filename usage;
+ let fail () =
+ print_string usage;
+ exit 1
+ in
+ (* Small helper to check the validity of the input arguments and print
+ an error if necessary *)
+ let check_arg_name name =
+ assert (List.exists (fun (n, _, _) -> n = name) spec_ls)
+ in
+ let check_arg_implies (arg0 : bool) (name0 : string) (arg1 : bool)
+ (name1 : string) : unit =
+ check_arg_name name0;
+ check_arg_name name1;
+ if (not arg0) || arg1 then ()
+ else (
+ log#error "Invalid command-line arguments: the use of %s requires %s"
+ name0 name1;
+ fail ())
+ in
+ let check_arg_not (arg0 : bool) (name0 : string) (arg1 : bool)
+ (name1 : string) : unit =
+ check_arg_name name0;
+ check_arg_name name1;
+ if (not arg0) || not arg1 then ()
+ else (
+ log#error
+ "Invalid command-line arguments: the use of %s is incompatible with %s"
+ name0 name1;
+ fail ())
+ in
+ if !print_llbc then main_log#set_level EL.Debug;
+ (* Sanity check (now that the arguments are parsed!): -template-clauses ==> decrease-clauses *)
+ check_arg_implies
+ !extract_template_decreases_clauses
+ "-template-clauses" !extract_decreases_clauses "-decreases-clauses";
+ (* Sanity check: -backward-no-state-update ==> -state *)
+ check_arg_implies !backward_no_state_update "-backward-no-state-update"
+ !use_state "-state";
+ (* Sanity check: the use of decrease clauses is not compatible with the use of fuel *)
+ check_arg_not !use_fuel "-use-fuel" !extract_decreases_clauses
+ "-decreases-clauses";
+ (* We have: not generate_lib_entry_point ==> split_files *)
+ check_arg_implies
+ (not !generate_lib_entry_point)
+ "-no-gen-lib-entry" !split_files "-split-files";
+ if !lean_gen_lakefile && not (!backend = Lean) then
+ log#error
+ "The -lean-default-lakefile option is valid only for the Lean backend";
+ (* Check that the user specified a backend *)
+ let _ =
+ match !opt_backend with
+ | Some b -> backend := b
+ | None ->
+ log#error "Backend not specified (use the `-backend` argument)";
+ fail ()
+ in
+ (* Set some options depending on the backend *)
+ let _ =
+ match !backend with
+ | FStar ->
+ (* Some patterns are not supported *)
+ decompose_monadic_let_bindings := false;
+ decompose_nested_let_patterns := false;
+ (* F* can disambiguate the field names *)
+ record_fields_short_names := true
+ | Coq ->
+ (* Some patterns are not supported *)
+ decompose_monadic_let_bindings := true;
+ decompose_nested_let_patterns := true
+ | Lean ->
+ (* We don't support fuel for the Lean backend *)
+ if !use_fuel then (
+ log#error "The Lean backend doesn't support the -use-fuel option";
+ fail ());
+ (* Lean can disambiguate the field names *)
+ record_fields_short_names := true;
+ (* We exploit the fact that the variant name should always be
+ prefixed with the type name to prevent collisions *)
+ variant_concatenate_type_name := false
+ | HOL4 ->
+ (* We don't support fuel for the HOL4 backend *)
+ if !use_fuel then (
+ log#error "The HOL4 backend doesn't support the -use-fuel option";
+ fail ())
+ in
+ (* Retrieve and check the filename *)
+ let filename =
+ match !filenames with
+ | [ f ] ->
+ (* TODO: update the extension *)
+ if not (Filename.check_suffix f ".llbc") then (
+ print_string ("Unrecognized file extension: " ^ f ^ "\n");
+ fail ())
+ else if not (Sys.file_exists f) then (
+ print_string ("File not found: " ^ f ^ "\n");
+ fail ())
+ else f
+ | _ ->
+ (* For now, we only process one file at a time *)
+ print_string usage;
+ exit 1
+ in
+ (* Check the destination directory *)
+ let dest_dir =
+ if !dest_dir = "" then Filename.dirname filename else !dest_dir
+ in
+ (* Load the module *)
+ let json = Yojson.Basic.from_file filename in
+ match crate_of_json json with
+ | Error s ->
+ log#error "error: %s\n" s;
+ exit 1
+ | Ok m ->
+ (* Logging *)
+ log#linfo (lazy ("Imported: " ^ filename));
+ log#ldebug (lazy ("\n" ^ Print.Crate.crate_to_string m ^ "\n"));
+ (* We don't support mutually recursive definitions with decreases clauses in Lean *)
+ if
+ !backend = Lean && !extract_decreases_clauses
+ && List.exists
+ (function
+ | Aeneas.LlbcAst.FunGroup (RecGroup (_ :: _)) -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ m.declarations
+ then (
+ log#error
+ "The Lean backend doesn't support the use of \
+ decreasing_by/termination_by clauses with mutually recursive \
+ definitions";
+ fail ());
+ (* Apply the pre-passes *)
+ let m = Aeneas.PrePasses.apply_passes m in
+ (* Some options for the execution *)
+ (* Test the unit functions with the concrete interpreter *)
+ if !test_unit_functions then Test.test_unit_functions m;
+ (* Translate the functions *)
+ Aeneas.Translate.translate_crate filename dest_dir m;
+ (* Print total elapsed time *)
+ log#linfo
+ (lazy
+ (Printf.sprintf "Total execution time: %f seconds"
+ (Unix.gettimeofday () -. start_time)))