path: root/compiler/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b08f1ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+open Names
+open Types
+open Values
+open Expressions
+open Identifiers
+module FunDeclId = IdGen ()
+module GlobalDeclId = IdGen ()
+open Meta
+(** A variable, as used in a function definition *)
+type var = {
+ index :; (** Unique variable identifier *)
+ name : string option;
+ var_ty : ety;
+ (** The variable type - erased type, because variables are not used
+ ** in function signatures: they are only used to declare the list of
+ ** variables manipulated by a function body *)
+[@@deriving show]
+type assumed_fun_id =
+ | Replace (** [core::mem::replace] *)
+ | BoxNew
+ | BoxDeref (** [core::ops::deref::Deref::<alloc::boxed::Box<T>>::deref] *)
+ | BoxDerefMut
+ (** [core::ops::deref::DerefMut::<alloc::boxed::Box<T>>::deref_mut] *)
+ | BoxFree
+ | VecNew
+ | VecPush
+ | VecInsert
+ | VecLen
+ | VecIndex (** [core::ops::index::Index::index<alloc::vec::Vec<T>, usize>] *)
+ | VecIndexMut
+ (** [core::ops::index::IndexMut::index_mut<alloc::vec::Vec<T>, usize>] *)
+[@@deriving show, ord]
+type fun_id = Regular of | Assumed of assumed_fun_id
+[@@deriving show, ord]
+type global_assignment = { dst :; global : }
+[@@deriving show]
+type assertion = { cond : operand; expected : bool } [@@deriving show]
+type abs_region_group = (, g_region_group
+[@@deriving show]
+type abs_region_groups = (, g_region_groups
+[@@deriving show]
+(** A function signature, as used when declaring functions *)
+type fun_sig = {
+ region_params : region_var list;
+ num_early_bound_regions : int;
+ regions_hierarchy : region_var_groups;
+ type_params : type_var list;
+ inputs : sty list;
+ output : sty;
+[@@deriving show]
+(** A function signature, after instantiation *)
+type inst_fun_sig = {
+ regions_hierarchy : abs_region_groups;
+ inputs : rty list;
+ output : rty;
+[@@deriving show]
+type call = {
+ func : fun_id;
+ region_args : erased_region list;
+ type_args : ety list;
+ args : operand list;
+ dest : place;
+[@@deriving show]
+(** Ancestor for [typed_value] iter visitor *)
+class ['self] iter_statement_base =
+ object (_self : 'self)
+ inherit [_] VisitorsRuntime.iter
+ method visit_global_assignment : 'env -> global_assignment -> unit =
+ fun _ _ -> ()
+ method visit_meta : 'env -> meta -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
+ method visit_place : 'env -> place -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
+ method visit_rvalue : 'env -> rvalue -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
+ method visit_id : 'env -> -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
+ method visit_assertion : 'env -> assertion -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
+ method visit_operand : 'env -> operand -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
+ method visit_call : 'env -> call -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
+ method visit_integer_type : 'env -> integer_type -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
+ method visit_scalar_value : 'env -> scalar_value -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
+ end
+(** Ancestor for [typed_value] map visitor *)
+class ['self] map_statement_base =
+ object (_self : 'self)
+ inherit [_]
+ method visit_global_assignment
+ : 'env -> global_assignment -> global_assignment =
+ fun _ x -> x
+ method visit_meta : 'env -> meta -> meta = fun _ x -> x
+ method visit_place : 'env -> place -> place = fun _ x -> x
+ method visit_rvalue : 'env -> rvalue -> rvalue = fun _ x -> x
+ method visit_id : 'env -> -> = fun _ x -> x
+ method visit_assertion : 'env -> assertion -> assertion = fun _ x -> x
+ method visit_operand : 'env -> operand -> operand = fun _ x -> x
+ method visit_call : 'env -> call -> call = fun _ x -> x
+ method visit_integer_type : 'env -> integer_type -> integer_type =
+ fun _ x -> x
+ method visit_scalar_value : 'env -> scalar_value -> scalar_value =
+ fun _ x -> x
+ end
+type statement = {
+ meta : meta; (** The statement meta-data *)
+ content : raw_statement; (** The statement itself *)
+and raw_statement =
+ | Assign of place * rvalue
+ | AssignGlobal of global_assignment
+ | FakeRead of place
+ | SetDiscriminant of place *
+ | Drop of place
+ | Assert of assertion
+ | Call of call
+ | Panic
+ | Return
+ | Break of int
+ (** Break to (outer) loop. The [int] identifies the loop to break to:
+ * 0: break to the first outer loop (the current loop)
+ * 1: break to the second outer loop
+ * ...
+ *)
+ | Continue of int
+ (** Continue to (outer) loop. The loop identifier works
+ the same way as for {!Break} *)
+ | Nop
+ | Sequence of statement * statement
+ | Switch of operand * switch_targets
+ | Loop of statement
+and switch_targets =
+ | If of statement * statement (** Gives the "if" and "else" blocks *)
+ | SwitchInt of integer_type * (scalar_value list * statement) list * statement
+ (** The targets for a switch over an integer are:
+ - the list [(matched values, statement to execute)]
+ We need a list for the matched values in case we do something like this:
+ [switch n { 0 | 1 => ..., _ => ... }]
+ - the "otherwise" statement
+ Also note that we precise the type of the integer (uint32, int64, etc.)
+ which we switch on. *)
+ show,
+ visitors
+ {
+ name = "iter_statement";
+ variety = "iter";
+ ancestors = [ "iter_statement_base" ];
+ nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
+ concrete = true;
+ },
+ visitors
+ {
+ name = "map_statement";
+ variety = "map";
+ ancestors = [ "map_statement_base" ];
+ nude = true (* Don't inherit {!VisitorsRuntime.iter} *);
+ concrete = true;
+ }]
+type fun_body = {
+ meta : meta;
+ arg_count : int;
+ locals : var list;
+ body : statement;
+[@@deriving show]
+type fun_decl = {
+ def_id :;
+ meta : meta;
+ name : fun_name;
+ signature : fun_sig;
+ body : fun_body option;
+ is_global_decl_body : bool;
+[@@deriving show]
+type global_decl = {
+ def_id :;
+ meta : meta;
+ body_id :;
+ name : global_name;
+ ty : ety;
+[@@deriving show]