path: root/compiler/
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1 files changed, 117 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 7bd37550..7aaee6ff 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -10,6 +10,11 @@ open TypesUtils
module PA = Print.EvalCtxLlbcAst
open Cps
+(* TODO: we should probably rename the file to ContextsUtils *)
+(** The local logger *)
+let log = L.interpreter_log
(** Some utilities *)
(** Auxiliary function - call a function which requires a continuation,
@@ -38,6 +43,15 @@ let typed_value_to_string = PA.typed_value_to_string
let typed_avalue_to_string = PA.typed_avalue_to_string
let place_to_string = PA.place_to_string
let operand_to_string = PA.operand_to_string
+let egeneric_args_to_string = PA.egeneric_args_to_string
+let rtrait_instance_id_to_string = PA.rtrait_instance_id_to_string
+let fun_sig_to_string = PA.fun_sig_to_string
+let fun_decl_to_string = PA.fun_decl_to_string
+let call_to_string = PA.call_to_string
+let trait_impl_to_string ctx =
+ PA.trait_impl_to_string { ctx with type_vars = []; const_generic_vars = [] }
let statement_to_string ctx = PA.statement_to_string ctx "" " "
let statement_to_string_with_tab ctx = PA.statement_to_string ctx " " " "
let env_elem_to_string ctx = PA.env_elem_to_string ctx "" " "
@@ -255,7 +269,8 @@ let value_has_ret_symbolic_value_with_borrow_under_mut (ctx : C.eval_ctx)
raise Found
else ()
| V.SynthInput | V.SynthInputGivenBack | V.FunCallGivenBack
- | V.SynthRetGivenBack | V.Global | V.LoopGivenBack | V.Aggregate ->
+ | V.SynthRetGivenBack | V.Global | V.LoopGivenBack | V.Aggregate
+ | V.ConstGeneric | V.TraitConst ->
@@ -272,7 +287,7 @@ let rvalue_get_place (rv : E.rvalue) : option =
match rv with
| Use (Copy p | Move p) -> Some p
| Use (Constant _) -> None
- | Ref (p, _) -> Some p
+ | RvRef (p, _) -> Some p
| UnaryOp _ | BinaryOp _ | Global _ | Discriminant _ | Aggregate _ -> None
(** See {!ValuesUtils.symbolic_value_has_borrows} *)
@@ -403,3 +418,103 @@ let compute_contexts_ids (ctxl : C.eval_ctx list) : ids_sets * ids_to_values =
(** Compute the sets of ids found in a context. *)
let compute_context_ids (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : ids_sets * ids_to_values =
compute_contexts_ids [ ctx ]
+(** **WARNING**: this function doesn't compute the normalized types
+ (for the trait type aliases). This should be computed afterwards.
+ *)
+let initialize_eval_context (ctx : C.decls_ctx)
+ (region_groups : list) (type_vars : T.type_var list)
+ (const_generic_vars : T.const_generic_var list) : C.eval_ctx =
+ C.reset_global_counters ();
+ let const_generic_vars_map =
+ T.ConstGenericVarId.Map.of_list
+ (
+ (fun (cg : T.const_generic_var) ->
+ let ty = TypesUtils.ety_no_regions_to_rty (T.Literal cg.ty) in
+ let cv = mk_fresh_symbolic_typed_value V.ConstGeneric ty in
+ (cg.index, cv))
+ const_generic_vars)
+ in
+ {
+ C.type_context = ctx.type_ctx;
+ C.fun_context = ctx.fun_ctx;
+ C.global_context = ctx.global_ctx;
+ C.trait_decls_context = ctx.trait_decls_ctx;
+ C.trait_impls_context = ctx.trait_impls_ctx;
+ C.region_groups;
+ C.type_vars;
+ C.const_generic_vars;
+ C.const_generic_vars_map;
+ C.norm_trait_etypes = C.ETraitTypeRefMap.empty (* Empty for now *);
+ C.norm_trait_rtypes = C.RTraitTypeRefMap.empty (* Empty for now *);
+ C.norm_trait_stypes = C.STraitTypeRefMap.empty (* Empty for now *);
+ C.env = [ C.Frame ];
+ C.ended_regions = T.RegionId.Set.empty;
+ }
+(** Instantiate a function signature, introducing **fresh** abstraction ids and
+ region ids. This is mostly used in preparation of function calls (when
+ evaluating in symbolic mode).
+ Note: there are no region parameters, because they should be erased.
+ *)
+let instantiate_fun_sig (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (generics : T.egeneric_args)
+ (tr_self : T.rtrait_instance_id) (sg : A.fun_sig) : A.inst_fun_sig =
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("instantiate_fun_sig:" ^ "\n- generics: "
+ ^ egeneric_args_to_string ctx generics
+ ^ "\n- tr_self: "
+ ^ rtrait_instance_id_to_string ctx tr_self
+ ^ "\n- sg: " ^ fun_sig_to_string ctx sg));
+ (* Generate fresh abstraction ids and create a substitution from region
+ * group ids to abstraction ids *)
+ let rg_abs_ids_bindings =
+ (fun rg ->
+ let abs_id = C.fresh_abstraction_id () in
+ (, abs_id))
+ sg.regions_hierarchy
+ in
+ let asubst_map : T.RegionGroupId.Map.t =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun mp (rg_id, abs_id) -> T.RegionGroupId.Map.add rg_id abs_id mp)
+ T.RegionGroupId.Map.empty rg_abs_ids_bindings
+ in
+ let asubst (rg_id : : =
+ T.RegionGroupId.Map.find rg_id asubst_map
+ in
+ (* Generate fresh regions and their substitutions *)
+ let _, rsubst, _ = Subst.fresh_regions_with_substs sg.generics.regions in
+ (* Generate the type substitution
+ * Note that we need the substitution to map the type variables to
+ * {!rty} types (not {!ety}). In order to do that, we convert the
+ * type parameters to types with regions. This is possible only
+ * if those types don't contain any regions.
+ * This is a current limitation of the analysis: there is still some
+ * work to do to properly handle full type parametrization.
+ * *)
+ let rtype_params = ety_no_regions_to_rty generics.types in
+ let tsubst = Subst.make_type_subst_from_vars sg.generics.types rtype_params in
+ let cgsubst =
+ Subst.make_const_generic_subst_from_vars sg.generics.const_generics
+ generics.const_generics
+ in
+ (* TODO: something annoying with the trait ref subst: we need to use region
+ types, but the arguments use erased regions. For now we use the fact
+ that no regions should appear inside. In the future: we should merge
+ ety and rty. *)
+ let trait_refs =
+ TypesUtils.etrait_ref_no_regions_to_gr_trait_ref
+ generics.trait_refs
+ in
+ let tr_subst =
+ Subst.make_trait_subst_from_clauses sg.generics.trait_clauses trait_refs
+ in
+ (* Substitute the signature *)
+ let inst_sig =
+ AssociatedTypes.ctx_subst_norm_signature ctx asubst rsubst tsubst cgsubst
+ tr_subst tr_self sg
+ in
+ (* Return *)
+ inst_sig