path: root/compiler/
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1 files changed, 719 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6fb0449d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -0,0 +1,719 @@
+module T = Types
+module PV = PrimitiveValues
+module V = Values
+module E = Expressions
+module C = Contexts
+module Subst = Substitute
+module A = LlbcAst
+module L = Logging
+open TypesUtils
+open ValuesUtils
+module Inv = Invariants
+module S = SynthesizeSymbolic
+module UF = UnionFind
+open InterpreterUtils
+open InterpreterBorrows
+open InterpreterLoopsCore
+open InterpreterLoopsMatchCtxs
+(** The local logger *)
+let log = L.loops_join_ctxs_log
+(** Reorder the loans and borrows in the fresh abstractions.
+ We do this in order to enforce some structure in the environments: this
+ allows us to find fixed-points. Note that this function needs to be
+ called typically after we merge abstractions together (see {!collapse_ctx}
+ for instance).
+ *)
+let reorder_loans_borrows_in_fresh_abs (old_abs_ids : V.AbstractionId.Set.t)
+ (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+ let reorder_in_fresh_abs (abs : V.abs) : V.abs =
+ (* Split between the loans and borrows *)
+ let is_borrow (av : V.typed_avalue) : bool =
+ match av.V.value with
+ | ABorrow _ -> true
+ | ALoan _ -> false
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "Unexpected")
+ in
+ let aborrows, aloans = List.partition is_borrow abs.V.avalues in
+ (* Reoder the borrows, and the loans.
+ After experimenting, it seems that a good way of reordering the loans
+ and the borrows to find fixed points is simply to sort them by increasing
+ order of id (taking the smallest id of a set of ids, in case of sets).
+ *)
+ let get_borrow_id (av : V.typed_avalue) : =
+ match av.V.value with
+ | V.ABorrow (V.AMutBorrow (bid, _) | V.ASharedBorrow bid) -> bid
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "Unexpected")
+ in
+ let get_loan_id (av : V.typed_avalue) : =
+ match av.V.value with
+ | V.ALoan (V.AMutLoan (lid, _)) -> lid
+ | V.ALoan (V.ASharedLoan (lids, _, _)) -> V.BorrowId.Set.min_elt lids
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "Unexpected")
+ in
+ (* We use ordered maps to reorder the borrows and loans *)
+ let reorder (get_bid : V.typed_avalue ->
+ (values : V.typed_avalue list) : V.typed_avalue list =
+ snd
+ (V.BorrowId.Map.bindings
+ (V.BorrowId.Map.of_list ( (fun v -> (get_bid v, v)) values)))
+ in
+ let aborrows = reorder get_borrow_id aborrows in
+ let aloans = reorder get_loan_id aloans in
+ let avalues = List.append aborrows aloans in
+ { abs with V.avalues }
+ in
+ let reorder_in_abs (abs : V.abs) =
+ if V.AbstractionId.Set.mem abs.abs_id old_abs_ids then abs
+ else reorder_in_fresh_abs abs
+ in
+ let env = C.env_map_abs reorder_in_abs ctx.env in
+ { ctx with C.env }
+(** Collapse an environment.
+ We do this to simplify an environment, for the purpose of finding a loop
+ fixed point.
+ We do the following:
+ - we look for all the *new* dummy values (we use sets of old ids to decide
+ wether a value is new or not) and convert them into abstractions
+ - whenever there is a new abstraction in the context, and some of its
+ its borrows are associated to loans in another new abstraction, we
+ merge them.
+ In effect, this allows us to merge newly introduced abstractions/borrows
+ with their parent abstractions.
+ For instance, when evaluating the first loop iteration, we start in the
+ following environment:
+ {[
+ abs@0 { ML l0 }
+ ls -> MB l0 (s2 : loops::List<T>)
+ i -> s1 : u32
+ ]}
+ and get the following environment upon reaching the [Continue] statement:
+ {[
+ abs@0 { ML l0 }
+ ls -> MB l4 (s@6 : loops::List<T>)
+ i -> s@7 : u32
+ _@1 -> MB l0 (loops::List::Cons (ML l1, ML l2))
+ _@2 -> MB l2 (@Box (ML l4)) // tail
+ _@3 -> MB l1 (s@3 : T) // hd
+ ]}
+ In this new environment, the dummy variables [_@1], [_@2] and [_@3] are
+ considered as new.
+ We first convert the new dummy values to abstractions. It gives:
+ {[
+ abs@0 { ML l0 }
+ ls -> MB l4 (s@6 : loops::List<T>)
+ i -> s@7 : u32
+ abs@1 { MB l0, ML l1, ML l2 }
+ abs@2 { MB l2, ML l4 }
+ abs@3 { MB l1 }
+ ]}
+ We finally merge the new abstractions together. It gives:
+ {[
+ abs@0 { ML l0 }
+ ls -> MB l4 (s@6 : loops::List<T>)
+ i -> s@7 : u32
+ abs@4 { MB l0, ML l4 }
+ ]}
+ [merge_funs]: those are used to merge loans or borrows which appear in both
+ abstractions (rem.: here we mean that, for instance, both abstractions
+ contain a shared loan with id l0).
+ This can happen when merging environments (note that such environments are not well-formed -
+ they become well formed again after collapsing).
+ *)
+let collapse_ctx (loop_id :
+ (merge_funs : merge_duplicates_funcs option) (old_ids : ids_sets)
+ (ctx0 : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+ (* Debug *)
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("collapse_ctx:\n\n- fixed_ids:\n" ^ show_ids_sets old_ids
+ ^ "\n\n- ctx0:\n" ^ eval_ctx_to_string ctx0 ^ "\n\n"));
+ let abs_kind = V.Loop (loop_id, None, LoopSynthInput) in
+ let can_end = true in
+ let destructure_shared_values = true in
+ let is_fresh_abs_id (id : : bool =
+ not (V.AbstractionId.Set.mem id old_ids.aids)
+ in
+ let is_fresh_did (id : : bool =
+ not (C.DummyVarId.Set.mem id old_ids.dids)
+ in
+ (* Convert the dummy values to abstractions (note that when we convert
+ values to abstractions, the resulting abstraction should be destructured) *)
+ (* Note that we preserve the order of the dummy values: we replace them with
+ abstractions in place - this makes matching easier *)
+ let env =
+ List.concat
+ (
+ (fun ee ->
+ match ee with
+ | C.Abs _ | C.Frame | C.Var (VarBinder _, _) -> [ ee ]
+ | C.Var (DummyBinder id, v) ->
+ if is_fresh_did id then
+ let absl =
+ convert_value_to_abstractions abs_kind can_end
+ destructure_shared_values ctx0 v
+ in
+ (fun abs -> C.Abs abs) absl
+ else [ ee ])
+ ctx0.env)
+ in
+ let ctx = { ctx0 with C.env } in
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("collapse_ctx: after converting values to abstractions:\n"
+ ^ show_ids_sets old_ids ^ "\n\n- ctx:\n" ^ eval_ctx_to_string ctx ^ "\n\n"
+ ));
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("collapse_ctx: after decomposing the shared values in the abstractions:\n"
+ ^ show_ids_sets old_ids ^ "\n\n- ctx:\n" ^ eval_ctx_to_string ctx ^ "\n\n"
+ ));
+ (* Explore all the *new* abstractions, and compute various maps *)
+ let explore (abs : V.abs) = is_fresh_abs_id abs.abs_id in
+ let ids_maps =
+ compute_abs_borrows_loans_maps (merge_funs = None) explore env
+ in
+ let {
+ abs_ids;
+ abs_to_borrows;
+ abs_to_loans = _;
+ abs_to_borrows_loans;
+ borrow_to_abs = _;
+ loan_to_abs;
+ borrow_loan_to_abs;
+ } =
+ ids_maps
+ in
+ (* Change the merging behaviour depending on the input parameters *)
+ let abs_to_borrows, loan_to_abs =
+ if merge_funs <> None then (abs_to_borrows_loans, borrow_loan_to_abs)
+ else (abs_to_borrows, loan_to_abs)
+ in
+ (* Merge the abstractions together *)
+ let merged_abs : UF.elem V.AbstractionId.Map.t =
+ V.AbstractionId.Map.of_list ( (fun id -> (id, UF.make id)) abs_ids)
+ in
+ let ctx = ref ctx in
+ (* Merge all the mergeable abs.
+ We iterate over the abstractions, then over the borrows in the abstractions.
+ We do this because we want to control the order in which abstractions
+ are merged (the ids are iterated in increasing order). Otherwise, we
+ could simply iterate over all the borrows in [borrow_to_abs]...
+ *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun abs_id0 ->
+ let bids = V.AbstractionId.Map.find abs_id0 abs_to_borrows in
+ let bids = V.BorrowId.Set.elements bids in
+ List.iter
+ (fun bid ->
+ match V.BorrowId.Map.find_opt bid loan_to_abs with
+ | None -> (* Nothing to do *) ()
+ | Some abs_ids1 ->
+ V.AbstractionId.Set.iter
+ (fun abs_id1 ->
+ (* We need to merge - unless we have already merged *)
+ (* First, find the representatives for the two abstractions (the
+ representative is the abstraction into which we merged) *)
+ let abs_ref0 =
+ UF.find (V.AbstractionId.Map.find abs_id0 merged_abs)
+ in
+ let abs_id0 = UF.get abs_ref0 in
+ let abs_ref1 =
+ UF.find (V.AbstractionId.Map.find abs_id1 merged_abs)
+ in
+ let abs_id1 = UF.get abs_ref1 in
+ (* If the two ids are the same, it means the abstractions were already merged *)
+ if abs_id0 = abs_id1 then ()
+ else (
+ (* We actually need to merge the abstractions *)
+ (* Debug *)
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("collapse_ctx: merging abstraction "
+ ^ V.AbstractionId.to_string abs_id1
+ ^ " into "
+ ^ V.AbstractionId.to_string abs_id0
+ ^ ":\n\n" ^ eval_ctx_to_string !ctx));
+ (* Update the environment - pay attention to the order: we
+ we merge [abs_id1] *into* [abs_id0] *)
+ let nctx, abs_id =
+ merge_into_abstraction abs_kind can_end merge_funs !ctx
+ abs_id1 abs_id0
+ in
+ ctx := nctx;
+ (* Update the union find *)
+ let abs_ref_merged = UF.union abs_ref0 abs_ref1 in
+ UF.set abs_ref_merged abs_id))
+ abs_ids1)
+ bids)
+ abs_ids;
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("collapse_ctx:\n\n- fixed_ids:\n" ^ show_ids_sets old_ids
+ ^ "\n\n- after collapse:\n" ^ eval_ctx_to_string !ctx ^ "\n\n"));
+ (* Reorder the loans and borrows in the fresh abstractions *)
+ let ctx = reorder_loans_borrows_in_fresh_abs old_ids.aids !ctx in
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("collapse_ctx:\n\n- fixed_ids:\n" ^ show_ids_sets old_ids
+ ^ "\n\n- after collapse and reorder borrows/loans:\n"
+ ^ eval_ctx_to_string ctx ^ "\n\n"));
+ (* Return the new context *)
+ ctx
+let mk_collapse_ctx_merge_duplicate_funs (loop_id :
+ (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : merge_duplicates_funcs =
+ (* Rem.: the merge functions raise exceptions (that we catch). *)
+ let module S : MatchJoinState = struct
+ let ctx = ctx
+ let loop_id = loop_id
+ let nabs = ref []
+ end in
+ let module JM = MakeJoinMatcher (S) in
+ let module M = MakeMatcher (JM) in
+ (* Functions to match avalues (see {!merge_duplicates_funcs}).
+ Those functions are used to merge borrows/loans with the *same ids*.
+ They will always be called on destructured avalues (whose children are
+ [AIgnored] - we enforce that through sanity checks). We rely on the join
+ matcher [JM] to match the concrete values (for shared loans for instance).
+ Note that the join matcher doesn't implement match functions for avalues
+ (see the comments in {!MakeJoinMatcher}.
+ *)
+ let merge_amut_borrows id ty0 child0 _ty1 child1 =
+ (* Sanity checks *)
+ assert (is_aignored child0.V.value);
+ assert (is_aignored child1.V.value);
+ (* We need to pick a type for the avalue. The types on the left and on the
+ right may use different regions: it doesn't really matter (here, we pick
+ the one from the left), because we will merge those regions together
+ anyway (see the comments for {!merge_into_abstraction}).
+ *)
+ let ty = ty0 in
+ let child = child0 in
+ let value = V.ABorrow (V.AMutBorrow (id, child)) in
+ { V.value; ty }
+ in
+ let merge_ashared_borrows id ty0 ty1 =
+ (* Sanity checks *)
+ let _ =
+ let _, ty0, _ = ty_as_ref ty0 in
+ let _, ty1, _ = ty_as_ref ty1 in
+ assert (not (ty_has_borrows ctx.type_context.type_infos ty0));
+ assert (not (ty_has_borrows ctx.type_context.type_infos ty1))
+ in
+ (* Same remarks as for [merge_amut_borrows] *)
+ let ty = ty0 in
+ let value = V.ABorrow (V.ASharedBorrow id) in
+ { V.value; ty }
+ in
+ let merge_amut_loans id ty0 child0 _ty1 child1 =
+ (* Sanity checks *)
+ assert (is_aignored child0.V.value);
+ assert (is_aignored child1.V.value);
+ (* Same remarks as for [merge_amut_borrows] *)
+ let ty = ty0 in
+ let child = child0 in
+ let value = V.ALoan (V.AMutLoan (id, child)) in
+ { V.value; ty }
+ in
+ let merge_ashared_loans ids ty0 (sv0 : V.typed_value) child0 _ty1
+ (sv1 : V.typed_value) child1 =
+ (* Sanity checks *)
+ assert (is_aignored child0.V.value);
+ assert (is_aignored child1.V.value);
+ (* Same remarks as for [merge_amut_borrows].
+ This time we need to also merge the shared values. We rely on the
+ join matcher [JM] to do so.
+ *)
+ assert (not (value_has_loans_or_borrows ctx sv0.V.value));
+ assert (not (value_has_loans_or_borrows ctx sv1.V.value));
+ let ty = ty0 in
+ let child = child0 in
+ let sv = M.match_typed_values ctx sv0 sv1 in
+ let value = V.ALoan (V.ASharedLoan (ids, sv, child)) in
+ { V.value; ty }
+ in
+ {
+ merge_amut_borrows;
+ merge_ashared_borrows;
+ merge_amut_loans;
+ merge_ashared_loans;
+ }
+let merge_into_abstraction (loop_id : (abs_kind : V.abs_kind)
+ (can_end : bool) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (aid0 :
+ (aid1 : : C.eval_ctx * =
+ let merge_funs = mk_collapse_ctx_merge_duplicate_funs loop_id ctx in
+ merge_into_abstraction abs_kind can_end (Some merge_funs) ctx aid0 aid1
+(** Collapse an environment, merging the duplicated borrows/loans.
+ This function simply calls {!collapse_ctx} with the proper merging functions.
+ We do this because when we join environments, we may introduce duplicated
+ loans and borrows. See the explanations for {!join_ctxs}.
+ *)
+let collapse_ctx_with_merge (loop_id : (old_ids : ids_sets)
+ (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+ let merge_funs = mk_collapse_ctx_merge_duplicate_funs loop_id ctx in
+ try collapse_ctx loop_id (Some merge_funs) old_ids ctx
+ with ValueMatchFailure _ -> raise (Failure "Unexpected")
+let join_ctxs (loop_id : (fixed_ids : ids_sets) (ctx0 : C.eval_ctx)
+ (ctx1 : C.eval_ctx) : ctx_or_update =
+ (* Debug *)
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("join_ctxs:\n\n- fixed_ids:\n" ^ show_ids_sets fixed_ids
+ ^ "\n\n- ctx0:\n"
+ ^ eval_ctx_to_string_no_filter ctx0
+ ^ "\n\n- ctx1:\n"
+ ^ eval_ctx_to_string_no_filter ctx1
+ ^ "\n\n"));
+ let env0 = List.rev ctx0.env in
+ let env1 = List.rev ctx1.env in
+ (* We need to pick a context for some functions like [match_typed_values]:
+ the context is only used to lookup module data, so we can pick whichever
+ we want.
+ TODO: this is not very clean. Maybe we should just carry this data around.
+ *)
+ let ctx = ctx0 in
+ let nabs = ref [] in
+ (* Explore the environments. *)
+ let join_suffixes (env0 : C.env) (env1 : C.env) : C.env =
+ (* Debug *)
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("join_suffixes:\n\n- fixed_ids:\n" ^ show_ids_sets fixed_ids
+ ^ "\n\n- ctx0:\n"
+ ^ eval_ctx_to_string_no_filter { ctx0 with env = List.rev env0 }
+ ^ "\n\n- ctx1:\n"
+ ^ eval_ctx_to_string_no_filter { ctx1 with env = List.rev env1 }
+ ^ "\n\n"));
+ (* Sanity check: there are no values/abstractions which should be in the prefix *)
+ let check_valid (ee : C.env_elem) : unit =
+ match ee with
+ | C.Var (C.VarBinder _, _) ->
+ (* Variables are necessarily in the prefix *)
+ raise (Failure "Unreachable")
+ | Var (C.DummyBinder did, _) ->
+ assert (not (C.DummyVarId.Set.mem did fixed_ids.dids))
+ | Abs abs ->
+ assert (not (V.AbstractionId.Set.mem abs.abs_id fixed_ids.aids))
+ | Frame ->
+ (* This should have been eliminated *)
+ raise (Failure "Unreachable")
+ in
+ List.iter check_valid env0;
+ List.iter check_valid env1;
+ (* Concatenate the suffixes and append the abstractions introduced while
+ joining the prefixes *)
+ let absl = (fun abs -> C.Abs abs) (List.rev !nabs) in
+ List.concat [ env0; env1; absl ]
+ in
+ let module S : MatchJoinState = struct
+ (* The context is only used to lookup module data: we can pick whichever we want *)
+ let ctx = ctx
+ let loop_id = loop_id
+ let nabs = nabs
+ end in
+ let module JM = MakeJoinMatcher (S) in
+ let module M = MakeMatcher (JM) in
+ (* Rem.: this function raises exceptions *)
+ let rec join_prefixes (env0 : C.env) (env1 : C.env) : C.env =
+ match (env0, env1) with
+ | ( (C.Var (C.DummyBinder b0, v0) as var0) :: env0',
+ (C.Var (C.DummyBinder b1, v1) as var1) :: env1' ) ->
+ (* Debug *)
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("join_prefixes: DummyBinders:\n\n- fixed_ids:\n" ^ "\n"
+ ^ show_ids_sets fixed_ids ^ "\n\n- value0:\n"
+ ^ env_elem_to_string ctx var0
+ ^ "\n\n- value1:\n"
+ ^ env_elem_to_string ctx var1
+ ^ "\n\n"));
+ (* Two cases: the dummy value is an old value, in which case the bindings
+ must be the same and we must join their values. Otherwise, it means we
+ are not in the prefix anymore *)
+ if C.DummyVarId.Set.mem b0 fixed_ids.dids then (
+ (* Still in the prefix: match the values *)
+ assert (b0 = b1);
+ let b = b0 in
+ let v = M.match_typed_values ctx v0 v1 in
+ let var = C.Var (C.DummyBinder b, v) in
+ (* Continue *)
+ var :: join_prefixes env0' env1')
+ else (* Not in the prefix anymore *)
+ join_suffixes env0 env1
+ | ( (C.Var (C.VarBinder b0, v0) as var0) :: env0',
+ (C.Var (C.VarBinder b1, v1) as var1) :: env1' ) ->
+ (* Debug *)
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("join_prefixes: VarBinders:\n\n- fixed_ids:\n" ^ "\n"
+ ^ show_ids_sets fixed_ids ^ "\n\n- value0:\n"
+ ^ env_elem_to_string ctx var0
+ ^ "\n\n- value1:\n"
+ ^ env_elem_to_string ctx var1
+ ^ "\n\n"));
+ (* Variable bindings *must* be in the prefix and consequently their
+ ids must be the same *)
+ assert (b0 = b1);
+ (* Match the values *)
+ let b = b0 in
+ let v = M.match_typed_values ctx v0 v1 in
+ let var = C.Var (C.VarBinder b, v) in
+ (* Continue *)
+ var :: join_prefixes env0' env1'
+ | (C.Abs abs0 as abs) :: env0', C.Abs abs1 :: env1' ->
+ (* Debug *)
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("join_prefixes: Abs:\n\n- fixed_ids:\n" ^ "\n"
+ ^ show_ids_sets fixed_ids ^ "\n\n- abs0:\n" ^ abs_to_string ctx abs0
+ ^ "\n\n- abs1:\n" ^ abs_to_string ctx abs1 ^ "\n\n"));
+ (* Same as for the dummy values: there are two cases *)
+ if V.AbstractionId.Set.mem abs0.abs_id fixed_ids.aids then (
+ (* Still in the prefix: the abstractions must be the same *)
+ assert (abs0 = abs1);
+ (* Continue *)
+ abs :: join_prefixes env0' env1')
+ else (* Not in the prefix anymore *)
+ join_suffixes env0 env1
+ | _ ->
+ (* The elements don't match: we are not in the prefix anymore *)
+ join_suffixes env0 env1
+ in
+ try
+ (* Remove the frame delimiter (the first element of an environment is a frame delimiter) *)
+ let env0, env1 =
+ match (env0, env1) with
+ | C.Frame :: env0, C.Frame :: env1 -> (env0, env1)
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
+ in
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("- env0:\n" ^ C.show_env env0 ^ "\n\n- env1:\n" ^ C.show_env env1
+ ^ "\n\n"));
+ let env = List.rev (C.Frame :: join_prefixes env0 env1) in
+ (* Construct the joined context - of course, the type, fun, etc. contexts
+ * should be the same in the two contexts *)
+ let {
+ C.type_context;
+ fun_context;
+ global_context;
+ region_groups;
+ type_vars;
+ env = _;
+ ended_regions = ended_regions0;
+ } =
+ ctx0
+ in
+ let {
+ C.type_context = _;
+ fun_context = _;
+ global_context = _;
+ region_groups = _;
+ type_vars = _;
+ env = _;
+ ended_regions = ended_regions1;
+ } =
+ ctx1
+ in
+ let ended_regions = T.RegionId.Set.union ended_regions0 ended_regions1 in
+ Ok
+ {
+ C.type_context;
+ fun_context;
+ global_context;
+ region_groups;
+ type_vars;
+ env;
+ ended_regions;
+ }
+ with ValueMatchFailure e -> Error e
+(** Destructure all the new abstractions *)
+let destructure_new_abs (loop_id :
+ (old_abs_ids : V.AbstractionId.Set.t) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+ let abs_kind = V.Loop (loop_id, None, V.LoopSynthInput) in
+ let can_end = true in
+ let destructure_shared_values = true in
+ let is_fresh_abs_id (id : : bool =
+ not (V.AbstractionId.Set.mem id old_abs_ids)
+ in
+ let env =
+ C.env_map_abs
+ (fun abs ->
+ if is_fresh_abs_id abs.abs_id then
+ let abs =
+ destructure_abs abs_kind can_end destructure_shared_values ctx abs
+ in
+ abs
+ else abs)
+ ctx.env
+ in
+ { ctx with env }
+(** Refresh the ids of the fresh abstractions.
+ We do this because {!prepare_ashared_loans} introduces some non-fixed
+ abstractions in contexts which are later joined: we have to make sure two
+ contexts we join don't have non-fixed abstractions with the same ids.
+ *)
+let refresh_abs (old_abs : V.AbstractionId.Set.t) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
+ C.eval_ctx =
+ let ids, _ = compute_context_ids ctx in
+ let abs_to_refresh = V.AbstractionId.Set.diff ids.aids old_abs in
+ let aids_subst =
+ (fun id -> (id, C.fresh_abstraction_id ()))
+ (V.AbstractionId.Set.elements abs_to_refresh)
+ in
+ let aids_subst = V.AbstractionId.Map.of_list aids_subst in
+ let subst id =
+ match V.AbstractionId.Map.find_opt id aids_subst with
+ | None -> id
+ | Some id -> id
+ in
+ let env =
+ Subst.env_subst_ids
+ (fun x -> x)
+ (fun x -> x)
+ (fun x -> x)
+ (fun x -> x)
+ (fun x -> x)
+ subst ctx.env
+ in
+ { ctx with C.env }
+let loop_join_origin_with_continue_ctxs (config : C.config)
+ (loop_id : (fixed_ids : ids_sets) (old_ctx : C.eval_ctx)
+ (ctxl : C.eval_ctx list) : (C.eval_ctx * C.eval_ctx list) * C.eval_ctx =
+ (* # Join with the new contexts, one by one
+ For every context, we repeteadly attempt to join it with the current
+ result of the join: if we fail (because we need to end loans for instance),
+ we update the context and retry.
+ Rem.: we should never have to end loans in the aggregated context, only
+ in the one we are trying to add to the join.
+ *)
+ let joined_ctx = ref old_ctx in
+ let rec join_one_aux (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+ match join_ctxs loop_id fixed_ids !joined_ctx ctx with
+ | Ok nctx ->
+ joined_ctx := nctx;
+ ctx
+ | Error err ->
+ let ctx =
+ match err with
+ | LoanInRight bid ->
+ InterpreterBorrows.end_borrow_no_synth config bid ctx
+ | LoansInRight bids ->
+ InterpreterBorrows.end_borrows_no_synth config bids ctx
+ | AbsInRight _ | AbsInLeft _ | LoanInLeft _ | LoansInLeft _ ->
+ raise (Failure "Unexpected")
+ in
+ join_one_aux ctx
+ in
+ let join_one (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("loop_join_origin_with_continue_ctxs:join_one: initial ctx:\n"
+ ^ eval_ctx_to_string ctx));
+ (* Destructure the abstractions introduced in the new context *)
+ let ctx = destructure_new_abs loop_id fixed_ids.aids ctx in
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("loop_join_origin_with_continue_ctxs:join_one: after destructure:\n"
+ ^ eval_ctx_to_string ctx));
+ (* Collapse the context we want to add to the join *)
+ let ctx = collapse_ctx loop_id None fixed_ids ctx in
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("loop_join_origin_with_continue_ctxs:join_one: after collapse:\n"
+ ^ eval_ctx_to_string ctx));
+ (* Refresh the fresh abstractions *)
+ let ctx = refresh_abs fixed_ids.aids ctx in
+ (* Join the two contexts *)
+ let ctx1 = join_one_aux ctx in
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("loop_join_origin_with_continue_ctxs:join_one: after join:\n"
+ ^ eval_ctx_to_string ctx1));
+ (* Collapse again - the join might have introduce abstractions we want
+ to merge with the others (note that those abstractions may actually
+ lead to borrows/loans duplications) *)
+ joined_ctx := collapse_ctx_with_merge loop_id fixed_ids !joined_ctx;
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("loop_join_origin_with_continue_ctxs:join_one: after join-collapse:\n"
+ ^ eval_ctx_to_string !joined_ctx));
+ (* Sanity check *)
+ if !Config.check_invariants then Invariants.check_invariants !joined_ctx;
+ (* Return *)
+ ctx1
+ in
+ let ctxl = join_one ctxl in
+ (* # Return *)
+ ((old_ctx, ctxl), !joined_ctx)