path: root/compiler/
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/')
1 files changed, 965 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aff8f3fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -0,0 +1,965 @@
+module T = Types
+module PV = PrimitiveValues
+module V = Values
+module E = Expressions
+module C = Contexts
+module Subst = Substitute
+module A = LlbcAst
+module L = Logging
+open TypesUtils
+open ValuesUtils
+module Inv = Invariants
+module S = SynthesizeSymbolic
+open Cps
+open InterpreterUtils
+open InterpreterLoopsCore
+open InterpreterLoopsMatchCtxs
+open InterpreterLoopsJoinCtxs
+(** The local logger *)
+let log = L.loops_fixed_point_log
+(** Reorder the loans and borrows in the fresh abstractions.
+ We do this in order to enforce some structure in the environments: this
+ allows us to find fixed-points. Note that this function needs to be
+ called typically after we merge abstractions together (see {!collapse_ctx}
+ for instance).
+ *)
+let reorder_loans_borrows_in_fresh_abs (old_abs_ids : V.AbstractionId.Set.t)
+ (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+ let reorder_in_fresh_abs (abs : V.abs) : V.abs =
+ (* Split between the loans and borrows *)
+ let is_borrow (av : V.typed_avalue) : bool =
+ match av.V.value with
+ | ABorrow _ -> true
+ | ALoan _ -> false
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "Unexpected")
+ in
+ let aborrows, aloans = List.partition is_borrow abs.V.avalues in
+ (* Reoder the borrows, and the loans.
+ After experimenting, it seems that a good way of reordering the loans
+ and the borrows to find fixed points is simply to sort them by increasing
+ order of id (taking the smallest id of a set of ids, in case of sets).
+ *)
+ let get_borrow_id (av : V.typed_avalue) : =
+ match av.V.value with
+ | V.ABorrow (V.AMutBorrow (bid, _) | V.ASharedBorrow bid) -> bid
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "Unexpected")
+ in
+ let get_loan_id (av : V.typed_avalue) : =
+ match av.V.value with
+ | V.ALoan (V.AMutLoan (lid, _)) -> lid
+ | V.ALoan (V.ASharedLoan (lids, _, _)) -> V.BorrowId.Set.min_elt lids
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "Unexpected")
+ in
+ (* We use ordered maps to reorder the borrows and loans *)
+ let reorder (get_bid : V.typed_avalue ->
+ (values : V.typed_avalue list) : V.typed_avalue list =
+ snd
+ (V.BorrowId.Map.bindings
+ (V.BorrowId.Map.of_list ( (fun v -> (get_bid v, v)) values)))
+ in
+ let aborrows = reorder get_borrow_id aborrows in
+ let aloans = reorder get_loan_id aloans in
+ let avalues = List.append aborrows aloans in
+ { abs with V.avalues }
+ in
+ let reorder_in_abs (abs : V.abs) =
+ if V.AbstractionId.Set.mem abs.abs_id old_abs_ids then abs
+ else reorder_in_fresh_abs abs
+ in
+ let env = C.env_map_abs reorder_in_abs ctx.env in
+ { ctx with C.env }
+let prepare_ashared_loans (loop_id : option) : cm_fun =
+ fun cf ctx0 ->
+ let ctx = ctx0 in
+ (* Compute the set of borrows which appear in the abstractions, so that
+ we can filter the borrows that we reborrow.
+ *)
+ let absl =
+ List.filter_map
+ (function C.Var _ | C.Frame -> None | C.Abs abs -> Some abs)
+ ctx.env
+ in
+ let absl_ids, absl_id_maps = compute_absl_ids absl in
+ let abs_borrow_ids = absl_ids.borrow_ids in
+ (* Map from the fresh sids to the original symbolic values *)
+ let sid_subst = ref [] in
+ (* Return the same value but where:
+ - the shared loans have been removed
+ - the symbolic values have been replaced with fresh symbolic values
+ - the region ids found in the value and belonging to the set [rids] have
+ been substituted with [nrid]
+ *)
+ let mk_value_with_fresh_sids_no_shared_loans (rids : T.RegionId.Set.t)
+ (nrid : (v : V.typed_value) : V.typed_value =
+ (* Remove the shared loans *)
+ let v = value_remove_shared_loans v in
+ (* Substitute the symbolic values and the region *)
+ Subst.typed_value_subst_ids
+ (fun r -> if T.RegionId.Set.mem r rids then nrid else r)
+ (fun x -> x)
+ (fun x -> x)
+ (fun id ->
+ let nid = C.fresh_symbolic_value_id () in
+ let sv = V.SymbolicValueId.Map.find id absl_id_maps.sids_to_values in
+ sid_subst := (nid, sv) :: !sid_subst;
+ nid)
+ (fun x -> x)
+ v
+ in
+ let borrow_substs = ref [] in
+ let fresh_absl = ref [] in
+ (* Auxiliary function to create a new abstraction for a shared value found in
+ an abstraction.
+ Example:
+ ========
+ When exploring:
+ {[
+ abs'0 { SL {l0, l1} s0 }
+ ]}
+ we find the shared value:
+ {[
+ SL {l0, l1} s0
+ ]}
+ and introduce the corresponding abstraction:
+ {[
+ abs'2 { SB l0, SL {l2} s2 }
+ ]}
+ *)
+ let push_abs_for_shared_value (abs : V.abs) (sv : V.typed_value)
+ (lid : : unit =
+ (* Create a fresh borrow (for the reborrow) *)
+ let nlid = C.fresh_borrow_id () in
+ (* We need a fresh region for the new abstraction *)
+ let nrid = C.fresh_region_id () in
+ (* Prepare the shared value *)
+ let nsv = mk_value_with_fresh_sids_no_shared_loans abs.regions nrid sv in
+ (* Save the borrow substitution, to apply it to the context later *)
+ borrow_substs := (lid, nlid) :: !borrow_substs;
+ (* Rem.: the below sanity checks are not really necessary *)
+ assert (V.AbstractionId.Set.is_empty abs.parents);
+ assert (abs.original_parents = []);
+ assert (T.RegionId.Set.is_empty abs.ancestors_regions);
+ (* Introduce the new abstraction for the shared values *)
+ let rty = ety_no_regions_to_rty sv.V.ty in
+ (* Create the shared loan child *)
+ let child_rty = rty in
+ let child_av = mk_aignored child_rty in
+ (* Create the shared loan *)
+ let loan_rty = T.Ref (T.Var nrid, rty, T.Shared) in
+ let loan_value =
+ V.ALoan (V.ASharedLoan (V.BorrowId.Set.singleton nlid, nsv, child_av))
+ in
+ let loan_value = mk_typed_avalue loan_rty loan_value in
+ (* Create the shared borrow *)
+ let borrow_rty = loan_rty in
+ let borrow_value = V.ABorrow (V.ASharedBorrow lid) in
+ let borrow_value = mk_typed_avalue borrow_rty borrow_value in
+ (* Create the abstraction *)
+ let avalues = [ borrow_value; loan_value ] in
+ let kind =
+ match loop_id with
+ | Some loop_id -> V.Loop (loop_id, None, V.LoopSynthInput)
+ | None -> V.Identity
+ in
+ let can_end = true in
+ let fresh_abs =
+ {
+ V.abs_id = C.fresh_abstraction_id ();
+ kind;
+ can_end;
+ parents = V.AbstractionId.Set.empty;
+ original_parents = [];
+ regions = T.RegionId.Set.singleton nrid;
+ ancestors_regions = T.RegionId.Set.empty;
+ avalues;
+ }
+ in
+ fresh_absl := fresh_abs :: !fresh_absl
+ in
+ (* Explore the shared values in the context abstractions, and introduce
+ fresh abstractions with reborrows for those shared values.
+ We simply explore the context and call {!push_abs_for_shared_value}
+ when necessary.
+ *)
+ let collect_shared_values_in_abs (abs : V.abs) : unit =
+ let collect_shared_value lids (sv : V.typed_value) =
+ (* Sanity check: we don't support nested borrows for now *)
+ assert (not (value_has_borrows ctx sv.V.value));
+ (* Filter the loan ids whose corresponding borrows appear in abstractions
+ (see the documentation of the function) *)
+ let lids = V.BorrowId.Set.diff lids abs_borrow_ids in
+ (* Generate fresh borrows and values *)
+ V.BorrowId.Set.iter (push_abs_for_shared_value abs sv) lids
+ in
+ let visit_avalue =
+ object
+ inherit [_] V.iter_typed_avalue as super
+ method! visit_SharedLoan env lids sv =
+ collect_shared_value lids sv;
+ (* Continue the exploration *)
+ super#visit_SharedLoan env lids sv
+ method! visit_ASharedLoan env lids sv _ =
+ collect_shared_value lids sv;
+ (* Continue the exploration *)
+ super#visit_SharedLoan env lids sv
+ (** Check that there are no symbolic values with *borrows* inside the
+ abstraction - shouldn't happen if the symbolic values are greedily
+ expanded.
+ We do this because those values could contain shared borrows:
+ if it is the case, we need to duplicate them too.
+ TODO: implement this more general behavior.
+ *)
+ method! visit_symbolic_value env sv =
+ assert (not (symbolic_value_has_borrows ctx sv));
+ super#visit_symbolic_value env sv
+ end
+ in
+ List.iter (visit_avalue#visit_typed_avalue None) abs.avalues
+ in
+ C.env_iter_abs collect_shared_values_in_abs ctx.env;
+ (* Update the borrow ids in the environment.
+ Example:
+ ========
+ If we start with environment:
+ {[
+ abs'0 { SL {l0, l1} s0 }
+ l0 -> SB l0
+ l1 -> SB l1
+ ]}
+ We introduce the following abstractions:
+ {[
+ abs'2 { SB l0, SL {l2} s2 }
+ abs'3 { SB l1, SL {l3} s3 }
+ ]}
+ While doing so, we registered the fact that we introduced [l2] for [l0]
+ and [l3] for [l1]: we now need to perform the proper substitutions in
+ the values [l0] and [l1]. This gives:
+ {[
+ l0 -> SB l0
+ l1 -> SB l1
+ ~~>
+ l0 -> SB l2
+ l1 -> SB l3
+ ]}
+ *)
+ let env =
+ let bmap = V.BorrowId.Map.of_list !borrow_substs in
+ let bsusbt bid =
+ match V.BorrowId.Map.find_opt bid bmap with
+ | None -> bid
+ | Some bid -> bid
+ in
+ let visitor =
+ object
+ inherit [_] C.map_env
+ method! visit_borrow_id _ bid = bsusbt bid
+ end
+ in
+ visitor#visit_env () ctx.env
+ in
+ (* Add the abstractions *)
+ let fresh_absl = (fun abs -> C.Abs abs) !fresh_absl in
+ let env = List.append fresh_absl env in
+ let ctx = { ctx with env } in
+ let _, new_ctx_ids_map = compute_context_ids ctx in
+ (* Synthesize *)
+ match cf ctx with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some e ->
+ (* Add the let-bindings which introduce the fresh symbolic values *)
+ Some
+ (List.fold_left
+ (fun e (sid, v) ->
+ let v = mk_typed_value_from_symbolic_value v in
+ let sv =
+ V.SymbolicValueId.Map.find sid new_ctx_ids_map.sids_to_values
+ in
+ SymbolicAst.IntroSymbolic (ctx, None, sv, v, e))
+ e !sid_subst)
+let prepare_ashared_loans_no_synth (loop_id : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
+ C.eval_ctx =
+ get_cf_ctx_no_synth (prepare_ashared_loans (Some loop_id)) ctx
+let compute_loop_entry_fixed_point (config : C.config) (loop_id :
+ (eval_loop_body : st_cm_fun) (ctx0 : C.eval_ctx) :
+ C.eval_ctx * ids_sets * V.abs T.RegionGroupId.Map.t =
+ (* The continuation for when we exit the loop - we register the
+ environments upon loop *reentry*, and synthesize nothing by
+ returning [None]
+ *)
+ let ctxs = ref [] in
+ let register_ctx ctx = ctxs := ctx :: !ctxs in
+ (* Introduce "reborrows" for the shared values in the abstractions, so that
+ the shared values in the fixed abstractions never get modified (technically,
+ they are immutable, but in practice we can introduce more shared loans, or
+ expand symbolic values).
+ For more details, see the comments for {!prepare_ashared_loans}
+ *)
+ let ctx = prepare_ashared_loans_no_synth loop_id ctx0 in
+ (* Debug *)
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("compute_loop_entry_fixed_point: after prepare_ashared_loans:"
+ ^ "\n\n- ctx0:\n"
+ ^ eval_ctx_to_string_no_filter ctx0
+ ^ "\n\n- ctx1:\n"
+ ^ eval_ctx_to_string_no_filter ctx
+ ^ "\n\n"));
+ let cf_exit_loop_body (res : statement_eval_res) : m_fun =
+ fun ctx ->
+ match res with
+ | Return | Panic | Break _ -> None
+ | Unit ->
+ (* See the comment in {!eval_loop} *)
+ raise (Failure "Unreachable")
+ | Continue i ->
+ (* For now we don't support continues to outer loops *)
+ assert (i = 0);
+ register_ctx ctx;
+ None
+ | LoopReturn _ | EndEnterLoop _ | EndContinue _ ->
+ (* We don't support nested loops for now *)
+ raise (Failure "Nested loops are not supported for now")
+ in
+ (* The fixed ids. They are the ids of the original ctx, after we ended
+ the borrows/loans which end during the first loop iteration (we do
+ one loop iteration, then set it to [Some].
+ *)
+ let fixed_ids : ids_sets option ref = ref None in
+ (* Join the contexts at the loop entry - ctx1 is the current joined
+ context (the context at the loop entry, after we called
+ {!prepare_ashared_loans}, if this is the first iteration) *)
+ let join_ctxs (ctx1 : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+ (* If this is the first iteration, end the borrows/loans/abs which
+ appear in ctx1 and not in the other contexts, then compute the
+ set of fixed ids. This means those borrows/loans have to end
+ in the loop, and we rather end them *before* the loop. *)
+ let ctx1 =
+ match !fixed_ids with
+ | Some _ -> ctx1
+ | None ->
+ let old_ids, _ = compute_context_ids ctx1 in
+ let new_ids, _ = compute_contexts_ids !ctxs in
+ let blids = V.BorrowId.Set.diff old_ids.blids new_ids.blids in
+ let aids = V.AbstractionId.Set.diff old_ids.aids new_ids.aids in
+ (* End those borrows and abstractions *)
+ let end_borrows_abs blids aids ctx =
+ let ctx =
+ InterpreterBorrows.end_borrows_no_synth config blids ctx
+ in
+ let ctx =
+ InterpreterBorrows.end_abstractions_no_synth config aids ctx
+ in
+ ctx
+ in
+ (* End the borrows/abs in [ctx1] *)
+ let ctx1 = end_borrows_abs blids aids ctx1 in
+ (* We can also do the same in the contexts [ctxs]: if there are
+ several contexts, maybe one of them ended some borrows and some
+ others didn't. As we need to end those borrows anyway (the join
+ will detect them and ask to end them) we do it preemptively.
+ *)
+ ctxs := (end_borrows_abs blids aids) !ctxs;
+ (* Note that the fixed ids are given by the original context, from *before*
+ we introduce fresh abstractions/reborrows for the shared values *)
+ fixed_ids := Some (fst (compute_context_ids ctx0));
+ ctx1
+ in
+ let fixed_ids = Option.get !fixed_ids in
+ let (_, _), ctx2 =
+ loop_join_origin_with_continue_ctxs config loop_id fixed_ids ctx1 !ctxs
+ in
+ ctxs := [];
+ ctx2
+ in
+ (* Compute the set of fixed ids - for the symbolic ids, we compute the
+ intersection of ids between the original environment and the list
+ of new environments *)
+ let compute_fixed_ids (ctxl : C.eval_ctx list) : ids_sets =
+ let fixed_ids, _ = compute_context_ids ctx0 in
+ let { aids; blids; borrow_ids; loan_ids; dids; rids; sids } = fixed_ids in
+ let sids = ref sids in
+ List.iter
+ (fun ctx ->
+ let fixed_ids, _ = compute_context_ids ctx in
+ sids := V.SymbolicValueId.Set.inter !sids fixed_ids.sids)
+ ctxl;
+ let sids = !sids in
+ let fixed_ids = { aids; blids; borrow_ids; loan_ids; dids; rids; sids } in
+ fixed_ids
+ in
+ (* Check if two contexts are equivalent - modulo alpha conversion on the
+ existentially quantified borrows/abstractions/symbolic values.
+ *)
+ let equiv_ctxs (ctx1 : C.eval_ctx) (ctx2 : C.eval_ctx) : bool =
+ let fixed_ids = compute_fixed_ids [ ctx1; ctx2 ] in
+ let check_equivalent = true in
+ let lookup_shared_value _ = raise (Failure "Unreachable") in
+ Option.is_some
+ (match_ctxs check_equivalent fixed_ids lookup_shared_value
+ lookup_shared_value ctx1 ctx2)
+ in
+ let max_num_iter = Config.loop_fixed_point_max_num_iters in
+ let rec compute_fixed_point (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (i0 : int) (i : int) :
+ C.eval_ctx =
+ if i = 0 then
+ raise
+ (Failure
+ ("Could not compute a loop fixed point in " ^ string_of_int i0
+ ^ " iterations"))
+ else
+ (* Evaluate the loop body to register the different contexts upon reentry *)
+ let _ = eval_loop_body cf_exit_loop_body ctx in
+ (* Compute the join between the original contexts and the contexts computed
+ upon reentry *)
+ let ctx1 = join_ctxs ctx in
+ (* Debug *)
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("compute_fixed_point:" ^ "\n\n- ctx0:\n"
+ ^ eval_ctx_to_string_no_filter ctx
+ ^ "\n\n- ctx1:\n"
+ ^ eval_ctx_to_string_no_filter ctx1
+ ^ "\n\n"));
+ (* Check if we reached a fixed point: if not, iterate *)
+ if equiv_ctxs ctx ctx1 then ctx1 else compute_fixed_point ctx1 i0 (i - 1)
+ in
+ let fp = compute_fixed_point ctx max_num_iter max_num_iter in
+ (* Debug *)
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("compute_fixed_point: fixed point computed before matching with input \
+ region groups:" ^ "\n\n- fp:\n"
+ ^ eval_ctx_to_string_no_filter fp
+ ^ "\n\n"));
+ (* Make sure we have exactly one loop abstraction per function region (merge
+ abstractions accordingly).
+ Rem.: this shouldn't impact the set of symbolic value ids (because we
+ already merged abstractions "vertically" and are now merging them
+ "horizontally": the symbolic values contained in the abstractions (typically
+ the shared values) will be preserved.
+ *)
+ let fp, rg_to_abs =
+ (* List the loop abstractions in the fixed-point *)
+ let fp_aids, add_aid, _mem_aid = V.AbstractionId.Set.mk_stateful_set () in
+ let list_loop_abstractions =
+ object
+ inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx
+ method! visit_abs _ abs =
+ match abs.kind with
+ | Loop (loop_id', _, kind) ->
+ assert (loop_id' = loop_id);
+ assert (kind = V.LoopSynthInput);
+ (* The abstractions introduced so far should be endable *)
+ assert (abs.can_end = true);
+ add_aid abs.abs_id;
+ abs
+ | _ -> abs
+ end
+ in
+ let fp = list_loop_abstractions#visit_eval_ctx () fp in
+ (* For every input region group:
+ * - evaluate until we get to a [return]
+ * - end the input abstraction corresponding to the input region group
+ * - find which loop abstractions end at that moment
+ *
+ * [fp_ended_aids] links region groups to sets of ended abstractions.
+ *)
+ let fp_ended_aids = ref T.RegionGroupId.Map.empty in
+ let add_ended_aids (rg_id :
+ (aids : V.AbstractionId.Set.t) : unit =
+ match T.RegionGroupId.Map.find_opt rg_id !fp_ended_aids with
+ | None ->
+ fp_ended_aids := T.RegionGroupId.Map.add rg_id aids !fp_ended_aids
+ | Some aids' ->
+ let aids = V.AbstractionId.Set.union aids aids' in
+ fp_ended_aids := T.RegionGroupId.Map.add rg_id aids !fp_ended_aids
+ in
+ let cf_loop : st_m_fun =
+ fun res ctx ->
+ match res with
+ | Continue _ | Panic ->
+ (* We don't want to generate anything *)
+ None
+ | Break _ ->
+ (* We enforce that we can't get there: see {!PrePasses.remove_loop_breaks} *)
+ raise (Failure "Unreachable")
+ | Unit | LoopReturn _ | EndEnterLoop _ | EndContinue _ ->
+ (* For why we can't get [Unit], see the comments inside {!eval_loop_concrete}.
+ For [EndEnterLoop] and [EndContinue]: we don't support nested loops for now.
+ *)
+ raise (Failure "Unreachable")
+ | Return ->
+ (* Should we consume the return value and pop the frame?
+ * If we check in [Interpreter] that the loop abstraction we end is
+ * indeed the correct one, I think it is sound to under-approximate here
+ * (and it shouldn't make any difference).
+ *)
+ let _ =
+ List.iter
+ (fun rg_id ->
+ (* Lookup the input abstraction - we use the fact that the
+ abstractions should have been introduced in a specific
+ order (and we check that it is indeed the case) *)
+ let abs_id =
+ V.AbstractionId.of_int (T.RegionGroupId.to_int rg_id)
+ in
+ (* By default, the [SynthInput] abs can't end *)
+ let ctx = C.ctx_set_abs_can_end ctx abs_id true in
+ assert (
+ let abs = C.ctx_lookup_abs ctx abs_id in
+ abs.kind = V.SynthInput rg_id);
+ (* End this abstraction *)
+ let ctx =
+ InterpreterBorrows.end_abstraction_no_synth config abs_id ctx
+ in
+ (* Explore the context, and check which abstractions are not there anymore *)
+ let ids, _ = compute_context_ids ctx in
+ let ended_ids = V.AbstractionId.Set.diff !fp_aids ids.aids in
+ add_ended_aids rg_id ended_ids)
+ ctx.region_groups
+ in
+ (* We don't want to generate anything *)
+ None
+ in
+ let _ = eval_loop_body cf_loop fp in
+ (* Check that the sets of abstractions we need to end per region group are pairwise
+ * disjoint *)
+ let aids_union = ref V.AbstractionId.Set.empty in
+ let _ =
+ T.RegionGroupId.Map.iter
+ (fun _ ids ->
+ assert (V.AbstractionId.Set.disjoint !aids_union ids);
+ aids_union := V.AbstractionId.Set.union ids !aids_union)
+ !fp_ended_aids
+ in
+ (* We also check that all the regions need to end - this is not necessary per
+ se, but if it doesn't happen it is bizarre and worth investigating... *)
+ assert (V.AbstractionId.Set.equal !aids_union !fp_aids);
+ (* Merge the abstractions which need to be merged, and compute the map from
+ region id to abstraction id *)
+ let fp = ref fp in
+ let rg_to_abs = ref T.RegionGroupId.Map.empty in
+ let _ =
+ T.RegionGroupId.Map.iter
+ (fun rg_id ids ->
+ let ids = V.AbstractionId.Set.elements ids in
+ (* Retrieve the first id of the group *)
+ match ids with
+ | [] ->
+ (* We shouldn't get there: we actually introduce reborrows with
+ {!prepare_ashared_loans} and in the [match_mut_borrows] function
+ of {!MakeJoinMatcher} to introduce some fresh abstractions for
+ this purpose.
+ *)
+ raise (Failure "Unexpected")
+ | id0 :: ids ->
+ let id0 = ref id0 in
+ (* Add the proper region group into the abstraction *)
+ let abs_kind = V.Loop (loop_id, Some rg_id, V.LoopSynthInput) in
+ let abs = C.ctx_lookup_abs !fp !id0 in
+ let abs = { abs with V.kind = abs_kind } in
+ let fp', _ = C.ctx_subst_abs !fp !id0 abs in
+ fp := fp';
+ (* Merge all the abstractions into this one *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun id ->
+ try
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("compute_loop_entry_fixed_point: merge FP \
+ abstraction: "
+ ^ V.AbstractionId.to_string id
+ ^ " into "
+ ^ V.AbstractionId.to_string !id0));
+ (* Note that we merge *into* [id0] *)
+ let fp', id0' =
+ merge_into_abstraction loop_id abs_kind false !fp id !id0
+ in
+ fp := fp';
+ id0 := id0';
+ ()
+ with ValueMatchFailure _ -> raise (Failure "Unexpected"))
+ ids;
+ (* Register the mapping *)
+ let abs = C.ctx_lookup_abs !fp !id0 in
+ rg_to_abs := T.RegionGroupId.Map.add_strict rg_id abs !rg_to_abs)
+ !fp_ended_aids
+ in
+ let rg_to_abs = !rg_to_abs in
+ (* Reorder the loans and borrows in the fresh abstractions in the fixed-point *)
+ let fp =
+ reorder_loans_borrows_in_fresh_abs (Option.get !fixed_ids).aids !fp
+ in
+ (* Update the abstraction's [can_end] field and their kinds.
+ Note that if [remove_rg_id] is [true], we set the region id to [None]
+ and set the abstractions as endable: this is so that we can check that
+ we have a fixed point (so far in the fixed point the loop abstractions had
+ no region group, and we set them as endable just above).
+ If [remove_rg_id] is [false], we simply set the abstractions as non-endable
+ to freeze them (we will use the fixed point as starting point for the
+ symbolic execution of the loop body, and we have to make sure the input
+ abstractions are frozen).
+ *)
+ let update_loop_abstractions (remove_rg_id : bool) =
+ object
+ inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx
+ method! visit_abs _ abs =
+ match abs.kind with
+ | Loop (loop_id', _, kind) ->
+ assert (loop_id' = loop_id);
+ assert (kind = V.LoopSynthInput);
+ let kind =
+ if remove_rg_id then V.Loop (loop_id, None, V.LoopSynthInput)
+ else abs.kind
+ in
+ { abs with can_end = remove_rg_id; kind }
+ | _ -> abs
+ end
+ in
+ let update_kinds_can_end (remove_rg_id : bool) ctx =
+ (update_loop_abstractions remove_rg_id)#visit_eval_ctx () ctx
+ in
+ let fp = update_kinds_can_end false fp in
+ (* Sanity check: we still have a fixed point - we simply call [compute_fixed_point]
+ while allowing exactly one iteration to see if it fails *)
+ let _ =
+ let fp_test = update_kinds_can_end true fp in
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("compute_fixed_point: fixed point after matching with the function \
+ region groups:\n"
+ ^ eval_ctx_to_string_no_filter fp_test));
+ compute_fixed_point fp_test 1 1
+ in
+ (* Return *)
+ (fp, rg_to_abs)
+ in
+ let fixed_ids = compute_fixed_ids [ fp ] in
+ (* Return *)
+ (fp, fixed_ids, rg_to_abs)
+let compute_fixed_point_id_correspondance (fixed_ids : ids_sets)
+ (src_ctx : C.eval_ctx) (tgt_ctx : C.eval_ctx) : borrow_loan_corresp =
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("compute_fixed_point_id_correspondance:\n\n- fixed_ids:\n"
+ ^ show_ids_sets fixed_ids ^ "\n\n- src_ctx:\n" ^ eval_ctx_to_string src_ctx
+ ^ "\n\n- tgt_ctx:\n" ^ eval_ctx_to_string tgt_ctx ^ "\n\n"));
+ let filt_src_env, _, _ = ctx_split_fixed_new fixed_ids src_ctx in
+ let filt_src_ctx = { src_ctx with env = filt_src_env } in
+ let filt_tgt_env, new_absl, _ = ctx_split_fixed_new fixed_ids tgt_ctx in
+ let filt_tgt_ctx = { tgt_ctx with env = filt_tgt_env } in
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("compute_fixed_point_id_correspondance:\n\n- fixed_ids:\n"
+ ^ show_ids_sets fixed_ids ^ "\n\n- filt_src_ctx:\n"
+ ^ eval_ctx_to_string filt_src_ctx
+ ^ "\n\n- filt_tgt_ctx:\n"
+ ^ eval_ctx_to_string filt_tgt_ctx
+ ^ "\n\n"));
+ (* Match the source context and the filtered target context *)
+ let maps =
+ let check_equiv = false in
+ let fixed_ids = ids_sets_empty_borrows_loans fixed_ids in
+ let open InterpreterBorrowsCore in
+ let lookup_shared_loan lid ctx : V.typed_value =
+ match snd (lookup_loan ek_all lid ctx) with
+ | Concrete (V.SharedLoan (_, v)) -> v
+ | Abstract (V.ASharedLoan (_, v, _)) -> v
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
+ in
+ let lookup_in_tgt id = lookup_shared_loan id tgt_ctx in
+ let lookup_in_src id = lookup_shared_loan id src_ctx in
+ Option.get
+ (match_ctxs check_equiv fixed_ids lookup_in_tgt lookup_in_src filt_tgt_ctx
+ filt_src_ctx)
+ in
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("compute_fixed_point_id_correspondance:\n\n- tgt_to_src_maps:\n"
+ ^ show_ids_maps maps ^ "\n\n"));
+ let src_to_tgt_borrow_map =
+ V.BorrowId.Map.of_list
+ (
+ (fun (x, y) -> (y, x))
+ (V.BorrowId.InjSubst.bindings maps.borrow_id_map))
+ in
+ (* Sanity check: for every abstraction, the target loans and borrows are mapped
+ to the same set of source loans and borrows.
+ For instance, if we map the [env_fp] to [env0] (only looking at the bindings,
+ ignoring the abstractions) below:
+ {[
+ env0 = {
+ abs@0 { ML l0 }
+ ls -> MB l0 (s2 : loops::List<T>)
+ i -> s1 : u32
+ }
+ env_fp = {
+ abs@0 { ML l0 }
+ ls -> MB l1 (s3 : loops::List<T>)
+ i -> s4 : u32
+ abs@fp {
+ MB l0
+ ML l1
+ }
+ }
+ ]}
+ We get that l1 is mapped to l0. From there, we see that abs@fp consumes
+ the same borrows that it gives: it is indeed an identity function.
+ TODO: we should also check the mappings for the shared values (to
+ make sure the abstractions are indeed the identity)...
+ *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun abs ->
+ let ids, _ = compute_abs_ids abs in
+ (* Map the *loan* ids (we just match the corresponding *loans* ) *)
+ let loan_ids =
+ (fun x -> V.BorrowId.InjSubst.find x maps.borrow_id_map)
+ ids.loan_ids
+ in
+ (* Check that the loan and borrows are related *)
+ assert (V.BorrowId.Set.equal ids.borrow_ids loan_ids))
+ new_absl;
+ (* For every target abstraction (going back to the [list_nth_mut] example,
+ we have to visit [abs@fp { ML l0, MB l1 }]):
+ - go through the tgt borrows ([l1])
+ - for every tgt borrow, find the corresponding src borrow ([l0], because
+ we have: [borrows_map: { l1 -> l0 }])
+ - from there, find the corresponding tgt loan ([l0])
+ Note that this borrow does not necessarily appear in the src_to_tgt_borrow_map,
+ if it actually corresponds to a borrows introduced when decomposing the
+ abstractions to move the shared values out of the source context abstractions.
+ *)
+ let tgt_borrow_to_loan = ref V.BorrowId.InjSubst.empty in
+ let visit_tgt =
+ object
+ inherit [_] V.iter_abs
+ method! visit_borrow_id _ id =
+ (* Find the target borrow *)
+ let tgt_borrow_id = V.BorrowId.Map.find id src_to_tgt_borrow_map in
+ (* Update the map *)
+ tgt_borrow_to_loan :=
+ V.BorrowId.InjSubst.add id tgt_borrow_id !tgt_borrow_to_loan
+ end
+ in
+ List.iter (visit_tgt#visit_abs ()) new_absl;
+ (* Compute the map from loan to borrows *)
+ let tgt_loan_to_borrow =
+ V.BorrowId.InjSubst.of_list
+ (
+ (fun (x, y) -> (y, x))
+ (V.BorrowId.InjSubst.bindings !tgt_borrow_to_loan))
+ in
+ (* Return *)
+ {
+ borrow_to_loan_id_map = !tgt_borrow_to_loan;
+ loan_to_borrow_id_map = tgt_loan_to_borrow;
+ }
+let compute_fp_ctx_symbolic_values (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (fp_ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
+ V.SymbolicValueId.Set.t * V.symbolic_value list =
+ let old_ids, _ = compute_context_ids ctx in
+ let fp_ids, fp_ids_maps = compute_context_ids fp_ctx in
+ let fresh_sids = V.SymbolicValueId.Set.diff fp_ids.sids old_ids.sids in
+ (* Compute the set of symbolic values which appear in shared values inside
+ *fixed* abstractions: because we introduce fresh abstractions and reborrows
+ with {!prepare_ashared_loans}, those values are never accessed directly
+ inside the loop iterations: we can ignore them (and should, because
+ otherwise it leads to a very ugly translation with duplicated, unused
+ values) *)
+ let shared_sids_in_fixed_abs =
+ let fixed_absl =
+ List.filter
+ (fun (ee : C.env_elem) ->
+ match ee with
+ | C.Var _ | C.Frame -> false
+ | Abs abs -> V.AbstractionId.Set.mem abs.abs_id old_ids.aids)
+ ctx.env
+ in
+ (* Rem.: as we greedily expand the symbolic values containing borrows, and
+ in particular the (mutable/shared) borrows, we could simply list the
+ symbolic values appearing in the abstractions: those are necessarily
+ shared values. We prefer to be more general, in prevision of later
+ changes.
+ *)
+ let sids = ref V.SymbolicValueId.Set.empty in
+ let visitor =
+ object (self)
+ inherit [_] C.iter_env
+ method! visit_ASharedLoan inside_shared _ sv child_av =
+ self#visit_typed_value true sv;
+ self#visit_typed_avalue inside_shared child_av
+ method! visit_symbolic_value_id inside_shared sid =
+ if inside_shared then sids := V.SymbolicValueId.Set.add sid !sids
+ end
+ in
+ visitor#visit_env false fixed_absl;
+ !sids
+ in
+ (* Remove the shared symbolic values present in the fixed abstractions -
+ see comments for [shared_sids_in_fixed_abs]. *)
+ let sids_to_values = fp_ids_maps.sids_to_values in
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("compute_fp_ctx_symbolic_values:" ^ "\n- shared_sids_in_fixed_abs:"
+ ^ shared_sids_in_fixed_abs
+ ^ "\n- all_sids_to_values: "
+ ^ (symbolic_value_to_string ctx) sids_to_values
+ ^ "\n"));
+ let sids_to_values =
+ V.SymbolicValueId.Map.filter
+ (fun sid _ ->
+ not (V.SymbolicValueId.Set.mem sid shared_sids_in_fixed_abs))
+ sids_to_values
+ in
+ (* List the input symbolic values in proper order.
+ We explore the environment, and order the symbolic values in the order
+ in which they are found - this way, the symbolic values found in a
+ variable [x] which appears before [y] are listed first, for instance.
+ *)
+ let input_svalues =
+ let found_sids = ref V.SymbolicValueId.Set.empty in
+ let ordered_sids = ref [] in
+ let visitor =
+ object (self)
+ inherit [_] C.iter_env
+ (** We lookup the shared values *)
+ method! visit_SharedBorrow env bid =
+ let open InterpreterBorrowsCore in
+ let v =
+ match snd (lookup_loan ek_all bid fp_ctx) with
+ | Concrete (V.SharedLoan (_, v)) -> v
+ | Abstract (V.ASharedLoan (_, v, _)) -> v
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
+ in
+ self#visit_typed_value env v
+ method! visit_symbolic_value_id _ id =
+ if not (V.SymbolicValueId.Set.mem id !found_sids) then (
+ found_sids := V.SymbolicValueId.Set.add id !found_sids;
+ ordered_sids := id :: !ordered_sids)
+ end
+ in
+ List.iter (visitor#visit_env_elem ()) (List.rev fp_ctx.env);
+ List.filter_map
+ (fun id -> V.SymbolicValueId.Map.find_opt id sids_to_values)
+ (List.rev !ordered_sids)
+ in
+ log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("compute_fp_ctx_symbolic_values:" ^ "\n- src context:\n"
+ ^ eval_ctx_to_string_no_filter ctx
+ ^ "\n- fixed point:\n"
+ ^ eval_ctx_to_string_no_filter fp_ctx
+ ^ "\n- fresh_sids: "
+ ^ fresh_sids
+ ^ "\n- input_svalues: "
+ ^ Print.list_to_string (symbolic_value_to_string ctx) input_svalues
+ ^ "\n\n"));
+ (fresh_sids, input_svalues)