path: root/compiler/
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1 files changed, 14 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index cd6df2b0..c2807311 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -468,13 +468,12 @@ let apply_branching_symbolic_expansions_non_borrow (config : C.config)
let seel = fst see_cf_l in
S.synthesize_symbolic_expansion sv sv_place seel subterms
-(** Expand a symbolic boolean *)
-let expand_symbolic_bool (config : C.config) (sp : V.symbolic_value)
- (sp_place : SA.mplace option) (cf_true : m_fun) (cf_false : m_fun) : m_fun =
+let expand_symbolic_bool (config : C.config) (sv : V.symbolic_value)
+ (sv_place : SA.mplace option) (cf_true : m_fun) (cf_false : m_fun) : m_fun =
fun ctx ->
(* Compute the expanded value *)
- let original_sv = sp in
- let original_sv_place = sp_place in
+ let original_sv = sv in
+ let original_sv_place = sv_place in
let rty = original_sv.V.sv_ty in
assert (rty = T.Bool);
(* Expand the symbolic value to true or false and continue execution *)
@@ -485,24 +484,17 @@ let expand_symbolic_bool (config : C.config) (sp : V.symbolic_value)
apply_branching_symbolic_expansions_non_borrow config original_sv
original_sv_place seel ctx
-(** Expand a symbolic value.
- [allow_branching]: if [true] we can branch (by expanding enumerations with
- stricly more than one variant), otherwise we can't.
- TODO: rename [sp] to [sv]
- *)
let expand_symbolic_value (config : C.config) (allow_branching : bool)
- (sp : V.symbolic_value) (sp_place : SA.mplace option) : cm_fun =
+ (sv : V.symbolic_value) (sv_place : SA.mplace option) : cm_fun =
fun cf ctx ->
(* Debug *)
- log#ldebug (lazy ("expand_symbolic_value:" ^ symbolic_value_to_string ctx sp));
+ log#ldebug (lazy ("expand_symbolic_value:" ^ symbolic_value_to_string ctx sv));
(* Remember the initial context for printing purposes *)
let ctx0 = ctx in
(* Compute the expanded value - note that when doing so, we may introduce
* fresh symbolic values in the context (which thus gets updated) *)
- let original_sv = sp in
- let original_sv_place = sp_place in
+ let original_sv = sv in
+ let original_sv_place = sv_place in
let rty = original_sv.V.sv_ty in
let cc : cm_fun =
fun cf ctx ->
@@ -512,7 +504,7 @@ let expand_symbolic_value (config : C.config) (allow_branching : bool)
| T.Adt (T.AdtId def_id, regions, types) ->
(* Compute the expanded value *)
let seel =
- compute_expanded_symbolic_adt_value allow_branching sp.sv_kind def_id
+ compute_expanded_symbolic_adt_value allow_branching sv.sv_kind def_id
regions types ctx
(* Check for branching *)
@@ -528,7 +520,7 @@ let expand_symbolic_value (config : C.config) (allow_branching : bool)
let ty = Collections.List.to_cons_nil types in
(* Compute the expanded value *)
let seel =
- compute_expanded_symbolic_option_value allow_branching sp.sv_kind ty
+ compute_expanded_symbolic_option_value allow_branching sv.sv_kind ty
(* Check for branching *)
@@ -540,7 +532,7 @@ let expand_symbolic_value (config : C.config) (allow_branching : bool)
(* Tuples *)
| T.Adt (T.Tuple, [], tys) ->
(* Generate the field values *)
- let see = compute_expanded_symbolic_tuple_value sp.sv_kind tys in
+ let see = compute_expanded_symbolic_tuple_value sv.sv_kind tys in
(* Apply in the context *)
let ctx =
apply_symbolic_expansion_non_borrow config original_sv see ctx
@@ -552,7 +544,7 @@ let expand_symbolic_value (config : C.config) (allow_branching : bool)
original_sv_place see expr
(* Boxes *)
| T.Adt (T.Assumed T.Box, [], [ boxed_ty ]) ->
- let see = compute_expanded_symbolic_box_value sp.sv_kind boxed_ty in
+ let see = compute_expanded_symbolic_box_value sv.sv_kind boxed_ty in
(* Apply in the context *)
let ctx =
apply_symbolic_expansion_non_borrow config original_sv see ctx
@@ -569,7 +561,7 @@ let expand_symbolic_value (config : C.config) (allow_branching : bool)
(* Booleans *)
| T.Bool ->
assert allow_branching;
- expand_symbolic_bool config sp sp_place cf cf ctx
+ expand_symbolic_bool config sv sv_place cf cf ctx
| _ ->
(Failure ("expand_symbolic_value: unexpected type: " ^ T.show_rty rty))
@@ -580,7 +572,7 @@ let expand_symbolic_value (config : C.config) (allow_branching : bool)
("expand_symbolic_value: "
- ^ symbolic_value_to_string ctx0 sp
+ ^ symbolic_value_to_string ctx0 sv
^ "\n\n- original context:\n" ^ eval_ctx_to_string ctx0
^ "\n\n- new context:\n" ^ eval_ctx_to_string ctx ^ "\n"));
(* Sanity check: the symbolic value has disappeared *)
@@ -589,32 +581,6 @@ let expand_symbolic_value (config : C.config) (allow_branching : bool)
(* Continue *)
cc cf ctx
-(** Symbolic integers are expanded upon evaluating a [switch], when the integer
- is not an enumeration discriminant.
- Note that a discriminant is never symbolic: we evaluate discriminant values
- upon evaluating [eval_discriminant], which always generates a concrete value
- (because if we call it on a symbolic enumeration, we expand the enumeration
- *then* evaluate the discriminant). This is how we can spot "regular" switches
- over integers.
- When expanding a boolean upon evaluating an [if ... then ... else ...],
- or an enumeration just before matching over it, we can simply expand the
- boolean/enumeration (generating a list of contexts from which to execute)
- then retry evaluating the [if ... then ... else ...] or the [match]: as
- the scrutinee will then have a concrete value, the interpreter will switch
- to the proper branch.
- However, when expanding a "regular" integer for a switch, there is always an
- *otherwise* branch that we can take, for which the integer must remain symbolic
- (because in this branch the scrutinee can take a range of values). We thus
- can't simply expand then retry to evaluate the [switch], because then we
- would loop...
- For this reason, we take the list of branches to execute as parameters, and
- directly jump to those branches after the expansion, without reevaluating the
- switch. The continuation is thus for the execution *after* the switch.
let expand_symbolic_int (config : C.config) (sv : V.symbolic_value)
(sv_place : SA.mplace option) (int_type : T.integer_type)
(tgts : (V.scalar_value * m_fun) list) (otherwise : m_fun) : m_fun =
@@ -636,7 +602,6 @@ let expand_symbolic_int (config : C.config) (sv : V.symbolic_value)
(* Then expand and evaluate - this generates the proper symbolic AST *)
apply_branching_symbolic_expansions_non_borrow config sv sv_place tgts
-(** See [expand_symbolic_value] *)
let expand_symbolic_value_no_branching (config : C.config)
(sv : V.symbolic_value) (sv_place : SA.mplace option) : cm_fun =
let allow_branching = false in
@@ -723,9 +688,6 @@ let greedy_expand_symbolics_with_borrows (config : C.config) : cm_fun =
(* Apply *)
expand cf ctx
-(** If this mode is activated through the [config], greedily expand the symbolic
- values which need to be expanded. See [config] for more information.
- *)
let greedy_expand_symbolic_values (config : C.config) : cm_fun =
fun cf ctx ->
if config.greedy_expand_symbolics_with_borrows then (