path: root/compiler/
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1 files changed, 32 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index e2d2bb0a..16aaf60a 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ let give_back_value (config : C.config) (bid :
("give_back_value: improper type:\n- expected: "
^ ety_to_string ctx ty ^ "\n- received: "
^ ety_to_string ctx nv.V.ty);
- failwith "Value given back doesn't have the proper type");
+ raise (Failure "Value given back doesn't have the proper type"));
(* Replace *)
set_replaced ();
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ let give_back_value (config : C.config) (bid :
{ given_back_loans_proj; child; given_back_meta })
- | _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
(* Continue exploring *)
V.ABorrow (super#visit_AIgnoredMutBorrow opt_abs bid' child)
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ let give_back_value (config : C.config) (bid :
(* Preparing a bit *)
let regions, ancestors_regions =
match opt_abs with
- | None -> failwith "Unreachable"
+ | None -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
| Some abs -> (abs.V.regions, abs.V.ancestors_regions)
(* Rk.: there is a small issue with the types of the aloan values.
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ let give_back_symbolic_value (_config : C.config)
assert (sv.sv_id <> nsv.sv_id);
(match nsv.sv_kind with
| V.SynthInputGivenBack | V.SynthRetGivenBack | V.FunCallGivenBack -> ()
- | V.FunCallRet | V.SynthInput | V.Global -> failwith "Unrechable");
+ | V.FunCallRet | V.SynthInput | V.Global -> raise (Failure "Unrechable"));
(* Store the given-back value as a meta-value for synthesis purposes *)
let mv = nsv in
(* Substitution function, to replace the borrow projectors over symbolic values *)
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ let give_back_symbolic_value (_config : C.config)
type [T]! We thus *mustn't* introduce a projector here.
V.AProjBorrows (nsv, sv.V.sv_ty)
- | _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
V.AProjLoans (sv, (mv, child_proj) :: local_given_back)
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ let give_back_avalue_to_same_abstraction (_config : C.config)
("give_back_avalue_to_same_abstraction: improper type:\n\
- expected: " ^ rty_to_string ctx ty ^ "\n- received: "
^ rty_to_string ctx nv.V.ty);
- failwith "Value given back doesn't have the proper type");
+ raise (Failure "Value given back doesn't have the proper type"));
(* This is the loan we are looking for: apply the projection to
* the value we give back and replaced this mutable loan with
* an ended loan *)
@@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ let give_back (config : C.config) (l : (bc : g_borrow_content)
| Abstract
( V.AEndedMutBorrow _ | V.AIgnoredMutBorrow _ | V.AEndedIgnoredMutBorrow _
| V.AEndedSharedBorrow ) ->
- failwith "Unreachable"
+ raise (Failure "Unreachable")
(** Convert an {!type:V.avalue} to a {!type:V.value}.
@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ let rec end_borrow (config : C.config) (chain : borrow_or_abs_ids)
^ ": borrow didn't disappear:\n- original context:\n"
^ eval_ctx_to_string ctx0 ^ "\n\n- new context:\n"
^ eval_ctx_to_string ctx));
- failwith "Borrow not eliminated"
+ raise (Failure "Borrow not eliminated")
match lookup_loan_opt ek_all l ctx with
| None -> () (* Ok *)
@@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ let rec end_borrow (config : C.config) (chain : borrow_or_abs_ids)
^ ": loan didn't disappear:\n- original context:\n"
^ eval_ctx_to_string ctx0 ^ "\n\n- new context:\n"
^ eval_ctx_to_string ctx));
- failwith "Loan not eliminated"
+ raise (Failure "Loan not eliminated")
let cf_check_disappeared : cm_fun = unit_to_cm_fun check_disappeared in
(* The complete sanity check: also check that after we ended a borrow,
@@ -1137,7 +1137,7 @@ and end_abstraction_borrows (config : C.config) (chain : borrow_or_abs_ids)
method! visit_aproj env sproj =
(match sproj with
- | V.AProjLoans _ -> failwith "Unexpected"
+ | V.AProjLoans _ -> raise (Failure "Unexpected")
| V.AProjBorrows (sv, proj_ty) ->
raise (FoundAProjBorrows (sv, proj_ty))
| V.AEndedProjLoans _ | V.AEndedProjBorrows _ | V.AIgnoredProjBorrows ->
@@ -1149,7 +1149,7 @@ and end_abstraction_borrows (config : C.config) (chain : borrow_or_abs_ids)
match bc with
| V.SharedBorrow (_, _) | V.MutBorrow (_, _) ->
raise (FoundBorrowContent bc)
- | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
+ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
(* Lookup the abstraction *)
@@ -1209,7 +1209,7 @@ and end_abstraction_borrows (config : C.config) (chain : borrow_or_abs_ids)
| V.AEndedMutBorrow _ | V.AIgnoredMutBorrow _
| V.AEndedIgnoredMutBorrow _ | V.AEndedSharedBorrow ->
- failwith "Unexpected"
+ raise (Failure "Unexpected")
(* Reexplore *)
end_abstraction_borrows config chain abs_id cf ctx
@@ -1241,19 +1241,19 @@ and end_abstraction_borrows (config : C.config) (chain : borrow_or_abs_ids)
| V.SharedBorrow (_, bid) -> (
(* Replace the shared borrow with bottom *)
match end_borrow_get_borrow (Some abs_id) bid ctx with
- | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
+ | Error _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
| Ok (ctx, _) ->
(* Give back *)
give_back_shared config bid ctx)
| V.MutBorrow (bid, v) -> (
(* Replace the mut borrow with bottom *)
match end_borrow_get_borrow (Some abs_id) bid ctx with
- | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
+ | Error _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
| Ok (ctx, _) ->
(* Give the value back - note that the mut borrow was below a
* shared borrow: the value is thus unchanged *)
give_back_value config bid v ctx)
- | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
+ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
(* Reexplore *)
end_abstraction_borrows config chain abs_id cf ctx
@@ -1264,7 +1264,7 @@ and end_abstraction_remove_from_context (_config : C.config)
fun cf ctx ->
let rec remove_from_env (env : C.env) : C.env * V.abs option =
match env with
- | [] -> failwith "Unreachable"
+ | [] -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
| C.Frame :: _ -> (env, None)
| Var (bv, v) :: env ->
let env, abs_opt = remove_from_env env in
@@ -1463,7 +1463,7 @@ let promote_shared_loan_to_mut_loan (l :
match lookup_loan ek l ctx with
| _, Concrete (V.MutLoan _) ->
- failwith "Expected a shared loan, found a mut loan"
+ raise (Failure "Expected a shared loan, found a mut loan")
| _, Concrete (V.SharedLoan (bids, sv)) ->
(* Check that there is only one borrow id (l) and update the loan *)
assert (V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids && V.BorrowId.Set.cardinal bids = 1);
@@ -1482,9 +1482,10 @@ let promote_shared_loan_to_mut_loan (l :
| _, Abstract _ ->
(* I don't think it is possible to have two-phase borrows involving borrows
* returned by abstractions. I'm not sure how we could handle that anyway. *)
- failwith
- "Can't promote a shared loan to a mutable loan if the loan is inside \
- an abstraction"
+ raise
+ (Failure
+ "Can't promote a shared loan to a mutable loan if the loan is \
+ inside an abstraction")
(** Helper function: see {!activate_inactivated_mut_borrow}.
@@ -1502,15 +1503,16 @@ let promote_inactivated_borrow_to_mut_borrow (l : (cf : m_fun)
let ctx =
match lookup_borrow ek l ctx with
| Concrete (V.SharedBorrow _ | V.MutBorrow (_, _)) ->
- failwith "Expected an inactivated mutable borrow"
+ raise (Failure "Expected an inactivated mutable borrow")
| Concrete (V.InactivatedMutBorrow _) ->
(* Update it *)
update_borrow ek l (V.MutBorrow (l, borrowed_value)) ctx
| Abstract _ ->
(* This can't happen for sure *)
- failwith
- "Can't promote a shared borrow to a mutable borrow if the borrow is \
- inside an abstraction"
+ raise
+ (Failure
+ "Can't promote a shared borrow to a mutable borrow if the borrow \
+ is inside an abstraction")
(* Continue *)
cf ctx
@@ -1527,7 +1529,7 @@ let rec activate_inactivated_mut_borrow (config : C.config) (l :
{ enter_shared_loans = false; enter_mut_borrows = true; enter_abs = false }
match lookup_loan ek l ctx with
- | _, Concrete (V.MutLoan _) -> failwith "Unreachable"
+ | _, Concrete (V.MutLoan _) -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
| _, Concrete (V.SharedLoan (bids, sv)) -> (
(* If there are loans inside the value, end them. Note that there can't be
inactivated borrows inside the value.
@@ -1575,6 +1577,8 @@ let rec activate_inactivated_mut_borrow (config : C.config) (l :
| _, Abstract _ ->
(* I don't think it is possible to have two-phase borrows involving borrows
* returned by abstractions. I'm not sure how we could handle that anyway. *)
- failwith
- "Can't activate an inactivated mutable borrow referencing a loan inside\n\
- \ an abstraction"
+ raise
+ (Failure
+ "Can't activate an inactivated mutable borrow referencing a loan \
+ inside\n\
+ \ an abstraction")