path: root/compiler/
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f5ca0d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+(** Utilities for extracting names *)
+open Charon.NameMatcher
+module NameMatcherMap = struct
+ type 'a t = (pattern * 'a) list
+ let config = { map_vars_to_vars = true }
+ let find_opt (ctx : ctx) (name : (m : 'a t) : 'a option =
+ match List.find_opt (fun (pat, _) -> match_name ctx config pat name) m with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some (_, v) -> Some v
+ let find_with_generics_opt (ctx : ctx) (name :
+ (g : Types.generic_args) (m : 'a t) : 'a option =
+ match
+ List.find_opt
+ (fun (pat, _) -> match_name_with_generics ctx config pat name g)
+ m
+ with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some (_, v) -> Some v
+ let mem (ctx : ctx) (name : (m : 'a t) : bool =
+ find_opt ctx name m <> None
+ let of_list (ls : (pattern * 'a) list) : 'a t = ls
+(** Helper to convert name patterns to names for extraction.
+ For impl blocks, we simply use the name of the type (without its arguments)
+ if all the arguments are variables.
+ *)
+let pattern_to_extract_name (is_trait_impl : bool) (name : pattern) :
+ string list =
+ let c = { tgt_kind = TkName } in
+ let is_var (g : generic_arg) : bool =
+ match g with
+ | GExpr (EVar _) -> true
+ | GRegion (RVar _) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ let all_vars = List.for_all is_var in
+ let elem_to_string (e : pattern_elem) : string =
+ match e with
+ | PIdent _ -> pattern_elem_to_string c e
+ | PImpl ty -> (
+ match ty with
+ | EComp id -> (
+ (* Retrieve the last ident *)
+ let id = Collections.List.last id in
+ match id with
+ | PIdent (s, g) ->
+ if all_vars g then s else pattern_elem_to_string c id
+ | PImpl _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable"))
+ | EPrimAdt (adt, g) ->
+ if all_vars g then
+ match adt with
+ | TTuple ->
+ let l = List.length g in
+ if l = 2 then "Pair" else expr_to_string c ty
+ | TArray -> "Array"
+ | TSlice -> "Slice"
+ else expr_to_string c ty
+ | ERef _ | EVar _ -> raise (Failure ""))
+ in
+ let rec pattern_to_string (n : pattern) : string list =
+ match n with
+ | [] -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
+ | [ e ] ->
+ let e = elem_to_string e in
+ if is_trait_impl then [ e ^ "Inst" ] else [ e ]
+ | e :: n -> elem_to_string e :: pattern_to_string n
+ in
+ pattern_to_string name
+let pattern_to_fun_extract_name = pattern_to_extract_name false
+let pattern_to_trait_impl_extract_name = pattern_to_extract_name true
+(* TODO: this is provisional. We just want to make sure that the extraction
+ names we derive from the patterns (for the builtin definitions) are
+ consistent with the extraction names we derive from the Rust names *)
+let name_to_simple_name (ctx : ctx) (n : : string list =
+ pattern_to_extract_name false (name_to_pattern ctx n)
+let name_with_generics_to_simple_name (ctx : ctx) (n :
+ (p : Types.generic_params) (g : Types.generic_args) : string list =
+ pattern_to_extract_name true (name_with_generics_to_pattern ctx n p g)
+ (* Prepare a name.
+ The first id elem is always the crate: if it is the local crate,
+ we remove it. We ignore disambiguators (there may be collisions, but we
+ check if there are).
+ *)
+ let rec name_to_simple_name (name : llbc_name) : string list =
+ (* Rmk.: initially we only filtered the disambiguators equal to 0 *)
+ match name with
+ | (PeIdent (crate, _) as id) :: name ->
+ let name = if crate = crate_name then name else id :: name in
+ let open Types in
+ let name =
+ (function
+ | PeIdent (s, _) -> s
+ | PeImpl impl -> impl_elem_to_simple_name impl)
+ name
+ in
+ name
+ | _ ->
+ raise
+ (Failure
+ ("Unexpected name shape: " ^ TranslateCore.name_to_string ctx name))
+ and impl_elem_to_simple_name (impl : Types.impl_elem) : string =
+ (* We do something simple for now.
+ TODO: we might want to do something different for impl elements which are
+ actually trait implementations, in order to prevent name collisions (it
+ is possible to define several times the same trait for the same type,
+ but with different instantiations of the type, or different trait
+ requirements *)
+ ty_to_simple_name impl.generics impl.ty
+ and ty_to_simple_name (generics : Types.generic_params) (ty : Types.ty) :
+ string =
+ (* We do something simple for now.
+ TODO: find a more principled way of converting types to names.
+ In particular, we might want to do something different for impl elements which are
+ actually trait implementations, in order to prevent name collisions (it
+ is possible to define several times the same trait for the same type,
+ but with different instantiations of the type, or different trait
+ requirements *)
+ match ty with
+ | TAdt (id, args) -> (
+ match id with
+ | TAdtId id ->
+ let def = TypeDeclId.Map.find id ctx.type_ctx.type_decls in
+ name_last_elem_as_ident
+ | TTuple ->
+ (* TODO *)
+ "Tuple"
+ ^ String.concat ""
+ ( (ty_to_simple_name generics) args.types)
+ | TAssumed id -> (
+ match id with
+ | Types.TBox -> "Box"
+ | Types.TArray -> "Array"
+ | Types.TSlice -> "Slice"
+ | Types.TStr -> "Str"))
+ | TVar vid ->
+ (* Use the variable name *)
+ (List.find (fun (v : type_var) -> v.index = vid) generics.types).name
+ | TLiteral lty ->
+ StringUtils.capitalize_first_letter
+ (Print.Types.literal_type_to_string lty)
+ | TNever -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
+ | TRef (_, rty, rk) -> (
+ let rty = ty_to_simple_name generics rty in
+ match rk with
+ | RMut -> "MutBorrow" ^ rty
+ | RShared -> "SharedBorrow" ^ rty)
+ | TRawPtr (rty, rk) -> (
+ let rty = ty_to_simple_name generics rty in
+ match rk with RMut -> "MutPtr" ^ rty | RShared -> "ConstPtr" ^ rty)
+ | TTraitType (tr, _, name) ->
+ (* TODO: this is way too simple *)
+ let trait_decl =
+ TraitDeclId.Map.find tr.trait_decl_ref.trait_decl_id
+ ctx.trait_decls_ctx.trait_decls
+ in
+ name_last_elem_as_ident ^ name
+ | TArrow (inputs, output) ->
+ "Arrow"
+ ^ String.concat ""
+ ( (ty_to_simple_name generics) (inputs @ [ output ]))
+ in