path: root/compiler/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/')
1 files changed, 648 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a54ab604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+(** This file declares external identifiers that we catch to map them to
+ definitions coming from the standard libraries in our backends.
+ TODO: there misses trait **implementations**
+ *)
+open Names
+open Config
+type simple_name = string list [@@deriving show, ord]
+let name_to_simple_name (s : name) : simple_name =
+ (* We simply ignore the disambiguators *)
+ List.filter_map (function Ident id -> Some id | Disambiguator _ -> None) s
+(** Small helper which cuts a string at the occurrences of "::" *)
+let string_to_simple_name (s : string) : simple_name =
+ (* No function to split by using string separator?? *)
+ let name = String.split_on_char ':' s in
+ List.filter (fun s -> s <> "") name
+module SimpleNameOrd = struct
+ type t = simple_name
+ let compare = compare_simple_name
+ let to_string = show_simple_name
+ let pp_t = pp_simple_name
+ let show_t = show_simple_name
+module SimpleNameMap = Collections.MakeMap (SimpleNameOrd)
+module SimpleNameSet = Collections.MakeSet (SimpleNameOrd)
+(** Small utility to memoize some computations *)
+let mk_memoized (f : unit -> 'a) : unit -> 'a =
+ let r = ref None in
+ let g () =
+ match !r with
+ | Some x -> x
+ | None ->
+ let x = f () in
+ r := Some x;
+ x
+ in
+ g
+(** Switch between two values depending on the target backend.
+ We often compute the same value (typically: a name) if the target
+ is F*, Coq or HOL4, and a different value if the target is Lean.
+ *)
+let backend_choice (fstar_coq_hol4 : 'a) (lean : 'a) : 'a =
+ match !backend with Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> fstar_coq_hol4 | Lean -> lean
+let builtin_globals : (string * string) list =
+ [
+ (* Min *)
+ ("core::num::usize::MIN", "core_usize_min");
+ ("core::num::u8::MIN", "core_u8_min");
+ ("core::num::u16::MIN", "core_u16_min");
+ ("core::num::u32::MIN", "core_u32_min");
+ ("core::num::u64::MIN", "core_u64_min");
+ ("core::num::u128::MIN", "core_u128_min");
+ ("core::num::isize::MIN", "core_isize_min");
+ ("core::num::i8::MIN", "core_i8_min");
+ ("core::num::i16::MIN", "core_i16_min");
+ ("core::num::i32::MIN", "core_i32_min");
+ ("core::num::i64::MIN", "core_i64_min");
+ ("core::num::i128::MIN", "core_i128_min");
+ (* Max *)
+ ("core::num::usize::MAX", "core_usize_max");
+ ("core::num::u8::MAX", "core_u8_max");
+ ("core::num::u16::MAX", "core_u16_max");
+ ("core::num::u32::MAX", "core_u32_max");
+ ("core::num::u64::MAX", "core_u64_max");
+ ("core::num::u128::MAX", "core_u128_max");
+ ("core::num::isize::MAX", "core_isize_max");
+ ("core::num::i8::MAX", "core_i8_max");
+ ("core::num::i16::MAX", "core_i16_max");
+ ("core::num::i32::MAX", "core_i32_max");
+ ("core::num::i64::MAX", "core_i64_max");
+ ("core::num::i128::MAX", "core_i128_max");
+ ]
+let builtin_globals_map : string SimpleNameMap.t =
+ SimpleNameMap.of_list
+ ( (fun (x, y) -> (string_to_simple_name x, y)) builtin_globals)
+type builtin_variant_info = { fields : (string * string) list }
+[@@deriving show]
+type builtin_enum_variant_info = {
+ rust_variant_name : string;
+ extract_variant_name : string;
+ fields : string list option;
+[@@deriving show]
+type builtin_type_body_info =
+ | Struct of string * (string * string) list
+ (* The constructor name and the map for the field names *)
+ | Enum of builtin_enum_variant_info list
+(* For every variant, a map for the field names *)
+[@@deriving show]
+type builtin_type_info = {
+ rust_name : string list;
+ extract_name : string;
+ keep_params : bool list option;
+ (** We might want to filter some of the type parameters.
+ For instance, `Vec` type takes a type parameter for the allocator,
+ which we want to ignore.
+ *)
+ body_info : builtin_type_body_info option;
+[@@deriving show]
+type type_variant_kind =
+ | KOpaque
+ | KStruct of (string * string) list
+ (* TODO: handle the tuple case *)
+ | KEnum (* TODO *)
+let mk_struct_constructor (type_name : string) : string =
+ let prefix =
+ match !backend with FStar -> "Mk" | Coq | HOL4 -> "mk" | Lean -> ""
+ in
+ let suffix = match !backend with FStar | Coq | HOL4 -> "" | Lean -> ".mk" in
+ prefix ^ type_name ^ suffix
+(** The assumed types.
+ The optional list of booleans is filtering information for the type
+ parameters. For instance, in the case of the `Vec` functions, there is
+ a type parameter for the allocator to use, which we want to filter.
+ *)
+let builtin_types () : builtin_type_info list =
+ let mk_type (rust_name : string list) ?(keep_params : bool list option = None)
+ ?(kind : type_variant_kind = KOpaque) () : builtin_type_info =
+ let extract_name =
+ let sep = backend_choice "_" "." in
+ String.concat sep rust_name
+ in
+ let body_info : builtin_type_body_info option =
+ match kind with
+ | KOpaque -> None
+ | KStruct fields ->
+ let fields =
+ (fun (rname, name) ->
+ ( rname,
+ match !backend with
+ | FStar | Lean -> name
+ | Coq | HOL4 -> extract_name ^ "_" ^ name ))
+ fields
+ in
+ let constructor = mk_struct_constructor extract_name in
+ Some (Struct (constructor, fields))
+ | KEnum -> raise (Failure "TODO")
+ in
+ { rust_name; extract_name; keep_params; body_info }
+ in
+ [
+ (* Alloc *)
+ mk_type [ "alloc"; "alloc"; "Global" ] ();
+ (* Vec *)
+ mk_type [ "alloc"; "vec"; "Vec" ] ~keep_params:(Some [ true; false ]) ();
+ (* Range *)
+ mk_type
+ [ "core"; "ops"; "range"; "Range" ]
+ ~kind:(KStruct [ ("start", "start"); ("end", "end_") ])
+ ();
+ (* Option
+ This one is more custom because we use the standard "option" type from
+ the target backend.
+ *)
+ {
+ rust_name = [ "core"; "option"; "Option" ];
+ extract_name =
+ (match !backend with
+ | Lean -> "Option"
+ | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> "option");
+ keep_params = None;
+ body_info =
+ Some
+ (Enum
+ [
+ {
+ rust_variant_name = "None";
+ extract_variant_name =
+ (match !backend with
+ | FStar | Coq -> "None"
+ | Lean -> "none"
+ | HOL4 -> "NONE");
+ fields = None;
+ };
+ {
+ rust_variant_name = "Some";
+ extract_variant_name =
+ (match !backend with
+ | FStar | Coq -> "Some"
+ | Lean -> "some"
+ | HOL4 -> "SOME");
+ fields = None;
+ };
+ ]);
+ };
+ ]
+let mk_builtin_types_map () =
+ SimpleNameMap.of_list
+ ( (fun info -> (info.rust_name, info)) (builtin_types ()))
+let builtin_types_map = mk_memoized mk_builtin_types_map
+type builtin_fun_info = {
+ rg : option;
+ extract_name : string;
+[@@deriving show]
+(** The assumed functions.
+ The optional list of booleans is filtering information for the type
+ parameters. For instance, in the case of the `Vec` functions, there is
+ a type parameter for the allocator to use, which we want to filter.
+ *)
+let builtin_funs () :
+ (string list * bool list option * builtin_fun_info list) list =
+ let rg0 = Some in
+ (* Small utility *)
+ let mk_fun (name : string list) (extract_name : string list option)
+ (filter : bool list option) (with_back : bool) (back_no_suffix : bool) :
+ string list * bool list option * builtin_fun_info list =
+ let extract_name =
+ match extract_name with None -> name | Some name -> name
+ in
+ let basename =
+ match !backend with
+ | FStar | Coq | HOL4 -> String.concat "_" extract_name
+ | Lean -> String.concat "." extract_name
+ in
+ let fwd_suffix = if with_back && back_no_suffix then "_fwd" else "" in
+ let fwd = [ { rg = None; extract_name = basename ^ fwd_suffix } ] in
+ let back_suffix = if with_back && back_no_suffix then "" else "_back" in
+ let back =
+ if with_back then [ { rg = rg0; extract_name = basename ^ back_suffix } ]
+ else []
+ in
+ (name, filter, fwd @ back)
+ in
+ [
+ mk_fun [ "core"; "mem"; "replace" ] None None true false;
+ mk_fun [ "alloc"; "vec"; "Vec"; "new" ] None None false false;
+ mk_fun
+ [ "alloc"; "vec"; "Vec"; "push" ]
+ None
+ (Some [ true; false ])
+ true true;
+ mk_fun
+ [ "alloc"; "vec"; "Vec"; "insert" ]
+ None
+ (Some [ true; false ])
+ true true;
+ mk_fun
+ [ "alloc"; "vec"; "Vec"; "len" ]
+ None
+ (Some [ true; false ])
+ true false;
+ mk_fun
+ [ "alloc"; "vec"; "Vec"; "index" ]
+ None
+ (Some [ true; true; false ])
+ true false;
+ mk_fun
+ [ "alloc"; "vec"; "Vec"; "index_mut" ]
+ None
+ (Some [ true; true; false ])
+ true false;
+ mk_fun
+ [ "alloc"; "boxed"; "Box"; "deref" ]
+ None
+ (Some [ true; false ])
+ true false;
+ mk_fun
+ [ "alloc"; "boxed"; "Box"; "deref_mut" ]
+ None
+ (Some [ true; false ])
+ true false;
+ (* TODO: fix the same like "[T]" below *)
+ mk_fun
+ [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "[T]"; "index" ]
+ (Some [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "Slice"; "index" ])
+ None true false;
+ mk_fun
+ [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "[T]"; "index_mut" ]
+ (Some [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "Slice"; "index_mut" ])
+ None true false;
+ mk_fun
+ [ "core"; "array"; "[T; N]"; "index" ]
+ (Some [ "core"; "array"; "Array"; "index" ])
+ None true false;
+ mk_fun
+ [ "core"; "array"; "[T; N]"; "index_mut" ]
+ (Some [ "core"; "array"; "Array"; "index_mut" ])
+ None true false;
+ mk_fun [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "Range"; "get" ] None None true false;
+ mk_fun [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "Range"; "get_mut" ] None None true false;
+ mk_fun [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "Range"; "index" ] None None true false;
+ mk_fun
+ [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "Range"; "index_mut" ]
+ None None true false;
+ mk_fun
+ [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "Range"; "get_unchecked" ]
+ None None false false;
+ mk_fun
+ [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "Range"; "get_unchecked_mut" ]
+ None None false false;
+ mk_fun
+ [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "usize"; "get" ]
+ (Some [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "Usize"; "get" ])
+ None true false;
+ mk_fun
+ [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "usize"; "get_mut" ]
+ (Some [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "Usize"; "get_mut" ])
+ None true false;
+ mk_fun
+ [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "usize"; "get_unchecked" ]
+ (Some [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "Usize"; "get_unchecked" ])
+ None false false;
+ mk_fun
+ [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "usize"; "get_unchecked_mut" ]
+ (Some [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "Usize"; "get_unchecked_mut" ])
+ None false false;
+ mk_fun
+ [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "usize"; "index" ]
+ (Some [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "Usize"; "index" ])
+ None true false;
+ mk_fun
+ [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "usize"; "index_mut" ]
+ (Some [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "Usize"; "index_mut" ])
+ None true false;
+ ]
+let mk_builtin_funs_map () =
+ SimpleNameMap.of_list
+ (
+ (fun (name, filter, info) -> (name, (filter, info)))
+ (builtin_funs ()))
+let builtin_funs_map = mk_memoized mk_builtin_funs_map
+type effect_info = { can_fail : bool; stateful : bool }
+let builtin_fun_effects =
+ let int_names =
+ [
+ "usize";
+ "u8";
+ "u16";
+ "u32";
+ "u64";
+ "u128";
+ "isize";
+ "i8";
+ "i16";
+ "i32";
+ "i64";
+ "i128";
+ ]
+ in
+ let int_ops =
+ [ "wrapping_add"; "wrapping_sub"; "rotate_left"; "rotate_right" ]
+ in
+ let int_funs =
+ (fun int_name ->
+ (fun op -> "core::num::" ^ int_name ^ "::" ^ op) int_ops)
+ int_names
+ in
+ let int_funs = List.concat int_funs in
+ let no_fail_no_state_funs =
+ [
+ (* TODO: redundancy with the funs information below *)
+ "alloc::vec::Vec::new";
+ "alloc::vec::Vec::len";
+ "alloc::boxed::Box::deref";
+ "alloc::boxed::Box::deref_mut";
+ "core::mem::replace";
+ "core::mem::take";
+ ]
+ @ int_funs
+ in
+ let no_fail_no_state_funs =
+ (fun n -> (n, { can_fail = false; stateful = false }))
+ no_fail_no_state_funs
+ in
+ let no_state_funs =
+ [
+ (* TODO: redundancy with the funs information below *)
+ "alloc::vec::Vec::push";
+ "alloc::vec::Vec::index";
+ "alloc::vec::Vec::index_mut";
+ "alloc::vec::Vec::index_mut_back";
+ ]
+ in
+ let no_state_funs =
+ (fun n -> (n, { can_fail = true; stateful = false })) no_state_funs
+ in
+ no_fail_no_state_funs @ no_state_funs
+let builtin_fun_effects_map =
+ SimpleNameMap.of_list
+ ( (fun (n, x) -> (string_to_simple_name n, x)) builtin_fun_effects)
+type builtin_trait_decl_info = {
+ rust_name : string;
+ extract_name : string;
+ constructor : string;
+ parent_clauses : string list;
+ consts : (string * string) list;
+ types : (string * (string * string list)) list;
+ (** Every type has:
+ - a Rust name
+ - an extraction name
+ - a list of clauses *)
+ methods : (string * builtin_fun_info list) list;
+[@@deriving show]
+let builtin_trait_decls_info () =
+ let rg0 = Some in
+ let mk_trait (rust_name : string list) ?(extract_name : string option = None)
+ ?(parent_clauses : string list = []) ?(types : string list = [])
+ ?(methods : (string * bool) list = []) () : builtin_trait_decl_info =
+ let extract_name =
+ match extract_name with
+ | Some n -> n
+ | None -> (
+ match !backend with
+ | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> String.concat "_" rust_name
+ | Lean -> String.concat "." rust_name)
+ in
+ let constructor = mk_struct_constructor extract_name in
+ let consts = [] in
+ let types =
+ let mk_type item_name =
+ let type_name =
+ match !backend with
+ | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> extract_name ^ "_" ^ item_name
+ | Lean -> item_name
+ in
+ let clauses = [] in
+ (item_name, (type_name, clauses))
+ in
+ mk_type types
+ in
+ let methods =
+ let mk_method (item_name, with_back) =
+ (* TODO: factor out with builtin_funs_info *)
+ let basename =
+ match !backend with
+ | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> extract_name ^ "_" ^ item_name
+ | Lean -> item_name
+ in
+ let back_no_suffix = false in
+ let fwd_suffix = if with_back && back_no_suffix then "_fwd" else "" in
+ let fwd = [ { rg = None; extract_name = basename ^ fwd_suffix } ] in
+ let back_suffix = if with_back && back_no_suffix then "" else "_back" in
+ let back =
+ if with_back then
+ [ { rg = rg0; extract_name = basename ^ back_suffix } ]
+ else []
+ in
+ (item_name, fwd @ back)
+ in
+ mk_method methods
+ in
+ let rust_name = String.concat "::" rust_name in
+ {
+ rust_name;
+ extract_name;
+ constructor;
+ parent_clauses;
+ consts;
+ types;
+ methods;
+ }
+ in
+ [
+ (* Deref *)
+ mk_trait
+ [ "core"; "ops"; "deref"; "Deref" ]
+ ~types:[ "Target" ]
+ ~methods:[ ("deref", true) ]
+ ();
+ (* DerefMut *)
+ mk_trait
+ [ "core"; "ops"; "deref"; "DerefMut" ]
+ ~parent_clauses:[ backend_choice "deref_inst" "derefInst" ]
+ ~methods:[ ("deref_mut", true) ]
+ ();
+ (* Index *)
+ mk_trait
+ [ "core"; "ops"; "index"; "Index" ]
+ ~types:[ "Output" ]
+ ~methods:[ ("index", true) ]
+ ();
+ (* IndexMut *)
+ mk_trait
+ [ "core"; "ops"; "index"; "IndexMut" ]
+ ~parent_clauses:[ backend_choice "index_inst" "indexInst" ]
+ ~methods:[ ("index_mut", true) ]
+ ();
+ (* Sealed *)
+ mk_trait [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "private_slice_index"; "Sealed" ] ();
+ (* SliceIndex *)
+ mk_trait
+ [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "SliceIndex" ]
+ ~parent_clauses:[ backend_choice "sealed_inst" "sealedInst" ]
+ ~types:[ "Output" ]
+ ~methods:
+ [
+ ("get", true);
+ ("get_mut", true);
+ ("get_unchecked", false);
+ ("get_unchecked_mut", false);
+ ("index", true);
+ ("index_mut", true);
+ ]
+ ();
+ ]
+let mk_builtin_trait_decls_map () =
+ SimpleNameMap.of_list
+ (
+ (fun info -> (string_to_simple_name info.rust_name, info))
+ (builtin_trait_decls_info ()))
+let builtin_trait_decls_map = mk_memoized mk_builtin_trait_decls_map
+(* TODO: generalize this.
+ For now, the key is:
+ - name of the impl (ex.: "alloc.boxed.Boxed")
+ - name of the implemented trait (ex.: "core.ops.deref.Deref"
+type simple_name_pair = simple_name * simple_name [@@deriving show, ord]
+module SimpleNamePairOrd = struct
+ type t = simple_name_pair
+ let compare = compare_simple_name_pair
+ let to_string = show_simple_name_pair
+ let pp_t = pp_simple_name_pair
+ let show_t = show_simple_name_pair
+module SimpleNamePairMap = Collections.MakeMap (SimpleNamePairOrd)
+let builtin_trait_impls_info () :
+ ((string list * string list) * (bool list option * string)) list =
+ let fmt (type_name : string list)
+ ?(extract_type_name : string list option = None)
+ (trait_name : string list) ?(filter : bool list option = None) () :
+ (string list * string list) * (bool list option * string) =
+ let name =
+ let trait_name = String.concat "" trait_name ^ "Inst" in
+ let sep = backend_choice "_" "." in
+ let type_name =
+ match extract_type_name with
+ | Some type_name -> type_name
+ | None -> type_name
+ in
+ String.concat sep type_name ^ sep ^ trait_name
+ in
+ ((type_name, trait_name), (filter, name))
+ in
+ (* TODO: fix the names like "[T]" below *)
+ [
+ (* core::ops::Deref<alloc::boxed::Box<T>> *)
+ fmt [ "alloc"; "boxed"; "Box" ] [ "core"; "ops"; "deref"; "Deref" ] ();
+ (* core::ops::DerefMut<alloc::boxed::Box<T>> *)
+ fmt [ "alloc"; "boxed"; "Box" ] [ "core"; "ops"; "deref"; "DerefMut" ] ();
+ (* core::ops::index::Index<[T], I> *)
+ fmt
+ [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "[T]" ]
+ ~extract_type_name:(Some [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "Slice" ])
+ [ "core"; "ops"; "index"; "Index" ]
+ ();
+ (* core::ops::index::IndexMut<[T], I> *)
+ fmt
+ [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "[T]" ]
+ ~extract_type_name:(Some [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "Slice" ])
+ [ "core"; "ops"; "index"; "IndexMut" ]
+ ();
+ (* core::slice::index::private_slice_index::Sealed<Range<usize>> *)
+ fmt
+ [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "private_slice_index"; "Range" ]
+ [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "private_slice_index"; "Sealed" ]
+ ();
+ (* core::slice::index::SliceIndex<Range<usize>, [T]> *)
+ fmt
+ [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "Range" ]
+ [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "SliceIndex" ]
+ ();
+ (* core::ops::index::Index<[T; N], I> *)
+ fmt
+ [ "core"; "array"; "[T; N]" ]
+ ~extract_type_name:(Some [ "core"; "array"; "Array" ])
+ [ "core"; "ops"; "index"; "Index" ]
+ ();
+ (* core::ops::index::IndexMut<[T; N], I> *)
+ fmt
+ [ "core"; "array"; "[T; N]" ]
+ ~extract_type_name:(Some [ "core"; "array"; "Array" ])
+ [ "core"; "ops"; "index"; "IndexMut" ]
+ ();
+ (* core::slice::index::private_slice_index::Sealed<usize> *)
+ fmt
+ [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "private_slice_index"; "usize" ]
+ [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "private_slice_index"; "Sealed" ]
+ ();
+ (* core::slice::index::SliceIndex<usize, [T]> *)
+ fmt
+ [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "usize" ]
+ [ "core"; "slice"; "index"; "SliceIndex" ]
+ ();
+ (* core::ops::index::Index<Vec<T>, T> *)
+ fmt [ "alloc"; "vec"; "Vec" ]
+ [ "core"; "ops"; "index"; "Index" ]
+ ~filter:(Some [ true; true; false ])
+ ();
+ (* core::ops::index::IndexMut<Vec<T>, T> *)
+ fmt [ "alloc"; "vec"; "Vec" ]
+ [ "core"; "ops"; "index"; "IndexMut" ]
+ ~filter:(Some [ true; true; false ])
+ ();
+ ]
+let mk_builtin_trait_impls_map () =
+ SimpleNamePairMap.of_list (builtin_trait_impls_info ())
+let builtin_trait_impls_map = mk_memoized mk_builtin_trait_impls_map