path: root/compiler/
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2c0363b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+(** This module defines various utilities to write the interpretation functions
+ in continuation passing style. *)
+module T = Types
+module V = Values
+module C = Contexts
+module SA = SymbolicAst
+(** TODO: change the name *)
+type eval_error = EPanic
+(** Result of evaluating a statement *)
+type statement_eval_res =
+ | Unit
+ | Break of int
+ | Continue of int
+ | Return
+ | Panic
+(** Synthesized expresssion - dummy for now *)
+type sexpr = SOne | SList of sexpr list
+type eval_result = SA.expression option
+(** Continuation function *)
+type m_fun = C.eval_ctx -> eval_result
+(** Continuation taking another continuation as parameter *)
+type cm_fun = m_fun -> m_fun
+(** Continuation taking a typed value as parameter - TODO: use more *)
+type typed_value_m_fun = V.typed_value -> m_fun
+(** Continuation taking another continuation as parameter and a typed
+ value as parameter.
+ *)
+type typed_value_cm_fun = V.typed_value -> cm_fun
+(** Type of a continuation used when evaluating a statement *)
+type st_m_fun = statement_eval_res -> m_fun
+(** Type of a continuation used when evaluating a statement *)
+type st_cm_fun = st_m_fun -> m_fun
+(** Convert a unit function to a cm function *)
+let unit_to_cm_fun (f : C.eval_ctx -> unit) : cm_fun =
+ fun cf ctx ->
+ f ctx;
+ cf ctx
+(** *)
+let update_to_cm_fun (f : C.eval_ctx -> C.eval_ctx) : cm_fun =
+ fun cf ctx ->
+ let ctx = f ctx in
+ cf ctx
+(** Composition of functions taking continuations as parameters.
+ We tried to make this as general as possible. *)
+let comp (f : 'c -> 'd -> 'e) (g : ('a -> 'b) -> 'c) : ('a -> 'b) -> 'd -> 'e =
+ fun cf ctx -> f (g cf) ctx
+let comp_unit (f : cm_fun) (g : C.eval_ctx -> unit) : cm_fun =
+ comp f (unit_to_cm_fun g)
+let comp_update (f : cm_fun) (g : C.eval_ctx -> C.eval_ctx) : cm_fun =
+ comp f (update_to_cm_fun g)
+(** This is just a test, to check that {!comp} is general enough to handle a case
+ where a function must compute a value and give it to the continuation.
+ It happens for functions like {!InterpreterExpressions.eval_operand}.
+ Keeping this here also makes it a good reference, when one wants to figure
+ out the signatures he should use for such a composition.
+ *)
+let comp_ret_val (f : (V.typed_value -> m_fun) -> m_fun)
+ (g : m_fun -> V.typed_value -> m_fun) : cm_fun =
+ comp f g
+let apply (f : cm_fun) (g : m_fun) : m_fun = fun ctx -> f g ctx
+let id_cm_fun : cm_fun = fun cf ctx -> cf ctx
+(** If we have a list of [inputs] of type ['a list] and a function [f] which
+ evaluates one element of type ['a] to compute a result of type ['b] before
+ giving it to a continuation, the following function performs a fold operation:
+ it evaluates all the inputs one by one by accumulating the results in a list,
+ and gives the list to a continuation.
+ Note that we make sure that the results are listed in the order in
+ which they were computed (the first element of the list is the result
+ of applying [f] to the first element of the inputs).
+ See the unit test below for an illustration.
+ *)
+let fold_left_apply_continuation (f : 'a -> ('c -> 'd) -> 'c -> 'd)
+ (inputs : 'a list) (cf : 'c -> 'd) : 'c -> 'd =
+ let rec eval_list (inputs : 'a list) (cf : 'c -> 'd) : 'c -> 'd =
+ fun ctx ->
+ match inputs with
+ | [] -> cf ctx
+ | x :: inputs -> comp (f x) (fun cf -> eval_list inputs cf) cf ctx
+ in
+ eval_list inputs cf
+(** Unit test/example for {!fold_left_apply_continuation} *)
+let _ =
+ fold_left_apply_continuation
+ (fun x cf (ctx : int) -> cf (ctx + x))
+ [ 1; 20; 300; 4000 ]
+ (fun (ctx : int) -> assert (ctx = 4321))
+ 0
+(** If we have a list of [inputs] of type ['a list] and a function [f] which
+ evaluates one element of type ['a] to compute a result of type ['b] before
+ giving it to a continuation, the following function performs a fold operation:
+ it evaluates all the inputs one by one by accumulating the results in a list,
+ and gives the list to a continuation.
+ Note that we make sure that the results are listed in the order in
+ which they were computed (the first element of the list is the result
+ of applying [f] to the first element of the inputs).
+ See the unit test below for an illustration.
+ *)
+let fold_left_list_apply_continuation (f : 'a -> ('b -> 'c -> 'd) -> 'c -> 'd)
+ (inputs : 'a list) (cf : 'b list -> 'c -> 'd) : 'c -> 'd =
+ let rec eval_list (inputs : 'a list) (cf : 'b list -> 'c -> 'd)
+ (outputs : 'b list) : 'c -> 'd =
+ fun ctx ->
+ match inputs with
+ | [] -> cf (List.rev outputs) ctx
+ | x :: inputs ->
+ comp (f x) (fun cf v -> eval_list inputs cf (v :: outputs)) cf ctx
+ in
+ eval_list inputs cf []
+(** Unit test/example for {!fold_left_list_apply_continuation} *)
+let _ =
+ fold_left_list_apply_continuation
+ (fun x cf (ctx : unit) -> cf (10 + x) ctx)
+ [ 0; 1; 2; 3; 4 ]
+ (fun values _ctx -> assert (values = [ 10; 11; 12; 13; 14 ]))
+ ()
+(** Composition of functions taking continuations as parameters.
+ We sometimes have the following situation, where we want to compose three
+ functions [send], [transmit] and [receive] such that:
+ - those three functions take continuations as parameters
+ - [send] generates a value and gives it to its continuation
+ - [receive] expects a value (so we can compose [send] and [receive] like
+ so: [comp send receive])
+ - [transmit] doesn't expect any value and needs to be called between [send]
+ and [receive]
+ In this situation, we need to take the value given by [send] and "transmit"
+ it to [receive].
+ This is what this function does (see the unit test below for an illustration).
+ *)
+let comp_transmit (f : ('v -> 'm) -> 'n) (g : 'm -> 'm) : ('v -> 'm) -> 'n =
+ fun cf -> f (fun v -> g (cf v))
+(** Example of use of {!comp_transmit} *)
+let () =
+ let return3 (cf : int -> unit -> unit) (ctx : unit) = cf 3 ctx in
+ let do_nothing (cf : unit -> unit) (ctx : unit) = cf ctx in
+ let consume3 (x : int) (ctx : unit) : unit =
+ assert (x = 3);
+ ctx
+ in
+ let cc = comp_transmit return3 do_nothing in
+ let cc = cc consume3 in
+ cc ()
+(** Sometimes, we want to compose a function with a continuation which checks
+ its computed value and its updated context, before transmitting them
+ *)
+let comp_check_value (f : ('v -> 'ctx -> 'a) -> 'ctx -> 'b)
+ (g : 'v -> 'ctx -> unit) : ('v -> 'ctx -> 'a) -> 'ctx -> 'b =
+ fun cf ->
+ f (fun v ctx ->
+ g v ctx;
+ cf v ctx)
+(** This case is similar to {!comp_check_value}, but even simpler (we only check
+ the context)
+ *)
+let comp_check_ctx (f : ('ctx -> 'a) -> 'ctx -> 'b) (g : 'ctx -> unit) :
+ ('ctx -> 'a) -> 'ctx -> 'b =
+ fun cf ->
+ f (fun ctx ->
+ g ctx;
+ cf ctx)