path: root/backends/lean
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1 files changed, 61 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backends/lean/Base/Utils.lean b/backends/lean/Base/Utils.lean
index 6ee854cc..4be46400 100644
--- a/backends/lean/Base/Utils.lean
+++ b/backends/lean/Base/Utils.lean
@@ -756,4 +756,65 @@ def simpAll (config : Simp.Config) (declsToUnfold : List Name) (thms : List Name
-- Apply the simplifier
let _ ← Lean.Meta.simpAll (← getMainGoal) ctx
+/- Adapted from Elab.Tactic.Rewrite -/
+def rewriteTarget (eqThm : Expr) (symm : Bool) (config : Rewrite.Config := {}) : TacticM Unit := do
+ Term.withSynthesize <| withMainContext do
+ let r ← (← getMainGoal).rewrite (← getMainTarget) eqThm symm (config := config)
+ let mvarId' ← (← getMainGoal).replaceTargetEq r.eNew r.eqProof
+ replaceMainGoal (mvarId' :: r.mvarIds)
+/- Adapted from Elab.Tactic.Rewrite -/
+def rewriteLocalDecl (eqThm : Expr) (symm : Bool) (fvarId : FVarId) (config : Rewrite.Config := {}) :
+ TacticM Unit := withMainContext do
+ -- Note: we cannot execute `replaceLocalDecl` inside `Term.withSynthesize`.
+ -- See issues #2711 and #2727.
+ let rwResult ← Term.withSynthesize <| withMainContext do
+ let localDecl ← fvarId.getDecl
+ (← getMainGoal).rewrite localDecl.type eqThm symm (config := config)
+ let replaceResult ← (← getMainGoal).replaceLocalDecl fvarId rwResult.eNew rwResult.eqProof
+ replaceMainGoal (replaceResult.mvarId :: rwResult.mvarIds)
+/- Adapted from Elab.Tactic.Rewrite -/
+def rewriteWithThms
+ (thms : List (Bool × Expr))
+ (rewrite : (symm : Bool) → (thm : Expr) → TacticM Unit)
+ : TacticM Unit := do
+ let rec go thms :=
+ match thms with
+ | [] => throwError "Failed to rewrite with any theorem"
+ | (symm, eqThm)::thms =>
+ rewrite symm eqThm <|> go thms
+ go thms
+/- Adapted from Elab.Tactic.Rewrite -/
+def evalRewriteSeqAux (cfg : Rewrite.Config) (thms : List (Bool × Expr)) (loc : Tactic.Location) : TacticM Unit :=
+ rewriteWithThms thms fun symm term => do
+ withLocation loc
+ (rewriteLocalDecl term symm · cfg)
+ (rewriteTarget term symm cfg)
+ (throwTacticEx `rewrite · "did not find instance of the pattern in the current goal")
+/-- `rpt`: if `true`, repeatedly rewrite -/
+def rewriteAt (cfg : Rewrite.Config) (rpt : Bool)
+ (thms : List (Bool × Name)) (loc : Tactic.Location) : TacticM Unit := do
+ -- Lookup the theorems
+ let lookupThm (x : Bool × Name) : TacticM (List (Bool × Expr)) := do
+ let thName := x.snd
+ let lookupOne (thName : Name) : TacticM (Bool × Expr) := do
+ -- Lookup the theorem and introduce fresh meta-variables for the universes
+ let th ← mkConstWithFreshMVarLevels thName
+ pure (x.fst, th)
+ match ← getEqnsFor? thName (nonRec := true) with
+ | some eqThms => do
+ lookupOne
+ | none => do
+ pure [← lookupOne thName]
+ let thms ← List.mapM lookupThm thms
+ let thms := thms.flatten
+ -- Rewrite
+ if rpt then
+ Utils.repeatTac (evalRewriteSeqAux cfg thms loc)
+ else
+ evalRewriteSeqAux cfg thms loc
end Utils