path: root/backends/lean/Base/Primitives/Vec.lean
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Diffstat (limited to 'backends/lean/Base/Primitives/Vec.lean')
1 files changed, 113 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backends/lean/Base/Primitives/Vec.lean b/backends/lean/Base/Primitives/Vec.lean
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7851a232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backends/lean/Base/Primitives/Vec.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+import Lean
+import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Simp
+import Init.Data.List.Basic
+import Mathlib.Tactic.RunCmd
+import Mathlib.Tactic.Linarith
+import Base.IList
+import Base.Primitives.Scalar
+import Base.Arith
+namespace Primitives
+open Result Error
+-- VECTORS --
+def Vec (α : Type u) := { l : List α // List.length l ≤ Usize.max }
+-- TODO: do we really need it? It should be with Subtype by default
+instance Vec.cast (a : Type): Coe (Vec a) (List a) where coe := λ v => v.val
+instance (a : Type) : Arith.HasIntProp (Vec a) where
+ prop_ty := λ v => v.val.length ≤ Scalar.max ScalarTy.Usize
+ prop := λ ⟨ _, l ⟩ => l
+example {a: Type} (v : Vec a) : v.val.length ≤ Scalar.max ScalarTy.Usize := by
+ intro_has_int_prop_instances
+ simp_all [Scalar.max, Scalar.min]
+example {a: Type} (v : Vec a) : v.val.length ≤ Scalar.max ScalarTy.Usize := by
+ scalar_tac
+def (α : Type u): Vec α := ⟨ [], by apply Scalar.cMax_suffices .Usize; simp ⟩
+def Vec.len (α : Type u) (v : Vec α) : Usize :=
+ let ⟨ v, l ⟩ := v
+ Usize.ofIntCore (List.length v) (by simp [Scalar.min, Usize.min]) l
+def Vec.length {α : Type u} (v : Vec α) : Int := v.val.len
+-- This shouldn't be used
+def Vec.push_fwd (α : Type u) (_ : Vec α) (_ : α) : Unit := ()
+-- This is actually the backward function
+def Vec.push (α : Type u) (v : Vec α) (x : α) : Result (Vec α)
+ :=
+ let nlen := List.length v.val + 1
+ if h : nlen ≤ U32.max || nlen ≤ Usize.max then
+ have h : nlen ≤ Usize.max := by
+ simp [Usize.max] at *
+ have hm :=
+ cases h <;> cases hm <;> simp [U32.max, U64.max] at * <;> try linarith
+ return ⟨ List.concat v.val x, by simp at *; assumption ⟩
+ else
+ fail maximumSizeExceeded
+-- This shouldn't be used
+def Vec.insert_fwd (α : Type u) (v: Vec α) (i: Usize) (_: α): Result Unit :=
+ if i.val < List.length v.val then
+ .ret ()
+ else
+ .fail arrayOutOfBounds
+-- This is actually the backward function
+def Vec.insert (α : Type u) (v: Vec α) (i: Usize) (x: α): Result (Vec α) :=
+ if i.val < List.length v.val then
+ -- TODO: maybe we should redefine a list library which uses integers
+ -- (instead of natural numbers)
+ .ret ⟨ v.val.update i.val x, by have :=; simp [*] ⟩
+ else
+ .fail arrayOutOfBounds
+-- TODO: remove
+def Vec.index_to_fin {α : Type u} {v: Vec α} {i: Usize} (h : i.val < List.length v.val) :
+ Fin (List.length v.val) :=
+ let j := i.val.toNat
+ let h: j < List.length v.val := by
+ have heq := @Int.toNat_lt (List.length v.val) i.val i.hmin
+ apply heq.mpr
+ assumption
+ ⟨j, h⟩
+def Vec.index (α : Type u) (v: Vec α) (i: Usize): Result α :=
+ match v.val.indexOpt i.val with
+ | none => fail .arrayOutOfBounds
+ | some x => ret x
+-- This shouldn't be used
+def Vec.index_back (α : Type u) (v: Vec α) (i: Usize) (_: α): Result Unit :=
+ if i.val < List.length v.val then
+ .ret ()
+ else
+ .fail arrayOutOfBounds
+def Vec.index_mut (α : Type u) (v: Vec α) (i: Usize): Result α :=
+ if h: i.val < List.length v.val then
+ let i := Vec.index_to_fin h
+ .ret (List.get v.val i)
+ else
+ .fail arrayOutOfBounds
+def Vec.index_mut_back (α : Type u) (v: Vec α) (i: Usize) (x: α): Result (Vec α) :=
+ if h: i.val < List.length v.val then
+ let i := Vec.index_to_fin h
+ .ret ⟨ List.set v.val i x, by
+ have h: List.length v.val ≤ Usize.max :=
+ simp [*] at *
+ ⟩
+ else
+ .fail arrayOutOfBounds
+end Primitives