path: root/backends/lean/Base/IList/IList.lean
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Diffstat (limited to 'backends/lean/Base/IList/IList.lean')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/backends/lean/Base/IList/IList.lean b/backends/lean/Base/IList/IList.lean
index 79de93d5..f71f2de2 100644
--- a/backends/lean/Base/IList/IList.lean
+++ b/backends/lean/Base/IList/IList.lean
@@ -118,13 +118,7 @@ def ireplicate {α : Type u} (i : ℤ) (x : α) : List α :=
if i ≤ 0 then []
else x :: ireplicate (i - 1) x
termination_by ireplicate i x => i.toNat
- simp_wf
- -- TODO: simplify this kind of proofs
- simp at *
- have : 0 ≤ i := by linarith
- have : 1 ≤ i := by linarith
- simp [Int.toNat_sub_of_le, *]
+decreasing_by int_decr_tac
@[simp] theorem update_nil : update ([] : List α) i y = [] := by simp [update]
@[simp] theorem update_zero_cons : update ((x :: tl) : List α) 0 y = y :: tl := by simp [update]
@@ -173,13 +167,7 @@ theorem ireplicate_replicate {α : Type u} (l : ℤ) (x : α) (h : 0 ≤ l) :
cases hl: l.toNat <;> simp_all
conv => rhs; rw[hl]
termination_by ireplicate_replicate l x h => l.toNat
- simp_wf
- -- TODO: simplify this kind of proofs
- simp at *
- have : 0 ≤ l := by linarith
- have : 1 ≤ l := by linarith
- simp [Int.toNat_sub_of_le, *]
+decreasing_by int_decr_tac
theorem ireplicate_len {α : Type u} (l : ℤ) (x : α) (h : 0 ≤ l) :
@@ -191,13 +179,7 @@ theorem ireplicate_len {α : Type u} (l : ℤ) (x : α) (h : 0 ≤ l) :
have hr := ireplicate_len (l - 1) x (by int_tac)
simp [*]
termination_by ireplicate_len l x h => l.toNat
- simp_wf
- -- TODO: simplify this kind of proofs
- simp at *
- have : 0 ≤ l := by linarith
- have : 1 ≤ l := by linarith
- simp [Int.toNat_sub_of_le, *]
+decreasing_by int_decr_tac
theorem len_eq_length (ls : List α) : ls.len = ls.length := by
induction ls