path: root/backends/lean/Base/Diverge/Base.lean
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Diffstat (limited to 'backends/lean/Base/Diverge/Base.lean')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/backends/lean/Base/Diverge/Base.lean b/backends/lean/Base/Diverge/Base.lean
index a8503107..e22eb914 100644
--- a/backends/lean/Base/Diverge/Base.lean
+++ b/backends/lean/Base/Diverge/Base.lean
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ import Init.Data.List.Basic
import Mathlib.Tactic.RunCmd
import Mathlib.Tactic.Linarith
--- For debugging
-import Base.Diverge.ElabBase
+import Base.Primitives
@@ -35,68 +34,6 @@ set_option profiler.threshold 100
namespace Diverge
-namespace Primitives
-/-! # Copy-pasting from Primitives to make the file self-contained -/
-inductive Error where
- | assertionFailure: Error
- | integerOverflow: Error
- | divisionByZero: Error
- | arrayOutOfBounds: Error
- | maximumSizeExceeded: Error
- | panic: Error
-deriving Repr, BEq
-open Error
-inductive Result (α : Type u) where
- | ret (v: α): Result α
- | fail (e: Error): Result α
- | div
-deriving Repr, BEq
-open Result
-instance Result_Inhabited (α : Type u) : Inhabited (Result α) :=
- (fail panic)
-instance Result_Nonempty (α : Type u) : Nonempty (Result α) :=
- Nonempty.intro div
-def bind {α : Type u} {β : Type v} (x: Result α) (f: α -> Result β) : Result β :=
- match x with
- | ret v => f v
- | fail v => fail v
- | div => div
-@[simp] theorem bind_ret (x : α) (f : α → Result β) : bind (.ret x) f = f x := by simp [bind]
-@[simp] theorem bind_fail (x : Error) (f : α → Result β) : bind (.fail x) f = .fail x := by simp [bind]
-@[simp] theorem bind_div (f : α → Result β) : bind .div f = .div := by simp [bind]
--- Allows using Result in do-blocks
-instance : Bind Result where
- bind := bind
--- Allows using return x in do-blocks
-instance : Pure Result where
- pure := fun x => ret x
-@[simp] theorem bind_tc_ret (x : α) (f : α → Result β) :
- (do let y ← .ret x; f y) = f x := by simp [Bind.bind, bind]
-@[simp] theorem bind_tc_fail (x : Error) (f : α → Result β) :
- (do let y ← fail x; f y) = fail x := by simp [Bind.bind, bind]
-@[simp] theorem bind_tc_div (f : α → Result β) :
- (do let y ← div; f y) = div := by simp [Bind.bind, bind]
-def div? {α: Type u} (r: Result α): Bool :=
- match r with
- | div => true
- | ret _ | fail _ => false
-end Primitives
namespace Fix
open Primitives