path: root/backends/lean/Base/Diverge/Base.lean
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1 files changed, 74 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/backends/lean/Base/Diverge/Base.lean b/backends/lean/Base/Diverge/Base.lean
index aa0539ba..89365d25 100644
--- a/backends/lean/Base/Diverge/Base.lean
+++ b/backends/lean/Base/Diverge/Base.lean
@@ -434,6 +434,23 @@ namespace Fix
is_valid_p k (λ k => k x) := by
simp_all [is_valid_p, is_mono_p_rec, is_cont_p_rec]
+ theorem is_valid_p_ite
+ (k : ((x:a) → Result (b x)) → (x:a) → Result (b x))
+ (cond : Prop) [h : Decidable cond]
+ {e1 e2 : ((x:a) → Result (b x)) → Result c}
+ (he1: is_valid_p k e1) (he2 : is_valid_p k e2) :
+ is_valid_p k (ite cond e1 e2) := by
+ split <;> assumption
+ theorem is_valid_p_dite
+ (k : ((x:a) → Result (b x)) → (x:a) → Result (b x))
+ (cond : Prop) [h : Decidable cond]
+ {e1 : cond → ((x:a) → Result (b x)) → Result c}
+ {e2 : Not cond → ((x:a) → Result (b x)) → Result c}
+ (he1: ∀ x, is_valid_p k (e1 x)) (he2 : ∀ x, is_valid_p k (e2 x)) :
+ is_valid_p k (dite cond e1 e2) := by
+ split <;> simp [*]
-- Lean is good at unification: we can write a very general version
-- (in particular, it will manage to figure out `g` and `h` when we
-- apply the lemma)
@@ -680,6 +697,24 @@ namespace FixI
is_valid_p k (λ k => k i x) := by
simp [is_valid_p, k_to_gen, e_to_gen, kk_to_gen, kk_of_gen]
+ theorem is_valid_p_ite
+ (k : ((i:id) → (x:a i) → Result (b i x)) → (i:id) → (x:a i) → Result (b i x))
+ (cond : Prop) [h : Decidable cond]
+ {e1 e2 : ((i:id) → (x:a i) → Result (b i x)) → Result c}
+ (he1: is_valid_p k e1) (he2 : is_valid_p k e2) :
+ is_valid_p k (λ k => ite cond (e1 k) (e2 k)) := by
+ split <;> assumption
+ theorem is_valid_p_dite
+ (k : ((i:id) → (x:a i) → Result (b i x)) → (i:id) → (x:a i) → Result (b i x))
+ (cond : Prop) [h : Decidable cond]
+ {e1 : ((i:id) → (x:a i) → Result (b i x)) → cond → Result c}
+ {e2 : ((i:id) → (x:a i) → Result (b i x)) → Not cond → Result c}
+ (he1: ∀ x, is_valid_p k (λ k => e1 k x))
+ (he2 : ∀ x, is_valid_p k (λ k => e2 k x)) :
+ is_valid_p k (λ k => dite cond (e1 k) (e2 k)) := by
+ split <;> simp [*]
theorem is_valid_p_bind
{{k : ((i:id) → (x:a i) → Result (b i x)) → (i:id) → (x:a i) → Result (b i x)}}
{{g : ((i:id) → (x:a i) → Result (b i x)) → Result c}}
@@ -699,6 +734,9 @@ namespace FixI
| .Nil => True
| .Cons f fl => (∀ x, FixI.is_valid_p k (λ k => f k x)) ∧ fl.is_valid_p k
+ theorem Funs.is_valid_p_Nil (k : k_ty id a b) :
+ Funs.is_valid_p k Funs.Nil := by simp [Funs.is_valid_p]
def Funs.is_valid_p_is_valid_p_aux
{k : k_ty id a b}
{tys : List in_out_ty}
@@ -1116,7 +1154,7 @@ namespace Ex6
def body (k : (i : Fin 1) → (x : input_ty i) → Result (output_ty i x)) (i: Fin 1) :
(x : input_ty i) → Result (output_ty i x) := get_fun bodies i k
- theorem list_nth_body_is_valid: is_valid body := by
+ theorem body_is_valid: is_valid body := by
-- Split the proof into proofs of validity of the individual bodies
rw [is_valid]
simp only [body]
@@ -1131,6 +1169,20 @@ namespace Ex6
split <;> simp
split <;> simp
+ -- Writing the proof terms explicitly
+ theorem list_nth_body_is_valid' (k : k_ty (Fin 1) input_ty output_ty)
+ (x : (a : Type u) × List a × Int) : is_valid_p k (fun k => list_nth_body k x) :=
+ let ⟨ a, ls, i ⟩ := x
+ match ls with
+ | [] => is_valid_p_same k (.fail .panic)
+ | hd :: tl =>
+ is_valid_p_ite k (Eq i 0) (is_valid_p_same k (.ret hd)) (is_valid_p_rec k 0 ⟨a, tl, i-1⟩)
+ theorem body_is_valid' : is_valid body :=
+ fun k =>
+ Funs.is_valid_p_is_valid_p tys k bodies
+ (And.intro (list_nth_body_is_valid' k) (Funs.is_valid_p_Nil k))
def list_nth {a: Type u} (ls : List a) (i : Int) : Result a :=
fix body 0 ⟨ a, ls , i ⟩
@@ -1144,8 +1196,28 @@ namespace Ex6
if i = 0 then .ret hd
else list_nth tl (i - 1)
:= by
- have Heq := is_valid_fix_fixed_eq list_nth_body_is_valid
+ have Heq := is_valid_fix_fixed_eq body_is_valid
simp [list_nth]
conv => lhs; rw [Heq]
+ -- Write the proof term explicitly: the generation of the proof term (without tactics)
+ -- is automatable, and the proof term is actually a lot simpler and smaller when we
+ -- don't use tactics.
+ theorem list_nth_eq'.{u} {a : Type u} (ls : List a) (i : Int) :
+ list_nth ls i =
+ match ls with
+ | [] => .fail .panic
+ | hd :: tl =>
+ if i = 0 then .ret hd
+ else list_nth tl (i - 1)
+ :=
+ -- Use the fixed-point equation
+ have Heq := is_valid_fix_fixed_eq body_is_valid.{u}
+ -- Add the index
+ have Heqi := congr_fun Heq 0
+ -- Add the input
+ have Heqix := congr_fun Heqi { fst := a, snd := (ls, i) }
+ -- Done
+ Heqix
end Ex6