path: root/backends/hol4/primitivesTheory.sig
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-rw-r--r--backends/hol4/primitivesTheory.sig (renamed from backends/hol4/PrimitivesTheory.sig)93
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/backends/hol4/PrimitivesTheory.sig b/backends/hol4/primitivesTheory.sig
index 8ec350e7..75098bfe 100644
--- a/backends/hol4/PrimitivesTheory.sig
+++ b/backends/hol4/primitivesTheory.sig
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-signature PrimitivesTheory =
+signature primitivesTheory =
type thm = Thm.thm
(* Axioms *)
+ val VEC_TO_LIST_BOUNDS : thm
val i128_to_int_bounds : thm
val i16_to_int_bounds : thm
val i32_to_int_bounds : thm
@@ -131,10 +132,9 @@ sig
val usize_mul_def : thm
val usize_rem_def : thm
val usize_sub_def : thm
+ val vec_len_def : thm
(* Theorems *)
- val GE_EQ_LE : thm
- val GT_EQ_LT : thm
val I128_ADD_EQ : thm
val I128_DIV_EQ : thm
val I128_MUL_EQ : thm
@@ -163,18 +163,6 @@ sig
val ISIZE_DIV_EQ : thm
val ISIZE_MUL_EQ : thm
val ISIZE_SUB_EQ : thm
- val LE_EQ_GE : thm
- val LT_EQ_GT : thm
- val NOT_GE_EQ_LT : thm
- val NOT_GT_EQ_LE : thm
- val NOT_LE_EQ_GT : thm
- val NOT_LT_EQ_GE : thm
- val POS_DIV_POS_IS_POS : thm
- val POS_DIV_POS_LE : thm
- val POS_DIV_POS_LE_INIT : thm
- val POS_MOD_POS_IS_POS : thm
- val POS_MOD_POS_LE_INIT : thm
- val POS_MUL_POS_IS_POS : thm
val U128_ADD_EQ : thm
val U128_DIV_EQ : thm
val U128_MUL_EQ : thm
@@ -205,6 +193,7 @@ sig
val USIZE_MUL_EQ : thm
val USIZE_REM_EQ : thm
val USIZE_SUB_EQ : thm
val datatype_error : thm
val datatype_result : thm
val error2num_11 : thm
@@ -230,13 +219,11 @@ sig
val result_induction : thm
val result_nchotomy : thm
- val Primitives_grammars : type_grammar.grammar * term_grammar.grammar
+ val primitives_grammars : type_grammar.grammar * term_grammar.grammar
- [Omega] Parent theory of "Primitives"
+ [primitivesArith] Parent theory of "primitives"
- [int_arith] Parent theory of "Primitives"
- [string] Parent theory of "Primitives"
+ [string] Parent theory of "primitives"
[int_to_u128_id] Axiom
@@ -369,6 +356,11 @@ sig
[oracles: ] [axioms: isize_bounds] []
⊢ isize_min ≤ i16_min ∧ isize_max ≥ i16_max
+ [oracles: ] [axioms: VEC_TO_LIST_BOUNDS] []
+ ⊢ ∀v. (let l = LENGTH (vec_to_list v) in 0 ≤ l ∧ l ≤ 4294967295)
[bind_def] Definition
⊢ ∀x f.
@@ -891,13 +883,9 @@ sig
⊢ ∀x y. usize_sub x y = mk_usize (usize_to_int x − usize_to_int y)
- [GE_EQ_LE] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀x y. x ≥ y ⇔ y ≤ x
- [GT_EQ_LT] Theorem
+ [vec_len_def] Definition
- ⊢ ∀x y. x > y ⇔ y < x
+ ⊢ ∀v. vec_len v = int_to_u32 (&LENGTH (vec_to_list v))
[I128_ADD_EQ] Theorem
@@ -1205,54 +1193,6 @@ sig
∃z. isize_sub x y = Return z ∧
isize_to_int z = isize_to_int x − isize_to_int y
- [LE_EQ_GE] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀x y. x ≤ y ⇔ y ≥ x
- [LT_EQ_GT] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀x y. x < y ⇔ y > x
- [NOT_GE_EQ_LT] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀x y. ¬(x ≥ y) ⇔ x < y
- [NOT_GT_EQ_LE] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀x y. ¬(x > y) ⇔ x ≤ y
- [NOT_LE_EQ_GT] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀x y. ¬(x ≤ y) ⇔ x > y
- [NOT_LT_EQ_GE] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀x y. ¬(x < y) ⇔ x ≥ y
- [POS_DIV_POS_IS_POS] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀x y. 0 ≤ x ⇒ 0 < y ⇒ 0 ≤ x / y
- [POS_DIV_POS_LE] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀x y d. 0 ≤ x ⇒ 0 ≤ y ⇒ 0 < d ⇒ x ≤ y ⇒ x / d ≤ y / d
- ⊢ ∀x y. 0 ≤ x ⇒ 0 < y ⇒ x / y ≤ x
- [POS_MOD_POS_IS_POS] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀x y. 0 ≤ x ⇒ 0 < y ⇒ 0 ≤ x % y
- ⊢ ∀x y. 0 ≤ x ⇒ 0 < y ⇒ x % y ≤ x
- [POS_MUL_POS_IS_POS] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀x y. 0 ≤ x ⇒ 0 ≤ y ⇒ 0 ≤ x * y
[U128_ADD_EQ] Theorem
[oracles: DISK_THM]
@@ -1555,6 +1495,11 @@ sig
∃z. usize_sub x y = Return z ∧
usize_to_int z = usize_to_int x − usize_to_int y
+ [oracles: DISK_THM] [axioms: VEC_TO_LIST_BOUNDS] []
+ ⊢ ∀v. (let l = &LENGTH (vec_to_list v) in 0 ≤ l ∧ l ≤ u32_max)
[datatype_error] Theorem
⊢ DATATYPE (error Failure)