path: root/backends/hol4/ilistScript.sml
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1 files changed, 82 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backends/hol4/ilistScript.sml b/backends/hol4/ilistScript.sml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3e17dcc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backends/hol4/ilistScript.sml
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+open HolKernel boolLib bossLib Parse
+open boolTheory arithmeticTheory integerTheory intLib listTheory stringTheory
+open primitivesArithTheory primitivesBaseTacLib
+(* The following theory contains alternative definitions of functions operating
+ on lists like “EL” or “LENGTH”, but this time using integers rather than
+ natural numbers.
+ By using integers, we make sure we don't have to convert back and forth
+ between integers and natural numbers, which is extremely cumbersome in
+ the proofs.
+ *)
+val _ = new_theory "ilist"
+val len_def = Define ‘
+ len [] : int = 0 /\
+ len (x :: ls) : int = 1 + len ls
+(* Return the ith element of a list.
+ Remark: we initially added the following case, so that we wouldn't need the
+ premise [i < len ls] is [index_eq_EL]:
+ “index (i : int) [] = EL (Num i) []”
+ *)
+val index_def = Define ‘
+ index (i : int) [] = EL (Num i) [] ∧
+ index (i : int) (x :: ls) = if i = 0 then x else (if 0 < i then index (i - 1) ls else ARB)
+val update_def = Define ‘
+ update ([] : 'a list) (i : int) (y : 'a) : 'a list = [] ∧
+ update (x :: ls) (i : int) y =
+ if i = 0 then y :: ls else (if 0 < i then x :: update ls (i - 1) y else x :: ls)
+Theorem len_eq_LENGTH:
+ ∀ls. len ls = &(LENGTH ls)
+ Induct_on ‘ls’ >> fs [len_def] >> cooper_tac
+Theorem index_eq_EL:
+ ∀(i: int) ls.
+ 0 ≤ i ⇒
+ i < len ls ⇒
+ index i ls = EL (Num i) ls
+ Induct_on ‘ls’ >> rpt strip_tac >> fs [len_def, index_def] >>
+ Cases_on ‘i = 0’ >> fs [] >>
+ (* TODO: automate *)
+ sg ‘0 < i’ >- cooper_tac >> fs [] >>
+ Cases_on ‘Num i’ >- (exfalso >> cooper_tac) >> fs [] >>
+ last_assum (qspec_assume ‘i - 1’) >>
+ pop_assum sg_premise_tac >- cooper_tac >>
+ sg ‘n = Num (i - 1)’ >- cooper_tac >> fs [] >>
+ last_assum irule >> cooper_tac
+Theorem len_append:
+ ∀l1 l2. len (l1 ++ l2) = len l1 + len l2
+ rw [len_eq_LENGTH] >> cooper_tac
+Theorem append_len_eq:
+ (∀l1 l2 l1' l2'.
+ len l1 = len l1' ⇒
+ (l1 ⧺ l2 = l1' ⧺ l2' ⇔ l1 = l1' ∧ l2 = l2')) ∧
+ (∀l1 l2 l1' l2'.
+ len l2 = len l2' ⇒
+ (l1 ⧺ l2 = l1' ⧺ l2' ⇔ l1 = l1' ∧ l2 = l2'))
+ rw [len_eq_LENGTH] >> fs [APPEND_11_LENGTH]
+(* TODO: prove more theorems, and add rewriting theorems *)
+val _ = export_theory ()