path: root/backends/hol4/divDefExampleTheory.sig
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1 files changed, 188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backends/hol4/divDefExampleTheory.sig b/backends/hol4/divDefExampleTheory.sig
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index 00000000..29e98856
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backends/hol4/divDefExampleTheory.sig
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+signature divDefExampleTheory =
+ type thm = Thm.thm
+ (* Definitions *)
+ val even_odd_body_def : thm
+ val list_t_TY_DEF : thm
+ val list_t_case_def : thm
+ val list_t_size_def : thm
+ val nth_body_def : thm
+ (* Theorems *)
+ val datatype_list_t : thm
+ val even_def : thm
+ val even_odd_body_is_valid : thm
+ val even_odd_body_is_valid_aux : thm
+ val list_t_11 : thm
+ val list_t_Axiom : thm
+ val list_t_case_cong : thm
+ val list_t_case_eq : thm
+ val list_t_distinct : thm
+ val list_t_induction : thm
+ val list_t_nchotomy : thm
+ val nth_body_is_valid : thm
+ val nth_body_is_valid_aux : thm
+ val nth_def : thm
+ val odd_def : thm
+ val divDefExample_grammars : type_grammar.grammar * term_grammar.grammar
+ [divDef] Parent theory of "divDefExample"
+ [even_odd_body_def] Definition
+ ⊢ ∀f x.
+ even_odd_body f x =
+ case x of
+ INL 0 => Return (INR (INL T))
+ | INL i =>
+ (case f (INR (INR (INL (i − 1)))) of
+ Return (INL v) => Fail Failure
+ | Return (INR (INL v2)) => Fail Failure
+ | Return (INR (INR (INL v4))) => Fail Failure
+ | Return (INR (INR (INR b))) => Return (INR (INL b))
+ | Fail e => Fail e
+ | Diverge => Diverge)
+ | INR (INL v8) => Fail Failure
+ | INR (INR (INL 0)) => Return (INR (INR (INR F)))
+ | INR (INR (INL i')) =>
+ (case f (INL (i' − 1)) of
+ Return (INL v) => Fail Failure
+ | Return (INR (INL b)) => Return (INR (INR (INR b)))
+ | Return (INR (INR v3)) => Fail Failure
+ | Fail e => Fail e
+ | Diverge => Diverge)
+ | INR (INR (INR v11)) => Fail Failure
+ [list_t_TY_DEF] Definition
+ ⊢ ∃rep.
+ (λa0'.
+ ∀ $var$('list_t').
+ (∀a0'.
+ (∃a0 a1.
+ a0' =
+ (λa0 a1.
+ ind_type$CONSTR 0 a0
+ (ind_type$FCONS a1 (λn. ind_type$BOTTOM)))
+ a0 a1 ∧ $var$('list_t') a1) ∨
+ a0' =
+ ind_type$CONSTR (SUC 0) ARB (λn. ind_type$BOTTOM) ⇒
+ $var$('list_t') a0') ⇒
+ $var$('list_t') a0') rep
+ [list_t_case_def] Definition
+ ⊢ (∀a0 a1 f v. list_t_CASE (ListCons a0 a1) f v = f a0 a1) ∧
+ ∀f v. list_t_CASE ListNil f v = v
+ [list_t_size_def] Definition
+ ⊢ (∀f a0 a1.
+ list_t_size f (ListCons a0 a1) = 1 + (f a0 + list_t_size f a1)) ∧
+ ∀f. list_t_size f ListNil = 0
+ [nth_body_def] Definition
+ ⊢ ∀f x.
+ nth_body f x =
+ case x of
+ INL x =>
+ (let
+ (ls,i) = x
+ in
+ case ls of
+ ListCons x tl =>
+ if u32_to_int i = 0 then Return (INR x)
+ else
+ do
+ i0 <- u32_sub i (int_to_u32 1);
+ x <-
+ case f (INL (tl,i0)) of
+ Return (INL v) => Fail Failure
+ | Return (INR x) => Return x
+ | Fail e => Fail e
+ | Diverge => Diverge;
+ Return (INR x)
+ od
+ | ListNil => Fail Failure)
+ | INR v3 => Fail Failure
+ [datatype_list_t] Theorem
+ ⊢ DATATYPE (list_t ListCons ListNil)
+ [even_def] Theorem
+ ⊢ ∀i. even i = if i = 0 then Return T else odd (i − 1)
+ [even_odd_body_is_valid] Theorem
+ ⊢ is_valid_fp_body (SUC (SUC 0)) even_odd_body
+ [even_odd_body_is_valid_aux] Theorem
+ ⊢ is_valid_fp_body (SUC (SUC n)) even_odd_body
+ [list_t_11] Theorem
+ ⊢ ∀a0 a1 a0' a1'.
+ ListCons a0 a1 = ListCons a0' a1' ⇔ a0 = a0' ∧ a1 = a1'
+ [list_t_Axiom] Theorem
+ ⊢ ∀f0 f1. ∃fn.
+ (∀a0 a1. fn (ListCons a0 a1) = f0 a0 a1 (fn a1)) ∧
+ fn ListNil = f1
+ [list_t_case_cong] Theorem
+ ⊢ ∀M M' f v.
+ M = M' ∧ (∀a0 a1. M' = ListCons a0 a1 ⇒ f a0 a1 = f' a0 a1) ∧
+ (M' = ListNil ⇒ v = v') ⇒
+ list_t_CASE M f v = list_t_CASE M' f' v'
+ [list_t_case_eq] Theorem
+ ⊢ list_t_CASE x f v = v' ⇔
+ (∃t l. x = ListCons t l ∧ f t l = v') ∨ x = ListNil ∧ v = v'
+ [list_t_distinct] Theorem
+ ⊢ ∀a1 a0. ListCons a0 a1 ≠ ListNil
+ [list_t_induction] Theorem
+ ⊢ ∀P. (∀l. P l ⇒ ∀t. P (ListCons t l)) ∧ P ListNil ⇒ ∀l. P l
+ [list_t_nchotomy] Theorem
+ ⊢ ∀ll. (∃t l. ll = ListCons t l) ∨ ll = ListNil
+ [nth_body_is_valid] Theorem
+ ⊢ is_valid_fp_body (SUC (SUC 0)) nth_body
+ [nth_body_is_valid_aux] Theorem
+ ⊢ is_valid_fp_body (SUC (SUC n)) nth_body
+ [nth_def] Theorem
+ ⊢ ∀ls i.
+ nth ls i =
+ case ls of
+ ListCons x tl =>
+ if u32_to_int i = 0 then Return x
+ else do i0 <- u32_sub i (int_to_u32 1); nth tl i0 od
+ | ListNil => Fail Failure
+ [odd_def] Theorem
+ ⊢ ∀i. odd i = if i = 0 then Return F else even (i − 1)