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1 files changed, 144 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 7a3bd910..eb3bd608 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -55,6 +55,16 @@ let rec of_json_list (a_of_json : json -> ('a, string) result) (jsl : json list)
let* jsl' = of_json_list a_of_json jsl' in
Ok (x :: jsl')
+let pair_of_json (a_of_json : json -> ('a, string) result)
+ (b_of_json : json -> ('b, string) result) (js : json) :
+ ('a * 'b, string) result =
+ match js with
+ | `Tuple [ a; b ] ->
+ let* a = a_of_json a in
+ let* b = b_of_json b in
+ Ok (a, b)
+ | _ -> Error ("pair_of_json failed on: " ^ show js)
let list_of_json (a_of_json : json -> ('a, string) result) (js : json) :
('a list, string) result =
match js with
@@ -412,7 +422,7 @@ let aggregate_kind_of_json (js : json) : (aggregate_kind, string) result =
Ok (AggregatedAdt (id, opt_variant_id))
| _ -> Error ("aggregate_kind_of_json failed on:" ^ show js)
-let rvalue_kind_of_json (js : json) : (rvalue, string) result =
+let rvalue_of_json (js : json) : (rvalue, string) result =
match js with
| `Variant ("Use", Some op) ->
let* op = operand_of_json op in
@@ -439,4 +449,136 @@ let rvalue_kind_of_json (js : json) : (rvalue, string) result =
Ok (Aggregate (aggregate_kind, ops))
| _ -> Error ("rvalue_of_json failed on:" ^ show js)
-(*open CfimAst*)
+open CfimAst
+let assumed_fun_id_of_json (js : json) : (assumed_fun_id, string) result =
+ match js with
+ | `Variant ("BoxNew", None) -> Ok BoxNew
+ | `Variant ("BoxDeref", None) -> Ok BoxDeref
+ | `Variant ("BoxDerefMut", None) -> Ok BoxDerefMut
+ | `Variant ("BoxFree", None) -> Ok BoxFree
+ | _ -> Error ("assumed_fun_id_of_json failed on:" ^ show js)
+let fun_id_of_json (js : json) : (fun_id, string) result =
+ match js with
+ | `Variant ("Local", Some id) ->
+ let* id = FunDefId.id_of_json id in
+ Ok (Local id)
+ | `Variant ("BoxDeref", Some fid) ->
+ let* fid = assumed_fun_id_of_json fid in
+ Ok (Assumed fid)
+ | _ -> Error ("fun_id_of_json failed on:" ^ show js)
+let assertion_of_json (js : json) : (assertion, string) result =
+ match js with
+ | `Assoc [ ("cond", cond); ("expected", expected) ] ->
+ let* cond = operand_of_json cond in
+ let* expected = bool_of_json expected in
+ Ok { cond; expected }
+ | _ -> Error ("assertion_of_json failed on:" ^ show js)
+let fun_sig_of_json (js : json) : (fun_sig, string) result =
+ match js with
+ | `Assoc
+ [
+ ("region_params", region_params);
+ ("num_early_bound_regions", num_early_bound_regions);
+ ("type_params", type_params);
+ ("inputs", inputs);
+ ("output", output);
+ ] ->
+ let* region_params =
+ RegionVarId.vector_of_json region_var_of_json region_params
+ in
+ let* num_early_bound_regions = int_of_json num_early_bound_regions in
+ let* type_params =
+ TypeVarId.vector_of_json type_var_of_json type_params
+ in
+ let* inputs = VarId.vector_of_json rty_of_json inputs in
+ let* output = rty_of_json output in
+ Ok { region_params; num_early_bound_regions; type_params; inputs; output }
+ | _ -> Error ("fun_sig_of_json failed on:" ^ show js)
+let call_of_json (js : json) : (call, string) result =
+ match js with
+ | `Assoc
+ [
+ ("func", func);
+ ("region_params", region_params);
+ ("type_params", type_params);
+ ("args", args);
+ ("dest", dest);
+ ] ->
+ let* func = fun_id_of_json func in
+ let* region_params = list_of_json erased_region_of_json region_params in
+ let* type_params = list_of_json ety_of_json type_params in
+ let* args = list_of_json operand_of_json args in
+ let* dest = place_of_json dest in
+ Ok { func; region_params; type_params; args; dest }
+ | _ -> Error ("call_of_json failed on:" ^ show js)
+let statement_of_json (js : json) : (statement, string) result =
+ match js with
+ | `Variant ("Assign", Some (`Tuple [ place; rvalue ])) ->
+ let* place = place_of_json place in
+ let* rvalue = rvalue_of_json rvalue in
+ Ok (Assign (place, rvalue))
+ | `Variant ("FakeRead", Some place) ->
+ let* place = place_of_json place in
+ Ok (FakeRead place)
+ | `Variant ("SetDiscriminant", Some (`Tuple [ place; variant_id ])) ->
+ let* place = place_of_json place in
+ let* variant_id = VariantId.id_of_json variant_id in
+ Ok (SetDiscriminant (place, variant_id))
+ | `Variant ("Drop", Some place) ->
+ let* place = place_of_json place in
+ Ok (Drop place)
+ | `Variant ("Assert", Some assertion) ->
+ let* assertion = assertion_of_json assertion in
+ Ok (Assert assertion)
+ | `Variant ("Call", Some call) ->
+ let* call = call_of_json call in
+ Ok (Call call)
+ | `Variant ("Panic", None) -> Ok Panic
+ | `Variant ("Return", None) -> Ok Return
+ | `Variant ("Break", Some i) ->
+ let* i = int_of_json i in
+ Ok (Break i)
+ | `Variant ("Continue", Some i) ->
+ let* i = int_of_json i in
+ Ok (Continue i)
+ | `Variant ("Nop", None) -> Ok Nop
+ | _ -> Error ("statement_of_json failed on:" ^ show js)
+let rec expression_of_json (js : json) : (expression, string) result =
+ match js with
+ | `Variant ("Statement", Some statement) ->
+ let* statement = statement_of_json statement in
+ Ok (Statement statement)
+ | `Variant ("Sequence", Some (`Tuple [ e1; e2 ])) ->
+ let* e1 = expression_of_json e1 in
+ let* e2 = expression_of_json e2 in
+ Ok (Sequence (e1, e2))
+ | `Variant ("Switch", Some (`Tuple [ op; tgt ])) ->
+ let* op = operand_of_json op in
+ let* tgt = switch_targets_of_json tgt in
+ Ok (Switch (op, tgt))
+ | `Variant ("Loop", Some e) ->
+ let* e = expression_of_json e in
+ Ok (Loop e)
+ | _ -> Error ("expression_of_json failed on:" ^ show js)
+and switch_targets_of_json (js : json) : (switch_targets, string) result =
+ match js with
+ | `Variant ("If", Some (`Tuple [ e1; e2 ])) ->
+ let* e1 = expression_of_json e1 in
+ let* e2 = expression_of_json e2 in
+ Ok (If (e1, e2))
+ | `Variant ("SwitchInt", Some (`Tuple [ int_ty; tgts; otherwise ])) ->
+ let* int_ty = integer_type_of_json int_ty in
+ let* tgts =
+ list_of_json (pair_of_json scalar_value_of_json expression_of_json) tgts
+ in
+ let* otherwise = expression_of_json otherwise in
+ Ok (SwitchInt (int_ty, tgts, otherwise))
+ | _ -> Error ("switch_targets_of_json failed on:" ^ show js)