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2 files changed, 22 insertions, 336 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index e28f005d..dbd310b7 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -2,120 +2,12 @@
function bodies, etc.
+include Charon.Substitute
open Types
-open TypesUtils
open Values
-open Expressions
open LlbcAst
open Contexts
-type subst = {
- r_subst : region -> region;
- (** Remark: this might be called with bound regions with a negative
- DeBruijn index. A negative DeBruijn index means that the region
- is locally bound. *)
- ty_subst : -> ty;
- cg_subst : -> const_generic;
- (** Substitution from *local* trait clause to trait instance *)
- tr_subst : -> trait_instance_id;
- (** Substitution for the [Self] trait instance *)
- tr_self : trait_instance_id;
-let empty_subst : subst =
- {
- r_subst = (fun x -> x);
- ty_subst = (fun id -> TVar id);
- cg_subst = (fun id -> CgVar id);
- tr_subst = (fun id -> Clause id);
- tr_self = Self;
- }
-let st_substitute_visitor (subst : subst) =
- object (self)
- inherit [_] map_statement
- method! visit_region (subst : subst) r = subst.r_subst r
- (** We need to properly handle the DeBruijn indices *)
- method! visit_TArrow subst regions inputs output =
- (* Decrement the DeBruijn indices before calling the substitution *)
- let r_subst r =
- match r with
- | RBVar (db, rid) -> subst.r_subst (RBVar (db - 1, rid))
- | _ -> subst.r_subst r
- in
- let subst = { subst with r_subst } in
- (* Note that we ignore the bound regions variables *)
- let inputs = (self#visit_ty subst) inputs in
- let output = self#visit_ty subst output in
- TArrow (regions, inputs, output)
- method! visit_TVar (subst : subst) id = subst.ty_subst id
- method! visit_type_var_id _ _ =
- (* We should never get here because we reimplemented [visit_TypeVar] *)
- raise (Failure "Unexpected")
- method! visit_CgVar _ id = subst.cg_subst id
- method! visit_const_generic_var_id _ _ =
- (* We should never get here because we reimplemented [visit_Var] *)
- raise (Failure "Unexpected")
- method! visit_Clause (subst : subst) id = subst.tr_subst id
- method! visit_Self (subst : subst) = subst.tr_self
- end
-(** Substitute types variables and regions in a type.
- **IMPORTANT**: this doesn't normalize the types.
- *)
-let ty_substitute (subst : subst) (ty : ty) : ty =
- let visitor = st_substitute_visitor subst in
- visitor#visit_ty subst ty
-(** **IMPORTANT**: this doesn't normalize the types. *)
-let trait_ref_substitute (subst : subst) (tr : trait_ref) : trait_ref =
- let visitor = st_substitute_visitor subst in
- visitor#visit_trait_ref subst tr
-(** **IMPORTANT**: this doesn't normalize the types. *)
-let trait_instance_id_substitute (subst : subst) (tr : trait_instance_id) :
- trait_instance_id =
- let visitor = st_substitute_visitor subst in
- visitor#visit_trait_instance_id subst tr
-(** **IMPORTANT**: this doesn't normalize the types. *)
-let generic_args_substitute (subst : subst) (g : generic_args) : generic_args =
- let visitor = st_substitute_visitor subst in
- visitor#visit_generic_args subst g
-let predicates_substitute (subst : subst) (p : predicates) : predicates =
- let visitor = st_substitute_visitor subst in
- visitor#visit_predicates subst p
-let erase_regions_subst : subst =
- {
- r_subst = (fun _ -> RErased);
- ty_subst = (fun vid -> TVar vid);
- cg_subst = (fun id -> CgVar id);
- tr_subst = (fun id -> Clause id);
- tr_self = Self;
- }
-(** Erase the region variables in a type *)
-let erase_regions (ty : ty) : ty = ty_substitute erase_regions_subst ty
-let trait_ref_erase_regions (tr : trait_ref) : trait_ref =
- trait_ref_substitute erase_regions_subst tr
-let trait_instance_id_erase_regions (tr : trait_instance_id) : trait_instance_id
- =
- trait_instance_id_substitute erase_regions_subst tr
-let generic_args_erase_regions (tr : generic_args) : generic_args =
- generic_args_substitute erase_regions_subst tr
(** Generate fresh regions for region variables.
Return the list of new regions and appropriate substitutions from the
@@ -157,152 +49,6 @@ let fresh_regions_with_substs_from_vars ~(fail_if_not_found : bool)
fresh_regions_with_substs ~fail_if_not_found
( (fun (r : region_var) -> r.index) region_vars)
-(** Erase the regions in a type and perform a substitution *)
-let erase_regions_substitute_types (ty_subst : -> ty)
- (cg_subst : -> const_generic)
- (tr_subst : -> trait_instance_id)
- (tr_self : trait_instance_id) (ty : ty) : ty =
- let r_subst (_ : region) : region = RErased in
- let subst = { r_subst; ty_subst; cg_subst; tr_subst; tr_self } in
- ty_substitute subst ty
-(** Create a region substitution from a list of region variable ids and a list of
- regions (with which to substitute the region variable ids *)
-let make_region_subst (var_ids : list) (regions : region list) :
- region -> region =
- let ls = List.combine var_ids regions in
- let mp =
- List.fold_left
- (fun mp (k, v) -> RegionVarId.Map.add k v mp)
- RegionVarId.Map.empty ls
- in
- fun r ->
- match r with
- | RStatic | RErased -> r
- | RFVar _ -> raise (Failure "Unexpected")
- | RBVar (bdid, id) ->
- (* Only substitute the bound regions with DeBruijn index equal to 0 *)
- if bdid = 0 then RegionVarId.Map.find id mp else r
-let make_region_subst_from_vars (vars : region_var list) (regions : region list)
- : region -> region =
- make_region_subst ( (fun (x : region_var) -> x.index) vars) regions
-(** Create a type substitution from a list of type variable ids and a list of
- types (with which to substitute the type variable ids) *)
-let make_type_subst (var_ids : list) (tys : ty list) :
- -> ty =
- let ls = List.combine var_ids tys in
- let mp =
- List.fold_left
- (fun mp (k, v) -> TypeVarId.Map.add k v mp)
- TypeVarId.Map.empty ls
- in
- fun id -> TypeVarId.Map.find id mp
-let make_type_subst_from_vars (vars : type_var list) (tys : ty list) :
- -> ty =
- make_type_subst ( (fun (x : type_var) -> x.index) vars) tys
-(** Create a const generic substitution from a list of const generic variable ids and a list of
- const generics (with which to substitute the const generic variable ids) *)
-let make_const_generic_subst (var_ids : list)
- (cgs : const_generic list) : -> const_generic =
- let ls = List.combine var_ids cgs in
- let mp =
- List.fold_left
- (fun mp (k, v) -> ConstGenericVarId.Map.add k v mp)
- ConstGenericVarId.Map.empty ls
- in
- fun id -> ConstGenericVarId.Map.find id mp
-let make_const_generic_subst_from_vars (vars : const_generic_var list)
- (cgs : const_generic list) : -> const_generic =
- make_const_generic_subst
- ( (fun (x : const_generic_var) -> x.index) vars)
- cgs
-(** Create a trait substitution from a list of trait clause ids and a list of
- trait refs *)
-let make_trait_subst (clause_ids : list) (trs : trait_ref list)
- : -> trait_instance_id =
- let ls = List.combine clause_ids trs in
- let mp =
- List.fold_left
- (fun mp (k, v) -> TraitClauseId.Map.add k (TraitRef v) mp)
- TraitClauseId.Map.empty ls
- in
- fun id -> TraitClauseId.Map.find id mp
-let make_trait_subst_from_clauses (clauses : trait_clause list)
- (trs : trait_ref list) : -> trait_instance_id =
- make_trait_subst
- ( (fun (x : trait_clause) -> x.clause_id) clauses)
- trs
-let make_subst_from_generics (params : generic_params) (args : generic_args)
- (tr_self : trait_instance_id) : subst =
- let r_subst = make_region_subst_from_vars params.regions args.regions in
- let ty_subst = make_type_subst_from_vars params.types args.types in
- let cg_subst =
- make_const_generic_subst_from_vars params.const_generics args.const_generics
- in
- let tr_subst =
- make_trait_subst_from_clauses params.trait_clauses args.trait_refs
- in
- { r_subst; ty_subst; cg_subst; tr_subst; tr_self }
-let make_subst_from_generics_erase_regions (params : generic_params)
- (generics : generic_args) (tr_self : trait_instance_id) =
- let generics = generic_args_erase_regions generics in
- let tr_self = trait_instance_id_erase_regions tr_self in
- let subst = make_subst_from_generics params generics tr_self in
- { subst with r_subst = (fun _ -> RErased) }
-(** Instantiate the type variables in an ADT definition, and return, for
- every variant, the list of the types of its fields.
- **IMPORTANT**: this function doesn't normalize the types, you may want to
- use the [AssociatedTypes] equivalent instead.
-let type_decl_get_instantiated_variants_fields_types (def : type_decl)
- (generics : generic_args) : ( option * ty list) list =
- (* There shouldn't be any reference to Self *)
- let tr_self = UnknownTrait __FUNCTION__ in
- let subst = make_subst_from_generics def.generics generics tr_self in
- let (variants_fields : ( option * field list) list) =
- match def.kind with
- | Enum variants ->
- List.mapi (fun i v -> (Some (VariantId.of_int i), v.fields)) variants
- | Struct fields -> [ (None, fields) ]
- | Opaque ->
- raise
- (Failure
- ("Can't retrieve the variants of an opaque type: "
- ^ show_name
- in
- (fun (id, fields) ->
- (id, (fun f -> ty_substitute subst f.field_ty) fields))
- variants_fields
-(** Instantiate the type variables in an ADT definition, and return the list
- of types of the fields for the chosen variant.
- **IMPORTANT**: this function doesn't normalize the types, you may want to
- use the [AssociatedTypes] equivalent instead.
-let type_decl_get_instantiated_field_types (def : type_decl)
- (opt_variant_id : option) (generics : generic_args) : ty list =
- (* For now, check that there are no clauses - otherwise we might need
- to normalize the types *)
- assert (def.generics.trait_clauses = []);
- (* There shouldn't be any reference to Self *)
- let tr_self = UnknownTrait __FUNCTION__ in
- let subst = make_subst_from_generics def.generics generics tr_self in
- let fields = type_decl_get_fields def opt_variant_id in
- (fun f -> ty_substitute subst f.field_ty) fields
(** Return the types of the properly instantiated ADT's variant, provided a
@@ -341,52 +87,6 @@ let ctx_adt_value_get_instantiated_field_types (ctx : eval_ctx)
(* Those types don't have fields *)
raise (Failure "Unreachable"))
-(** Apply a type substitution to a place *)
-let place_substitute (subst : subst) (p : place) : place =
- (* There is in fact nothing to do *)
- (st_substitute_visitor subst)#visit_place subst p
-(** Apply a type substitution to an operand *)
-let operand_substitute (subst : subst) (op : operand) : operand =
- (st_substitute_visitor subst)#visit_operand subst op
-(** Apply a type substitution to an rvalue *)
-let rvalue_substitute (subst : subst) (rv : rvalue) : rvalue =
- (st_substitute_visitor subst)#visit_rvalue subst rv
-(** Apply a type substitution to an assertion *)
-let assertion_substitute (subst : subst) (a : assertion) : assertion =
- (st_substitute_visitor subst)#visit_assertion subst a
-(** Apply a type substitution to a call *)
-let call_substitute (subst : subst) (call : call) : call =
- (st_substitute_visitor subst)#visit_call subst call
-(** Apply a type substitution to a statement *)
-let statement_substitute (subst : subst) (st : statement) : statement =
- (st_substitute_visitor subst)#visit_statement subst st
-(** Apply a type substitution to a function body. Return the local variables
- and the body. *)
-let fun_body_substitute_in_body (subst : subst) (body : fun_body) :
- var list * statement =
- let locals =
- (fun (v : var) -> { v with var_ty = ty_substitute subst v.var_ty })
- body.locals
- in
- let body = statement_substitute subst body.body in
- (locals, body)
-let trait_type_constraint_substitute (subst : subst)
- (ttc : trait_type_constraint) : trait_type_constraint =
- let { trait_ref; generics; type_name; ty } = ttc in
- let visitor = st_substitute_visitor subst in
- let trait_ref = visitor#visit_trait_ref subst trait_ref in
- let generics = visitor#visit_generic_args subst generics in
- let ty = visitor#visit_ty subst ty in
- { trait_ref; generics; type_name; ty }
(** Substitute a function signature, together with the regions hierarchy
associated to that signature.
@@ -420,20 +120,6 @@ let substitute_signature (asubst : ->
{ inputs; output; regions_hierarchy; trait_type_constraints }
-(** Substitute variable identifiers in a type *)
-let statement_substitute_ids (ty_subst : ->
- (cg_subst : -> (ty : ty) : ty =
- let visitor =
- object
- inherit [_] map_ty
- method visit_'r _ r = r
- method! visit_type_var_id _ id = ty_subst id
- method! visit_const_generic_var_id _ id = cg_subst id
- end
- in
- visitor#visit_ty () ty
let subst_ids_visitor (r_subst : ->
(ty_subst : ->
(cg_subst : ->
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