path: root/tests/test_runner
diff options
authorSon HO2024-05-27 09:39:39 +0200
committerGitHub2024-05-27 09:39:39 +0200
commitaeff52b13b9b3068efcc4a805a9786bf2053d141 (patch)
tree229e6fc225bf8456a01985cd3b583e510acc3886 /tests/test_runner
parent3ff6d93822fe5b2e233d4b12b88b38839c8533c5 (diff)
parent4971b7edf4538144df735f9fa5327fe4d0e2e003 (diff)
Merge branch 'main' into unsigned-max
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/test_runner')
4 files changed, 233 insertions, 154 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test_runner/aeneas_test_runner.opam b/tests/test_runner/aeneas_test_runner.opam
index b57cc9f6..1539c521 100644
--- a/tests/test_runner/aeneas_test_runner.opam
+++ b/tests/test_runner/aeneas_test_runner.opam
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ homepage: ""
bug-reports: ""
depends: [
- "dune" {>= "3.12"}
+ "dune" {>= "3.7"}
"odoc" {with-doc}
build: [
diff --git a/tests/test_runner/dune b/tests/test_runner/dune
index 7caf661f..1c719532 100644
--- a/tests/test_runner/dune
+++ b/tests/test_runner/dune
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
(public_name test_runner)
- (libraries core_unix.sys_unix unix)
+ (libraries core_unix.sys_unix re str unix)
+ (preprocess
+ (pps ppx_deriving.ord ppx_sexp_conv))
(name run_test))
+ (dev
+ (flags :standard -warn-error -5@8-11-14-32-33-20-21-26-27-39)))
diff --git a/tests/test_runner/dune-project b/tests/test_runner/dune-project
index c614e923..dc352bd0 100644
--- a/tests/test_runner/dune-project
+++ b/tests/test_runner/dune-project
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(lang dune 3.12)
+(lang dune 3.7)
(name aeneas_test_runner)
diff --git a/tests/test_runner/ b/tests/test_runner/
index 8aa6347c..5d77bf9e 100644
--- a/tests/test_runner/
+++ b/tests/test_runner/
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+(* Convenience functions *)
+let map_while (f : 'a -> 'b option) (input : 'a list) : 'b list =
+ let _, result =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (continue, out) a ->
+ if continue then
+ match f a with None -> (false, out) | Some b -> (true, b :: out)
+ else (continue, out))
+ (true, []) input
+ in
+ List.rev result
(* Paths to use for tests *)
type runner_env = {
charon_path : string;
@@ -5,23 +17,46 @@ type runner_env = {
llbc_dir : string;
-(* The data for a specific test to run aeneas on *)
-type aeneas_test_case = {
- name : string;
- backend : string;
- subdir : string;
- extra_aeneas_options : string list;
+module Backend = struct
+ type t = Coq | Lean | FStar | HOL4 [@@deriving ord, sexp]
-type input_kind = SingleFile | Crate
+ (* TODO: reactivate HOL4 once traits are parameterized by their associated types *)
+ let all = [ Coq; Lean; FStar ]
-(* The data for a specific test to generate llbc for *)
-type charon_test_case = {
- kind : input_kind;
- name : string;
- path : string;
- extra_charon_options : string list;
+ let of_string = function
+ | "coq" -> Coq
+ | "lean" -> Lean
+ | "fstar" -> FStar
+ | "hol4" -> HOL4
+ | backend -> failwith ("Unknown backend: `" ^ backend ^ "`")
+ let to_string = function
+ | Coq -> "coq"
+ | Lean -> "lean"
+ | FStar -> "fstar"
+ | HOL4 -> "hol4"
+module BackendMap = struct
+ include Map.Make (Backend)
+ (* Make a new map with one entry per backend, given by `f` *)
+ let make (f : Backend.t -> 'a) : 'a t =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun map backend -> add backend (f backend) map)
+ empty Backend.all
+ (* Set this value for all the backends in `backends` *)
+ let add_each (backends : Backend.t list) (v : 'a) (map : 'a t) : 'a t =
+ List.fold_left (fun map backend -> add backend v map) map backends
+ (* Updates all the backends in `backends` with `f` *)
+ let update_each (backends : Backend.t list) (f : 'a -> 'a) (map : 'a t) : 'a t
+ =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun map backend -> update backend ( f) map)
+ map backends
let concat_path = List.fold_left Filename.concat ""
@@ -42,21 +77,165 @@ let run_command args =
let _ = Unix.waitpid [] pid in
+(* File-specific options *)
+let aeneas_options_for_test backend test_name =
+ if test_name = "betree" then
+ let options =
+ [
+ "-backward-no-state-update";
+ "-test-trans-units";
+ "-state";
+ "-split-files";
+ ]
+ in
+ let extra_options =
+ match backend with
+ | Backend.Coq -> [ "-use-fuel" ]
+ | Backend.FStar -> [ "-decreases-clauses"; "-template-clauses" ]
+ | _ -> []
+ in
+ List.append extra_options options
+ else []
+(* File-specific options *)
+let charon_options_for_test test_name =
+ match test_name with
+ | "betree" ->
+ [ "--polonius"; "--opaque=betree_utils"; "--crate"; "betree_main" ]
+ | _ -> []
+(* The data for a specific test input *)
+module Input = struct
+ type kind = SingleFile | Crate
+ type action = Normal | Skip | KnownFailure
+ type t = {
+ name : string;
+ path : string;
+ kind : kind;
+ actions : action BackendMap.t;
+ charon_options : string list;
+ aeneas_options : string list BackendMap.t;
+ subdirs : string BackendMap.t;
+ }
+ (* The default subdirectory in which to store the outputs. *)
+ let default_subdir backend test_name =
+ match backend with Backend.Lean -> "." | _ -> test_name
+ (* Parse lines that start `//@`. Each of them modifies the options we use for the test.
+ Supported comments:
+ - `skip`: don't process the file;
+ - `known-failure`: TODO;
+ - `subdir=...: set the subdirectory in which to store the outputs.
+ Defaults to nothing for lean and to the test name for other backends;
+ - `charon-args=...`: extra arguments to pass to charon;
+ - `aeneas-args=...`: extra arguments to pass to aeneas;
+ - `[backend,..]...`: where each `backend` is the name of a backend supported by
+ aeneas; this sets options for these backends only.
+ *)
+ let apply_special_comment comment input =
+ let comment = String.trim comment in
+ (* Parse the backends if any *)
+ let re = Re.compile ( "^\\[([a-zA-Z,]+)\\](.*)$") in
+ let comment, (backends : Backend.t list) =
+ match Re.exec_opt re comment with
+ | Some groups ->
+ let backends = Re.Group.get groups 1 in
+ let backends = String.split_on_char ',' backends in
+ let backends = Backend.of_string backends in
+ let rest = Re.Group.get groups 2 in
+ (String.trim rest, backends)
+ | None -> (comment, Backend.all)
+ in
+ (* Parse the other options *)
+ let charon_args = Core.String.chop_prefix comment ~prefix:"charon-args=" in
+ let aeneas_args = Core.String.chop_prefix comment ~prefix:"aeneas-args=" in
+ let subdir = Core.String.chop_prefix comment ~prefix:"subdir=" in
+ if comment = "skip" then
+ { input with actions = BackendMap.add_each backends Skip input.actions }
+ else if comment = "known-failure" then
+ {
+ input with
+ actions = BackendMap.add_each backends KnownFailure input.actions;
+ }
+ else if Option.is_some charon_args then
+ let args = Option.get charon_args in
+ let args = String.split_on_char ' ' args in
+ if backends != Backend.all then
+ failwith "Cannot set per-backend charon-args"
+ else { input with charon_options = List.append input.charon_options args }
+ else if Option.is_some aeneas_args then
+ let args = Option.get aeneas_args in
+ let args = String.split_on_char ' ' args in
+ let add_args opts = List.append opts args in
+ {
+ input with
+ aeneas_options =
+ BackendMap.update_each backends add_args input.aeneas_options;
+ }
+ else if Option.is_some subdir then
+ let subdir = Option.get subdir in
+ { input with subdirs = BackendMap.add_each backends subdir input.subdirs }
+ else failwith ("Unrecognized special comment: `" ^ comment ^ "`")
+ (* Given a path to a rust file or crate, gather the details and options about how to build the test. *)
+ let build (path : string) : t =
+ let name = Filename.remove_extension (Filename.basename path) in
+ let name = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "-") "_" name in
+ let kind =
+ if Sys_unix.is_file_exn path then SingleFile
+ else if Sys_unix.is_directory_exn path then Crate
+ else failwith ("`" ^ path ^ "` is not a file or a directory.")
+ in
+ let actions = BackendMap.make (fun _ -> Normal) in
+ let charon_options = charon_options_for_test name in
+ let subdirs =
+ BackendMap.make (fun backend -> default_subdir backend name)
+ in
+ let aeneas_options =
+ BackendMap.make (fun backend -> aeneas_options_for_test backend name)
+ in
+ let input =
+ { path; name; kind; actions; charon_options; subdirs; aeneas_options }
+ in
+ match kind with
+ | SingleFile ->
+ let file_lines = Core.In_channel.read_lines path in
+ (* Extract the special lines. Stop at the first non-special line. *)
+ let special_comments =
+ map_while
+ (fun line -> Core.String.chop_prefix line ~prefix:"//@")
+ file_lines
+ in
+ (* Apply the changes from the special lines to our input. *)
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun input comment -> apply_special_comment comment input)
+ input special_comments
+ | Crate -> input
(* Run Aeneas on a specific input with the given options *)
-let run_aeneas (env : runner_env) (case : aeneas_test_case) =
- let input_file = concat_path [ env.llbc_dir; ] ^ ".llbc" in
- let dest_dir = concat_path [ "tests"; case.backend; case.subdir ] in
+let run_aeneas (env : runner_env) (case : Input.t) (backend : Backend.t) =
+ (* FIXME: remove this special case *)
+ let test_name = if = "betree" then "betree_main" else in
+ let input_file = concat_path [ env.llbc_dir; test_name ] ^ ".llbc" in
+ let subdir = BackendMap.find backend case.subdirs in
+ let aeneas_options = BackendMap.find backend case.aeneas_options in
+ let backend_str = Backend.to_string backend in
+ let dest_dir = concat_path [ "tests"; backend_str; subdir ] in
let args =
- env.aeneas_path; input_file; "-dest"; dest_dir; "-backend"; case.backend;
+ env.aeneas_path; input_file; "-dest"; dest_dir; "-backend"; backend_str;
- let args = Array.append args (Array.of_list case.extra_aeneas_options) in
+ let args = Array.append args (Array.of_list aeneas_options) in
(* Run Aeneas *)
run_command args
(* Run Charon on a specific input with the given options *)
-let run_charon (env : runner_env) (case : charon_test_case) =
+let run_charon (env : runner_env) (case : Input.t) =
match case.kind with
| SingleFile ->
let args =
@@ -71,16 +250,14 @@ let run_charon (env : runner_env) (case : charon_test_case) =
- let args = Array.append args (Array.of_list case.extra_charon_options) in
+ let args = Array.append args (Array.of_list case.charon_options) in
(* Run Charon on the rust file *)
run_command args
| Crate -> (
match Sys.getenv_opt "IN_CI" with
| None ->
let args = [| env.charon_path; "--dest"; env.llbc_dir |] in
- let args =
- Array.append args (Array.of_list case.extra_charon_options)
- in
+ let args = Array.append args (Array.of_list case.charon_options) in
(* Run Charon inside the crate *)
let old_pwd = Unix.getcwd () in
Unix.chdir case.path;
@@ -94,140 +271,36 @@ let run_charon (env : runner_env) (case : charon_test_case) =
"Warn: IN_CI is set; we skip generating llbc files for whole crates"
-(* File-specific options *)
-let aeneas_options_for_test backend test_name =
- (* TODO: reactivate -test-trans-units for hashmap and hashmap_main *)
- let use_fuel =
- match (backend, test_name) with
- | ( "coq",
- ( "arrays" | "betree_main" | "demo" | "hashmap" | "hashmap_main"
- | "loops" ) ) ->
- true
- | "fstar", "demo" -> true
- | _ -> false
- in
- let options = if use_fuel then "-use-fuel" :: [] else [] in
- let decrease_template_clauses =
- backend = "fstar"
- &&
- match test_name with
- | "arrays" | "betree_main" | "hashmap" | "hashmap_main" | "loops" | "traits"
- ->
- true
- | _ -> false
- in
- let options =
- if decrease_template_clauses then
- "-decreases-clauses" :: "-template-clauses" :: options
- else options
- in
- let extra_options =
- match (backend, test_name) with
- | _, "betree_main" ->
- [
- "-backward-no-state-update";
- "-test-trans-units";
- "-state";
- "-split-files";
- ]
- | _, "bitwise" -> [ "-test-trans-units" ]
- | _, "constants" -> [ "-test-trans-units" ]
- | _, "external" -> [ "-test-trans-units"; "-state"; "-split-files" ]
- | _, "hashmap_main" -> [ "-state"; "-split-files" ]
- | _, "no_nested_borrows" -> [ "-test-trans-units" ]
- | _, "paper" -> [ "-test-trans-units" ]
- | _, "polonius_list" -> [ "-test-trans-units" ]
- | "fstar", "arrays" -> [ "-split-files" ]
- | "fstar", "loops" -> [ "-split-files" ]
- (* We add a custom import in the Hashmap.lean file: we do not want to overwrite it *)
- | "lean", "hashmap" -> [ "-split-files"; "-no-gen-lib-entry" ]
- | _, "hashmap" -> [ "-split-files" ]
- | _ -> []
- in
- let options = List.append extra_options options in
- options
-(* File-specific options *)
-let charon_options_for_test test_name =
- (* Possible to add `--no-code-duplication` for `hashmap_main` if we use the optimized MIR *)
- let no_code_dup =
- match test_name with
- | "constants" | "external" | "nested_borrows" | "no_nested_borrows"
- | "paper" ->
- [ "--no-code-duplication" ]
- | _ -> []
- in
- let extra_options =
- match test_name with
- | "betree" ->
- [ "--polonius"; "--opaque=betree_utils"; "--crate"; "betree_main" ]
- | "hashmap_main" -> [ "--opaque=hashmap_utils" ]
- | "polonius_list" -> [ "--polonius" ]
- | _ -> []
- in
- List.append no_code_dup extra_options
-(* The subdirectory in which to store the outputs. *)
-(* This reproduces the file layout that was set by the old Makefile. FIXME: cleanup *)
-let test_subdir backend test_name =
- match (backend, test_name) with
- | "lean", "demo" -> "Demo"
- | "lean", _ -> "."
- | _, ("arrays" | "demo" | "hashmap" | "traits") -> test_name
- | _, "betree_main" -> "betree"
- | _, "hashmap_main" -> "hashmap_on_disk"
- | "hol4", _ -> "misc-" ^ test_name
- | ( _,
- ( "bitwise" | "constants" | "external" | "loops" | "no_nested_borrows"
- | "paper" | "polonius_list" ) ) ->
- "misc"
- | _ -> test_name
let () =
match Array.to_list Sys.argv with
(* Ad-hoc argument passing for now. *)
| _exe_path :: charon_path :: aeneas_path :: llbc_dir :: test_path
:: aeneas_options ->
let runner_env = { charon_path; aeneas_path; llbc_dir } in
- let test_name = Filename.remove_extension (Filename.basename test_path) in
- let charon_kind =
- if Sys_unix.is_file_exn test_path then SingleFile
- else if Sys_unix.is_directory_exn test_path then Crate
- else failwith ("`" ^ test_path ^ "` is not a file or a directory.")
- in
- let extra_charon_options = charon_options_for_test test_name in
- let charon_case =
+ let test_case = test_path in
+ let test_case =
- path = test_path;
- name = test_name;
- kind = charon_kind;
- extra_charon_options;
+ test_case with
+ aeneas_options =
+ (List.append aeneas_options) test_case.aeneas_options;
- (* Generate the llbc file *)
- run_charon runner_env charon_case;
- (* FIXME: remove this special case *)
- let test_name =
- if test_name = "betree" then "betree_main" else test_name
+ let skip_all =
+ List.for_all
+ (fun backend ->
+ BackendMap.find backend test_case.actions = Input.Skip)
+ Backend.all
- (* TODO: reactivate HOL4 once traits are parameterized by their associated types *)
- let backends = [ "coq"; "lean"; "fstar" ] in
- List.iter
- (fun backend ->
- let subdir = test_subdir backend test_name in
- let extra_aeneas_options =
- List.append
- (aeneas_options_for_test backend test_name)
- aeneas_options
- in
- let aeneas_case =
- { name = test_name; backend; subdir; extra_aeneas_options }
- in
- (* Process the llbc file for the current backend *)
- run_aeneas runner_env aeneas_case)
- backends
+ if skip_all then ()
+ else (
+ (* Generate the llbc file *)
+ run_charon runner_env test_case;
+ (* Process the llbc file for the each backend *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun backend ->
+ match BackendMap.find backend test_case.actions with
+ | Skip -> ()
+ | Normal -> run_aeneas runner_env test_case backend
+ | KnownFailure -> failwith "KnownFailure is unimplemented")
+ Backend.all)
| _ -> failwith "Incorrect options passed to test runner"