path: root/tests/lean/misc-no_nested_borrows
diff options
authorSon Ho2023-03-08 00:39:05 +0100
committerSon HO2023-06-04 21:44:33 +0200
commit14aed083b850c2d8a77cfe394827aeecce06514b (patch)
tree8486ce9eb6ca80668d34c3422ef89e29018ec269 /tests/lean/misc-no_nested_borrows
parentc00d77052e8cb778e5311a4344cf8449dd3726b6 (diff)
Improve the generation of variant names for Lean
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/lean/misc-no_nested_borrows')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/tests/lean/misc-no_nested_borrows/NoNestedBorrows.lean b/tests/lean/misc-no_nested_borrows/NoNestedBorrows.lean
index 12d4190c..e2697385 100644
--- a/tests/lean/misc-no_nested_borrows/NoNestedBorrows.lean
+++ b/tests/lean/misc-no_nested_borrows/NoNestedBorrows.lean
@@ -11,29 +11,29 @@ structure OpaqueDefs where
/- [no_nested_borrows::List] -/
inductive list_t (T : Type) :=
- | ListCons : T -> list_t T -> list_t T
- | ListNil : list_t T
+ | Cons : T -> list_t T -> list_t T
+ | Nil : list_t T
/- [no_nested_borrows::One] -/
inductive one_t (T1 : Type) :=
- | OneOne : T1 -> one_t T1
+ | One : T1 -> one_t T1
/- [no_nested_borrows::EmptyEnum] -/
inductive empty_enum_t :=
- | EmptyEnumEmpty : empty_enum_t
+ | Empty : empty_enum_t
/- [no_nested_borrows::Enum] -/
inductive enum_t :=
- | EnumVariant1 : enum_t
- | EnumVariant2 : enum_t
+ | Variant1 : enum_t
+ | Variant2 : enum_t
/- [no_nested_borrows::EmptyStruct] -/
structure empty_struct_t where
/- [no_nested_borrows::Sum] -/
inductive sum_t (T1 T2 : Type) :=
- | SumLeft : T1 -> sum_t T1 T2
- | SumRight : T2 -> sum_t T1 T2
+ | Left : T1 -> sum_t T1 T2
+ | Right : T2 -> sum_t T1 T2
/- [no_nested_borrows::neg_test] -/
def neg_test_fwd (x : Int32) : Result Int32 :=
@@ -187,15 +187,15 @@ structure OpaqueDefs where
/- [no_nested_borrows::is_cons] -/
def is_cons_fwd (T : Type) (l : list_t T) : Result Bool :=
match h: l with
- | list_t.ListCons t l0 => Result.ret true
- | list_t.ListNil => Result.ret false
+ | list_t.Cons t l0 => Result.ret true
+ | list_t.Nil => Result.ret false
/- [no_nested_borrows::test_is_cons] -/
def test_is_cons_fwd : Result Unit :=
- let l := list_t.ListNil
+ let l := list_t.Nil
let b ←
- is_cons_fwd Int32 (list_t.ListCons (Int32.ofNatCore 0 (by intlit)) l)
+ is_cons_fwd Int32 (list_t.Cons (Int32.ofNatCore 0 (by intlit)) l)
if h: not b
then Error.panic
else Result.ret ()
@@ -206,16 +206,15 @@ structure OpaqueDefs where
/- [no_nested_borrows::split_list] -/
def split_list_fwd (T : Type) (l : list_t T) : Result (T × (list_t T)) :=
match h: l with
- | list_t.ListCons hd tl => Result.ret (hd, tl)
- | list_t.ListNil => Error.panic
+ | list_t.Cons hd tl => Result.ret (hd, tl)
+ | list_t.Nil => Error.panic
/- [no_nested_borrows::test_split_list] -/
def test_split_list_fwd : Result Unit :=
- let l := list_t.ListNil
+ let l := list_t.Nil
let p ←
- split_list_fwd Int32 (list_t.ListCons (Int32.ofNatCore 0 (by intlit))
- l)
+ split_list_fwd Int32 (list_t.Cons (Int32.ofNatCore 0 (by intlit)) l)
let (hd, _) := p
if h: not (hd = (Int32.ofNatCore 0 (by intlit)))
then Error.panic
@@ -267,88 +266,87 @@ structure OpaqueDefs where
/- [no_nested_borrows::NodeElem] -/
mutual inductive node_elem_t (T : Type) :=
- | NodeElemCons : tree_t T -> node_elem_t T -> node_elem_t T
- | NodeElemNil : node_elem_t T
+ | Cons : tree_t T -> node_elem_t T -> node_elem_t T
+ | Nil : node_elem_t T
/- [no_nested_borrows::Tree] -/
inductive tree_t (T : Type) :=
- | TreeLeaf : T -> tree_t T
- | TreeNode : T -> node_elem_t T -> tree_t T -> tree_t T
+ | Leaf : T -> tree_t T
+ | Node : T -> node_elem_t T -> tree_t T -> tree_t T
/- [no_nested_borrows::list_length] -/
def list_length_fwd (T : Type) (l : list_t T) : Result UInt32 :=
match h: l with
- | list_t.ListCons t l1 =>
+ | list_t.Cons t l1 =>
let i ← list_length_fwd T l1
UInt32.checked_add (UInt32.ofNatCore 1 (by intlit)) i
- | list_t.ListNil => Result.ret (UInt32.ofNatCore 0 (by intlit))
+ | list_t.Nil => Result.ret (UInt32.ofNatCore 0 (by intlit))
/- [no_nested_borrows::list_nth_shared] -/
def list_nth_shared_fwd (T : Type) (l : list_t T) (i : UInt32) : Result T :=
match h: l with
- | list_t.ListCons x tl =>
+ | list_t.Cons x tl =>
if h: i = (UInt32.ofNatCore 0 (by intlit))
then Result.ret x
let i0 ← UInt32.checked_sub i (UInt32.ofNatCore 1 (by intlit))
list_nth_shared_fwd T tl i0
- | list_t.ListNil => Error.panic
+ | list_t.Nil => Error.panic
/- [no_nested_borrows::list_nth_mut] -/
def list_nth_mut_fwd (T : Type) (l : list_t T) (i : UInt32) : Result T :=
match h: l with
- | list_t.ListCons x tl =>
+ | list_t.Cons x tl =>
if h: i = (UInt32.ofNatCore 0 (by intlit))
then Result.ret x
let i0 ← UInt32.checked_sub i (UInt32.ofNatCore 1 (by intlit))
list_nth_mut_fwd T tl i0
- | list_t.ListNil => Error.panic
+ | list_t.Nil => Error.panic
/- [no_nested_borrows::list_nth_mut] -/
def list_nth_mut_back
(T : Type) (l : list_t T) (i : UInt32) (ret0 : T) : Result (list_t T) :=
match h: l with
- | list_t.ListCons x tl =>
+ | list_t.Cons x tl =>
if h: i = (UInt32.ofNatCore 0 (by intlit))
- then Result.ret (list_t.ListCons ret0 tl)
+ then Result.ret (list_t.Cons ret0 tl)
let i0 ← UInt32.checked_sub i (UInt32.ofNatCore 1 (by intlit))
let tl0 ← list_nth_mut_back T tl i0 ret0
- Result.ret (list_t.ListCons x tl0)
- | list_t.ListNil => Error.panic
+ Result.ret (list_t.Cons x tl0)
+ | list_t.Nil => Error.panic
/- [no_nested_borrows::list_rev_aux] -/
def list_rev_aux_fwd
(T : Type) (li : list_t T) (lo : list_t T) : Result (list_t T) :=
match h: li with
- | list_t.ListCons hd tl => list_rev_aux_fwd T tl (list_t.ListCons hd lo)
- | list_t.ListNil => Result.ret lo
+ | list_t.Cons hd tl => list_rev_aux_fwd T tl (list_t.Cons hd lo)
+ | list_t.Nil => Result.ret lo
/- [no_nested_borrows::list_rev] -/
def list_rev_fwd_back (T : Type) (l : list_t T) : Result (list_t T) :=
- let li := mem_replace_fwd (list_t T) l list_t.ListNil
- list_rev_aux_fwd T li list_t.ListNil
+ let li := mem_replace_fwd (list_t T) l list_t.Nil
+ list_rev_aux_fwd T li list_t.Nil
/- [no_nested_borrows::test_list_functions] -/
def test_list_functions_fwd : Result Unit :=
- let l := list_t.ListNil
- let l0 := list_t.ListCons (Int32.ofNatCore 2 (by intlit)) l
- let l1 := list_t.ListCons (Int32.ofNatCore 1 (by intlit)) l0
+ let l := list_t.Nil
+ let l0 := list_t.Cons (Int32.ofNatCore 2 (by intlit)) l
+ let l1 := list_t.Cons (Int32.ofNatCore 1 (by intlit)) l0
let i ←
- list_length_fwd Int32 (list_t.ListCons (Int32.ofNatCore 0 (by intlit))
- l1)
+ list_length_fwd Int32 (list_t.Cons (Int32.ofNatCore 0 (by intlit)) l1)
if h: not (i = (UInt32.ofNatCore 3 (by intlit)))
then Error.panic
let i0 ←
- list_nth_shared_fwd Int32 (list_t.ListCons
+ list_nth_shared_fwd Int32 (list_t.Cons
(Int32.ofNatCore 0 (by intlit)) l1)
(UInt32.ofNatCore 0 (by intlit))
if h: not (i0 = (Int32.ofNatCore 0 (by intlit)))
@@ -356,7 +354,7 @@ structure OpaqueDefs where
let i1 ←
- list_nth_shared_fwd Int32 (list_t.ListCons
+ list_nth_shared_fwd Int32 (list_t.Cons
(Int32.ofNatCore 0 (by intlit)) l1)
(UInt32.ofNatCore 1 (by intlit))
if h: not (i1 = (Int32.ofNatCore 1 (by intlit)))
@@ -364,7 +362,7 @@ structure OpaqueDefs where
let i2 ←
- list_nth_shared_fwd Int32 (list_t.ListCons
+ list_nth_shared_fwd Int32 (list_t.Cons
(Int32.ofNatCore 0 (by intlit)) l1)
(UInt32.ofNatCore 2 (by intlit))
if h: not (i2 = (Int32.ofNatCore 2 (by intlit)))
@@ -372,7 +370,7 @@ structure OpaqueDefs where
let ls ←
- list_nth_mut_back Int32 (list_t.ListCons
+ list_nth_mut_back Int32 (list_t.Cons
(Int32.ofNatCore 0 (by intlit)) l1)
(UInt32.ofNatCore 1 (by intlit))
(Int32.ofNatCore 3 (by intlit))
@@ -550,8 +548,8 @@ structure OpaqueDefs where
/- [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_enum1] -/
def test_shared_borrow_enum1_fwd (l : list_t UInt32) : Result UInt32 :=
match h: l with
- | list_t.ListCons i l0 => Result.ret (UInt32.ofNatCore 1 (by intlit))
- | list_t.ListNil => Result.ret (UInt32.ofNatCore 0 (by intlit))
+ | list_t.Cons i l0 => Result.ret (UInt32.ofNatCore 1 (by intlit))
+ | list_t.Nil => Result.ret (UInt32.ofNatCore 0 (by intlit))
/- [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_enum2] -/
def test_shared_borrow_enum2_fwd : Result UInt32 :=