path: root/tests/lean/Paper.lean
diff options
authorSon HO2023-07-31 16:15:58 +0200
committerGitHub2023-07-31 16:15:58 +0200
commit887d0ef1efc8912c6273b5ebcf979384e9d7fa97 (patch)
tree92d6021eb549f7cc25501856edd58859786b7e90 /tests/lean/Paper.lean
parent53adf30fe440eb8b6f58ba89f4a4c0acc7877498 (diff)
parent9b3a58e423333fc9a4a5a264c3beb0a3d951e86b (diff)
Merge pull request #31 from AeneasVerif/son_lean_backend
Improve the Lean backend
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 121 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/lean/Paper.lean b/tests/lean/Paper.lean
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cee7128a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lean/Paper.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+-- [paper]
+import Base
+open Primitives
+namespace paper
+/- [paper::ref_incr]: merged forward/backward function
+ (there is a single backward function, and the forward function returns ()) -/
+def ref_incr (x : I32) : Result I32 :=
+ x + (I32.ofInt 1)
+/- [paper::test_incr]: forward function -/
+def test_incr : Result Unit :=
+ do
+ let x ← ref_incr (I32.ofInt 0)
+ if not (x = (I32.ofInt 1))
+ then Error.panic
+ else Result.ret ()
+/- Unit test for [paper::test_incr] -/
+#assert (test_incr == .ret ())
+/- [paper::choose]: forward function -/
+def choose (T : Type) (b : Bool) (x : T) (y : T) : Result T :=
+ if b
+ then Result.ret x
+ else Result.ret y
+/- [paper::choose]: backward function 0 -/
+def choose_back
+ (T : Type) (b : Bool) (x : T) (y : T) (ret0 : T) : Result (T × T) :=
+ if b
+ then Result.ret (ret0, y)
+ else Result.ret (x, ret0)
+/- [paper::test_choose]: forward function -/
+def test_choose : Result Unit :=
+ do
+ let z ← choose I32 true (I32.ofInt 0) (I32.ofInt 0)
+ let z0 ← z + (I32.ofInt 1)
+ if not (z0 = (I32.ofInt 1))
+ then Error.panic
+ else
+ do
+ let (x, y) ← choose_back I32 true (I32.ofInt 0) (I32.ofInt 0) z0
+ if not (x = (I32.ofInt 1))
+ then Error.panic
+ else
+ if not (y = (I32.ofInt 0))
+ then Error.panic
+ else Result.ret ()
+/- Unit test for [paper::test_choose] -/
+#assert (test_choose == .ret ())
+/- [paper::List] -/
+inductive List (T : Type) :=
+| Cons : T → List T → List T
+| Nil : List T
+/- [paper::list_nth_mut]: forward function -/
+divergent def list_nth_mut (T : Type) (l : List T) (i : U32) : Result T :=
+ match l with
+ | List.Cons x tl =>
+ if i = (U32.ofInt 0)
+ then Result.ret x
+ else do
+ let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1)
+ list_nth_mut T tl i0
+ | List.Nil => Error.panic
+/- [paper::list_nth_mut]: backward function 0 -/
+divergent def list_nth_mut_back
+ (T : Type) (l : List T) (i : U32) (ret0 : T) : Result (List T) :=
+ match l with
+ | List.Cons x tl =>
+ if i = (U32.ofInt 0)
+ then Result.ret (List.Cons ret0 tl)
+ else
+ do
+ let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1)
+ let tl0 ← list_nth_mut_back T tl i0 ret0
+ Result.ret (List.Cons x tl0)
+ | List.Nil => Error.panic
+/- [paper::sum]: forward function -/
+divergent def sum (l : List I32) : Result I32 :=
+ match l with
+ | List.Cons x tl => do
+ let i ← sum tl
+ x + i
+ | List.Nil => Result.ret (I32.ofInt 0)
+/- [paper::test_nth]: forward function -/
+def test_nth : Result Unit :=
+ do
+ let l := List.Nil
+ let l0 := List.Cons (I32.ofInt 3) l
+ let l1 := List.Cons (I32.ofInt 2) l0
+ let x ← list_nth_mut I32 (List.Cons (I32.ofInt 1) l1) (U32.ofInt 2)
+ let x0 ← x + (I32.ofInt 1)
+ let l2 ←
+ list_nth_mut_back I32 (List.Cons (I32.ofInt 1) l1) (U32.ofInt 2) x0
+ let i ← sum l2
+ if not (i = (I32.ofInt 7))
+ then Error.panic
+ else Result.ret ()
+/- Unit test for [paper::test_nth] -/
+#assert (test_nth == .ret ())
+/- [paper::call_choose]: forward function -/
+def call_choose (p : (U32 × U32)) : Result U32 :=
+ do
+ let (px, py) := p
+ let pz ← choose U32 true px py
+ let pz0 ← pz + (U32.ofInt 1)
+ let (px0, _) ← choose_back U32 true px py pz0
+ Result.ret px0
+end paper