path: root/src
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authorSon Ho2022-01-06 10:36:07 +0100
committerSon Ho2022-01-06 10:36:07 +0100
commita48b5f36738fb86026f618fed4190a2d8b5ab08e (patch)
treebebd44ff9db01f18e5ee227a8c028d0610c44967 /src
parentbcb49a7ddc86a2d70f7e1010a352c56329f32e14 (diff)
Move some definitions from Interpreter to InterpreterPaths
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 834 insertions, 815 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index d8256186..4ca7d58f 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ open InterpreterUtils
open InterpreterProjectors
open InterpreterBorrows
open InterpreterExpansion
+open InterpreterPaths
(* TODO: check that the value types are correct when evaluating *)
(* TODO: for debugging purposes, we might want to put use eval_ctx everywhere
@@ -37,777 +38,6 @@ type eval_error = Panic
type 'a eval_result = ('a, eval_error) result
-(** Paths *)
-(** When we fail reading from or writing to a path, it might be because we
- need to update the environment by ending borrows, expanding symbolic
- values, etc. The following type is used to convey this information.
- TODO: compare with borrow_lres?
-type path_fail_kind =
- | FailSharedLoan of V.BorrowId.Set.t
- (** Failure because we couldn't go inside a shared loan *)
- | FailMutLoan of
- (** Failure because we couldn't go inside a mutable loan *)
- | FailInactivatedMutBorrow of
- (** Failure because we couldn't go inside an inactivated mutable borrow
- (which should get activated) *)
- | FailSymbolic of (E.projection_elem * V.symbolic_proj_comp)
- (** Failure because we need to enter a symbolic value (and thus need to expand it) *)
- (* TODO: Remove the parentheses *)
- | FailBottom of (int * E.projection_elem * T.ety)
- (** Failure because we need to enter an any value - we can expand Bottom
- values if they are left values. We return the number of elements which
- were remaining in the path when we reached the error - this allows to
- properly update the Bottom value, if needs be.
- *)
- | FailBorrow of V.borrow_content
- (** We got stuck because we couldn't enter a borrow *)
-(** Result of evaluating a path (reading from a path/writing to a path)
- Note that when we fail, we return information used to update the
- environment, as well as the
-type 'a path_access_result = ('a, path_fail_kind) result
-(** The result of reading from/writing to a place *)
-type updated_read_value = { read : V.typed_value; updated : V.typed_value }
-type projection_access = {
- enter_shared_loans : bool;
- enter_mut_borrows : bool;
- lookup_shared_borrows : bool;
-(** Generic function to access (read/write) the value at the end of a projection.
- We return the (eventually) updated value, the value we read at the end of
- the place and the (eventually) updated environment.
- TODO: use exceptions?
- *)
-let rec access_projection (access : projection_access) (ctx : C.eval_ctx)
- (* Function to (eventually) update the value we find *)
- (update : V.typed_value -> V.typed_value) (p : E.projection)
- (v : V.typed_value) : (C.eval_ctx * updated_read_value) path_access_result =
- (* For looking up/updating shared loans *)
- let ek : exploration_kind =
- { enter_shared_loans = true; enter_mut_borrows = true; enter_abs = true }
- in
- match p with
- | [] ->
- let nv = update v in
- (* Type checking *)
- if nv.ty <> v.ty then (
- L.log#lerror
- (lazy
- ("Not the same type:\n- nv.ty: " ^ T.show_ety nv.ty ^ "\n- v.ty: "
- ^ T.show_ety v.ty));
- failwith
- "Assertion failed: new value doesn't have the same type as its \
- destination");
- Ok (ctx, { read = v; updated = nv })
- | pe :: p' -> (
- (* Match on the projection element and the value *)
- match (pe, v.V.value, v.V.ty) with
- (* Field projection - ADTs *)
- | ( Field (ProjAdt (def_id, opt_variant_id), field_id),
- V.Adt adt,
- T.Adt (T.AdtId def_id', _, _) ) -> (
- assert (def_id = def_id');
- (* Check that the projection is consistent with the current value *)
- (match (opt_variant_id, adt.variant_id) with
- | None, None -> ()
- | Some vid, Some vid' -> if vid <> vid' then failwith "Unreachable"
- | _ -> failwith "Unreachable");
- (* Actually project *)
- let fv = T.FieldId.nth adt.field_values field_id in
- match access_projection access ctx update p' fv with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, res) ->
- (* Update the field value *)
- let nvalues =
- T.FieldId.update_nth adt.field_values field_id res.updated
- in
- let nadt = V.Adt { adt with V.field_values = nvalues } in
- let updated = { v with value = nadt } in
- Ok (ctx, { res with updated }))
- (* Tuples *)
- | Field (ProjTuple arity, field_id), V.Adt adt, T.Adt (T.Tuple, _, _) -> (
- assert (arity = List.length adt.field_values);
- let fv = T.FieldId.nth adt.field_values field_id in
- (* Project *)
- match access_projection access ctx update p' fv with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, res) ->
- (* Update the field value *)
- let nvalues =
- T.FieldId.update_nth adt.field_values field_id res.updated
- in
- let ntuple = V.Adt { adt with field_values = nvalues } in
- let updated = { v with value = ntuple } in
- Ok (ctx, { res with updated })
- (* If we reach Bottom, it may mean we need to expand an uninitialized
- * enumeration value *))
- | Field (ProjAdt (_, _), _), V.Bottom, _ ->
- Error (FailBottom (1 + List.length p', pe, v.ty))
- | Field (ProjTuple _, _), V.Bottom, _ ->
- Error (FailBottom (1 + List.length p', pe, v.ty))
- (* Symbolic value: needs to be expanded *)
- | _, Symbolic sp, _ ->
- (* Expand the symbolic value *)
- Error (FailSymbolic (pe, sp))
- (* Box dereferencement *)
- | ( DerefBox,
- Adt { variant_id = None; field_values = [ bv ] },
- T.Adt (T.Assumed T.Box, _, _) ) -> (
- (* We allow moving inside of boxes. In practice, this kind of
- * manipulations should happen only inside unsage code, so
- * it shouldn't happen due to user code, and we leverage it
- * when implementing box dereferencement for the concrete
- * interpreter *)
- match access_projection access ctx update p' bv with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, res) ->
- let nv =
- {
- v with
- value =
- V.Adt { variant_id = None; field_values = [ res.updated ] };
- }
- in
- Ok (ctx, { res with updated = nv }))
- (* Borrows *)
- | Deref, V.Borrow bc, _ -> (
- match bc with
- | V.SharedBorrow bid ->
- (* Lookup the loan content, and explore from there *)
- if access.lookup_shared_borrows then
- match lookup_loan ek bid ctx with
- | _, Concrete (V.MutLoan _) -> failwith "Expected a shared loan"
- | _, Concrete (V.SharedLoan (bids, sv)) -> (
- (* Explore the shared value *)
- match access_projection access ctx update p' sv with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, res) ->
- (* Update the shared loan with the new value returned
- by [access_projection] *)
- let ctx =
- update_loan ek bid
- (V.SharedLoan (bids, res.updated))
- ctx
- in
- (* Return - note that we don't need to update the borrow itself *)
- Ok (ctx, { res with updated = v }))
- | ( _,
- Abstract
- ( V.AMutLoan (_, _)
- | V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back = _; child = _ }
- | V.AEndedSharedLoan (_, _)
- | V.AIgnoredMutLoan (_, _)
- | V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan { given_back = _; child = _ }
- | V.AIgnoredSharedLoan _ ) ) ->
- failwith "Expected a shared (abstraction) loan"
- | _, Abstract (V.ASharedLoan (bids, sv, _av)) -> (
- (* Explore the shared value *)
- match access_projection access ctx update p' sv with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, res) ->
- (* Relookup the child avalue *)
- let av =
- match lookup_loan ek bid ctx with
- | _, Abstract (V.ASharedLoan (_, _, av)) -> av
- | _ -> failwith "Unexpected"
- in
- (* Update the shared loan with the new value returned
- by [access_projection] *)
- let ctx =
- update_aloan ek bid
- (V.ASharedLoan (bids, res.updated, av))
- ctx
- in
- (* Return - note that we don't need to update the borrow itself *)
- Ok (ctx, { res with updated = v }))
- else Error (FailBorrow bc)
- | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid -> Error (FailInactivatedMutBorrow bid)
- | V.MutBorrow (bid, bv) ->
- if access.enter_mut_borrows then
- match access_projection access ctx update p' bv with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, res) ->
- let nv =
- {
- v with
- value = V.Borrow (V.MutBorrow (bid, res.updated));
- }
- in
- Ok (ctx, { res with updated = nv })
- else Error (FailBorrow bc))
- | _, V.Loan lc, _ -> (
- match lc with
- | V.MutLoan bid -> Error (FailMutLoan bid)
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
- (* If we can enter shared loan, we ignore the loan. Pay attention
- to the fact that we need to reexplore the *whole* place (i.e,
- we mustn't ignore the current projection element *)
- if access.enter_shared_loans then
- match access_projection access ctx update (pe :: p') sv with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, res) ->
- let nv =
- {
- v with
- value = V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (bids, res.updated));
- }
- in
- Ok (ctx, { res with updated = nv })
- else Error (FailSharedLoan bids))
- | (_, (V.Concrete _ | V.Adt _ | V.Bottom | V.Borrow _), _) as r ->
- let pe, v, ty = r in
- let pe = "- pe: " ^ E.show_projection_elem pe in
- let v = "- v:\n" ^ V.show_value v in
- let ty = "- ty:\n" ^ T.show_ety ty in
- L.log#serror ("Inconsistent projection:\n" ^ pe ^ "\n" ^ v ^ "\n" ^ ty);
- failwith "Inconsistent projection")
-(** Generic function to access (read/write) the value at a given place.
- We return the value we read at the place and the (eventually) updated
- environment, if we managed to access the place, or the precise reason
- why we failed.
- *)
-let access_place (access : projection_access)
- (* Function to (eventually) update the value we find *)
- (update : V.typed_value -> V.typed_value) (p : (ctx : C.eval_ctx)
- : (C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value) path_access_result =
- (* Lookup the variable's value *)
- let value = C.ctx_lookup_var_value ctx p.var_id in
- (* Apply the projection *)
- match access_projection access ctx update p.projection value with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, res) ->
- (* Update the value *)
- let ctx = C.ctx_update_var_value ctx p.var_id res.updated in
- (* Return *)
- Ok (ctx,
-type access_kind =
- | Read (** We can go inside borrows and loans *)
- | Write (** Don't enter shared borrows or shared loans *)
- | Move (** Don't enter borrows or loans *)
-let access_kind_to_projection_access (access : access_kind) : projection_access
- =
- match access with
- | Read ->
- {
- enter_shared_loans = true;
- enter_mut_borrows = true;
- lookup_shared_borrows = true;
- }
- | Write ->
- {
- enter_shared_loans = false;
- enter_mut_borrows = true;
- lookup_shared_borrows = false;
- }
- | Move ->
- {
- enter_shared_loans = false;
- enter_mut_borrows = false;
- lookup_shared_borrows = false;
- }
-(** Read the value at a given place *)
-let read_place (config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (p :
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : V.typed_value path_access_result =
- let access = access_kind_to_projection_access access in
- (* The update function is the identity *)
- let update v = v in
- match access_place access update p ctx with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx1, read_value) ->
- (* Note that we ignore the new environment: it should be the same as the
- original one.
- *)
- if config.check_invariants then
- if ctx1 <> ctx then (
- let msg =
- "Unexpected environment update:\nNew environment:\n"
- ^ C.show_env ctx1.env ^ "\n\nOld environment:\n"
- ^ C.show_env ctx.env
- in
- L.log#serror msg;
- failwith "Unexpected environment update");
- Ok read_value
-let read_place_unwrap (config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (p :
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : V.typed_value =
- match read_place config access p ctx with
- | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
- | Ok v -> v
-(** Update the value at a given place *)
-let write_place (_config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (p :
- (nv : V.typed_value) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx path_access_result =
- let access = access_kind_to_projection_access access in
- (* The update function substitutes the value with the new value *)
- let update _ = nv in
- match access_place access update p ctx with
- | Error err -> Error err
- | Ok (ctx, _) ->
- (* We ignore the read value *)
- Ok ctx
-let write_place_unwrap (config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (p :
- (nv : V.typed_value) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- match write_place config access p nv ctx with
- | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
- | Ok ctx -> ctx
-(** Compute an expanded ADT bottom value *)
-let compute_expanded_bottom_adt_value (tyctx : T.type_def list)
- (def_id : (opt_variant_id : option)
- (regions : T.erased_region list) (types : T.ety list) : V.typed_value =
- (* Lookup the definition and check if it is an enumeration - it
- should be an enumeration if and only if the projection element
- is a field projection with *some* variant id. Retrieve the list
- of fields at the same time. *)
- let def = T.TypeDefId.nth tyctx def_id in
- assert (List.length regions = List.length def.T.region_params);
- (* Compute the field types *)
- let field_types =
- Subst.type_def_get_instantiated_field_etypes def opt_variant_id types
- in
- (* Initialize the expanded value *)
- let fields =
- (fun ty : V.typed_value -> ({ V.value = V.Bottom; ty } : V.typed_value))
- field_types
- in
- let av = V.Adt { variant_id = opt_variant_id; field_values = fields } in
- let ty = T.Adt (T.AdtId def_id, regions, types) in
- { V.value = av; V.ty }
-(** Compute an expanded tuple bottom value *)
-let compute_expanded_bottom_tuple_value (field_types : T.ety list) :
- V.typed_value =
- (* Generate the field values *)
- let fields =
- (fun ty : V.typed_value -> { V.value = Bottom; ty }) field_types
- in
- let v = V.Adt { variant_id = None; field_values = fields } in
- let ty = T.Adt (T.Tuple, [], field_types) in
- { V.value = v; V.ty }
-(** Auxiliary helper to expand [Bottom] values.
- During compilation, rustc desaggregates the ADT initializations. The
- consequence is that the following rust code:
- ```
- let x = Cons a b;
- ```
- Looks like this in MIR:
- ```
- (x as Cons).0 = a;
- (x as Cons).1 = b;
- set_discriminant(x, 0); // If `Cons` is the variant of index 0
- ```
- The consequence is that we may sometimes need to write fields to values
- which are currently [Bottom]. When doing this, we first expand the value
- to, say, [Cons Bottom Bottom] (note that field projection contains information
- about which variant we should project to, which is why we *can* set the
- variant index when writing one of its fields).
-let expand_bottom_value_from_projection (config : C.config)
- (access : access_kind) (p : (remaining_pes : int)
- (pe : E.projection_elem) (ty : T.ety) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* Debugging *)
- L.log#ldebug
- (lazy
- ("expand_bottom_value_from_projection:\n" ^ "pe: "
- ^ E.show_projection_elem pe ^ "\n" ^ "ty: " ^ T.show_ety ty));
- (* Prepare the update: we need to take the proper prefix of the place
- during whose evaluation we got stuck *)
- let projection' =
- fst
- (Utilities.list_split_at p.projection
- (List.length p.projection - remaining_pes))
- in
- let p' = { p with projection = projection' } in
- (* Compute the expanded value.
- The type of the [Bottom] value should be a tuple or an ADT.
- Note that the projection element we got stuck at should be a
- field projection, and gives the variant id if the [Bottom] value
- is an enumeration value.
- Also, the expanded value should be the proper ADT variant or a tuple
- with the proper arity, with all the fields initialized to [Bottom]
- *)
- let nv =
- match (pe, ty) with
- (* "Regular" ADTs *)
- | ( Field (ProjAdt (def_id, opt_variant_id), _),
- T.Adt (T.AdtId def_id', regions, types) ) ->
- assert (def_id = def_id');
- compute_expanded_bottom_adt_value ctx.type_context.type_defs def_id
- opt_variant_id regions types
- (* Tuples *)
- | Field (ProjTuple arity, _), T.Adt (T.Tuple, [], tys) ->
- assert (arity = List.length tys);
- (* Generate the field values *)
- compute_expanded_bottom_tuple_value tys
- | _ ->
- failwith
- ("Unreachable: " ^ E.show_projection_elem pe ^ ", " ^ T.show_ety ty)
- in
- (* Update the context by inserting the expanded value at the proper place *)
- match write_place config access p' nv ctx with
- | Ok ctx -> ctx
- | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
-(** Update the environment to be able to read a place.
- When reading a place, we may be stuck along the way because some value
- is borrowed, we reach a symbolic value, etc. In this situation [read_place]
- fails while returning precise information about the failure. This function
- uses this information to update the environment (by ending borrows,
- expanding symbolic values) until we manage to fully read the place.
- *)
-let rec update_ctx_along_read_place (config : C.config) (access : access_kind)
- (p : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* Attempt to read the place: if it fails, update the environment and retry *)
- match read_place config access p ctx with
- | Ok _ -> ctx
- | Error err ->
- let ctx =
- match err with
- | FailSharedLoan bids -> end_outer_borrows config bids ctx
- | FailMutLoan bid -> end_outer_borrow config bid ctx
- | FailInactivatedMutBorrow bid ->
- activate_inactivated_mut_borrow config Outer bid ctx
- | FailSymbolic (pe, sp) ->
- (* Expand the symbolic value *)
- expand_symbolic_value_no_branching config pe sp ctx
- | FailBottom (_, _, _) ->
- (* We can't expand [Bottom] values while reading them *)
- failwith "Found [Bottom] while reading a place"
- | FailBorrow _ -> failwith "Could not read a borrow"
- in
- update_ctx_along_read_place config access p ctx
-(** Update the environment to be able to write to a place.
- See [update_env_alond_read_place].
-let rec update_ctx_along_write_place (config : C.config) (access : access_kind)
- (p : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* Attempt to *read* (yes, "read": we check the access to the place, and
- write to it later) the place: if it fails, update the environment and retry *)
- match read_place config access p ctx with
- | Ok _ -> ctx
- | Error err ->
- let ctx =
- match err with
- | FailSharedLoan bids -> end_outer_borrows config bids ctx
- | FailMutLoan bid -> end_outer_borrow config bid ctx
- | FailInactivatedMutBorrow bid ->
- activate_inactivated_mut_borrow config Outer bid ctx
- | FailSymbolic (pe, sp) ->
- (* Expand the symbolic value *)
- expand_symbolic_value_no_branching config pe sp ctx
- | FailBottom (remaining_pes, pe, ty) ->
- (* Expand the [Bottom] value *)
- expand_bottom_value_from_projection config access p remaining_pes pe
- ty ctx
- | FailBorrow _ -> failwith "Could not write to a borrow"
- in
- update_ctx_along_write_place config access p ctx
-exception UpdateCtx of C.eval_ctx
-(** Small utility used to break control-flow *)
-(** End the loans at a given place: read the value, if it contains a loan,
- end this loan, repeat.
- This is used when reading, borrowing, writing to a value. We typically
- first call [update_ctx_along_read_place] or [update_ctx_along_write_place]
- to get access to the value, then call this function to "prepare" the value:
- when moving values, we can't move a value which contains loans and thus need
- to end them, etc.
- *)
-let rec end_loans_at_place (config : C.config) (access : access_kind)
- (p : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* Iterator to explore a value and update the context whenever we find
- * loans.
- * We use exceptions to make it handy: whenever we update the
- * context, we raise an exception wrapping the updated context.
- * *)
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value as super
- method! visit_borrow_content env bc =
- match bc with
- | V.SharedBorrow _ | V.MutBorrow (_, _) ->
- (* Nothing special to do *) super#visit_borrow_content env bc
- | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid ->
- (* We need to activate inactivated borrows *)
- let ctx = activate_inactivated_mut_borrow config Inner bid ctx in
- raise (UpdateCtx ctx)
- method! visit_loan_content env lc =
- match lc with
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, v) -> (
- (* End the loans if we need a modification access, otherwise dive into
- the shared value *)
- match access with
- | Read -> super#visit_SharedLoan env bids v
- | Write | Move ->
- let ctx = end_outer_borrows config bids ctx in
- raise (UpdateCtx ctx))
- | V.MutLoan bid ->
- (* We always need to end mutable borrows *)
- let ctx = end_outer_borrow config bid ctx in
- raise (UpdateCtx ctx)
- end
- in
- (* First, retrieve the value *)
- match read_place config access p ctx with
- | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
- | Ok v -> (
- (* Inspect the value and update the context while doing so.
- If the context gets updated: perform a recursive call (many things
- may have been updated in the context: we need to re-read the value
- at place [p] - and this value may actually not be accessible
- anymore...)
- *)
- try
- obj#visit_typed_value () v;
- (* No context update required: return the current context *)
- ctx
- with UpdateCtx ctx ->
- (* The context was updated: do a recursive call to reinspect the value *)
- end_loans_at_place config access p ctx)
-(** Drop (end) all the loans and borrows at a given place, which should be
- seen as an l-value (we will write to it later, but need to drop the borrows
- before writing).
- We start by only dropping the borrows, then we end the loans. The reason
- is that some loan we find may be borrowed by another part of the subvalue.
- In order to correctly handle the "outer borrow" priority (we should end
- the outer borrows first) which is not really applied here (we are preparing
- the value for override: we can end the borrows inside, without ending the
- borrows we traversed to actually access the value) we first end the borrows
- we find in the place, to make sure all the "local" loans are taken care of.
- Then, if we find a loan, it means it is "externally" borrowed (the associated
- borrow is not in a subvalue of the place under inspection).
- Also note that whenever we end a loan, we might propagate back a value inside
- the place under inspection: we must re-end all the borrows we find there,
- before reconsidering loans.
- Repeat:
- - read the value at a given place
- - as long as we find a loan or a borrow, end it
- This is used to drop values (when we need to write to a place, we first
- drop the value there to properly propagate back values which are not/can't
- be borrowed anymore).
- *)
-let rec drop_borrows_loans_at_lplace (config : C.config) (p :
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* Iterator to explore a value and update the context whenever we find
- borrows/loans.
- We use exceptions to make it handy: whenever we update the
- context, we raise an exception wrapping the updated context.
- Note that we can end the borrows which are inside the value (while the
- value itself might be inside a borrow/loan: we are thus ending inner
- borrows). Because a loan inside the value may be linked to a borrow
- somewhere else *also inside* the value (it's possible with adts),
- we first end all the borrows we find - by using [Inner] to allow
- ending inner borrows - then end all the loans we find.
- It is really important to do this in two steps: the borrow linked to a
- loan may be inside the value at place p, in which case this borrow may be
- an inner borrow that we *can* end, but it may also be outside this
- value, in which case we need to end all the outer borrows first...
- Also, whenever the context is updated, we need to re-inspect
- the value at place p *in two steps* again (end borrows, then end
- loans).
- Example:
- =======
- We want to end the borrows/loans at `*x` in the following environment:
- ```
- x -> mut_borrow l0 (mut_loan l1, mut_borrow l1 (Int 3), mut_loan l2)
- y -> mut_borrow l2 (Bool true)
- ```
- We have to consider two things:
- - the borrow `mut_borrow l1 (Int 3)` borrows a subvalue of `*x`
- - the borrow corresponding to the loan `mut_loan l2` is outside of `*x`
- We first end all the *borrows* (not the loans) inside of `*x`, which gives:
- ```
- x -> mut_borrow l0 (Int 3, ⊥, mut_loan l2)
- y -> mut_borrow l2 (Bool true)
- ```
- Note that when ending the borrows, we can (and have to) ignore the outer
- borrows (in this case `mut_borrow l0 ...`). Otherwise, we would have to end
- the borrow `l0` which is incorrect (note that we might have to drop the
- borrows/loans at `*x` if we evaluate, for instance, `*x = ...`).
- It is ok to ignore outer borrows in this case because whenever
- we end a borrow, it is an outer borrow locally to `*x` (i.e., we ignore
- the outer borrows when accessing `*x`, but once examining the value at
- `*x` we never dive into borrows: whenever we find one, we end it - it is thus
- an outer borrow, in some way).
- Then, we end the loans at `*x`. Note that as at this point `*x` doesn't
- contain borrows (only loans), the borrows corresponding to those loans
- are thus necessarily outside of `*x`: we mustn't ignore outer borrows this
- time. This gives:
- ```
- x -> mut_borrow l0 (Int 3, ⊥, Bool true)
- y -> ⊥
- ```
- *)
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value as super
- method! visit_borrow_content end_loans bc =
- (* Sanity check: we should have ended all the borrows before starting
- to end loans *)
- assert (not end_loans);
- (* We need to end all borrows. Note that we ignore the outer borrows
- when ending the borrows we find here (we call [end_inner_borrow(s)]:
- the value at place p might be below a borrow/loan). Note however
- that if we restrain ourselves at the value at place p, the borrow we
- found here can be considered as an outer borrow.
- *)
- match bc with
- | V.SharedBorrow bid | V.MutBorrow (bid, _) ->
- raise (UpdateCtx (end_inner_borrow config bid ctx))
- | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid ->
- (* We need to activate ithe nactivated borrow - later, we will
- * actually end it - Rk.: we could actually end it straight away
- * (this is not really important) *)
- let ctx = activate_inactivated_mut_borrow config Inner bid ctx in
- raise (UpdateCtx ctx)
- method! visit_loan_content end_loans lc =
- if
- (* If we can, end the loans, otherwise ignore: keep for later *)
- end_loans
- then
- (* We need to end all loans. Note that as all the borrows inside
- the value at place p should already have ended, the borrows
- associated to the loans we find here should be borrows from
- outside this value: we need to call [end_outer_borrow(s)]
- (we can't ignore outer borrows this time).
- *)
- match lc with
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, _) ->
- raise (UpdateCtx (end_outer_borrows config bids ctx))
- | V.MutLoan bid -> raise (UpdateCtx (end_outer_borrow config bid ctx))
- else super#visit_loan_content end_loans lc
- end
- in
- (* We do something similar to [end_loans_at_place].
- First, retrieve the value *)
- match read_place config Write p ctx with
- | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
- | Ok v -> (
- (* Inspect the value and update the context while doing so.
- If the context gets updated: perform a recursive call (many things
- may have been updated in the context: first we need to retrieve the
- proper updated value - and this value may actually not be accessible
- anymore
- *)
- try
- (* Inspect the value: end the borrows only *)
- obj#visit_typed_value false v;
- (* Inspect the value: end the loans *)
- obj#visit_typed_value true v;
- (* No context update required: return the current context *)
- ctx
- with UpdateCtx ctx -> drop_borrows_loans_at_lplace config p ctx)
-(** Copy a value, and return the resulting value.
- Note that copying values might update the context. For instance, when
- copying shared borrows, we need to insert new shared borrows in the context.
- Also, this function is actually more general than it should be: it can be used
- to copy concrete ADT values, while ADT copy should be done through the Copy
- trait (i.e., by calling a dedicated function). This is why we added a parameter
- to control this copy. Note that here by ADT we mean the user-defined ADTs
- (not tuples or assumed types).
- *)
-let rec copy_value (allow_adt_copy : bool) (config : C.config)
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (v : V.typed_value) : C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value =
- (* Remark: at some point we rewrote this function to use iterators, but then
- * we reverted the changes: the result was less clear actually. In particular,
- * the fact that we have exhaustive matches below makes very obvious the cases
- * in which we need to fail *)
- match v.V.value with
- | V.Concrete _ -> (ctx, v)
- | V.Adt av ->
- (* Sanity check *)
- (match v.V.ty with
- | T.Adt (T.Assumed _, _, _) -> failwith "Can't copy an assumed value"
- | T.Adt (T.AdtId _, _, _) -> assert allow_adt_copy
- | T.Adt (T.Tuple, _, _) -> () (* Ok *)
- | _ -> failwith "Unreachable");
- let ctx, fields =
- List.fold_left_map
- (copy_value allow_adt_copy config)
- ctx av.field_values
- in
- (ctx, { v with V.value = V.Adt { av with field_values = fields } })
- | V.Bottom -> failwith "Can't copy ⊥"
- | V.Borrow bc -> (
- (* We can only copy shared borrows *)
- match bc with
- | SharedBorrow bid ->
- (* We need to create a new borrow id for the copied borrow, and
- * update the context accordingly *)
- let ctx, bid' = C.fresh_borrow_id ctx in
- let ctx = reborrow_shared bid bid' ctx in
- (ctx, { v with V.value = V.Borrow (SharedBorrow bid') })
- | MutBorrow (_, _) -> failwith "Can't copy a mutable borrow"
- | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ ->
- failwith "Can't copy an inactivated mut borrow")
- | V.Loan lc -> (
- (* We can only copy shared loans *)
- match lc with
- | V.MutLoan _ -> failwith "Can't copy a mutable loan"
- | V.SharedLoan (_, sv) ->
- (* We don't copy the shared loan: only the shared value inside *)
- copy_value allow_adt_copy config ctx sv)
- | V.Symbolic sp ->
- (* We can copy only if the type is "primitively" copyable.
- * Note that in the general case, copy is a trait: copying values
- * thus requires calling the proper function. Here, we copy values
- * for very simple types such as integers, shared borrows, etc. *)
- assert (
- type_is_primitively_copyable (Subst.erase_regions sp.V.svalue.V.sv_ty));
- (* If the type is copyable, we simply return the current value. Side
- * remark: what is important to look at when copying symbolic values
- * is symbolic expansion. The important subcase is the expansion of shared
- * borrows: when doing so, every occurrence of the same symbolic value
- * must use a fresh borrow id. *)
- (ctx, v)
(** Convert a constant operand value to a typed value *)
let constant_value_to_typed_value (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (ty : T.ety)
(cv : E.operand_constant_value) : V.typed_value =
@@ -1243,50 +473,6 @@ let eval_rvalue (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (rvalue : E.rvalue) :
(** Result of evaluating a statement *)
type statement_eval_res = Unit | Break of int | Continue of int | Return
-(** Small utility.
- Prepare a place which is to be used as the destination of an assignment:
- update the environment along the paths, end the borrows and loans at
- this place, etc.
- Return the updated context and the (updated) value at the end of the
- place. This value should not contain any loan or borrow (and we check
- it is the case). Note that it is very likely to contain [Bottom] values.
- *)
-let prepare_lplace (config : C.config) (p : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
- C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value =
- (* TODO *)
- let access = Write in
- let ctx = update_ctx_along_write_place config access p ctx in
- (* End the borrows and loans, starting with the borrows *)
- let ctx = drop_borrows_loans_at_lplace config p ctx in
- (* Read the value and check it *)
- let v = read_place_unwrap config access p ctx in
- (* Sanity checks *)
- assert (not (loans_in_value v));
- assert (not (borrows_in_value v));
- (* Return *)
- (ctx, v)
-(** Read the value at a given place.
- As long as it is a loan, end the loan.
- This function doesn't perform a recursive exploration:
- it won't dive into the value to end all the inner
- loans (contrary to [drop_borrows_loans_at_lplace] for
- instance).
- *)
-let rec end_loan_exactly_at_place (config : C.config) (access : access_kind)
- (p : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- let v = read_place_unwrap config access p ctx in
- match v.V.value with
- | V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (bids, _)) ->
- let ctx = end_outer_borrows config bids ctx in
- end_loan_exactly_at_place config access p ctx
- | V.Loan (V.MutLoan bid) ->
- let ctx = end_outer_borrow config bid ctx in
- end_loan_exactly_at_place config access p ctx
- | _ -> ctx
(** Updates the discriminant of a value at a given place.
There are two situations:
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e9fa7dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,833 @@
+module T = Types
+module V = Values
+open Scalars
+module E = Expressions
+open Errors
+module C = Contexts
+module Subst = Substitute
+module A = CfimAst
+module L = Logging
+open TypesUtils
+open ValuesUtils
+module Inv = Invariants
+module S = Synthesis
+open Utils
+open InterpreterUtils
+open InterpreterProjectors
+open InterpreterBorrows
+open InterpreterExpansion
+(** Paths *)
+(** When we fail reading from or writing to a path, it might be because we
+ need to update the environment by ending borrows, expanding symbolic
+ values, etc. The following type is used to convey this information.
+ TODO: compare with borrow_lres?
+type path_fail_kind =
+ | FailSharedLoan of V.BorrowId.Set.t
+ (** Failure because we couldn't go inside a shared loan *)
+ | FailMutLoan of
+ (** Failure because we couldn't go inside a mutable loan *)
+ | FailInactivatedMutBorrow of
+ (** Failure because we couldn't go inside an inactivated mutable borrow
+ (which should get activated) *)
+ | FailSymbolic of (E.projection_elem * V.symbolic_proj_comp)
+ (** Failure because we need to enter a symbolic value (and thus need to expand it) *)
+ (* TODO: Remove the parentheses *)
+ | FailBottom of (int * E.projection_elem * T.ety)
+ (** Failure because we need to enter an any value - we can expand Bottom
+ values if they are left values. We return the number of elements which
+ were remaining in the path when we reached the error - this allows to
+ properly update the Bottom value, if needs be.
+ *)
+ | FailBorrow of V.borrow_content
+ (** We got stuck because we couldn't enter a borrow *)
+(** Result of evaluating a path (reading from a path/writing to a path)
+ Note that when we fail, we return information used to update the
+ environment, as well as the
+type 'a path_access_result = ('a, path_fail_kind) result
+(** The result of reading from/writing to a place *)
+type updated_read_value = { read : V.typed_value; updated : V.typed_value }
+type projection_access = {
+ enter_shared_loans : bool;
+ enter_mut_borrows : bool;
+ lookup_shared_borrows : bool;
+(** Generic function to access (read/write) the value at the end of a projection.
+ We return the (eventually) updated value, the value we read at the end of
+ the place and the (eventually) updated environment.
+ TODO: use exceptions?
+ *)
+let rec access_projection (access : projection_access) (ctx : C.eval_ctx)
+ (* Function to (eventually) update the value we find *)
+ (update : V.typed_value -> V.typed_value) (p : E.projection)
+ (v : V.typed_value) : (C.eval_ctx * updated_read_value) path_access_result =
+ (* For looking up/updating shared loans *)
+ let ek : exploration_kind =
+ { enter_shared_loans = true; enter_mut_borrows = true; enter_abs = true }
+ in
+ match p with
+ | [] ->
+ let nv = update v in
+ (* Type checking *)
+ if nv.ty <> v.ty then (
+ L.log#lerror
+ (lazy
+ ("Not the same type:\n- nv.ty: " ^ T.show_ety nv.ty ^ "\n- v.ty: "
+ ^ T.show_ety v.ty));
+ failwith
+ "Assertion failed: new value doesn't have the same type as its \
+ destination");
+ Ok (ctx, { read = v; updated = nv })
+ | pe :: p' -> (
+ (* Match on the projection element and the value *)
+ match (pe, v.V.value, v.V.ty) with
+ (* Field projection - ADTs *)
+ | ( Field (ProjAdt (def_id, opt_variant_id), field_id),
+ V.Adt adt,
+ T.Adt (T.AdtId def_id', _, _) ) -> (
+ assert (def_id = def_id');
+ (* Check that the projection is consistent with the current value *)
+ (match (opt_variant_id, adt.variant_id) with
+ | None, None -> ()
+ | Some vid, Some vid' -> if vid <> vid' then failwith "Unreachable"
+ | _ -> failwith "Unreachable");
+ (* Actually project *)
+ let fv = T.FieldId.nth adt.field_values field_id in
+ match access_projection access ctx update p' fv with
+ | Error err -> Error err
+ | Ok (ctx, res) ->
+ (* Update the field value *)
+ let nvalues =
+ T.FieldId.update_nth adt.field_values field_id res.updated
+ in
+ let nadt = V.Adt { adt with V.field_values = nvalues } in
+ let updated = { v with value = nadt } in
+ Ok (ctx, { res with updated }))
+ (* Tuples *)
+ | Field (ProjTuple arity, field_id), V.Adt adt, T.Adt (T.Tuple, _, _) -> (
+ assert (arity = List.length adt.field_values);
+ let fv = T.FieldId.nth adt.field_values field_id in
+ (* Project *)
+ match access_projection access ctx update p' fv with
+ | Error err -> Error err
+ | Ok (ctx, res) ->
+ (* Update the field value *)
+ let nvalues =
+ T.FieldId.update_nth adt.field_values field_id res.updated
+ in
+ let ntuple = V.Adt { adt with field_values = nvalues } in
+ let updated = { v with value = ntuple } in
+ Ok (ctx, { res with updated })
+ (* If we reach Bottom, it may mean we need to expand an uninitialized
+ * enumeration value *))
+ | Field (ProjAdt (_, _), _), V.Bottom, _ ->
+ Error (FailBottom (1 + List.length p', pe, v.ty))
+ | Field (ProjTuple _, _), V.Bottom, _ ->
+ Error (FailBottom (1 + List.length p', pe, v.ty))
+ (* Symbolic value: needs to be expanded *)
+ | _, Symbolic sp, _ ->
+ (* Expand the symbolic value *)
+ Error (FailSymbolic (pe, sp))
+ (* Box dereferencement *)
+ | ( DerefBox,
+ Adt { variant_id = None; field_values = [ bv ] },
+ T.Adt (T.Assumed T.Box, _, _) ) -> (
+ (* We allow moving inside of boxes. In practice, this kind of
+ * manipulations should happen only inside unsage code, so
+ * it shouldn't happen due to user code, and we leverage it
+ * when implementing box dereferencement for the concrete
+ * interpreter *)
+ match access_projection access ctx update p' bv with
+ | Error err -> Error err
+ | Ok (ctx, res) ->
+ let nv =
+ {
+ v with
+ value =
+ V.Adt { variant_id = None; field_values = [ res.updated ] };
+ }
+ in
+ Ok (ctx, { res with updated = nv }))
+ (* Borrows *)
+ | Deref, V.Borrow bc, _ -> (
+ match bc with
+ | V.SharedBorrow bid ->
+ (* Lookup the loan content, and explore from there *)
+ if access.lookup_shared_borrows then
+ match lookup_loan ek bid ctx with
+ | _, Concrete (V.MutLoan _) -> failwith "Expected a shared loan"
+ | _, Concrete (V.SharedLoan (bids, sv)) -> (
+ (* Explore the shared value *)
+ match access_projection access ctx update p' sv with
+ | Error err -> Error err
+ | Ok (ctx, res) ->
+ (* Update the shared loan with the new value returned
+ by [access_projection] *)
+ let ctx =
+ update_loan ek bid
+ (V.SharedLoan (bids, res.updated))
+ ctx
+ in
+ (* Return - note that we don't need to update the borrow itself *)
+ Ok (ctx, { res with updated = v }))
+ | ( _,
+ Abstract
+ ( V.AMutLoan (_, _)
+ | V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back = _; child = _ }
+ | V.AEndedSharedLoan (_, _)
+ | V.AIgnoredMutLoan (_, _)
+ | V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan { given_back = _; child = _ }
+ | V.AIgnoredSharedLoan _ ) ) ->
+ failwith "Expected a shared (abstraction) loan"
+ | _, Abstract (V.ASharedLoan (bids, sv, _av)) -> (
+ (* Explore the shared value *)
+ match access_projection access ctx update p' sv with
+ | Error err -> Error err
+ | Ok (ctx, res) ->
+ (* Relookup the child avalue *)
+ let av =
+ match lookup_loan ek bid ctx with
+ | _, Abstract (V.ASharedLoan (_, _, av)) -> av
+ | _ -> failwith "Unexpected"
+ in
+ (* Update the shared loan with the new value returned
+ by [access_projection] *)
+ let ctx =
+ update_aloan ek bid
+ (V.ASharedLoan (bids, res.updated, av))
+ ctx
+ in
+ (* Return - note that we don't need to update the borrow itself *)
+ Ok (ctx, { res with updated = v }))
+ else Error (FailBorrow bc)
+ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid -> Error (FailInactivatedMutBorrow bid)
+ | V.MutBorrow (bid, bv) ->
+ if access.enter_mut_borrows then
+ match access_projection access ctx update p' bv with
+ | Error err -> Error err
+ | Ok (ctx, res) ->
+ let nv =
+ {
+ v with
+ value = V.Borrow (V.MutBorrow (bid, res.updated));
+ }
+ in
+ Ok (ctx, { res with updated = nv })
+ else Error (FailBorrow bc))
+ | _, V.Loan lc, _ -> (
+ match lc with
+ | V.MutLoan bid -> Error (FailMutLoan bid)
+ | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
+ (* If we can enter shared loan, we ignore the loan. Pay attention
+ to the fact that we need to reexplore the *whole* place (i.e,
+ we mustn't ignore the current projection element *)
+ if access.enter_shared_loans then
+ match access_projection access ctx update (pe :: p') sv with
+ | Error err -> Error err
+ | Ok (ctx, res) ->
+ let nv =
+ {
+ v with
+ value = V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (bids, res.updated));
+ }
+ in
+ Ok (ctx, { res with updated = nv })
+ else Error (FailSharedLoan bids))
+ | (_, (V.Concrete _ | V.Adt _ | V.Bottom | V.Borrow _), _) as r ->
+ let pe, v, ty = r in
+ let pe = "- pe: " ^ E.show_projection_elem pe in
+ let v = "- v:\n" ^ V.show_value v in
+ let ty = "- ty:\n" ^ T.show_ety ty in
+ L.log#serror ("Inconsistent projection:\n" ^ pe ^ "\n" ^ v ^ "\n" ^ ty);
+ failwith "Inconsistent projection")
+(** Generic function to access (read/write) the value at a given place.
+ We return the value we read at the place and the (eventually) updated
+ environment, if we managed to access the place, or the precise reason
+ why we failed.
+ *)
+let access_place (access : projection_access)
+ (* Function to (eventually) update the value we find *)
+ (update : V.typed_value -> V.typed_value) (p : (ctx : C.eval_ctx)
+ : (C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value) path_access_result =
+ (* Lookup the variable's value *)
+ let value = C.ctx_lookup_var_value ctx p.var_id in
+ (* Apply the projection *)
+ match access_projection access ctx update p.projection value with
+ | Error err -> Error err
+ | Ok (ctx, res) ->
+ (* Update the value *)
+ let ctx = C.ctx_update_var_value ctx p.var_id res.updated in
+ (* Return *)
+ Ok (ctx,
+type access_kind =
+ | Read (** We can go inside borrows and loans *)
+ | Write (** Don't enter shared borrows or shared loans *)
+ | Move (** Don't enter borrows or loans *)
+let access_kind_to_projection_access (access : access_kind) : projection_access
+ =
+ match access with
+ | Read ->
+ {
+ enter_shared_loans = true;
+ enter_mut_borrows = true;
+ lookup_shared_borrows = true;
+ }
+ | Write ->
+ {
+ enter_shared_loans = false;
+ enter_mut_borrows = true;
+ lookup_shared_borrows = false;
+ }
+ | Move ->
+ {
+ enter_shared_loans = false;
+ enter_mut_borrows = false;
+ lookup_shared_borrows = false;
+ }
+(** Read the value at a given place *)
+let read_place (config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (p :
+ (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : V.typed_value path_access_result =
+ let access = access_kind_to_projection_access access in
+ (* The update function is the identity *)
+ let update v = v in
+ match access_place access update p ctx with
+ | Error err -> Error err
+ | Ok (ctx1, read_value) ->
+ (* Note that we ignore the new environment: it should be the same as the
+ original one.
+ *)
+ if config.check_invariants then
+ if ctx1 <> ctx then (
+ let msg =
+ "Unexpected environment update:\nNew environment:\n"
+ ^ C.show_env ctx1.env ^ "\n\nOld environment:\n"
+ ^ C.show_env ctx.env
+ in
+ L.log#serror msg;
+ failwith "Unexpected environment update");
+ Ok read_value
+let read_place_unwrap (config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (p :
+ (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : V.typed_value =
+ match read_place config access p ctx with
+ | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
+ | Ok v -> v
+(** Update the value at a given place *)
+let write_place (_config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (p :
+ (nv : V.typed_value) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx path_access_result =
+ let access = access_kind_to_projection_access access in
+ (* The update function substitutes the value with the new value *)
+ let update _ = nv in
+ match access_place access update p ctx with
+ | Error err -> Error err
+ | Ok (ctx, _) ->
+ (* We ignore the read value *)
+ Ok ctx
+let write_place_unwrap (config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (p :
+ (nv : V.typed_value) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+ match write_place config access p nv ctx with
+ | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
+ | Ok ctx -> ctx
+(** Compute an expanded ADT bottom value *)
+let compute_expanded_bottom_adt_value (tyctx : T.type_def list)
+ (def_id : (opt_variant_id : option)
+ (regions : T.erased_region list) (types : T.ety list) : V.typed_value =
+ (* Lookup the definition and check if it is an enumeration - it
+ should be an enumeration if and only if the projection element
+ is a field projection with *some* variant id. Retrieve the list
+ of fields at the same time. *)
+ let def = T.TypeDefId.nth tyctx def_id in
+ assert (List.length regions = List.length def.T.region_params);
+ (* Compute the field types *)
+ let field_types =
+ Subst.type_def_get_instantiated_field_etypes def opt_variant_id types
+ in
+ (* Initialize the expanded value *)
+ let fields =
+ (fun ty : V.typed_value -> ({ V.value = V.Bottom; ty } : V.typed_value))
+ field_types
+ in
+ let av = V.Adt { variant_id = opt_variant_id; field_values = fields } in
+ let ty = T.Adt (T.AdtId def_id, regions, types) in
+ { V.value = av; V.ty }
+(** Compute an expanded tuple bottom value *)
+let compute_expanded_bottom_tuple_value (field_types : T.ety list) :
+ V.typed_value =
+ (* Generate the field values *)
+ let fields =
+ (fun ty : V.typed_value -> { V.value = Bottom; ty }) field_types
+ in
+ let v = V.Adt { variant_id = None; field_values = fields } in
+ let ty = T.Adt (T.Tuple, [], field_types) in
+ { V.value = v; V.ty }
+(** Auxiliary helper to expand [Bottom] values.
+ During compilation, rustc desaggregates the ADT initializations. The
+ consequence is that the following rust code:
+ ```
+ let x = Cons a b;
+ ```
+ Looks like this in MIR:
+ ```
+ (x as Cons).0 = a;
+ (x as Cons).1 = b;
+ set_discriminant(x, 0); // If `Cons` is the variant of index 0
+ ```
+ The consequence is that we may sometimes need to write fields to values
+ which are currently [Bottom]. When doing this, we first expand the value
+ to, say, [Cons Bottom Bottom] (note that field projection contains information
+ about which variant we should project to, which is why we *can* set the
+ variant index when writing one of its fields).
+let expand_bottom_value_from_projection (config : C.config)
+ (access : access_kind) (p : (remaining_pes : int)
+ (pe : E.projection_elem) (ty : T.ety) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+ (* Debugging *)
+ L.log#ldebug
+ (lazy
+ ("expand_bottom_value_from_projection:\n" ^ "pe: "
+ ^ E.show_projection_elem pe ^ "\n" ^ "ty: " ^ T.show_ety ty));
+ (* Prepare the update: we need to take the proper prefix of the place
+ during whose evaluation we got stuck *)
+ let projection' =
+ fst
+ (Utilities.list_split_at p.projection
+ (List.length p.projection - remaining_pes))
+ in
+ let p' = { p with projection = projection' } in
+ (* Compute the expanded value.
+ The type of the [Bottom] value should be a tuple or an ADT.
+ Note that the projection element we got stuck at should be a
+ field projection, and gives the variant id if the [Bottom] value
+ is an enumeration value.
+ Also, the expanded value should be the proper ADT variant or a tuple
+ with the proper arity, with all the fields initialized to [Bottom]
+ *)
+ let nv =
+ match (pe, ty) with
+ (* "Regular" ADTs *)
+ | ( Field (ProjAdt (def_id, opt_variant_id), _),
+ T.Adt (T.AdtId def_id', regions, types) ) ->
+ assert (def_id = def_id');
+ compute_expanded_bottom_adt_value ctx.type_context.type_defs def_id
+ opt_variant_id regions types
+ (* Tuples *)
+ | Field (ProjTuple arity, _), T.Adt (T.Tuple, [], tys) ->
+ assert (arity = List.length tys);
+ (* Generate the field values *)
+ compute_expanded_bottom_tuple_value tys
+ | _ ->
+ failwith
+ ("Unreachable: " ^ E.show_projection_elem pe ^ ", " ^ T.show_ety ty)
+ in
+ (* Update the context by inserting the expanded value at the proper place *)
+ match write_place config access p' nv ctx with
+ | Ok ctx -> ctx
+ | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
+(** Update the environment to be able to read a place.
+ When reading a place, we may be stuck along the way because some value
+ is borrowed, we reach a symbolic value, etc. In this situation [read_place]
+ fails while returning precise information about the failure. This function
+ uses this information to update the environment (by ending borrows,
+ expanding symbolic values) until we manage to fully read the place.
+ *)
+let rec update_ctx_along_read_place (config : C.config) (access : access_kind)
+ (p : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+ (* Attempt to read the place: if it fails, update the environment and retry *)
+ match read_place config access p ctx with
+ | Ok _ -> ctx
+ | Error err ->
+ let ctx =
+ match err with
+ | FailSharedLoan bids -> end_outer_borrows config bids ctx
+ | FailMutLoan bid -> end_outer_borrow config bid ctx
+ | FailInactivatedMutBorrow bid ->
+ activate_inactivated_mut_borrow config Outer bid ctx
+ | FailSymbolic (pe, sp) ->
+ (* Expand the symbolic value *)
+ expand_symbolic_value_no_branching config pe sp ctx
+ | FailBottom (_, _, _) ->
+ (* We can't expand [Bottom] values while reading them *)
+ failwith "Found [Bottom] while reading a place"
+ | FailBorrow _ -> failwith "Could not read a borrow"
+ in
+ update_ctx_along_read_place config access p ctx
+(** Update the environment to be able to write to a place.
+ See [update_env_alond_read_place].
+let rec update_ctx_along_write_place (config : C.config) (access : access_kind)
+ (p : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+ (* Attempt to *read* (yes, "read": we check the access to the place, and
+ write to it later) the place: if it fails, update the environment and retry *)
+ match read_place config access p ctx with
+ | Ok _ -> ctx
+ | Error err ->
+ let ctx =
+ match err with
+ | FailSharedLoan bids -> end_outer_borrows config bids ctx
+ | FailMutLoan bid -> end_outer_borrow config bid ctx
+ | FailInactivatedMutBorrow bid ->
+ activate_inactivated_mut_borrow config Outer bid ctx
+ | FailSymbolic (pe, sp) ->
+ (* Expand the symbolic value *)
+ expand_symbolic_value_no_branching config pe sp ctx
+ | FailBottom (remaining_pes, pe, ty) ->
+ (* Expand the [Bottom] value *)
+ expand_bottom_value_from_projection config access p remaining_pes pe
+ ty ctx
+ | FailBorrow _ -> failwith "Could not write to a borrow"
+ in
+ update_ctx_along_write_place config access p ctx
+exception UpdateCtx of C.eval_ctx
+(** Small utility used to break control-flow *)
+(** End the loans at a given place: read the value, if it contains a loan,
+ end this loan, repeat.
+ This is used when reading, borrowing, writing to a value. We typically
+ first call [update_ctx_along_read_place] or [update_ctx_along_write_place]
+ to get access to the value, then call this function to "prepare" the value:
+ when moving values, we can't move a value which contains loans and thus need
+ to end them, etc.
+ *)
+let rec end_loans_at_place (config : C.config) (access : access_kind)
+ (p : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+ (* Iterator to explore a value and update the context whenever we find
+ * loans.
+ * We use exceptions to make it handy: whenever we update the
+ * context, we raise an exception wrapping the updated context.
+ * *)
+ let obj =
+ object
+ inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value as super
+ method! visit_borrow_content env bc =
+ match bc with
+ | V.SharedBorrow _ | V.MutBorrow (_, _) ->
+ (* Nothing special to do *) super#visit_borrow_content env bc
+ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid ->
+ (* We need to activate inactivated borrows *)
+ let ctx = activate_inactivated_mut_borrow config Inner bid ctx in
+ raise (UpdateCtx ctx)
+ method! visit_loan_content env lc =
+ match lc with
+ | V.SharedLoan (bids, v) -> (
+ (* End the loans if we need a modification access, otherwise dive into
+ the shared value *)
+ match access with
+ | Read -> super#visit_SharedLoan env bids v
+ | Write | Move ->
+ let ctx = end_outer_borrows config bids ctx in
+ raise (UpdateCtx ctx))
+ | V.MutLoan bid ->
+ (* We always need to end mutable borrows *)
+ let ctx = end_outer_borrow config bid ctx in
+ raise (UpdateCtx ctx)
+ end
+ in
+ (* First, retrieve the value *)
+ match read_place config access p ctx with
+ | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
+ | Ok v -> (
+ (* Inspect the value and update the context while doing so.
+ If the context gets updated: perform a recursive call (many things
+ may have been updated in the context: we need to re-read the value
+ at place [p] - and this value may actually not be accessible
+ anymore...)
+ *)
+ try
+ obj#visit_typed_value () v;
+ (* No context update required: return the current context *)
+ ctx
+ with UpdateCtx ctx ->
+ (* The context was updated: do a recursive call to reinspect the value *)
+ end_loans_at_place config access p ctx)
+(** Drop (end) all the loans and borrows at a given place, which should be
+ seen as an l-value (we will write to it later, but need to drop the borrows
+ before writing).
+ We start by only dropping the borrows, then we end the loans. The reason
+ is that some loan we find may be borrowed by another part of the subvalue.
+ In order to correctly handle the "outer borrow" priority (we should end
+ the outer borrows first) which is not really applied here (we are preparing
+ the value for override: we can end the borrows inside, without ending the
+ borrows we traversed to actually access the value) we first end the borrows
+ we find in the place, to make sure all the "local" loans are taken care of.
+ Then, if we find a loan, it means it is "externally" borrowed (the associated
+ borrow is not in a subvalue of the place under inspection).
+ Also note that whenever we end a loan, we might propagate back a value inside
+ the place under inspection: we must re-end all the borrows we find there,
+ before reconsidering loans.
+ Repeat:
+ - read the value at a given place
+ - as long as we find a loan or a borrow, end it
+ This is used to drop values (when we need to write to a place, we first
+ drop the value there to properly propagate back values which are not/can't
+ be borrowed anymore).
+ *)
+let rec drop_borrows_loans_at_lplace (config : C.config) (p :
+ (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+ (* Iterator to explore a value and update the context whenever we find
+ borrows/loans.
+ We use exceptions to make it handy: whenever we update the
+ context, we raise an exception wrapping the updated context.
+ Note that we can end the borrows which are inside the value (while the
+ value itself might be inside a borrow/loan: we are thus ending inner
+ borrows). Because a loan inside the value may be linked to a borrow
+ somewhere else *also inside* the value (it's possible with adts),
+ we first end all the borrows we find - by using [Inner] to allow
+ ending inner borrows - then end all the loans we find.
+ It is really important to do this in two steps: the borrow linked to a
+ loan may be inside the value at place p, in which case this borrow may be
+ an inner borrow that we *can* end, but it may also be outside this
+ value, in which case we need to end all the outer borrows first...
+ Also, whenever the context is updated, we need to re-inspect
+ the value at place p *in two steps* again (end borrows, then end
+ loans).
+ Example:
+ =======
+ We want to end the borrows/loans at `*x` in the following environment:
+ ```
+ x -> mut_borrow l0 (mut_loan l1, mut_borrow l1 (Int 3), mut_loan l2)
+ y -> mut_borrow l2 (Bool true)
+ ```
+ We have to consider two things:
+ - the borrow `mut_borrow l1 (Int 3)` borrows a subvalue of `*x`
+ - the borrow corresponding to the loan `mut_loan l2` is outside of `*x`
+ We first end all the *borrows* (not the loans) inside of `*x`, which gives:
+ ```
+ x -> mut_borrow l0 (Int 3, ⊥, mut_loan l2)
+ y -> mut_borrow l2 (Bool true)
+ ```
+ Note that when ending the borrows, we can (and have to) ignore the outer
+ borrows (in this case `mut_borrow l0 ...`). Otherwise, we would have to end
+ the borrow `l0` which is incorrect (note that we might have to drop the
+ borrows/loans at `*x` if we evaluate, for instance, `*x = ...`).
+ It is ok to ignore outer borrows in this case because whenever
+ we end a borrow, it is an outer borrow locally to `*x` (i.e., we ignore
+ the outer borrows when accessing `*x`, but once examining the value at
+ `*x` we never dive into borrows: whenever we find one, we end it - it is thus
+ an outer borrow, in some way).
+ Then, we end the loans at `*x`. Note that as at this point `*x` doesn't
+ contain borrows (only loans), the borrows corresponding to those loans
+ are thus necessarily outside of `*x`: we mustn't ignore outer borrows this
+ time. This gives:
+ ```
+ x -> mut_borrow l0 (Int 3, ⊥, Bool true)
+ y -> ⊥
+ ```
+ *)
+ let obj =
+ object
+ inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value as super
+ method! visit_borrow_content end_loans bc =
+ (* Sanity check: we should have ended all the borrows before starting
+ to end loans *)
+ assert (not end_loans);
+ (* We need to end all borrows. Note that we ignore the outer borrows
+ when ending the borrows we find here (we call [end_inner_borrow(s)]:
+ the value at place p might be below a borrow/loan). Note however
+ that if we restrain ourselves at the value at place p, the borrow we
+ found here can be considered as an outer borrow.
+ *)
+ match bc with
+ | V.SharedBorrow bid | V.MutBorrow (bid, _) ->
+ raise (UpdateCtx (end_inner_borrow config bid ctx))
+ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid ->
+ (* We need to activate ithe nactivated borrow - later, we will
+ * actually end it - Rk.: we could actually end it straight away
+ * (this is not really important) *)
+ let ctx = activate_inactivated_mut_borrow config Inner bid ctx in
+ raise (UpdateCtx ctx)
+ method! visit_loan_content end_loans lc =
+ if
+ (* If we can, end the loans, otherwise ignore: keep for later *)
+ end_loans
+ then
+ (* We need to end all loans. Note that as all the borrows inside
+ the value at place p should already have ended, the borrows
+ associated to the loans we find here should be borrows from
+ outside this value: we need to call [end_outer_borrow(s)]
+ (we can't ignore outer borrows this time).
+ *)
+ match lc with
+ | V.SharedLoan (bids, _) ->
+ raise (UpdateCtx (end_outer_borrows config bids ctx))
+ | V.MutLoan bid -> raise (UpdateCtx (end_outer_borrow config bid ctx))
+ else super#visit_loan_content end_loans lc
+ end
+ in
+ (* We do something similar to [end_loans_at_place].
+ First, retrieve the value *)
+ match read_place config Write p ctx with
+ | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
+ | Ok v -> (
+ (* Inspect the value and update the context while doing so.
+ If the context gets updated: perform a recursive call (many things
+ may have been updated in the context: first we need to retrieve the
+ proper updated value - and this value may actually not be accessible
+ anymore
+ *)
+ try
+ (* Inspect the value: end the borrows only *)
+ obj#visit_typed_value false v;
+ (* Inspect the value: end the loans *)
+ obj#visit_typed_value true v;
+ (* No context update required: return the current context *)
+ ctx
+ with UpdateCtx ctx -> drop_borrows_loans_at_lplace config p ctx)
+(** Copy a value, and return the resulting value.
+ Note that copying values might update the context. For instance, when
+ copying shared borrows, we need to insert new shared borrows in the context.
+ Also, this function is actually more general than it should be: it can be used
+ to copy concrete ADT values, while ADT copy should be done through the Copy
+ trait (i.e., by calling a dedicated function). This is why we added a parameter
+ to control this copy. Note that here by ADT we mean the user-defined ADTs
+ (not tuples or assumed types).
+ *)
+let rec copy_value (allow_adt_copy : bool) (config : C.config)
+ (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (v : V.typed_value) : C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value =
+ (* Remark: at some point we rewrote this function to use iterators, but then
+ * we reverted the changes: the result was less clear actually. In particular,
+ * the fact that we have exhaustive matches below makes very obvious the cases
+ * in which we need to fail *)
+ match v.V.value with
+ | V.Concrete _ -> (ctx, v)
+ | V.Adt av ->
+ (* Sanity check *)
+ (match v.V.ty with
+ | T.Adt (T.Assumed _, _, _) -> failwith "Can't copy an assumed value"
+ | T.Adt (T.AdtId _, _, _) -> assert allow_adt_copy
+ | T.Adt (T.Tuple, _, _) -> () (* Ok *)
+ | _ -> failwith "Unreachable");
+ let ctx, fields =
+ List.fold_left_map
+ (copy_value allow_adt_copy config)
+ ctx av.field_values
+ in
+ (ctx, { v with V.value = V.Adt { av with field_values = fields } })
+ | V.Bottom -> failwith "Can't copy ⊥"
+ | V.Borrow bc -> (
+ (* We can only copy shared borrows *)
+ match bc with
+ | SharedBorrow bid ->
+ (* We need to create a new borrow id for the copied borrow, and
+ * update the context accordingly *)
+ let ctx, bid' = C.fresh_borrow_id ctx in
+ let ctx = reborrow_shared bid bid' ctx in
+ (ctx, { v with V.value = V.Borrow (SharedBorrow bid') })
+ | MutBorrow (_, _) -> failwith "Can't copy a mutable borrow"
+ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ ->
+ failwith "Can't copy an inactivated mut borrow")
+ | V.Loan lc -> (
+ (* We can only copy shared loans *)
+ match lc with
+ | V.MutLoan _ -> failwith "Can't copy a mutable loan"
+ | V.SharedLoan (_, sv) ->
+ (* We don't copy the shared loan: only the shared value inside *)
+ copy_value allow_adt_copy config ctx sv)
+ | V.Symbolic sp ->
+ (* We can copy only if the type is "primitively" copyable.
+ * Note that in the general case, copy is a trait: copying values
+ * thus requires calling the proper function. Here, we copy values
+ * for very simple types such as integers, shared borrows, etc. *)
+ assert (
+ type_is_primitively_copyable (Subst.erase_regions sp.V.svalue.V.sv_ty));
+ (* If the type is copyable, we simply return the current value. Side
+ * remark: what is important to look at when copying symbolic values
+ * is symbolic expansion. The important subcase is the expansion of shared
+ * borrows: when doing so, every occurrence of the same symbolic value
+ * must use a fresh borrow id. *)
+ (ctx, v)
+(** Small utility.
+ Prepare a place which is to be used as the destination of an assignment:
+ update the environment along the paths, end the borrows and loans at
+ this place, etc.
+ Return the updated context and the (updated) value at the end of the
+ place. This value should not contain any loan or borrow (and we check
+ it is the case). Note that it is very likely to contain [Bottom] values.
+ *)
+let prepare_lplace (config : C.config) (p : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
+ C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value =
+ (* TODO *)
+ let access = Write in
+ let ctx = update_ctx_along_write_place config access p ctx in
+ (* End the borrows and loans, starting with the borrows *)
+ let ctx = drop_borrows_loans_at_lplace config p ctx in
+ (* Read the value and check it *)
+ let v = read_place_unwrap config access p ctx in
+ (* Sanity checks *)
+ assert (not (loans_in_value v));
+ assert (not (borrows_in_value v));
+ (* Return *)
+ (ctx, v)
+(** Read the value at a given place.
+ As long as it is a loan, end the loan.
+ This function doesn't perform a recursive exploration:
+ it won't dive into the value to end all the inner
+ loans (contrary to [drop_borrows_loans_at_lplace] for
+ instance).
+ *)
+let rec end_loan_exactly_at_place (config : C.config) (access : access_kind)
+ (p : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+ let v = read_place_unwrap config access p ctx in
+ match v.V.value with
+ | V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (bids, _)) ->
+ let ctx = end_outer_borrows config bids ctx in
+ end_loan_exactly_at_place config access p ctx
+ | V.Loan (V.MutLoan bid) ->
+ let ctx = end_outer_borrow config bid ctx in
+ end_loan_exactly_at_place config access p ctx
+ | _ -> ctx